St Joseph’s, Bedford & Our Lady’s, Kempston Parish Priest: Canon Seamus Keenan, Assistant Priest: Fr Roy Karakkattu MSFS The Presbytery, 2 Brereton Road, Bedford MK40 1HU Tel: 352569 Email: Mass Times – St Joseph’s, Bedford TWENTY EIGHTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR 12th October 2014 SOUP LUNCH Our first fundraising event for our new parish project in support of the Prebend Day Centre is a homemade soup, bread and cake lunch on Saturday 18th October from 12.45pm – 2.00pm in the Guild Room. £5 per person on the door. If you would like to partake, please sign on the sheet at the back of the church so that we have an idea of numbers. Sunday 8.15am Kathleen Davis, RIP 9.30am Georgina Mee 11.00am Susan Daley, RIP 6.30pm People of the Parish Monday St Edward the Confessor 10.45am Tom Kelly Tuesday Feria 7.30am Margaret Connor, RIP 10.45am Priscilla Flowers Wednesday St Teresa of Avila 7:30am Marian & Joanna Raszpla 10.45am Mary McGowan Thursday St Margaret Mary Alacoque 10.45am Fatima Airosa, RIP Friday St Ignatius ofAntioch 10.45am Mary & Tom Kilroy Saturday St Luke 10.45am David Hanley Mass Times – Our Lady’s, Kempston Sunday 9.30am Charles Glackin, RIP Thursday 6.00pm Teresa McFeely, RIP Confessions: Saturday St Joseph’s: 11.30am – 12.30pm (Exposition) 5.00pm – 5.30pm RESPONSORIAL PSALM: In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell forever and ever. ROSARY: Daily, 20 minutes before the 10.45am Mass ROSARY HOUR: Friday 2.30pm. CLEANING: Mukuze, Kahari, Ndoro. FLOWERS: Mrs Price NEXT SUNDAY: 29th Sunday of the Year FIRST COMMUNION CLASSES Readers & Ministers: Rota Week 4 If your child is in year 3 or above and Children’s Liturgy: Lyn Bull & George wishes to make his or her First ONE CLIMATE ONE WORLD Communion next year, please collect a form from the sacristy and return it as This is the title of the Northampton Diocese Campaign Launch sponsored by CAFOD on the effects of climate change on the soon as possible. developing world. It takes place in St Paul’s School, Moorgate, TALK TO PARENTS Leadenhall, Milton Keynes MK6 5EN on Saturday 1st The first talk for parents of the children November 2pm – 4pm. Speakers from CAFOD will be present making their First Holy Communion and the day is followed by Mass for the feast of All Saints at will be on Tuesday 21st October at 4.45pm by Bishop Peter Doyle. To book a place on this free-to7.15pm in the Guild Room at St attend event or to find out more, please contact Deborah or Joseph’s church. Maddy on 01604 785254 or SVP RETIRING COLLECTION-KEMPSTON There will be a retiring collection for our parish SVP in Our Lady’s, Kempston today for those who wish to contribute towards its work for the poor. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Next Sunday the Holy Father invites us to contribute to a special collection for Missio, his official charity for overseas mission. World Mission Sunday is a special day that unites Catholics all over the world in prayer, celebration and care for the mission of the Church. Thanks to the sacrifice and witness of missionaries, the Catholic Church is growing and many churches can now take care of themselves. However, four out of every ten parishes worldwide still need our help to survive. By supporting World Mission Sunday we are directly helping over 1,000 dioceses bring hope and new life through the gospel. You will be able to Gift Aid all donations by using the Missio envelopes provided in the porch. Thank you. VOCATIONS WEEKEND A Vocations Weekend for men considering the priesthood will be held at Northampton Cathedral from 14th – 16th November. For more information please contact Canon Mark Floody on 01604 714556 or Canon Seamus. See poster on the noticeboard. SPUC BEDFORD AGM This will be on Friday 24th October in Ss Philip & James Church following the 7.00pm Mass. There will be refreshments and an opportunity to meet the team. All welcome. SILENT VIGIL Our next Silent Vigil for the unborn will be on Saturday 25th October from 12noon to 1.15pm along Britannia Road. Please come and join this vigil of prayer. HEALING SERVICE There will be a short healing service next Sunday after the 6.30pm Mass to pray for healing. LAST WEEK’S COLLECTIONS Offertory St Joseph’s £1136.75 CAFOD St Joseph’s £512.08 PRISONERS SUNDAY Today is Prisoners’ Sunday when we are invited to pray for prisoners and their families and also for the victims of crime. Please pick up an information and prayer leaflet from the porch. MESSAGE FROM FATHER BONIFACE We are so grateful here for this contribution (£5141) towards our needs. We are now going to level the ground in this new parish of Fyansi and start building one new classroom. This money will also be used on fixing half bricks and plastering on the outside of the dining hall of St Kizito which was started long ago with your help in my former parish. The children started using the inside of the dining hall even though it is not yet finished. I may also spare a few coins to buy food for the children. I thank all those who have fundraised for this noble cause of the poor and the orphans. You have created a good life for many children here. NEW CHARITY - FATHER BONIFACE Since January this year, a small group of people here in Bedford has been working to set up a registered charity to support the work of Fr Boniface in Uganda. As of August, charitable status has been granted by the Charity Commissioners. This means that money given will be able to be Gift Aided and Trusts and Foundations can be approached to support the work. The new Charity is called Enabling Vulnerable Children (EVC) Uganda. A copy of the Charity’s first newsletter is on display on the noticeboard in both churches. KSC QUIZ Don’t miss the next Knights of St. Columba Quiz on Wednesday, 15th October 2014 at 8.00pm in the Meltis Club, Miller Road. £3.00 admission per person, including a Buffet Supper. Come as an individual or part of a team. You will receive a warm welcome. All funds raised go to our chosen charities. Our Lady’s £335.22 Thank you. Our Lady’s £206.66
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