Pastor: Fr. Brian Meredith Year A MINISTRY CONTACT LIST Adoration Bridget Bittman 306-634-3510 Adult Education Gail Dodds 306-634-3975 Altar Servers Connie Wheeler 306-634-2190 or 306-421-8447 Bookkeeper Susan Mack Caretaker Sigfredo Gonzalez Caretaker (Community Center) We Clean & Maintain Catholic Women's League Elizabeth Olson 306-634-4215 Children’s Choir Mary Ellen Barreth 306-634-9004 Children's Liturgy Gina Espina 306-634-2190 FAMILIA & Splendor of Love Cecilia Wanner 306-634-4024 Finance Committee Joan Fingler Folk Choir Stacy Grunert 306-421-1905 Funeral Choir Laura Baryluk Knights of Columbus Wes Kreklewich 306-634-7315 Ladies Bible Study-Thursday 1pm Jean Brittin 306-634-5126 Liturgy Chairperson Jo Ann Schopf 306-634-5322 (Lectors, Cup Ministers, & Hospitality Hosts) Decorating - Virginia Wheeler Pastoral Care - Geraldine Gervais 306-634-4409 Lay Ministry Formation Jackie Phillips 306-634-3812 Music, Sound Ministry Stacy Grunert 306-421-1905 Parish Secretary Gina Espina 306-634-2190 Pastoral Council Maureen Daoust Public Relations Megan Vanstone Sacramental Preparation Connie Wheeler 306-634-2190 or 306-421-8447 Seniors Morning Gathering Gina Espina Social Justice (Development & Peace a component) Katie Dunville Special Events Stacy Grunert 306-421-1905 Vocations Jackie Phillips 306-634-3812 Youth Groups Connie Wheeler 306-634-2190 or 306-421-8447 October 11 & 12, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time “I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.” - Psalm 23 St. John the Baptist Parish Office #2 - 1118 Second St. Estevan, SK S4A 0L9 Phone: 306-634-2190 Fax: 306-634-6845 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 1:00pm - 4:30pm Email: New Website: After office hours please contact the Rectory if you require the assistance of a Priest St. John the Baptist Parish Rectory 109 Twelfth Avenue, Estevan, SK S4A 1C9 Fr. Brian Meredith 306-634-5790 Cell Phone 306-540-4528 Mass Schedule Saturday Liturgy: 7:00PM Sunday Liturgy: 9:00AM and 10:30AM Weekday Liturgy: Please check the back of a current bulletin Reconciliation: Saturdays 11:00AM Sacrament of Anointing available at any time please call 306-634-2190 (After office hours call 306-634-5790) St. John the Baptist Parish would like to welcome all new parishioners. To add your family to our Parish list please call the Parish office at 306-634-2190 or drop into the Parish office and we would be happy to assist you. We are now emailing the bulletin to our Parishioners that choose this option. If you are interested in having the bulletin emailed to you, please call the Parish office to sign up. St. Monica’S PariSh - Bienfait Please call Mary at 388-2471 for Parish Hall bookings. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time There are certain Bible verses Christian stewards have memorized. One of them is in Saint Paul’s letter to the Philippians found in today’s second reading- “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (4:13). Most people define themselves either by their problems or their possibilities. Fearful people wake up each morning ensnared by their problems. Christian stewards wake up reflecting on their possibilities with confidence and hope. Some stewardship reflection questions for the week: What challenges do you back away from because you doubt that you are up to them? What would you attempt tomorrow if you were sure God would help you? St. John the Baptist Parish is pleased to start a new session of our Book Club. This time we are studying “The Church of Mercy” by Pope Francis. The following is a list of the meeting dates and the reading assignments: Thursday, October 30 - Parts Four and Five Wednesday, November 19 - Parts Six and Seven Tuesday, December 2 - Parts Eight and Nine Tuesday, December 9 - Part Ten All meetings are at 7pm in the Formation Room in the Community Center. Just come in the front door and the Formation room is directly to your left. You may pick up your complimentary copy of the book at the Parish Office. For more information, please contact Connie at the Parish Office. Everyone is welcome! God Bless and Happy Reading!! The next Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday, October 21st at 7:00pm in the Boardroom of St. John’s Community Centre. Are you interested in becoming Catholic? RCIA classes are starting soon for those who are not baptized or those who are members of another Christian church and wish to join the Catholic Church. If you would like more information or to register, please contact Connie at the Parish Office. Commitment to the Future Parish Appeal Goal for 2014 is $59,098.00 It is easy for us to take credit for the richness of our lives to see our time, talents and treasures as things we have built, created and earned for ourselves. The life of Christian stewardship challenges us to see God, and not ourselves, as the true source of all we have and to see things not as commodities we’ve earned to do with as we choose, but as gifts we’ve been given to fulfill God’s own purpose. The Archdiocesan Annual Appeal invites us to make Christian stewardship an integral part of our daily lives, making a return to God in proportion to what we have been given. FIRST RECONCILIATION IMPORTANT DATES Coaching Dates: Tuesday, October 28 at 6:30pm in the Church Auditorium Thursday, November 6 at 6:30pm in the Church Auditorium Thursday, November 20 at 6:30pm in the Church Auditorium Retreats: St. Mary’s - Friday, November 28 at 9:15am in the Church Auditorium SHSC - Friday, November 28 at 1:15pm in the Church Auditorium Celebrations: St. Mary’s - Wednesday, December 3 at 6:30pm in the Church Auditorium SHSC - Thursday, December 4 at 6:30pm in the Church Auditorium Knights of Columbus Council 3165 The Estevan Knights of Columbus would like to give a big Thank you to all our members, to the local and district area businesses, who bought and sold our Charity Appeal tickets. Your support for our many charitable causes is greatly appreciated. We would also like to thank the Corporate Sponsors for supporting our Christmas Hamper Program. Albert Petrash Ticket Chairman Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our parish listed below and for all who are not listed, but are in need of prayer: Peter Wock, Florence Pho, Charlene Zieglgansberger, Marie Shier, Joe Leptich, Pat Dorosh, Ron Wanner, Edward Schell, Larry Hagel, Oliver Kennedy and Bernie Collins. Let us hold in prayer the family and friends of the dearly departed. Katherine Struble, Kathy Trobert, Mary Gheyssen, Sadie Mehler, Marie Risling, Vic Verhaeghe and Rose Wock. Baptism: The First Sacrament of Initiation Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. -Matthew 28:19-20a Your child’s baptism is a time for celebration and joy. We want to help you plan and prepare for the Baptism in the best possible way. The next Baptism Prep will be on Thursday, November 13 at 7pm in the Church Auditorium. Baptism Preparation is a prerequisite to Baptism. The next Community Baptism will be on Sunday, October 19 at 2pm. Please contact Connie at the Parish Office to register for Baptism Prep or the Community Baptism. Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday. Every parish across the world will celebrate World Mission Sunday next week. It is a global sign of the Universal Church and Mission. Your prayers and donations will help support churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is beginning, where it is new. Please be generous as possible to the collection for the Propagation of Faith, for more than 1,120 dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Pacific Islands and some of our Canadian dioceses depend on the World Mission collection. Seniors’ Morning Out The next Senior’s Morning Out will be on Tuesday, October 21st at 9:30am in the Church Auditorium. See you there! Please “like” us on Facebook. St. John the Baptist Parish, Estevan, Sask. Keep up to date with the daily gospel reading, events in our parish and Catholic trivia and reflections. “The Holy Hour becomes like an oxygen tank to revive the breath of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the foul and fetid atmosphere of the world.” -Archbishop Fulton Sheen The Lord is longing to be with you, spend some time in a loving conversation with Him, through your Eucharistic prayer and adoration. We have the privilege of an open church and adoration chapel in St. John the Baptist Parish. Everyone is welcome to this adoration chapel. It is open Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 6:00pm, Tuesday until 7:00pm and Thursday until 11:00pm. During the day when there’s adoration, the main entrance of the Church will be open. After 5:15pm, please use the sidedoor near the adoration chapel. If you would like to commit to one hour per week, please call Bridget at 306-634-3510. Mon. Tues. Wed. Wed. Thurs. Thurs. pm Fri. St. John the Baptist Parish Adoration Information and Sign Up Call List Molly Heier 634-3530 Kendra Fai 421-7400 Joy Beahm Sharon Dauk Geraldine Gervais Bridget Bittman Bridget Bittman 634-3072 634-5568 634-4409 634-3510 634-3510 Reverence for Life Month - October 2014 In January of 2013, Archbishop Daniel Bohan established October as a month especially dedicated to the celebration of the value and dignity of human life in the Archdiocese of Regina. This second week is dedicated to the poor and victims of violence. Educate yourself on different types of violence in our world [such as domestic violence, child abuse and human trafficking], reach out to help someone who is poor, get involved in the social justice group at your parish [if your parish does not have one, consider starting one] or just pick a project to focus on during the next few months [such as volunteering at the Marian Centre]. And pray, pray for those who live without the basic necessities of life and those who live in any kind of violence both here or elsewhere in the world. If there are any changes to the Ministry List for Lectors, Cup Ministers, Hospitality Hosts and Announcers from November 3rd till February 8th, it is important to please call Jo Ann Schopf at 306-634-5322 as soon as possible. LITURGY SCHEDULE St. John the Baptist Parish, Estevan, SK. Sat. October 11 7:00pm Estevan William Wanner; Sister Anne Wanner & Sisters of Charity Sun. October 12 9:00am Estevan Mass for Parishioners Sun. October 12 10:30am Estevan Mon. October 13 Estevan Tues. October 14 9:00am Estevan Wed. October 15 10:00am Hillview Manor Emile Bouchard; Clara Weinrauch Wed. October 15 11:00am Hospital Ralph Mack; Vernon Mc Clement and Family Thurs. October 16 9:00am Estevan Fri. October 17 Sat. October 18 7:00pm Estevan Sister Adelaide; Clayton, Virginia and Family Sun. October 19 9:00am Estevan Mass for Parishioners Sun. October 19 10:30am Estevan 10:00am Nursing Home Norman Fleck; Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus No Mass Greg Breckenridge; Dave & Cec Donachie Norman Fleck; Minnie Fleck and Family No Mass Greg Breckenridge; Rose & Peter Kurczaba St. Monica’s, Bienfait Mass Sun. October 12 4:30pm Bienfait George Stark; Leo Gress Sun. October 19 9:00am Bienfait Lay Service with Communion Ministries for October 18th and 19th, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cup Ministers and Announcers: 7:00PM Maureen Daoust, Joan Fingler, Terry Stefiuk, Cherry-Lyn Victorino, Virginia Wheeler(Ann) 9:00AM Bev Hickie, Laura Baryluk, Bill Baryluk, Darla Wilhelm, Bernie Collins(Ann) 10:30AM Hanna Keating, Carol Cundall, Gil Sotto, Wes Kreklewich, Dawn Marie Sloan-Beahm(Ann) Ushers: 7:00PM Emmanuel Kuntz 9:00AM Trent Knobel Lectors: 7:00PM Eden Pacunayen & Dawn Hengen 9:00AM Jim Benison & Theresa Beck 10:30AM Malou Badeo & Karen Melle 10:30AM Ken Anderson Hospitality Hosts: 7:00PM Lorraine Schlamp & Gil Sotto 9:00AM Genevieve Fichter & Eleanor Mack 10:30AM Lynwood and Carol Cundall Readings: 1st Reading: Isaiah 45.1, 4-6 2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1.1-5ab Gospel: Matthew 22.15-21 Collection Counters: Evelyn Sandquist, Bev Hickie, Paul Radomski, Anton Cossette, Eva & Richard Hagel Altar Servers: 7:00PM Patrick Archibong 9:00AM 10:30AM Shanelle Rioux, Gys Bastiaansen, Queen Lontoc, Keira Phillips World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland: Are you 18-35 and interested in possibly attending the next World Youth Day in August of 2016? The Diocesan Youth Office is currently beginning arrangements for those parties interested in travelling with a diocesan group. ALL candidates MUST be 18 years of age and finished high school by the time of travel. The estimated cost is approx. $4,000.00. Spaces are limited. For further details or to indicate interest, please contact Michelle Braden at NO LATER than Nov. 15th, 2014!! Since October is traditionally celebrated as a month dedicated to Mary, why not spend some time this month learning more about and praying with Our Lady? The Archdiocesan Resource Centre has many wonderful DVDs and books that can be borrowed FREE-OFCHARGE. Check them out on-line at under the Resource Centre tab or call Teresa at 306-352-1651. To get more information and updates from the Archdiocese of Regina, please visit: Confirmation/First Communion Important Dates Saturday, October 18 at 7pm in the Church: Enrolment Mass Thursday, October 23 at 6:30pm in the Auditorium: Session One If your child is in Grade 2 and you would like them to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion, please contact Connie at the Parish Office. It’s not too late to register. The Wall of Remembrance will be up in the main entrance of the Church after the Thanksgiving weekend. Please place your pictures of your deceased loved ones on the Wall in honor of All Souls Day. The Wall of Remembrance will be in the Church until the middle of November. All high school youth are invited to attend our Alpha For Teens Program. Beginning on Monday, October 20 at 7pm, we will meet in the Formation Room in the Community Center. Just come in the front door and the Formation Room is to your immediate left. Come on out for this fun, faith filled, dynamic video series. I can’t wait to see you there!! The Administration of St. Joseph’s Hospital of Estevan and the Spiritual Care staff invite you to: A Service of Remembrance On October 29, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. In the Hospital Chapel. We hope this Memorial Service will be of help to grieving families in bringing further healing. We look forward to seeing you again. Please extend our invitation to other family members and friends who may wish to attend and who have experienced the loss of a loved one during the months of January – June 2014. If you wish, you may bring a picture of your loved one. A display will be set up at the front of the Chapel for pictures. This gesture will be a reminder of their loving presence. Coffee and fellowship will follow in the Auditorium. If possible, could you please let me know by October 27th, the number of people who will be attending. Sincerely, Marian Huber Spiritual Care Practitioner St. Joseph’s Hospital of Estevan 306 637-2451 or Marian.Huber@SCHR.SK.CA Every Thursday after the 9AM Mass coffee will be served in the Church Auditorium. Let’s get together for friendship and visiting. In honor of All Souls’ Day, St. John the Baptist Parish will be offering a Blue Mass on Sunday, November 2 at 10:30am. We will be remembering our brothers and sisters who have died this past year. If you would like to include a loved ones name in the Mass but they passed away more than a year ago, please contact the Parish Office to have them included. As Goeorge S. Patton stated, “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.” This will a celebration of our deceased family members’ lives. We are changing things up this year at St. John the Baptist Parish. We are planning many youth activities and can’t wait to get started. Grades 6-8 will be having special events throughout the year instead of the weekly meeting. We are planning movie nights, bowling and pizza nights, game nights and many other fun, faith filled events. These events will take place every 4-6 weeks. Watch the bulletin for information on our first evening. Alpha For Teens is being offered for Grades 9-12. This is a dynamic, thought provoking video series with discussion time. Our first meeting will be on Monday, October 20th at 7pm. Watch the bulletin for more information. If you have any questions about either youth program, please contact Connie at the Parish Office anytime. Volunteer Parent It is a requirement that two adults must be with the children during Children’s Liturgy. At each Mass, we would appreciate if a parent would volunteer their time to go to Children’s Liturgy so that there are two adults with the children. We also need Teacher Volunteer, for more information please contact Gina at 306-634-2190, or you may email us at Update from Fr. Brian St. John the Baptist Parish welcomes former parishioners of Our Lady of Immaculate Parish in Macoun. Out of the 33 parishioners in Macoun, 19 have graciously and generously chosen to be part of our parish community; 14 will be part of St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Weyburn. At a Mass celebrated this past Sunday (October 5, 2014 at 1 p.m.), Archbishop Daniel Bohan officially closed Our Lady of Immaculate Parish in the presence of approximately 25 people. It was a small, but very moving and faith-filled celebration. After the final blessing, we processed around the church giving thanks to God for the following areas: baptism font, reconciliation room, stations of the cross, ambo (lectern), and the altar. The altar stone was then removed and venerated by the Archbishop as well as by each person in the church. A number of items were given to the Archbishop to be taken to the Archdiocesan Office and stored in the archives. The altar candles will be used by the Archbishop for Mass in his personal chapel. Various items were offered to people who participated in the Mass. Items that were given to St. John the Baptist Parish include: Roman Missal, Sunday Lectionary, censor, chalice, ciborium, large cross, and a few other items. The censor will be cleaned and then used by the parish. The large cross will be used on Good Friday during the veneration (a stand for the cross is being constructed). The chalice from Macoun will be used at Masses in the parish. Over the next few weeks, St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Weyburn, and then parishes throughout the Archdiocese, will be given the opportunity to take various items from the church. Any remaining items will then be taken to the Archdiocesan Office for the archives department. The Catholic community of Macoun was originally set up as a mission of Weyburn. Between 1926 and 1935 Mass was celebrated once a month in various homes in the area. Thereafter, it was celebrated twice a month. Macoun combined with the Benson Parish after 1967, and was served by the Benson priest. In 1978 the parish started to be served from Estevan. The present church was dedicated on July 15, 1991. In December 2013, Fr. Brian was asked by parishioners if they could close the parish. The parishioners were given his blessing to proceed with that request. A letter was submitted to Archbishop Daniel on April 15, 2014 requesting the closure of the parish; and a letter was sent by the Archbishop on August 5, 2014 approving the request. Planning for the final Mass in the parish church was then begun. We are grateful for our brothers and sisters in Macoun and for the faith, skills, talents, and gifts that they bring to St. John the Baptist Parish out of love for Jesus and the community! ___________________ Archdiocese of Regina – A History, 1988, page 156. Archdiocese of Regina – Faith Alive, 2010, page 82.
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