Optics & Photonics in Sweden 2014 (OPS) 11-12 November 2014 Chalmers University of Technology|Gothenburg GENERAL INFORMATION Deadline for abstracts: 27th of October 2014 The Optics & Photonics in Sweden (OPS) 2014 conference will be held 11 - 12 November 2014 at Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg. The conference is organised by PhotonicSweden and the Swedish Optical Society. More information: www.photonicsweden.org GENERAL CHAIR Anders Larsson, Chalmers University of Technology PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Anders Larsson, Chalmers University of Technology Stefan Andersson-Engels, Lund University Gunnar Björk, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Michael Cohn, Parameter AB Elizabeth Illy, Cobolt AB Daniel Karlsson , Gasporox AB Fredrik Nikolajeff, University of Uppsala Ewa Orlovska, Hamamatsu Lars Rymell, Eclipse Lennart BM Svensson, PhotonicSweden INVITED TALKS will cover a variety of topics in Optics and Photonics, reflecting current Swedish research and development at universities, institutes and industry. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS will highlight European research and developments. A POSTER SESSION will provide an additional opportunity to display the most recent developments and achievements. It will also give an overview of Optics and Photonics in Sweden and offer a good platform for creating new collaborations. AN EXHIBITION AND A SESSION WITH COMPANY PRESENTATIONS will be held parallel to the scientific sessions to provide industry, institutes and associations an opportunity to display their products and services and bridge the gap between science and industry. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FOR POSTER PRESENTATIONS Authors are requested to submit an abstract of a half to one page (font 11, including figures and references) Contributions will be accepted for poster presentation. All authors are requested to register for the meeting separately from abstract submission. Required poster size: The posters should have a maximum size of DIN A0 (841 x 1189 mm) preferably in a portrait format (not landscape format). Pins and similar pads will be provided by the organizer. Abstracts can be sent to petra@photonicsweden.org 2 REGISTRATION The registration for conference participation is at: OPS2014-Participants The registration for exhibitors is at: OPS2014-Exhibitors REGISTRATION FEES 3.500 kr incl. VAT Non Members 2.875 kr incl. VAT Personal Members of PhotonicSweden 1.500 kr incl. VAT Student Members & Pensioner Members of PhotonicSweden 1.500 kr incl. VAT Invited Speakers EXHIBITION FEES 11.600 kr + 25% VAT 9.800 kr + 25% VAT 2.300 kr + 25% VAT Non Members (incl. one person participation fee) Company Members of PhotonicSweden (incl. one person participation fee) additional exhibitors colleagues (incl. one person participation fee) SPONSORING OPPORTUNITIES Various sponsoring opportunities are available for this conference.Present your company and benefit from the opportunity of face-to-face contacts with our attendees! Further information is available in the OPS exhibitors and sponsor guide. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information please go to: www.photonicsweden.org CONFERENCE VENUE Chalmers Konferens Main entrance of Chalmers University of Technology Chalmersplatsen 1 SE-41258 Gothenburg PARKING Parking next to Chalmers Conference Centre is along Sven Hultin Street. It costs 15 SEK/ hour between the hours 07:00 to 18:00. At other times, 2 SEK/ hour. HOTEL LIST Quality Hotel Panorama Box 24037 400 22 Göteborg To make the reservation please contact: T: +46 (0)31 - 767 70 44 F: +46 (0)31 - 767 70 70 E: reservation.q.panorama@choice.se W: www.panorama.se To obtain contract prices please refer to the booking code: 2028R269201 Price: 935 SEK/night OTHER HOTELS CLOSE TO CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (CAMPUS JOHANNEBERG): NORMAL STANDARD Hotel Poseidon Storgatan 33 411 38 Göteborg T: +46 (0)31 - 100 550 F: +46 (0)31 - 13 83 91 E: info@hotelposeidon.com W: www.hotelposeidon.com Spar Hotel Gårda KB Norra Kustbanegatan 15-17 416 64 Göteborg T: +46 (0)31 - 752 03 00 F: +46 (0)31 - 752 03 99 E: garda@sparhotel.se W: www.sparhotel.se HIGH STANDARD Hotel Onyxen Sten Sturegatan 23 412 52 Göteborg T: +46 (0)31 - 81 08 45 F: +46 (0)31 - 16 56 72 E: info@hotellonyxen.se W: www.hotellonyxen.se/en Grand Hotel Opera Nils Ericsonsgatan 23 xxx T: +46 (0)31 - 80 50 80 F: +46 (0)31 - 80 58 17 Epost: hotelopera@profilhotels.se www.grandhotelopera.se VERY HIGH STANDARD Hotel Lorensberg Berzeliigatan 15 412 53 Göteborg T: +46 (0)31 - 81 06 00 F: +46 (0)31 - 20 50 73 E: info@hotel-lorensberg.se W: www.hotel-lorensberg.se Elite Plaza Hotel Västra Hamngatan 3 Box 11065 404 22 Göteborg Tel: 031-720 40 00 Fax: 031-720 40 10 info.gbgplaza@elite.se www.elite.se/sv/hotell/goteborg/plaza HOTELS IN CENTRAL GOTHENBURG (AND NEVERTHELESS CLOSE TO CHALMERS): First Hotel Avalon Kungstorget 9 411 17 Göteborg T: +46 (0)31 - 751 02 00 E: info@avalonhotel.se W: www.avalonhotel.se NORMAL STANDARD Best Western Hotel Göteborg Skeppsbroplatsen 1 411 18 Göteborg T: +46 (0)31 - 752 28 00 F: +46 (0)31 - 752 28 08 E: info@hotellgoteborg.se W: www.hotellgoteborg.se 3 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Room: Runan Room: Scaniasalen TUESDAY, 11 NOVEMBER 2014 08:30-10:00 On-site registration and welcome coffee Room: Nedre Foajén i Kårhuset 10:00-10:15 Opening Remarks Magnus Breidne, PhotonicSweden; Anders Larsson, Chalmers University of Technology Room: Runan 10:15-11:00 Keynote Talk The Future of Semiconductor Photosensing Peter Seitz, Hamamatsu/École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Session Chair Anders Larsson 11:00-12:00 Room: Runan Exhibitor Presentations Exhibitor Pitch Talks Session Chair Lennart B.M. Svensson 12:00-13:20 Lunch & Poster Session Room: Volvofoajén 13:20-15:00 Session A1 | Bio-Medical Photonics 13:20-14:00 Session B1 | Optical Components Session Chair: Stefan Andersson-Engels 13:20 Nonlinear Molecular Microscopy Annika Enejder, Chalmers University of Technology 13:20 Position Sensing Detectors and High Performance Applications Anders Lundgren, SiTek Electroopics AB 13:40 Optical Techniques for Single Cell Imaging Anna-Karin Gustavsson, University of Gothenburg 13:40 Optical Components and Spectrum Analysers (developed in Gothenburg) Jens Olsson, Thorlabs Sweden AB 14:00-15:00 Session B2 | Optical Metrology 14:00 Nanoscopic Dissection of Synaptic Proteins Hjalmar Brismar, Karolinska Institutet/Royal Institute of Technology 14:00 Optical Alignment Peter Strömberg, Acoem AB 14:20 Fiber Optical Raman Spectroscopy Combined with Tactile Resonance Sensor Technique for Prostate Cancer Detection during Surgery – First Results from a Clinical Study Kerstin Ramser, Luleå University of Technology 14:20 Laser Measurement Systems Mats Sjöberg, Limab AB 4 Room: Runan Room: Scaniasalen TUESDAY, 11 NOVEMBER 2014 14:40 Photonics in Neurosurgery – Examples of Methods for Surgical Guidance Karin Wårdell, Linköping University 14:40 Possibilities of Optical 3D-Technology for Measurement and Positioning in the Production Line Gustav von Heijne, Stemmer Imaging AB 15:00-15:30 Coffee Break Room: Volvofoajén 15:30-17:10 Session A2 | Optical Communication, Short Pulse Sources and Photonic Materials Session Chair: Peter Andrekson 15:30-17:10 Session B2 | Optical Metrology (continued) 15:30 Coherent Optical Communication Sergei Popov, Royal Institute of Technology 15:30 Motion Capture Technology Fredrik Müller, Qualisys AB 15:50 High Speed VCSELs and Optical Interconnects Petter Westbergh, Chalmers University of Technology 15:50 Optronical Challenges for Future Generation of EyeTrackers Peter Blixt, Tobii Technology AB 16:10 Development and Perspectives of High Repetition Rate Attosecond Sources Cord Arnold, Lund University 16:10 New laser power meter improves process control Hans-Christian Becker, Gammadata Instrument AB 16:30 Silicon Photonics by III-V Growth on Silicon Sebastian Lourdudoss, Royal Institute of Technology 16:30 Mid IR tunable lasers for gas sensing and environmental monitoring Jonas Hellström, Cobolt AB 16:50 Lithium Niobate: the Silicon of Photonics Yen-Chieh Huang, Tsinghua University, Taiwan 16:50 Laser rangefinder technology within Saab AB Stellan Wickström, Saab AB 17:30-19:00 Poster Session & Get Together 17.30-18-30 Årsmöte Swedish Optical Society (SOS) 19:00-22:00 Conference Dinner Room: Volvofoajén Room: Catella - Övre Foayén Room: Kårhuset 5 Room: Runan Room: Scaniasalen WEDNESDAY, 12 NOVEMBER 2014 09:00-10:40 Session A3 | Quantum and Nanophotonics 09:00-09:40 Session B3 | Laser machining Session Chair: Mohamed Bourennane 09:00 Nanowire Solar Cells and Light Emitters Lars Samuelson, Lund University 09:00 Optical Challenges of High Power Laser Transmission Magnus Pålsson, Optoskand AB 09:20 Artificial Optical Nonlinearities Marcin Swillo, Royal Institute of Technology 09:20 High Tech Laser Welding in Swedish Industry Ulf Sandström, Permanova Lasersystem AB 09:40-10:40 Session B4 | Survey & Surveillance 09:40 Applications of Slow Light Stefan Kröll, Lund University 09:40 Optics- and Sensor-Limitations for Next Generation of Surveillance Cameras Mats Thulin, Axis Communication AB 10:00 Strong Light-Matter Interaction with Plasmonic Nanoparticles Timur Shegai, Chalmers University of Technology 10:00 Gyro Stabilised Micro Gimbals for Geo-Location and Geo-Positioning Jan-Erik Strömberg, DST Control AB 10:20 Photoemission Electron Microscopy using Femtosecond and Attosecond Light Sources Anders Mikkelsen, Lund University 10:20 Airborne Laser Survey Systems Andreas Axelsson, Airborne Hydrography AB 10:40-11:10 Coffee Break 11:10-11:50 Industry, Thesis and Poster Awards Magnus Breidne, PhotonicSweden 12:00-13:00 Lunch & Poster Session 13:00-13:45 Keynote Talk Graphene Photonics and Optoelectronics Andrea Ferrari, University of Cambridge 6 Room: Volvofoajén Room: Runan Room: Volvofoajén Room: Runan Session Chair Anders Larsson Room: Runan Room: Scaniasalen WEDNESDAY, 12 NOVEMBER 2014 14:00-15:00 Session A4 | Photovoltaics, Lighting and Green Photonics Session Chair: Fredrik Nikolajeff 14:00-14:40 Session B5| Safety & Lighting 14:00 Organic Light Emission and Photovoltaics Ludvig Edman, Umeå University 14:00 Optical Products in Automotive Active Safety Per Knutsson, Autoliv Sverige AB 14:20 Multilayered Inverse Opal Photonic Band Gap Structures for Enhanced Photon Harvesting Delphine Lebrun, Uppsala University 14:20 Customized Lighting Jonas Stålhandske, ALUWAVE AB 14:40 Charge Carrier Dynamics of Nanostructured Solar Cell Materials Studied by Time-Resolved THz Spectroscopy Villy Sundström, Lund University 14:40-15:00 Session B6| Optical Communication 14:40 Pluggable Optics in Metro DWDM - from 1G WDM PON SFPs to 100G digital coherent CFPs Magnus Olson, Transmode AB 15:10-15:20 Closing Remarks & Farewell Magnus Breidne, PhotonicSweden; Anders Larsson, Chalmers University of Technology 15:30 Lab & Company Visits at Photonics Lab, Chalmers Room: Runan Departure of bus | Permanova AB / Optoskand AB | Thorlabs Sweden AB 7 SPONSORS & PARTNERS SPONSORS SUPPORTED BY EXHIBITORS ACAL BFI NORDIC AB www.acalbfi.com/se SPONSOR FIRST PRIZE OF THE PS AND SOS STUDENT AWARD 2014 ALFAEXX AB www.alfaexx.se AZPECT PHOTONICS AB www.azpect.com COBOLT AB www.cobolt.se EDMUND OPTICS www.edmundoptics.com SPONSOR OF THE SECOND PRIZE OF THE PS AND SOS STUDENT AWARD 2014 GAMMADATA INSTRUMENT AB www.gammadata.se HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS NORDEN AB www.hamamatsu.com LASER 2000 GMBH www.laser2000.se LASER COMPONENTS NORDIC AB www.lasercomponents.com MEDIA PARTNERS LASER QUANTUM www.laserquantum.com METRIC INDUSTRIAL AB www.metric.se NANOR AB www.nanor.se AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES www.agilent.com OPLATEK GROUP OY www.oplatek.com OPTRONIC I NORDEN AB www.optronic.se SITEK ELECTRO OPTICS AB www.sitek.se SP SVERIGES TEKNISKA FORSKNINGSINSTITUT www.sp.se THORLABS SWEDEN AB www.thorlabs.de
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