St Leo Church A Jesuit Parish 710 South 13th Street Tacoma, Washington 98405 October 12, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary TIme Phone: (253) 272-5136 Fax: (253) 272-6285 PASTORAL COUNCILChair: Brittany Henderson Jacquie Armstrong Eugena Buena-Douglas Christie Flynn Sarah Gallup-Stowell Patrick Keely Kevin Moore Kathleen O’Connor Susan Preciso Dick Reed Virginia Stowell Artee Young PARISH STAFF (& phone extension) Pastor: Fr. Steve Lantry, S.J. (106) Parochial Vicar: Fr. Jim Harbaugh, S.J.(114) Deacon: Michael Riggio Faith Formation: Dotti Krist-Sterbick (110) email: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Trinka Hamel (104) Youth Formation: James Harper (111) Social Ministry: Rick Samyn (102) Pastoral Care: Demetra Schwieger (103) Food Connection Director: Kevin Glackin-Coley (383-5048) Music Director: Anna De Foe (112) Office Coordinator: Theresa McDermott-Erskine (107) Maintenance: Kevin McKim and Dan Blachly (105) LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Monday through Friday & Holydays - 12:10 PM Saturday Vigil - 5:00 PM Sunday 8 AM and 10:30 AM Native Community Mass - Sunday - 1:30 PM St. Leo Parish is a safe and welcoming place for the LGBTQ community. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays- 3:00 - 4:00 PM or by appointment CALL FOR INFORMATION ( 272-5136 for any staff person ) Call Dotti Krist-Sterbick (ext 110) Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) NVC and Faith Sharing Groups Adult Formation Infant Baptism Children’s Catechumenate Call Trinka Hamel (ext. 104) Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (age 3 to grade 5) Oct-May 1st Reconciliation:(children 7+) Family preparation in fall. 1st Eucharist:(children 7+) Family preparation winter/Spring. Call James Harper (ext. 111) Youth Ministry (Jr. High grade 6-8. Sr High grades 9-12) Groups meet Oct. - May. Call Theresa McDermott-Erskine (ext.107) Parish Registration: new members, updates. Call Demetra Schwieger (ext. 103) Funeral Arrangements Pastoral Care Visits Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: to arrange for a priest Health Care Ministries: Parish Nurses: Kathy Hitchcock, 564-3785, Eileen Weeg, 253-820-4141 (including blood pressure checks, prayer shawls) Call Fr. Jim Harbaugh (ext. 114) Marriage Preparation (contact at least 6 months prior to wedding) Annulments Kathy Hitchcock 564-3785. Sacramental Records Maria Luisa Kirchmer (vm 311). Prayer Line: Mary Means 564-5911 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATES Campaign Goal $1,775,000 A Place Like Home Where we come to share our story 89% of goal Have questions? Are you ready to be contacted by a volunteer? Ready to pledge? Stop by the campaign table after Mass! $1,581,877 as of October 8, 2014 A Place Like Home…We are Accompanied Here… by Mary Ann Woodruff Our family is grateful for our St. Leo Church home. We moved back to the Northwest in 1989 and were welcomed into St. Leo soon thereafter. It has been our good fortune and privilege to be a part of this “Raggedy Band” since. Lately, I have been enamored with the word “accompany.” Paul Farmer, MD, writes eloquently of this principle as he accompanies the poor of the world in their quest for improved health. The act of accompaniment does not follow a timeline from the one who accompanies but instead rests on the needs of the ones accompanied. Aha! That is exactly what St. Leo Parish, this living, fluid, elastic, loving Body of Christ has done with our family. Our pathways have been interwoven into the fabric of the St. Leo community. It is here we have celebrated both the ordinary and the extraordinary days of our lives: Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation with Piper and Ariel, Mitch’s Baptism in 1995 (I still recall the sweet smell of the Chrism oil that anointed him), Alec’s arrival and Baptism (We remember asking this community to help fan his little spark into a flame of love), Piper and Vaughan’s wedding Mass, right here where we sang “All are Welcome” and meant it, and last May, Alec’s Confirmation and choice of St. Ignatius as namesake, mentored by holy person Michael Hale. This is the place, the community we call home then. It is the home for our biggest aspirations and where we try to ditch our “useless fears,” where we listen in awe to the Word and then words that break it open in the most sustaining way from Fathers Steve and Jim and other gifted homilists in our midst. This is the place we publicly say we will elevate peace, become it, even when this might not be viewed as sensible let alone possible. This is the “place like home” that I picture all of us at St. Leo fanning out from as we go into the world to accompany others, having been accompanied by each other so tenderly here. And that is why Mitch and Alec and I said and say yes to this capital campaign of ours. How many more celebrations and accompaniments will occur, how many prayers and poems will be uttered, lives begun, renewed and remembered here in a space that elevates and enlivens! The litany of the Saints in veritas. We are ever grateful for and with this community. The Social Justice Page On Social Justice: Faith and Tradition in the Struggle for Justice and Human Dignity Faith expressions have a long and intertwined history in our struggle for justice and what we refer to as the Principals of Catholic Social Teaching: Life and Dignity of the Human Person —Call to Family, Community & Participation— Solidarity—Dignity of Work— Our Rights and Responsibilities—Option for the Poor and Vulnerable & Care for Creations The Day of the Dead: A time to honor those who have died and to be mindful that life and death are the same circle that we travel. How does this celebration give meaning or expression in our Catholic faith? Does this tradition act as a well of strength in the sometimes painful struggle for the dignity of workers and the rights of indigenous peoples to preserve their lands and culture? Indigenous People’s Day: (A progressive understanding of what was once Columbus Day.) Are there faith and cultural expression with native peoples that speak to the ongoing struggles of indigenous communities struggling to survive in the “modern world”? National Coming Out Day: Are there stories of faith and endurance within the LBTG community that speak to all of us regarding the dignity of the human person in all its expressions? The Novena of Simbang Gabi: This 9-Day Spiritual exercise has a focus on strengthening the family and preserving life-giving social and cultural ties. How is this practice a buttress to support our families and nurture our understandings regarding rights and responsibilities to family and community? Devotion to the Lady of Guadalupe: Our Lady of Guadalupe is a foundational image of the struggle of those on societies margins, struggling workers and indigenous who are seeking to have a real voice in society and the work place. Our lady of Guadalupe was a faith filled response to the oppressions inflicted on the marginalized of 16th century Mexican Society. (Continued on Next page) (Cont.) How does she give us strength to fight against oppressions and injustice in the 21st century? There are many more examples of cultural faith expressions that have ties to the fundamentals of Catholic Social Teaching that enrich our lives and preserves our cultural heritage. The Social Justice Commission and I would like to hear more about, celebrate and give space for these varied and colorful traditions as they relate to Peace Justice Human Rights and the Care for Creation. We want to here your story and suggestions. Please contact the Social Justice Commission via Rick Samyn, Pastoral Assistant for Social Justice at: (253) 272-5136 #102 Items Needed for St. Leo Emergency Services We are in need of warm winter coats as our supply is depleted. So if you can let loose of a few winter coats that still have a couple of seasons left in them it would be greatly appreciated. We need both men’s and women’s coats. Also, personal sized toiletry items are needed as well! THANKS October is Community Meal Month at Peace Lutheran. St. Leo Sloppy Joes to the rescue! This notice is an ALL CALL for donations to make the meal, and volunteers to serve! The meal will be on Thursday Oct. 23rd from 5:30 to 6:30pm at Peace Lutheran. We plan on preparing 125 meals of our famous Sloppy Joes. For more information and to sign up please visit the display at the back of the church! An open house celebration: Family Housing Network (Former Phoenix Housing) On Nov. 6th there will be the Blessing and Ribbon Cutting of our new home at 5050 S. Tacoma Way, Tacoma WA. Be a part of this very special event that will include: Facility Tour from – 3pm to 4pm followed by a program highlighting the work of Family Housing Network. Refreshment to follow the events! For more information on Family Housing Network you can contact Joy at: (253) 471-5340. Event announcement is posted on the Social Ministry Kiosk. Suicide Prevention Training Offered There will be a 2-day suicide prevention workshop offered at the Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades in Federal Way, WA the weekend of Oct. 2526. To register for this training contact: Margaret Shelton at (206) 274-3123 or visit and for addition information on this event contact: Nancy Granger at (206) 382-4269/ Information also posted on our Social Ministry Kiosk Daily Scripture Readings Sunday October 12 Isaiah 25:6-10a Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20 Matthew 22:1-14 Monday October 13 Galatians 4:22-24, 26-27, 31—5:1 Luke 11:29-32 Tuesday October 14 Galatians 5:1-6 Luke 11:37-41 Wednesday October 15 St. Teresa of Jesus Galatians 5:18-25 Luke 11:42-46 Thursday October 16 Ephesians 1:1-10 Luke 11:47-54 Friday October 17 St. Ignatius of Antioch Ephesians 1:11-14 Luke 12:1-7 Saturday October 18 St. Luke 2 Timothy 4:10-17b Luke 10:1-9 Sunday October 19 Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b Matthew 22:15-21 St. Leo Church -October 12, 2014 A Jesuit Parish ...a Catholic community centered in the Eucharist, enriched by diversity,committed to Gospel values, and continually seeking to be Christ’s servant presence in the world. We pray with Pat Ditter and family in the passing of John Ditter. John’s funeral will be Friday, October 17 @ 12:10 PM. ~May he enjoy eternal light and peace Clarence Snodgrass, Erlinda Almeida, Susan Nowak, Christina Davis, Tom Trunk, Fr. Bix, Lynda McCormick Elaine Wilson, Beth Maslow, Mary Rutter, Cindy Cornwell, Dotti Krist-Sterbick, Sam Jablonski, Bernice Fox, Nancy Traversie, Eloise Mondau Josie Stortini, Beatrice Roy, Hannah Rajacich Valerie Wolfe Royster, Bob Armbruster, Kathleen Russell, Christopher Lasher, Katie Rutter, Pam McCauley, Hermine Soler, Brendan Gallagher, Sr Pat Walsh, Dave McCormick, Eileen Toth, Robert Young, Brenda Edlund, Susan Frey, Dick Matthaei, Winfred Clere, Fred Montgomery, Sue Ford, Sharon Higgins, Helen Hoppa Mary Means. The LGBTQ Group will have a noon potluck at Catherine's Place on Sunday, October 12th. For more information, contact Heidi Erdmann at (253) 537-1979 or angelsmom@ Welcome to these most recent additions to our Raggedy Band of Believers: Eric and Katie Bugyis Ryan and Ruthie Forney Garcia Robles Family Valerie Hebert Dean and Mary Johnson Don and Liz Mack Raymond and Zea Mendoza Eduardo & Laura Rodriguez Santiago Saguilan Family Tamayo Family Gary Waldron BIRTHDAYS COMING UP! Oct 18 Lucy Dudley, Anna Haddad, Christen Kaufman, Sue Keely, Stephen Mead, Eileen Toth, Nigel Wea. Oct 19 Jim Brown, Brandon Centeno, Rudi Reyes, Mitch Woodruff. Oct 20 Adrianna Haberlach, LindaLou Miller-Bever. Oct 21 Fay Allen, Megan Drew, Eli Gilbert, David Grondahl, Margaret Hensler, Melena Horn, Kevin Kragelund, Kelsey Norden. Oct 22 Eric Bugyis, Zach Koenig, Meagan Kula, Erica McAlister, Jack McDonald, Spencer Ostrom, Dorothy Perkins, Jim Webster, Dayton Wehmeyer, Bill Whalen. Oct 23 Dillon Armstrong, Connor Bacon, George Henry, Pat Michalek, Laurel Titland. Oct 24 Joan Faulkner, Carmel Mundell, Nolan Murray. We remember in prayer those serving in the military in Afghanistan: Milan Franklin, Savannah Huffman, Keith James Jr., Curtis Long,Roy McMahon, Owen Rocke, James Shockley, Alex Straub and Bruce Clark. If you would like someone added to this list please contact Rick at 272-5136 or email CURSILLO/ULTREYA We have all been given unique talent. All Catholic men and women, Cursillista or not, are invited to come share our gifts in Christian Community at our next Ultreya. We will meet from 7-8:30 PM on the third Tuesday, October 21st in the Social Hall of the School at St. Martin of Tours Church in Fife. (off exit 134- I-5). Questions ? Call Andre Bouffard at 253-848-4471/ THEOLOGY ON TAP IN TACOMA! Join young adults (2139) from across the Archdiocese of Seattle Oct 22, 29, and Nov 4 from 7:00-9:00 PM for Theology on Tap! Bishop Elizondo, Kevin GlackinColey, Director of the St. Leo Food Bank, and Kelly Hickman, Assistant Director of the Missions Office will each lead us in discussions about Catholic Social Teaching. This is a series you do not want to miss! Join us for Mass at 6:15PM at St. Leo. Following Mass we will gather at The Swiss Restaurant & Pub (1904 Jefferson Ave, Tacoma, WA 984025) at 7:00PM. If you have any questions please contact Caitlin Lanigan at caitlin. or 206-382-2010. Sunday Collection (for fiscal year 2014-2015) Last Week’s Collection Total: $16,814 Collected Year to Date $197,546 Total Budgeted Year to Date $200,060 Net Difference + or (-) (-$2,514) Just a reminder. If you have an item for the bulletin please send it to no later than Wednesday at noon. No Time for the Ordinary: Discovering Our Prophetic & Mystical Vocation Saturday, October 18th 9:00am-12:30pm Sponsored by the Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Seattle Register at SAVE THE DATE AND UPDATES Nov. 21-22-23 St. Leo and Urban Grace will host our annual Fair Trade Market. The 91 volunteers will include parishioners from St. Rita and Bellarmine students-a great collaboration of Jesuit communities! Thanks to all who have already signed up - more chances available weekends of Oct. 13 thru Nov. 14. Sign up sheets will be kept at our sign-up spot at the rear of our gathering space if you need to re-check your day/time and make adjustments. Again, food will be available for workers at morning, lunch or dinner times (including gluten free). Vendors with items from various developing nations as well as local ministries serving our community provide a chance for great Christmas shopping. Fair Trade sales create a significant boost toward financial security for the families of the artisans, counteract human trafficking with monitoring of just wages and support sustainability with earth-friendly processes. For more info, visit questions - contact Shannon Brennan at 253-227-4681 or Hello! ¡Hola! Do you like to speak or write in Spanish as well as in English? ¿Le gusta hablar o escribir en español así como en inglés? WE NEED YOU for our new “Found In Translation” Ministry. TE NECESITAMOS para nuestro nuevo Ministerio de “Encontrado en la Traducción”. For more information please contact… Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con… Dotti Krist-Sterbick 272-5136 ext. 110, St. Leo’s Club invites you to join them for the annual Leavenworth Christmas Lighting Trip Saturday December 13th Now is the time to reserve your space on the tour bus to Leavenworth for the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Festival. The St. Leo's club is sponsoring this bus trip to Leavenworth on Saturday December 13th. We will leave the church parking lot at 8:30 AM. The bus will leave Leavenworth after the big tree lighting ceremony around 5-5:30 PM. We will return to St. Leo approximately 8:30 PM. The cost for the trip is $30 per person. We arrive in Leavenworth in plenty of time for you to have the whole afternoon to shop, explore and eat some great German food. Come and join us for a good time! Sign-up sheets are in the Hospitality Area. (This trip usually fills up early so sign-up now to insure a seat). Ignatian Spirituality and Non-Violent Communication Parish-wide retreat With Fr. Michael Lynch S.J. and Sura Hart November 16th 1:30 - 5 PM CCS Building (formerly SEYA) Expect the Unexpected! Discernment happens amidst the dance of many stories: the story of scripture, the story of the church, and our own personal stories. Join us as we explore the art and practice of storytelling. We will talk about how and why story works and why it is such an important spiritual practice - particularly in the context of Ignatian spirituality. as Spiritual Practice With TAD MONROE Bring your story of experiencing the unexpected... THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014 | 7:00—9:00PM For more info visit St. Leo’s Parish, Tacoma, WA 28th Legislative District Candidate Forum Sponsored by SW Pierce Neighbors for Good Sound Alliance Wednesday, October 15th 7:00 – 8:30 St. John’s Lutheran Church 8602 Bridgeport Way SW, Lakewood, 98499 Neighbors for Good will host Rep. Tami Green, Christine Kilduff, Mary Moss, Rep. Dick Muri, and Paul Wagemann to engage the candidates about working together to increase resources in health care, transportation, education, and economic justice. Given the McCleary mandate, we want to work with candidates to fund education without decimating other critical state services, and to reduce the pressures facing Pierce County and all Washingtonian families. Join us as we lift up our stories and work together to build a better Washington! For more information contact Linda Parrish 253-241-9533 or We have scheduled infant, child & adult CPR and automated external defibrillator (AED) training for the parishioners of St Leo. This free class is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 15 from 5:30 - 8:30 PM in the church hospitality area. The American Heart Association recommends that people go through this training every two years. If this class is taken at a site in the county it costs approximately $35. We will be using the same AED model that we have in our church hospitality area. Please register with Kathy Hitchcock by phone (564-3785) or email We will have cheese, vegetable & fruit snacks. We will send you a reminder the day before the class. If you have to cancel please inform Kathy as the number of participants determines the cost. Peace Days for Women, "Women in Scripture” led by Sister Beth Taylor, CSJP Wednesday, October 15, 2014 from 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at St. Mary-on-the-Lake Peace and Spirituality Center, 1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue, WA 98004 Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace Free-will offering. Bring a sack lunch, coffee and tea provided. We encourage you to carpool. To register or for more information contact Diane Figaro at 425-635-3603 or e-mail
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