S L C October 19, 2014

St Leo Church
A Jesuit Parish
710 South 13th Street
Tacoma, Washington 98405
October 19, 2014
Twenty-ninth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Phone: (253) 272-5136
Fax: (253) 272-6285
PASTORAL COUNCIL Chair: Brittany Henderson
Jacquie Armstrong
Eugena Buena-Douglas
Christie Flynn
Sarah Gallup-Stowell
Patrick Keely
Kevin Moore
Kathleen O’Connor
Susan Preciso
Dick Reed
Virginia Stowell
Artee Young
PARISH STAFF (& phone extension)
Pastor: Fr. Steve Lantry, S.J. (106)
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Jim Harbaugh, S.J.(114)
Deacon: Michael Riggio
Faith Formation: Dotti Krist-Sterbick (110)
email: faithformation@stleoparish.org
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Trinka Hamel (104)
Youth Formation: James Harper (111)
Social Ministry: Rick Samyn (102)
Pastoral Care: Demetra Schwieger (103)
Food Connection Director: Kevin Glackin-Coley (383-5048)
Music Director: Anna De Foe (112)
Office Coordinator: Theresa McDermott-Erskine (107)
Maintenance: Kevin McKim and Dan Blachly (105)
Monday through Friday & Holydays - 12:10 PM
Saturday Vigil - 5:00 PM
Sunday 8 AM and 10:30 AM
Native Community Mass - Sunday - 1:30 PM
St. Leo Parish is a safe and welcoming place
for the LGBTQ community.
Saturdays- 3:00 - 4:00 PM or by appointment
CALL FOR INFORMATION ( 272-5136 for any staff person )
Call Dotti Krist-Sterbick (ext 110)
Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
NVC and Faith Sharing Groups
Adult Formation
Infant Baptism
Children’s Catechumenate
Call Trinka Hamel (ext. 104)
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (age 3 to grade 5) Oct-May
1st Reconciliation:(children 7+) Family preparation in fall.
1st Eucharist:(children 7+) Family preparation winter/Spring.
Call James Harper (ext. 111)
Youth Ministry (Jr. High grade 6-8. Sr High grades 9-12)
Groups meet Oct. - May.
Call Theresa McDermott-Erskine (ext.107)
Parish Registration: new members, updates.
Call Demetra Schwieger (ext. 103)
Funeral Arrangements
Pastoral Care Visits
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: to arrange for a priest
Health Care Ministries: Parish Nurses:
Kathy Hitchcock, 564-3785, Eileen Weeg, 253-820-4141
(including blood pressure checks, prayer shawls)
Call Fr. Jim Harbaugh (ext. 114)
Marriage Preparation (contact at least 6 months prior to
Annulments Kathy Hitchcock 564-3785.
Sacramental Records Maria Luisa Kirchmer (vm 311).
Prayer Line: Mary Means 564-5911
A Place Like Home
Campaign Goal
Where we come to share our story
Have questions?
Are you ready to be contacted by a volunteer?
Ready to pledge?
Stop by the campaign table after Mass!
as of
October 15, 2014
of goal
Love Is Concrete…Pope Francis in a January 2014 Homily
“The first criterion [of concrete love]: to love with deeds, not words. Words are taken away by
the wind! They are here today, tomorrow they are not.”
“The second criterion of concreteness is: in love it is more important to give than to receive…
the one who loves, gives...Gives things, gives life, gives oneself to God and to others.”
Thank you to all those who have already given to the Building Capital Campaign! For those
of us who have been procrastinating or can’t find that pledge envelope, we have more
It’s understandable that for different reasons some of us are unable to give at this time.
However, do let us know by returning your pledge envelope with a note.
Participation in the campaign means responding to the campaign in some way; it includes
giving what we can and praying for the success of the campaign. Involvement in a manner
appropriate for everyone contributes to strengthening and unifying our faith community.
The Social Justice Page
On Social Justice: Have We Drunk the KoolAid? Our Getting Fed Only One Option?
I guess I can be accused of “beating a dead horse”,
but, I am absolutely convinced that the constant
distractions we are fed on a daily basis via media
and our own sensational sound-bite mindsets derail
us from addressing a real serious issue—Climate
Change and Energy Policy. In the News Tribune
10/14/2014, buried on page A-5 is yet another article around the serious issue of climate change and
its impact, this time on national
security. Oh yes, this includes the spread of infectious diseases and pathogens such as the front page
Ebola story or the not-getting-coverage issues of the
rapidly spreading pathogens in the Arctic. Also,
climate change is being linked to global biodiversity
loss and pathogen increases world wide! Nope—
can’t talk about missed opportunities to move forward on renewables in our National Energy Portfolio. I guess its because folks are just making too
much money from Bakken Oil, Fracking and moving on that oil pipeline whether it goes west, south
or into the Great Lakes! We have been sold the argument that the only way to a prosperous U.S.
Economy and freedom from folks like ISIS Fighters
is to dig for more fossil fuels here in the U.S. I
would buy that line if the energy companies and
Congressional Leadership were pursuing renewable
energy production and infrastructure systems just as
fast as Apple Corp. sells “Smart Devices.” THEY
ARE NOT. Corporations, by design, respond to
customers and shareholders and are sensitive to
market trends. We have a stake in the direction in
which corporations spend their resources on research, development and infrastructure. I believe
that citizens are the “ring in the bull’s nose” so to
speak and the market will go where we tell it. We
have the capacity to flip energy markets toward
renewables and away from fossil fuels a lot quicker
than we think. According to a perspective on an
article published by the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) “Renewable Electricity Futures
Study”, a U.S. energy systems based primarily on
renewable power sources is very possible—within
(Cont. on next column)
The article goes on to say that a “clean generation pathway is possible and warrants further investigation.” Furthermore the technology is commercially available and
with a more flexible electrical distribution system it is
possible to have 80% of our energy needs generated by
renewable by 2050.
Elections are just around the corner and the “other side
of being a stakeholder in our own future is to VOTE. I
say it’s time to vote for those who have a passion to really address climate change and to kick our transition
away from fossil fuels to cleaner and renewable energy
systems—It’s the Grandchild Vote!
(Sources: http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy13osti/52409-ES.pdf; http://
The L’Honey Project:
There will be honey and other hive products for sale
after all masses the weekend of October 25-26.
Thanks for supporting the L’Honey Project!
October is Community Meal Month at Peace
Lutheran. St. Leo Sloppy Joes to the rescue!
This notice is an ALL CALL for donations to make the
meal, and volunteers to serve! The meal will be on
Thursday Oct. 23rd from 5:30 to 6:30pm at Peace Lutheran. We plan on preparing 125 meals of our famous
Sloppy Joes. For more information and to sign up please
visit the display at the back of the church!
An open house celebration: Family Housing Network
(Former Phoenix Housing) On Nov. 6th there will be
the Blessing and Ribbon Cutting of our new home at
5050 S. Tacoma Way, Tacoma WA. Be a part of this
very special event that will include: Facility Tour from –
3pm to 4pm followed by a program highlighting the
work of Family Housing Network. Refreshment to follow the events! For more information on Family Housing Network you can contact Joy at: (253) 471-5340.
Event announcement is posted on the Social Ministry
Suicide Prevention Training Offered
There will be a 2-day suicide prevention workshop offered at the Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades in Federal Way, WA the weekend of Oct. 25-26.
To register for this training contact: Margaret Shelton at
(206) 274-3123 or visit www.seattlearchdiocese.org and
for addition information on this event contact: Nancy
Granger at (206) 382-4269/ngranger@stjamescathedral.org. Information also posted on our Social
Ministry Kiosk.
Daily Scripture Readings
Sunday October 19
Isaiah 45:1, 4-6
1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b
Matthew 22:15-21
St. Leo Church -October 19, 2014
A Jesuit Parish
...a Catholic community centered in the Eucharist, enriched
by diversity,committed to Gospel values, and continually
seeking to be Christ’s servant presence in the world.
Monday October 20
Ephesians 2:1-10
Luke 12:13-21
Tuesday October 21
Ephesians 2:12-22
Luke 12:35-38
Wednesday October 22
Ephesians 3:2-12
Luke 12:39-48
Thursday October 23
Ephesians 3:14-21
Luke 12:49-53
Friday October 24
Ephesians 4:1-6
Luke 12:54-59
Saturday October 25
Ephesians 4:7-16
Luke 13:1-9
Sunday October 26
Exodus 22:20-26
1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10
Matthew 22:34-40
Sunday Collection
(for fiscal year 2014-2015)
Last Week’s Collection Total:
Collected Year to Date
Total Budgeted Year to Date
Net Difference + or (-)
Clarence Snodgrass, Erlinda Almeida, Susan Nowak
Christina Davis, Tom Trunk, Fr. Bix, Lynda McCormick,
Elaine Wilson, Mary Rutter, Cindy Cornwell,
Sam Jablonski, Bernice Fox, Leo Reda, Nancy Traversie
Eloise Mondau, Josie Stortini, Beatrice Roy,
Hannah Rajacich, Valerie Wolfe Royster,
Bob Armbruster, Kathleen Russell, Christopher Lasher, Katie Rutter,
Pam McCauley, Hermine Soler, Brendan Gallagher, Sr Pat Walsh,
Dave McCormick, Eileen Toth, Robert Young, Brenda Edlund, Susan Frey
Dick Matthaei, Winfred Clere, Fred Montgomery, Sue Ford, Sharon Higgins
Helen Hoppa, Mary Means.
Oct 25 Mel Bullinger, Kathleen Ditcharo, Thea Drescher,
Tanya Pemberton.
Oct 26 Yoli Duralde, Connie GeRoy, Colleen Maloney, Shirley Milatz.
Oct 27 Janelle Costanti, Gemma Drouhard, Andres Montes-Mattern,
Michael Riggio, Stacie Sadenwasser.
Oct 28 Coralyn Bland, Jeanette DeCoteau, Tristen Hara,
Melinda Michaelson, Liesl Santkuyl.
Oct 29 Jila Bazraskan, Augustine Hall, Agnes Kampi, Madison Kang,
Elizabeth LaJeunesse, Imelda Mead, Madeline Shea,
Christi Smith, Marie Sterling, Mary Ann Woodruff.
Oct 30 Catherine Brennan, Mary Means, James Mundell.
Oct 31 Noah Hunthausen, Tamara Knarr, Kay Smith.
We remember in prayer those serving
in the military in Afghanistan:
Milan Franklin, Savannah Huffman, Keith James Jr., Curtis Long,Roy
McMahon, Owen Rocke, James Shockley, Alex Straub and Bruce Clark.
If you would like someone added to this list please contact Rick at
272-5136 or email socialministry@stleoparish.org.
RETREAT FOR MEN -- St. Leo Men are invited to attend
a spirituality retreat beginning about 6 P.M. on Friday
November 7th and ending before noon on Sunday November
9th at Pilgrim Firs Retreat Center (west of Port Orchard).
Father John Fuchs, S.J. will lead the retreat and the cost is
$180.00 which includes 3 meals on Saturday and Sunday
breakfast. Pilgrim Firs Retreat Center is located along a
small lake, it has hiking trails and we will be in one building
for gatherings and sleeping. Father John will be available to
meet individually with all participants. For more information
contact Mike Towey at ph. 253 318 9156 and send your check
to Mike Harrison, 7412 71st. Ave. Ct. SW, Lakewood, WA
We have all been given unique talent. All Catholic men and
women, Cursillista or not, are invited to come share our gifts
in Christian Community at our next Ultreya.
Join young adults (2139) from across the
Archdiocese of Seattle
Oct 22, 29, and Nov 4
from 7:00-9:00 PM for
Theology on Tap! Bishop
Elizondo, Kevin GlackinColey, Director of the St.
Leo Food Bank, and Kelly Hickman, Assistant
Director of the Missions Office will each
lead us in discussions about Catholic Social
This is a series you do not want to miss!
Join us for Mass
at 6:15PM at St. Leo.
Following Mass we will
gather at The Swiss
Restaurant & Pub (1904
Jefferson Ave, Tacoma,
WA 984025) at 7:00PM.
If you have any questions
please contact Caitlin Lanigan at caitlin.
lanigan@seattlearch.org or 206-382-2010.
We will meet from 7-8:30 PM on the third Tuesday, October
21st in the Social Hall of the School at St. Martin of Tours
Church in Fife. (off exit 134- I-5).
Questions ? Call Andre Bouffard at 253-848-4471/
After School Homework Helpers
Needed at Guadalupe Vista
40 Days for Life is an ecumenical, non-violent prayer campaign
focused on bringing about an end to abortion through
three key components: 1) prayer and fasting 2) community
outreach and 3) a prayerful, public Tacoma vigil. An attitude
of respect, compassion and support is maintained during
the vigils. This new approach is a departure from the more
confrontational attitudes expressed in previous pro-life efforts.
For 40 days, beginning on Wednesday, September 24, folks
have been praying and fasting for an end to abortion in this
public way.
Another similar vigil will be held during the season of Lent. If
you are interested in knowing more, or becoming involved,
on any level, you may contact George at 961-5822 or John
at 677-9509. More information on the campaign is at
Assist students in grades K-12 with homework
and reading assignments. Participate in
outdoor play and enrichment activities.
Helpers needed two days a week
Tuesdays AND Thursdays
Now - June 2015
Guadalupe Vista
1417 S G St, Tacoma, WA 98405
Contact Nicolette Viken,
Tone Tutoring Coordinator
(253) 571-6774 or
St. Leo’s Club
invites you to join them for the annual
Leavenworth Christmas Lighting Trip
Saturday December 13th
Now is the time to reserve your space on the tour bus to Leavenworth for the annual
Christmas Tree Lighting Festival. The St. Leo's club is sponsoring this bus trip to
Leavenworth on Saturday December 13th. We will leave the church parking lot at 8:30
AM. The bus will leave Leavenworth after the big tree lighting ceremony around
5-5:30 PM. We will return to St. Leo approximately 8:30 PM. The cost for the trip is
$30 per person. We arrive in Leavenworth in plenty of time for you to have the whole
afternoon to shop, explore and eat some great German food. Come and join us for a
good time! Sign-up sheets are in the Hospitality Area. (This trip usually fills up early
so sign-up now to insure a seat).
Nov. 21-22-23 St. Leo and Urban Grace will host our annual Fair Trade Market. The 91 volunteers
will include parishioners from St. Rita and Bellarmine students-a great collaboration of Jesuit
communities! Thanks to all who have already signed up - more chances available weekends of
Oct. 13 thru Nov. 14. Sign up sheets will be kept at our sign-up spot at the rear of our gathering
space if you need to re-check your day/time and make adjustments. Again, food will be available
for workers at morning, lunch or dinner times (including gluten free). Vendors with items from
various developing nations as well as local ministries serving our community provide a chance
for great Christmas shopping. Fair Trade sales create a significant boost toward financial security
for the families of the artisans, counteract human trafficking with monitoring of just wages and
support sustainability with earth-friendly processes. For more info, visit www.crsfairtrade.org questions - contact Shannon Brennan at 253-227-4681 or sbren78@comcast.net
St. Rita’s Holiday Bazaar: Looking for that special
gift for that special someone? Come to St. Rita’s Holiday
Bazaar Nov.7 from 1-7pm and Nov. 8 from 10am-4pm at 1403
S Ainsworth Ave.
Crafters, we still have a few tables available, if you would like
one contact Pam Smith 425-220-5044(local) or Kay Bowen
253- 627-4979 or our office at 253-627-4851.
Ignatian Spirituality
and Non-Violent Communication
Parish-wide retreat
With Fr. Michael Lynch S.J.
and Sura Hart
November 16th
1:30 - 5 PM
CCS Building
(formerly SEYA)
Expect the Unexpected!
Discernment happens amidst the dance of many stories: the
story of scripture, the story of the church, and our own
personal stories.
Join us as we explore the art and practice of storytelling.
We will talk about how and why story works and why it is such
an important spiritual practice - particularly in the context of
Ignatian spirituality.
as Spiritual
Bring your story of experiencing the unexpected...
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014 | 7:00—9:00PM
For more info visit www.ignatiancenter.org
St. Leo’s Parish, Tacoma, WA
Tacoma Kateri Circle invites you to
All Soul’s Day
Mass Celebration
Come to remember and celebrate our beloved who have
passed on with a special candlelight ceremony.
Joining us will be Father Patrick Twohy, S.J.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
1:30pm – 2:30pm
Location: St. Leo Church
710 South 13th Street
Tacoma, WA 98405
Hosted by the Tacoma Kateri Circle
Fighting Hunger since 1982
October 2014
As we move into fall we expect to
continue to see large numbers of clients
at both our St. Leo Food Bank and
Springbrook Mobile Food Bank.
Hunger truly knows no season however,
as we served more than 1,000
households during the last three days of
July alone. Whether it is the utility bills
of fall/winter or having children home
from school in the summer there are
always pressures on the household
budgets of our clients.
During the 2014-15 school year we will
once again be providing food to hundreds
of children at-risk of hunger over the
weekend. However, since we know that
many if not all of the children we serve
share the food we provide with their
families we will be changing our focus to
providing family sized amounts Given the
higher cost of individual serving sizes we
believe we can do this for the same cost,
thereby providing more meals for the same
amount of money. We are also hoping to
expand our After-School Snacks and
Meal Program as well.
Volunteers are needed to help bag and
deliver the food for both programs.
Shannon Lees (jv@foodconnection.org) is
our new Children’s Feeding Program
Coordinator. Please contact her for more
This past summer our Summer Meals
Program provided children in Pierce and
Skagit Counties with
38,144 lunches/dinners and 29,916 snacks.
In addition to providing nutritious meals
and snacks we partnered with
Communities in Schools - Lakewood to
provide a summer reading program during
July at 4 of our Lakewood sites, and
thanks to a Healthy Youth Program from
the Pierce County Health Department
grant we were able to partner with Harvest
Pierce County to provide gardening and
nutrition information at our three Hilltop
neighborhood sites located at Community
We are in desperate need of volunteers
to help load and unload trucks on
Friday afternoons as we get ready for
our Saturday Mobile Food Bank.
Please contact Cari Tillery at 383-5048
for more information.
Adolfson and Peterson Construction for
your donation of $15,000 from your
annual golf tournament in support of our
Backpack Program
Charitable Trust Board of the Puyallup
Tribe for your grant of $50,000 in support
of our Backpack Program and St. Leo
Food Bank.
Taco Time Northwest Foundation for
your grant of $20,000 in support of our
Children’s Feeding Programs.
You can make an on-line donation for
general operations or to the Backpack
Program by going to our
For Peace Pod members who have practiced
non-violent communication this last year!
Monthly NVC Retreats with Sura
First retreat 10/25, 1-5 pm
RSVP by 10/23 to Dotti, faithformation@stleoparish.org or 272-5136 ext. 110.
In response to interest in ongoing NVC practice and deepening, and to strengthen the
NVC initiative at St Leo’s, Sura is offering monthly retreats for Peace Pod facilitators
and participants.
The intention is to gather in community to deepen NVC learning & to practice, practice,
Topics will derive from participants’ requests, and can include:
-Self-compassion & care for your own needs
-Empathy- receiving and giving
-Knowing when to empathize and when to express
-Making clear requests
-Learning from mistakes and expressing regrets
-Mediating conflicts, within yourself and with others
-Using the No-Fault Zone® Game to support all the above and more
From Sura: I would like to offer these monthly 4-hour retreats in the spirit of the Gift
Economy, drawing from NVC principles of interdependence, and sharing gifts in a flow
of giving and receiving. I propose we take co-responsibility for making these retreats
happen, and strengthen community by sharing freely the gifts we have to share, including
providing the financial resources to support Sura’s ability to live and work in this way. I
would like anyone who has participated in a Peace Pod and wants to deepen their NVC
practice, will come to these retreats (regardless of their ability to contribute financially.)
I’ll say more about the Gift Economy when we have our first gathering.
Faith and Light: communities made up of persons with an intellectual disability, their families and friends,
particularly young friends, who meet together on a regular basis in a Christian spirit, to share friendship, pray
together, fiesta and celebrate life. A number of years ago, Faith and Light was a part of our St. Leo’s Parish
community. Are you interested in learning more about Faith and Light, founded by Jean Vanier? Join us at the home
of David and Gloria Rothrock for an afternoon conversation on October 26 at 4:00 – 5:30 p.m., 1703 N. Fife Street,
Tacoma, WA 98406. Phone number (253) 441-9111. Or call Sue Hudacek at (253) 820-1807.
Please pray for the families of the following children.
We joyfully celebrate these children’s baptisms!
5 p.m.
Malluze Subr Ford
Yazmin Yuliette Gabriel
Hendrix Wesley Muir
Great to meet you. We are the Muir Family. My name is Heather Elizabeth
Muir and I am a Senior Account Executive for the Active Network Software
Company. My wonderful husband is Ryan Patrick Muir and he is a Social
Studies teacher for the Tacoma School District at Stewart Middle School.
We have a rambunctious, curious, and handsome little boy name Hendrix
Wesley Muir. He is now 18 months old and keeps us on our toes daily with
his questions, spur of the moment dance moves, and infectious giggling.
As a family we love to learn and experience new things, this almost always
involves travel. We absolutely love it, from roadtrips to Atlantic crossings. We
are excited to guide our son’s faith formation, not only through devotion but
also through a hunger for religious history. We look forward to meeting your
families and growing through our shared congregation.
Eddie and Mary Rose Gabriel-Perez
Benjamin Mills
8 a.m.
Dylan Alexander Zambrano
Porque mola recomendaron y son muy amables de bautisar a mi niño aquí
en la iglesia y lo bautiso porque quiero que mi niño resiba el espirito santo.
(I am here) because it was recommended and you are very kind to baptize
my child in this church. And I want my child to receive the holy spirit.
Anthony Axel Palafox Guerrero
Quiero bautizar a mi hijo en esta iglesia porque son muy amables, y porque quiero
que mi hijo reciba el espiritu santo. Gracias por alludarnos para que mi niño
reciba la gracia de dios.
I want to bapize my son in this Church because you are very kind, and because I
desire that my son receive the holy spirit.
Yailin Brambila
Emily Lynn Roberge Aravena
Emily has been such a wonderful addition to our family this past year.
Every day is an adventure with her and we are so blessed to have
her in our lives. She loves to give hugs and kisses and is definitely a
“Mama’s Girl”. Having Emily baptized is such a special moment for us
and we are looking forward to watching her build a strong foundation
of faith, love, and acceptance in the St. Leo Catholic Church.
Jude Hudson Waters
10:30 a.m.
Angel Ricardo Ruiz Barrios
Arlet, Kevin and Alan Ramirez Titla
Brian Pantoja Capiz
Daleyza and Damien Collaza Alcala
El Bautizmo es el primer sacramento que manda la Santa Madre
Iglecia pareso nostros como padres tenemos la obligación de
acercar a nuestros hijos a Dios, por medio del Bautizo, para que
apartir de su Bautizo se conviertan en hijos de Dios y herederos
del cielo.
The baptism is the first sacrament the Holy Mother Church sends
us. As parents, we have the obligation to bring our children to
God, through baptism, so apart from this baptism to become
children of God and heirs of heaven.