Grade 6-7-8-9 State Honors Choir Audition Application • • Audition Date: October 18, 2014 Audition Sites: NorthWest – TBD HS :: SouthEast – Monroe MS • Schools will be assigned to one of these sites after all applications are received. Assignments will be made to ensure even numbers of participants at each site. You are not guaranteed the same site where you have previously auditioned. Fee: $15 per student (One check per school – individual student or parent checks will not be accepted) Application Deadline: postmarked by Sept. 23, or hand delivered up to three (3) days after by 2 pm. Original forms and payment must be received within those 3 days via USPS as well to: • Eric Floetke 28390 Mortenview Brownstown, MI 48183 School ___________________________________________MSVMA District ________MSVMA ID# ______ Street Address ________________________________City ____________________________ Zip________ Director ______________________________________________ Home Phone (______)________________ School Phone (______)_________________________Fax (______)_______________________ Director E-mail Address (one you check daily)___________________________________________________ Preferred site:_____________________________________________ One way travel time to preferred audition site: ______________ (Hours/Minutes) SA Will There Really Be a Morning? Evening Prayer from Hansel and Gretel Craig Hella Johnson Humperdinck Alliance Music Pub AMP0620 G Schirmer 50301270 AUDITION CLINIC SSA A New Day As I Walk in Beauty Audrey Snyder Bob Moore Hal Leonard HL 325346 Santa Barbara SBMP 1061 AUDITION CLINIC TTB Sing Me a Song of a Lad That is Gone That Heart I’ll Give Porterfield Laura Farnell Alfred Publishing TTB SV90 Alliance Music AMP 0785 AUDITION CLINIC Each school may send any combination of 14 singers for the SA (duets), SSA (trios), and TTB (trios) choirs. Borrowing singers is allowed but must be arranged before the application deadline. There will be no borrowing of singers the date of the auditions. Please indicate which students are borrowed and indicate their home school. Remember, if you lend students to other schools, those student/s must be included in your maximums of 14 singers*. No singer may = A 15th male singer may participate. This only applies to male singers. audition twice. You’re school pays the fee for the borrowed singer.* I have explained the State Honors Choir program dates and obligations to these students. They have indicated to me that, if selected, they will fulfill all obligations as stated in the MSVMA Handbook. Director Signature ______________________________________________ Date _____________ I certify these students to be enrolled in good standing in our school's vocal music program. Principal Signature _____________________________________________ Date _____________ Complete student information on the next page of this application. *Note any physically challenged students The Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals has placed this activity on the Approved List of Michigan Contests and Activities. Name of SCHOOL:_____________________________________________________ DUETS 6-7-8 SA Honors Choir DUET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Student First Name Student Last Name Grade School borrowed from Grade School borrowed from Grade School borrowed from Soprano Alto Soprano Alto Soprano Alto Soprano Alto Soprano Alto Soprano Alto Soprano Alto TRIOS 7-8-9 SSA Honors Choir TRIO 1 2 3 4 Student First Name Student Last Name Soprano I Soprano II Alto Soprano I Soprano II Alto Soprano I Soprano II Alto Soprano I Soprano II Alto TRIOS 7-8-9 TTB Honors Choir TRIO Student First Name Tenor I Tenor II Bass 2 Tenor I Tenor II Bass 3 Tenor I Tenor II Bass 4 Tenor I Tenor II Bass TOTALS: total number of singers ________ Student Last Name 1 X $15 dollars = $___________________dollars due PLEASE COMPLETE AFTER STUDENTS HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED Grade 6-7-8-9 State Honors Choir Director’s Checklist Attach this form to the outside of a large mailing envelope Please Check the choir this packet is for: SA SSA TTB School _______________________________________________________ Director_______________________________________________________ I have read and reviewed the Honors Choir information with my students. I have made sure they filled out the necessary forms correctly. I have enclosed the Parental Permission/Medical Information Form for each of the students from my school. I have enclosed the Contract with required signatures for each student. I have a single check (school or director’s personal) made out to MSVMA for $65.00 per student Tape this form on the outside of a large mailing envelope that has in it all forms for your students. Participation fees must be paid at the Fees Table. If you will not be bringing your students to the Midland rehearsal please make sure someone delivers this packet with your students or they will not be allowed to stay. Only check in at the appropriate table when all members have arrived. Deadline for all information and fees is November 1, 2014 which is the Birch Run Rehearsal Grade 6-7-8-9 State Honors Choir Contract Please check your State Honors Choir: SA SSA TTB This must be returned at the first rehearsal along with your health form. Your teacher will return it for you in their director’s packet. I, __________________________________ from _______________________________________ School, agree to the following statements and will abide by all rules and regulations set forth. 1. I will attend all rehearsals from beginning time until dismissal time. This choir is my first obligation for all required dates and times. I have examined the rehearsal / performance schedule and find no conflicts. I realize that I may be removed from this choir if I miss a rehearsal / performance and that my school may be placed on probation next year. 2. I will have music learned and memorized by the deadlines set by my Honors Choir Director. I realize that my teacher will be notified if I am not prepared. 3. I will, at all times, be on my best behavior and represent this choir and my school in the most positive and appropriate way possible. Any disturbance I may cause during rehearsal could be grounds for my dismissal from the choir. Rehearsal Dates and Sites November 1, 2014 November 15, 2014 January 3, 2015 January 22, 2015 Birch Run HS, Birch Run Allendale MS, Allendale Walled Lake Northern HS, Commerce DeVos Place, Grand Rapids (rehearsal at noon - performance 6:30pm-8:00pm) SIGNATURES: Student ___________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian ____________________________________________ Teacher ___________________________________________________ Deadline for all information and fees is November 1, 2014 which is the Birch Run Rehearsal Grade 6-7-8-9 State Honors Choir Parental Permission/Medical Consent Form Please check your State Honors Choir: SA SSA TTB This form must be completed and returned at the first rehearsal or the student will not be allowed to participate. Parent/guardian name (please print)___________________________________________________________________ My son/daughter_____________________________________ from __________________________________ School has permission to participate in the MVSMA 6-7-8-9 State Honors Choir rehearsals November 1st and 15th, and January 3rd and the final rehearsal/performance on January 22, 2015. I understand that I, or my designee, will provide transportation to all of the rehearsals and the performance. I recognize that MSVMA and the local school district assume no liability for my child in case of accident or injury beyond gross negligence. During the above time I hereby authorize and consent to emergency medical treatment in the event I/we cannot be reached at the following telephone numbers: Home__________________________________ Work___________________________________ Cell ________________________________ Our child’s physician is:_____________________________________ Phone___________________________ Our medical insurance carrier is:_______________________________________________________________ Policy/Group #_____________________________________________________________________________ Please list any allergies, medical conditions, prescriptions, handicaps or special needs your child has: My child will be leaving after the concert on Jan. 22nd with ____________________________________________ Phone # if different from above _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Parent/guardian signature ________________ Date Deadline for all information and fees is November 1, 2014 which is the Birch Run Rehearsal Grade 6-7-8-9 State Honors Choir Lunch Order Form Please check your State Honors Choir: SA SSA TTB The Amway Grand Plaza Hotel will be offering lunch choices to 6-7-8-9 State Honors Choir members at the Thursday January 22 rehearsal. COST: $11.00 (tax/tip included). There can be no substitutions. Students may bring their own sack lunch and drink if they wish. Please fill out the bottom portion completely and return with cash, money order, or school check made out to MSVMA (exact amounts please). Due Nov. 15, 2014 at the Allendale MS rehearsal. Late orders will not be accepted. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Separate here Student Last Name____________________________________________________ Student First Name____________________________________________________ School Name__________________________________________________________ School Music Teacher’s Name____________________________________________ Check Honors Choir you are in: SA SSA TTB Choose your lunch choice by checking the appropriate box: 8” CHEESE PIZZA, chips, whole fruit, cookie and bottled water or soft drink VEGGIE WRAP w/ CHEESE, chips, whole fruit, cookie and bottled water or soft drink TURKEY WRAP w/ CHEESE, chips, whole fruit, cookie and bottled water or soft drink HAM WRAP w/ CHEESE, chips, whole fruit, cookie and bottled water or soft drink Exact Amount included $___________________ Sample Adjudication Sheet MSVMA 6-7-8-9 Honors Choir Audition ____________ Total Score Name __________________________________________ Event________________________ Category Maximum Points Tone Quality (blend, uniformity, balance)30 Memorization (% of piece memorized) 20 Points Awarded ____________ ____________ Points Deducted ____________ ____________ Pitch Accuracy Rhythmic Accuracy Intonation 15 15 10 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Interpretation (phrasing, dynamics) TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: Comments: (optional) 10 100 ____________ ____________ TOTAL POINTS TOTAL POINTS AWARDED DEDUCTED
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