BY SPEED POST CPS 18-6/2014-NFSM Government of India Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Krishi Bhaw~ New Delhi Dated: g(lOctober, 2014 To, The Pay & Accounts Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, . Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi ,; Subject: Release of 1st installment of Grants-in-Aid to Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana for implementation of the Project titled "Evaluation and Popularisation of Technologies for Paddy Straw Management (Component A: Refinement and Popularization of Machinery for Paddy Straw Management)" under NFSM during 2014-15. Sir, I ani directed to refer to this Department's letter No.20-1/2012-NFSM (CA-V) dated :;0.04.2014 conveying Administrative Approval for implementation ofNFSM and letter of even number dated 22.09.2014 conveying Administrative Approval for implementation of a project titled "Evaluation and Popularization of Technologies for .Paddy Straw Management (Component A: Refinement and Popularization of Machinery for Paddy Straw Management)" under NFSM with an allocation ofRs. 34,56,4201- during 2014-15 and to convey the sanction of the President of India for payment of 15t installment of Grants-in-Aid of Rs. 25~2,315/(Rupees twenty five lakh ninety two thousand three hundred & fifteen only) to Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana for implementation of aforesaid Project under NFSM during 2014-15. 2. This release is subject to the condition that all terms and conditions laid down in the Administrative Approval issued vide letter No.20-1I2012-NFSM (CA-V) dated 30.04.2014 are followed. The Projects may be implemented strictly as per the Administrative Approval conveyed vide letter of even number, dated 22.09.2014. This is tentative and subject to variatioriJadjustment as the Govt. of India may decide for this programme during the current financial year (2014-15) in due course. The implementing agency is requested to incur expenditure strictly as per approved project/programme of2014-15. The implementing agency is requested to furnish the Audited Utilisation Certificate (AUC) in the prescribed proforma GFR19(A) to this Department at the end of the financial year. They are also requested to submit Quarterly Progress Report for both physical and financial achievements regularly along with quarterly expenditure statements. ~ I -23. The aforesaid expenditure may be debited to the following (Rs. in lakh) Amount 25.92315 Head of Account Demand No.1-Agriculture Major Head-2401 108-Commercial Crops 28-National Food Security Mission 280031-Grants-in-aid -General-20 14-15 (Plan) 4. The payment sanctioned above is also subject figures of expenditure in terms of Ministry of Finance October, 1964. . Head of Account:- to adjustment on the basis of audited th letter No.2 (19)/P.l1l60, dated the 9 5. The accounts of the above implementing agency relating to the National Food Security Mission 2014-15 shall be open to test check by the Comptroller & Auditor General of India at ,; his discretion and he will have the right to demand the production of the books, accounts, vouchers and other papers/documents in this regard. Audited statement should be furnished directly to Pay & Accounts. 6. The payment may please be made through RTGS. 7. This issues with Agriculture & Cooperation 8. Provision the concurrence of the Finance Division of the vide their Dy. No. 1879/AS & FA, date401110/2014. Department of GFR 211 (1) will be followed. . ·Additional Commissioner (~-:(Qornmercial . 3!T'm J«lTq Copy for information 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jy 9. 10. mg Crops) ~ / ~.I.n# Pramt. " ~~ ~~£~tJ/· .,jG"'on~'CC!r;tr.;.;~h rrfrt ~~ ';.. scvr. of India to: wtt : L of '{f ,.;, ..::.:••l(n..0' "~rk:ultur. . 1 : ".~r'l'/ Olli~grl .•• CCIOpn. 1'9t,p't:h~j-J~&Ttlhl Dr. Gursahib Singh Manes, Sr. Research Engineering-cum-Head, Machinery & Power Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana141004 (Punjab). . Vice Chancellor, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana-141 004 (Punjab). Director of Research, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana-141004 (Punjab). Principal Accounts Officer, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, New Delhi. PPS to Agriculture CommissioneriPPS to JS (Crops). ADC (CC)/ADC (Crops). US (Fin- VII)lBudget Section/Budget & Accounts Section. Sr. Programmer NFSM-CeIL It is requested that the Sanction Order may be posted in NFSM website. Concerned File. Guard File.
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