FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, October 12, 2014 Harvest Sunday Please stand at items marked * if you are able. Passages in Bold Print are to be spoken in Unison Organ Prelude – Hymn and Quiet Reflection "Be Still and Know that I am God" (Ps. 46: 10) Please take the time before the service as an opportunity to quietly prepare your heart and mind for worship. Bible Readings: Exodus 32: 7-14 Psalm 106 Matthew 22: 1-14 P. 78 & 79 O.T. P. 557, 558, 559 O.T. P. 24 N.T. Gloria Patri: 594 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, amen. Welcome & Announcements Rev. Susan Mattinson Organist - Carol Wehrstedt Music Director- Kendall House Sermon: “Right Thanksgiving” WE GATHER IN GOD’S PRESENCE * Hymn: “The kingdom of God is justice and joy” Introit WE RESPOND TO GOD Tithes and Offerings * Offertory Response Riches I heed not, nor vain earthly praise, thou my inheritance through all my days, thou and thou only, the first in my heart, high King of heaven, my treasure thou art! * Entry of the Bible Call to Worship * Hymn: "Come, ye thankful people, come” #803 Opening Prayer: Giving, forgiving, and healing God: We gather in the light and beauty of your creation to worship and adore you. For your glory is endless, your power is incomparable, your love is wider than the entire universe, and your mercy is greater than the heights of heaven. We honestly confess that in a world where many do not have enough, we have taken more than we need. In a world where many live in fear, we take peace for granted. In a world where many have lost hope, we are too often indifferent to despair. Forgive us, merciful God, and transform our lives. Amen. God of Peace, we are confronted with so many overwhelming needs in our world. Walk with us as we set aside our own desires and wants and join the call to alleviate human suffering. Transform these financial gifts into genuine acts of concern and ministry to others. In the name of Jesus, who surpasses all understanding, we pray. Amen. Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer (debts ….debtors) Choir Anthem: "Now Thank We All Our God" WE GO OUT TO SERVE * Hymn: “For the fruits of all creation” WE HEAR GOD'S WORD Hymn of Preparation: Lead me, Lord, lead me in your righteousness; make your way plain before my face; for it is you, and you, God only, who makes me to dwell in safety. #435 461 Prayer of Dedication Assurance of Pardon * Children's Hymn: “All things bright and beautiful” (last verse to be sung after Children's Time) Children's Time #787 #802 Blessing Response: 624 Rejoice and be glad! Blessed are you; holy are you! Rejoice and be glad! Yours is the Kingdom of God. Prayer Concerns: Marie Huffman (Roseview) Bernice Johnston Thank you this week to: Greeters: Betty Irwin and Betty Irving Lay Reader: Lynae Grace Fellowship Time: Laird & Alice Morrison Elevator Operator: Robert Workman Offering Counting: Maybelle Gair, Debbie Linkletter, Maureen Verdone Offering Collection: Russ Brown, Don Munn, Joyce Nystrom, Janet Taylor Phoning/Visiting: Next week’s volunteers: Oct. 19th This Saturday's October tea: For those ladies planning to bake for the "Bake Table", could you please cut, tray, wrap and price your baked goods. When you sign-up, trays will be available for you to take home. To help you price your baking, visit your grocery store bakery. If the bakery charges $1. for two donuts, price your 2 donuts the same. This will ensure customers do not find our prices to be too high. This also ensures you do not undercharge for the time and materials that have gone into your preparation. Please bring your baking to the church on Friday night, October 17, to ensure everything is available in a timely manner. Thank you for your contribution toward making this a successful event. If you need assistance please contact Patricia Creed, 964-1196. There will be a Fall Clean up Day, Saturday, October 25 from 9 am to 12 noon. Some of the tasks we will be doing include polishing of the pews, window cleaning, washing walls, and perhaps some outside clean up. Coffee, Tea and Donuts will be provided. Come on out and bring your own cleaning tools if you wish. Your help is appreciated in trying to keep custodial costs down. October 26th following Sunday Service: A reception for Susan and Colin will be held on Sunday, October 26th following the morning service. Join us as we celebrate their wedding. Fellowship Committee FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT Our Mission purpose is to put our faith into action through mission education, community outreach, and personal and financial support both at home and abroad. Greeters: Betty Irwin and Betty Irving Lay Reader: Bobbie Casella Fellowship Time: Fred & Donna Johnson Elevator Operator: Cameron Noy Offering Counting: Val Calder and Isobel Telford Offering Collection: Russ Brown, Don Munn, Joyce Nystrom, Janet Taylor Phoning/Visiting: Upcoming Events at First Mon., Oct. 13th cancelled Games/Cards afternoon Wed., Oct. 15th - Board of Managers - 6:30 pm Thurs., Oct. 16th - Bible Study - Choir Practice - 10 am - 7 pm Sun., Oct. 19th - Question Period/Sack Lunch - noon Tues., Oct. 21st - Mission Study - 1:30 pm There will be a youth group meeting at First Pres. on Sunday, Oct. 19th from 6:30 until 8:30 pm. All youth grades five and up are welcome. For questions please contact Will Newton ( Visiting regularly? Would you like Sunday Offering Envelopes or to participate in our automatic banking program? Please speak to the church's envelope secretary, Sandy Allan. Either choice will make it easier for us to track your donations and provide an accurate tax receipt at the end of the year. Thank you for your support. Thank you so much to everyone who donates to the Food Bank.
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