Skabende Nærvær i Skagen 2014 - brochure

Fashion Fair
CPH kids
2-5 February 2012
Opening hours
Sunday 9am-5pm
Ny Carlsberg Vej 91
1799 Copenhagen V
”...a fair presenting the most ambitious brands in the industry, both
nationally and internationally.­
Expect more – we do!”
4 questions to the CEO of CPH kids, Lone Holm
Lone Holm, CEO, CPH kids
Go visit
CPH kids!
• Please explain the concept of CPH kids
• It is our ambition to create a new look and add an energetic feel to our fair and to infuse new spirit
into presenting at a fair. This has led to a fair presenting the most ambitious brands in the industry, both
nationally and internationally. Expect more – we do! The CPH kids Fashion Fair consists of several interesting zones where you can be inspired. Visit the show movie area, trend zone, and the creative corner or art
exhibitions. Enjoy lovely food, juices and coffee in our cosy café area.
Also meet our media partners, Vouge Bambini, Kid’s Wear Magazine, Doolittle, Papier Mache, LUNA , MILK
and Junior Magazine. All our media partners play an active part at the fair as most of them are making a
photo shoot with the brands that are exhibiting.
When visiting CPH kids you will experience four days of unlimited inspiration for everybody involved. No
walls, an open dialogue and tremendously good vibes.
• What type of buyer does CPH kids target?
Lone Holm, CEO, CPH kids
• International buyers with a curious mind and interest in the evolvement of kid’s fashion. Buyers who
seek the new, the best, the edgy and the environmentally friendly!
• Why should a retailer visit CPH kids?
• CPH kids has become a nest for new upcoming brands and designers from all over the world, which
makes every visit an inspiration! A good mix of commercial and upcoming brands, but also luxury and
designed children’s wear.
• Name three reasons for buyers to attend Copenhagen Fashion Week in February 2012
• 130 of the best brands are on show / Free entrance, when registering online at /
Inspiring, cosy atmosphere!
Molo expands with a clothing line
for older children
Af Helle Mathiesen
Den danske børnetøjsspecialist ­Molo
udvider med tøj til de lidt ældre børn.
- Det er en helt naturlig udvikling for os, idet
vi egentlig bare følger vores eksisterende målgruppe af børn, der nu bliver ældre. Vi vil gerne
tilbyde dem at fortsætte med at gå i tøj fra molo,
men er selvfølgelig bevidst om, at børn på 10-12
år kræver et andet modemæssigt udtryk end de
yngre børn. Derfor tænker vi nu to målgrupper
ind i hele kollektionen – ”molo junior” til de små
børn og ”molo young stars” til de ældre børn,
der bruger op til størrelse 164, siger produkt- og
marketingdirektør Rikke Bundgaard Jepsen. Molo young stars har fokus på jeanswear, cool
detaljer samt helt nye kvaliteter og print.
Molo udstiller på CPH kids med den brede kollektion, der også tæller diverse tilbehør.
The Danish children’s clothing specialist Molo
expands with a clothing line for older children.
- It is a completely natural development for us,
as we are simply continuing to address our ex-
isting target group of children who have now
become slightly older. We want to continue to
offer them the possibility to wear Molo, but we
are fully aware that 10 to 12 year old children’s
perception of style is quite different from that of
younger children. That is why our collection now
features two target groups - “molo junior” for
young children, and “molo young stars” for the
older children, sizes up to 164 cm height, says
product and marketing manager Rikke Bundgaard Jepsen.
Molo young stars focuses on jeans wear, cool
details, as well as completely new qualities and
Molo exhibits at CPH kids with their wide collection that also includes various accessories.
Meningsfuld børnemode fra Fred’s World
fashion for children
Fred’s World by GC tror på tøj med en historie, der kan lære børnene noget – bl.a. om naturen. Tøjet
er produceret med omtanke for miljøet og med fokus på bæredygtighed.
The founder of Novotex, Leif Nørgaard, was a pioneer in the field of environmentally friendly textiles. Fred’s World is the first complete collection by Sanne Nørgaard, the daughter of the founder.
All styles in this children’s wear brand are made as environmentally friendly as possible.
Fred’s World by GC arbejder under mottoet
– men på den sjove måde. Der er generelt fokus
Om Novotex, producent af
Fred’s World by GC
efteråret 2012 indeholder bl.a. styles med print,
delige dagligdags ting som kasser og flasker,
en T-shirt i økologisk bomuld, og siden har virk-
”fashion rules” og demonstrerer, at mode og øko-
logi sagtens kan gå hånd i hånd. Kollektionen til
modeller i uldjersey, i maskinvaskbart merinould og i blødt uldfleece til eksempelvis middagsluren i barnevognen.
Kollektionen er udvidet med funktionelle vinFred’s World by GC
terjakker, og overtøjet er fremstillet i hundrede
procent genanvendte materialer – der går 18
plastikflasker til en lille flyverdragt.
- Kombinationen mellem funktionstøj og bæredygtighed er helt unik og skaber helt nye muligheder for outerwear. Vi har sendt Fred i skole
lære, hvordan man bygger en robot med almin-
Novotex var de første i verden til at producere
World by GC.
certificeret økologisk bomuld ind som parame-
fortæller Maria Ruston, der er designer på Fred’s
Fred’s World by GC har atter udvidet genren inden for tøj, der er fremstillet af certificeret økologisk bomuld.
- Stilen er farvestrålende med fokus på pasform
og mange print. Det er tøj, som lader børn være
børn, men med en kant, som gør, at det ikke på
noget tidspunkt bliver kedeligt og ligegyldigt,
siger Maria Ruston.
somheden formået at bringe bæredygtighed og
tre på børnetøjsmarkedet. Siden 1980'erne er
Novotex gået i front og har sat en ære i at præsentere et brand, hvor design, kvalitet og miljø-
venlig produktion går op i en højere enhed. Hos
Fred’s World by GC er langt de fleste styles GOTS
certificeret – GOTS er den højeste certificering
inden for økologisk mærkning af tøj.
Fred’s World by GC is a brand coming from Den-
tion, processing, manufacturing, packaging, la-
Denmark East, Maria:
ganic cotton back in 1991. The founder of Novo-
At the moment, GOTS is the strictest label in the
mark. The textile company was the first in the
World to produce a T-shirt made of certified ortex , Leif Nørgaard, was a pioneer in the field of
environmentally friendly textiles. Fred’s World
is the first complete collection by Sanne Nørgaard, the daughter of the founder. All styles in
this children’s wear brand are made as environ-
belling, exportation, importation and distribution of all natural fibres as well as social criteria.
world. All Fred’s World by GC garments made
of cotton are labelled with GOTS. To learn more
you can visit
Oeko-Tex 100
Denmark West, Tenna:
Norway, Marianne & Susanne:
Germany, Hr. Hesselbarth:
Benelux, Moose Agency, Yvonne:
Spain, Ximena:
Japan, Ms. Ono:
mentally friendly as possible, and certified ac-
The Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification as-
es known to be detrimental to our health.
Novotex A/S, Wholesale division,
to production methods. This means that it is a
For more information:
cording to the concept.
The aim of the standard is to define require-
ments to ensure organic status of textiles, from
harvesting of the raw materials, through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing up to labelling in order to provide a cred-
ible assurance to the end consumer – to you. This
standard for organic textiles covers the produc_102
på genbrug og miljøvenlig opførsel. Børnene kan
sures that textile products are tested to be free
from harmful levels of more than 100 substancThe label does not have any criteria for organ-
ic origin and does not have any requirements
health label not an environmental label. In garments where the GOTS label is not possible – like
Fred’s World by GC head office:
Ellehammervej 8, DK-7430 Ikast
phone: +45 7070 2502
Fred’s World exhibits at CPH kids i TAP1.
in the rainwear – Fred’s World still have very
high standards.
Design that aids
Af Jette Aaes
For fjerde gang samarbejder
Ungdommens Røde Kors og
udstillerne på CPH kids om
at samle penge ind til udsatte
børn i Danmark. Denne gang
støtter de børn på kvindekrisecentre. The employees of CPH
Kids and the volunteers of the
Danish Red Cross Youth design
t-shirts together with the children from the asylum centre
Kongelunden. The t-shirts were
later sold at the charity booth.
En kold tirsdag
Design that aids
For the fourth time the Danish Red Cross Youth
and the exhibitors at CPH kids collaborate on
raising money for marginalised children in Denmark. This time children at women’s crisis centres are supported.
The collaboration between CPH kids and the
Danish Red Cross Youth began in 2008 in connec-
tion with the Haiti earthquake. Since then, the
children’s fair and the youth organisation have
expanded the collaboration, and during each fair
significant amounts of money have been raised
at the charity booth. The whole amount goes to
the Danish Red Cross Youth, which helps children with problems such as loneliness, abuse,
vinteraften varmer glade
- Erfaringsmæssigt indsamler vi omkring
center i K
­ øbenhavn, og sammen med børnene
nye aktiviteter for de udsatte børn i Danmark,
børne­øjne køkkenet op. Frivillige fra Ungdom-
mens Røde Kors er mødt op på et kvindekrisebliver der rørt, æltet og bagt i køkkenet.
- Formålet med aktiviteterne er at give børnene
nogle gode og positive oplevelser samtidig med,
at de får tid væk fra deres mødre og dermed fra
den krævende og udmattende "beskytterrolle",
som mange af børnene reelt har påtaget sig gennem flere år, siger Stine Buje Christensen, kommunikationskonsulent i Ungdommens Røde
De frivillige fra Danmarks største humanitære
ungdomsorganisation laver aktiviteter med bør-
nene på kvindekrisecentret hver uge. Her giver
de børnene en oplevelse af, at voksne godt kan
være nærværende, anerkendende og stabile,
og det er netop det arbejde, som udstillerne på
CPH Kids under februars messe støtter op om.
En lang række designere og børnetøjsfirmaer
på messen har doneret smart og cool børnetøj til
poverty and violence.
80.000 kroner ved at sælge børnetøj i charity-
boden. Pengene sætter os i stand til at opstarte
der endnu ikke har fået hjælp, siger Stine Buje
Samarbejdet mellem CPH kids og Ungdommens
Røde Kors begyndte i 2008 i forbindelse med
jordskælvet i Haiti. Siden har børnetøjsmessen og
ungdomsorganisationen udbygget samarbejdet,
og under hver messe lykkes det at indsamle betydelige summer i charity-boden. Pengene går ube-
skåret til Ungdommens Røde Kors, der hjælper
børn med problemer som ensomhed, misbrug,
fattigdom og vold.
I december støttede CPH Kids og Ungdommens
The charity booth abound in children’s wear that
the designers at the children’s fair CPH kids have
donated for the benefit of the work of the Danish
Red Cross Youth for marginalised children and
young people
Røde Kors børnene på et kvindekrisecenter i København med et julearrangement, hvor børnene
blandt andet modtog julegaver og fik serveret
julemad fra Claus Meyer.
den såkaldte charity-bod. Her kan gæsterne på
CPH kids købe tøjet og samtidig støtte den gode
Kort nyt
Nye striber og farver fra
FUB / Exciting color
combinations from FUB
Fall 2012
CPH Kids
2-5 February
Stand 026
Som altid byder også den nye kollektion til
A/W 2012 på en vifte af nye striber og farver med
mange kombinationsmuligheder. FUB er kendetegnet ved kvalitet og fokus på pasform. De vel-
kendte styles introduceres med et nyt twist, og
desuden udvides kollektionen på udvalgte styles
med størrelserne 140 og 150. Herudover vokser
babykollektionen med flere styles og størrelser,
oplyser Anne-Sofie Olrik fra FUB ApS i Hinnerup.
The classic and well known styles from FUB are
introduced with a new twist and exciting color
combinations. The sizes have grown with an introduction of size 140 and 150 in selected styles.
The baby collection is growing with more pieces,
sizes and a colorful variety in many styles.
Småfolk lancerer skoletasker /
Småfolk launches new cool school stuff
Det succesrige børnetøjsbrand Småfolk lancerer skoletasker på CPH kids.
- Vi glæder os meget til at præsentere indkøberne for en super-sød og funktionel serie skoletasker –
helt i tråd med den kendte stil fra Småfolk, udtaler salgsdirektør Carina Olsen.
Småfolk launches a new multifunctional school
bag. One for the boys – and one for the girls, in
fresh blue and purple colors, with Småfolk’s apple logo all-over printed, in a nylon quality. Lots
of details, such as net pocket on each side for
the water bottle or funny treasures found at the
playground. Front pocket with reflex apple logo
for the lunchbox. Inside, two rooms divided by
4funkyflavours / BLUBLU / BOCK Cph
wards the back and padded straps, attached
Creations / La Queue du Chat / Little Mountains
zippers, with great space for schoolbooks and
perhaps the gym outfit. Extra amplification towith an ender for house keys or bus passes.
In addition, a pencil case with apple pens, rubber
and rulers.
New brands at CPH kids
/ Dingarings / Drappa Dot / Emma Levine Kids
and Baby / Fred's World by GC / FUB / Heart Felt
by iiS / Macarons / Maya Organic / Mini A Ture
/ Moccis / OopsyDaisyBaby / Scrufnut Kids
Cards / Tag*a*long / Waddler
CPH Kids
Indkøberens notater / buyer’s notes
stand no.