DEDICATION OF OURSELVES AND OUR GIFTS TO GOD Prayer of Dedication O God, creator of all that we have and all that we are, no one can utter all your mighty deeds or declare all your praise. Yet accept these gifts, we pray, both as tools of the work of the gospel and as signs of our pledge to be coworkers in Christ's name. Amen. Offertory Aria Paul Manz DOXOLOGY #682 vs. 5 October 12, 2014 9:15 am HYMN #2197 (FWS) SEEKING THE WORD OF GOD WELCOME PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS FRIENDSHIP PADS *Indicates please stand in body or spirit. Congregational Responses are in bold. SCRIPTURE READING SERMON Guiding Principles for Life INTROIT Deacon Bonnie LeValley Geneva 124 Go Forth for God *BENEDICTION CHORAL RESPONSE POSTLUDE Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart Marion We, Thy People, Praise Thee Haydn SHARING AND PRAYING God Be With you Till We Meet Again “O God Beyond All Praising” PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER CHILDREN’S MOMENT (Children, ages 4 to 8 years old, may leave for Bible Times) Welsh tune Gustav Holst A Special Thank you to Elaine Gardner, organist, for sharing her talents with us today. ASSISTING WITH WORSHIP TODAY: UNISON PRAYER Open our hearts and our spirits to hear your healing words of peace and love, O God. Help us be the people of service and justice that you have called us to be. Make us ready to heal rather than harm; to serve rather than sever. Give us hearts of joy and justice, for we offer this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen. What a Friend We Have in Jesus Philippians 4:1-9 SENDING FORTH *HYMN #670 *CALL TO WORSHIP Praise be to God, who has brought us here this day. Praise and thanks to God for all the blessings we have received. What joy we have in God’s presence! What peace is brought to us in God’s house! This is truly the day that the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Amen. ANTHEM New Testament Reading pages 198-199 Choral Prelude on the Hymn Tune Humility Malcolm Archer (This time is provided for you to prayerfully enter into worship) *HYMN #160 Slane Lord of All Hopefulness GATHERING PRELUDE Tallis' Canon Head Usher: Liturgist: Announcements: Early Bible Times: Late Bible Times: Cynthia Bell Tom LeValley Lee Ann Vogt Marci O’Brien Debbie Koch PRAYER CONCERNS: Andrew Spriegel at ECMC Brian Martin at Roswell Park Ellie Benzel at Wynwood Braedon Luke at CPC West Seneca at home: Robert Austin, Ann Hazel, Jack Love, Marilyn Moore, Kathy Moyer, Wendy Paterson, Kathy Small, and Clyde Spriegel We are pleased to welcome through the SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Lillian June Atherton into the family of God. Lillian is the daughter of Ashley & Scott Atherton and sister of Madeline. Our Faithfulness in Resourcing Ministry 1. Needed to Date: $ 235,895 2. Offering to Date: $ 220,849 32 Landers Rd, Kenmore NY 14217 website: e-mail: “LIKE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK” FACEBOOK Just go to Kenmore United Methodist Church Sunday October 12, 2014 9:15am►Early Worship Service 10:30am►Meet n' Mingle - Family Life Center 11:30am►Late Worship Service 6:30pm►Middlers 3 3. Needed for full Ministry Shares: $ 258,775 THE FLOWERS ON THE REMEMBRANCE TABLE are given by Barb Perlette "in honor of my daughter, Christine & her family.” THE PINK ROSE ON THE REMEMBRANCE TABLE is in honor of Betty Case who is celebrating her 97th birthday on October 17, 2014! STEWARDSHIP - Our fall Stewardship theme is “We’re on a roll. Let’s keep rolling.” And begins next Sunday, as Rev. LeValley shares “What to Whom” reflecting on Matthew 22:15-22. Our two FALL STUDY GROUPS meet on Wednesdays. The Afternoon Group, led by Deacon Bonnie LeValley, starts at 1:00 pm, and shares the Upper Room Small Group Study. The Evening Group, SoulSalsa by Len Sweet, is led by Rev. Dr. Peter LeValley, and starts at 7:00 pm. Please bring your bibles! MISSION TRIP TO MISSION CENTRAL in Mechanicsburg Pa. October 15 – 18 The Team leaves this Wednesday morning at 8:30 am. We are still accepting the following: 2" packing tape, 2 Receiving Blankets: Sizes may range from 28” x 28” to 32” x 32” - no crib blankets or towels. Clotheslines: two 50-ft. OR one 100-ft. cotton, plastic or nylon Handiwipes: Handi-wipes or reusable wipes, Large Print Bibles, Cardboard boxes - 20" x 12" x 10" cardboard boxes. Place all items in the mission container in the library by Tuesday morning. Please submit your articles for the November issue of Read & Rejoice, by Tuesday, October 14th. Join us as we view and proclaim, “Aren’t those Methodist Mugs Grand?” at Meet-n-Mingle in our new . . . FAMILY LIFE CENTER TODAY’s Meet-n-Mingle will be our first Church activity in our new Center, so, be sure to join in at 10:30 am! Our contractor, Telco Construction, has finished their part with the installation of the acoustic sound panels and flooring. Still to be installed, is our new sound system and stage curtains. Fund raising is going well, but we are still short of our goal, since the costs are greater than we had hoped. Now is the time to make your contribution, or even add to what you have already given. Thanks to all who have contributed. We look forward to attaining our goal & celebrating the full completion of our Family Life Center. Please be sure you have given us a (blue) card with the dedication that you would like to appear on the plaque (for those giving a unit ($250) or more), or in the booklet (for smaller gifts). Thank You! Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Peter W. LeValley Pastoral Associate Deacon Bonnie M. LeValley Pastor for Pastoral Care Rev. Dr. Donald L. Weaver Pastor Emeritus Rev. Eldon Snyder Youth Ministry Coordinator Jeremy Loucks Cherub Choir Director Muriel Small Crib Room Attendant Karen Batchen Praise Band Leaders Chris Moyer & Carrie Truesdell Leann Metz Organist/Choirmaster Marilyn Obermeyer Robert Austin APM Services Amy Goudy Church/Financial Secretary Judy Melia Children’s Ministry Coordinator Treasurer The Mission and Vision of Kenmore UMC is to be a Fruitful Congregation for Jesus Christ through our: Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Risk Taking Mission & Service, and Extravagant Generosity. CHILDREN CHILDREN: Worship & Bible Times Today’s message is based on: Matthew 22:9-10 “You Are Invited” 9:15 am - 12:30 pm Crib & Toddler Care available in the nursery S U N D A Y S CH O O L at K enm o re UM C Discover: God Creation Self Church 10:30 am - 11:30 am * KENMORE UMC FALL FESTIVAL Sunday, October 26 - 12:00-4:00 pm Celebrate the wonderful fall season - and enjoy its gifts! Join us for a chili lunch, UMW homemade pies, pumpkins, crafters, Buffalo Zoomobile, jugglers, and face painting. Wow—Fun, Fun, Fun! Sunday, November 2 A Time for remembering those who in the past year have joined the Church Triumphant, and dedicating our Memorials! * * CHILDREN AND YOUTH GROUPS: Asbury Building and the Third Floor Monday October 13, 2014 Columbus Day Nursery School/Babysitting Closed Office Closed Tuesday October 14, 2014 Newsletter articles due 10:00am►Kenmore Garden Club FH 6:00pm►Memorial Committee Mtg P 7:15pm►SPRC Mtg R Wednesday October 15, 2014 Mission Central Trip 9:00am►Staff Prayer Time 10:30am►Pastor at Kenwell 1:00pm►Upper Room Study P 7:00pm►Pastor's Study Group P 7:01pm►Jugglers FLC 8:30pm►AA FH Thursday October 16, 2014 Mission Central Trip 7:00pm►Family Life Center Mtg. Pilgrim Rm 7:00pm►Chess Club FH 7:30pm►Book Discussion Group O 7:30pm►Chancel Choir P Friday October 17, 2014 Mission Central Trip 9:00am►Craftsmen Club 9:00am►Piecemakers FH 2:30pm►Course Of Study TODAY, all Adult Sunday School classes are invited to “Meet & Mingle” in our new Family Life Center! Saturday October 18, 2014 Mission Central Trip 8:30am►Course Of Study 10:01am►Jugglers FLC ADULT GROUPS: CORINTHIAN CLASS - Parlor HORIZON CLASS - Fellowship Hall REFLECTIONS CLASS - Pilgrim Room CrossROADS - Retreat Room New Members are welcome in all groups any Sunday. Sunday October 19, 2014 9:15am►Early Worship Service 10:30am►Sunday School 11:30am►Late Worship Service 11:30am►Safe Sanctuary Training R 6:30pm►NeXT STeP 3
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