Document 336553

Ben Franklin Elementary School PTO 2014 Fall Fest Application Outdoor Event on Saturday, October 18th from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. BF Elementary School, 2939 Princeton Pike, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 **Event will be indoors if it rains** Yard Sale Sellers, Crafters, Vendors and Businesses are cordially invited to participate in the BF PTO’s 5th annual event around the BF circular bus driveway in front of the school. I hereby submit my application for the reservation of space at Ben Franklin Elementary School’s Fall Fest to be held on Saturday, October 18, 2014, subject to the terms and conditions detailed below: CONTACT INFORMATION: Individual Seller(s) Name(s) Business Name (if it applies) Home/Cell phone Numbers Street Address City, State, Zip E-­‐mail Address DOOR-­‐PRIZE RAFFLE CONTRIBUTION: (FOR PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS VENDORS ONLY) As a condition to my application and agreement to participate in the sale as a professional vendor, I agree to donate: Value: $ (Suggested minimum value $25) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Please provide a detailed description (be specific) of the items the items/services (ex. homemade baskets, yard sale items, makeup, jewelry, dance lessons) you intend to sell: How did you hear about us? RESERVATION REQUEST: (Please check) Non-­‐professional Seller (ex. yard sale items) 1 space (Max 10 ft): $20 each or 2 spaces for $30 (best bargain!). Number of spaces requested__________, Total amount due: $______________. OR (Note: No sharing of selling space among vendors) Professional Business Vendor (ex. Avon, Pampered Chef, etc.) 1 Space (Max 10 ft): $35 each or 2 spaces for $50 (best bargain!). Number of spaces requested__________, Total amount due: $__________. Note to Professional Vendors: We will only allow one representative from each company to rent space as to avoid multiple sellers of the same exact products. Please contact Johanna Delorenzo at before registering to ensure space is still available. GENERAL INFORMATION: §
Please make checks payable to: BF PTO. §
This is an outdoor event that will take place on Saturday, October 18th from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. If it rains, the event will take place inside the school. §
Items donated as door prizes will be raffled off at 2:00 p.m. the day of the sale. Each item will be displayed on the door prize table and should be clearly marked with the donor’s name. §
Refreshments will be sold by the Ben Franklin students and other vendors. §
The school will be open for bathroom use. IMPORTANT VENDOR INFORMATION: 1. Return application and entry fee ASAP or no later than Friday, October 10th. 2. Please make check payable to: “BF PTO” 3. Mail check together with a copy of your application to: BF Fall Fest c/o Johanna Delorenzo 52 Yorkshire Village Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 RULES: §
Set­up will be from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and break­down from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Vendors may enter the circular bus driveway (where sale will take place) to quickly load/unload and may then park their vehicle in the adjacent school parking lot. §
There will be NO spaces/table assignment! All vendors are on a “First come, First Serve” basis the morning of the sale. The school circular bus driveway will be lined with participants on both sides. As you enter the driveway, professional vendors may set up on the RIGHT side (closest to the school). Non-­‐professional vendors may set up on the LEFT side. Application fees are non­refundable. Displays, tables, and chairs: Sellers must bring their own display materials, tables and chairs. Vehicles may NOT be parked on the lawn or sidewalks. Applications will be reviewed and accepted on a first come basis. You are encouraged to submit your application as soon as possible. All applications and fees (check made payable to BF PTO) must be received by Friday, October 10, 2014. All participants will receive an email confirmation once we have received their completed page one of the application and fee. Thank you for your support to our school! We are looking forward to another very successful sale with lots of advertising. Please feel free to assist us by contacting (email, Facebook status, text, Twitter…) all your friends and family and ask them to attend this great event! Visit us on Facebook: BF PTO Fall Fest If you have any questions, please contact Johanna Delorenzo at or (518) 320-­‐6581