OUR MASS Mon-Fri: 6.30am, 9.30am Saturday: 8am, 6pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7.30am, 9am, 10.30am, 6.00pm Redfield College Sunday 8.30am OUR SACRAMENTS Reconciliation & Exposition: 8.30-9.30am Sat Baptisms: By appointment Weddings: By appointment Anointing of The Sick: As requested OUR PARISH TEAM Fr Paul Durkin Fr Harry Kennedy Fr Joseph Choi Mal Weber Nyrelle Duncan Tomasz Kukielka Tina Muscat Debbie Doughty Parish Priest Assistant Priest Assistant Priest Parish Secretary Seniors Minister Youth Minister Catechist & Sacramental Co-ordinator Book Keeper OUR PLACE Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am – 3pm Phone: 9484 1427 Fax: 9484 0053 Website: www.stagatha.org.au Parish School: 9484 7200 E-Mail addresses: frpaul@stagatha.org.au frharry@stagatha.org.au frjoseph@stagatha.org.au tom@stagatha.org.au nyrelle@stagatha.org.au tina@stagatha.org.au debbie@stagatha.org.au parishsecretary@stagatha.org.au Callahan Centre: 20 Boundary Road Pennant Hills NSW 2120 Postal Address: PO Box 127 Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Parish School : Kevin Bauer, Principal 9484 7200 School Email: saph@dbb.edu.au CONVERSION 29th Sunday in Ordinary time Yr A 19 October, 2014 June, 2009 Weekly bulletin for the parish of St Agatha, Pennant Hills TODAY'S READINGS Entrance Antiphon: I call upon you, God, for you will answer me; bend your ear and hear my prayer. Guard me as the pupil of your eye; hide me in the shade of your wings. First Reading: Isaiah 45:1. 4-6 King Cyrus is marching on Babylon from where he will deliver the Jewish captives. So, without his being aware of it, his politics will serve God’s Plan for his people. Response to the Psalm Ps 95:1. 3-5. 7-10 Give the Lord glory and honour. Second Reading: Thessalonians 1:1-5 This letter sent by Paul to his converts in Thessalonika is the first writing of the New Testament. It portrays the Christian life under the sign of the three divine persons: stand firm in hope thanks to Christ, in the presence of God the Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Shine on the world like bright stars; you are offering it the word of life. Alleluia! Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21 A trap is set for Jesus: to expose him as a revolutionary in the eyes of the Roman authorities, or a s a collaborator in the eyes of his fellow Jews! A human dilemma. He replies that the state can demand of a person their money and their services, but only God can demand the complete gift of self. Reflection & Prayer: Jesus reminds us in today’s gospel of our dual obligation to God and to country. We hope this dual obligation never comes into conflict in our conscience. But if it ever does, we must resolve it without compromising our obligation to God. “Almighty God, you have given us this good land as our heritage and your gift to us. Bless our Land…save us from violence…and from every evil way…Defend our liberties… Endow with the Spirit of wisdom those to whom in your name we entrust the authority of government…In time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble do not allow our trust in you to fail” We pray your peace and justice for all people. COMMUNITY MISSION St Agatha’s parish Please pray for our recently deceased: Patricia Wall, Yanic Mangan, Jacques Larue, Eric Misso, Sergio Paul Clerici And for those whose anniversaries that occur at this time: Milagros Ignacio (1st death anniversary) Please pray for the sick in our community: Kay Mulders, Juliet Bowron, John Lewis, John Petronio Requesting Prayers for the Sick You may wish to request prayers especially for family members who are sick. As part of our care for the sick, their names can be included in the parish bulletin. Please let us know in the parish office. Baptism Congratulations! Liam Kennedy Charlotte McBride Andrew Muir Jonah Surjadi Who were baptised last weekend Baptism of Vincent, Helen & Liam: At Easter time, married couple Harry Bui and Fiona Phan were baptised into the Church. Harry and Fiona then asked that their three children, Vincent, Helen & Liam, be baptised. The children will be presented at the 10.30am Mass on Sunday 19th October and will be baptised during the Vigil Mass on Saturday 25th October. It is a great joy for us at St Agatha’s to welcome Harry, Fiona and their family as members of our faith community. Ecumenical Service Mawarra retirement village 21st October at 10.30am Special Morning Teas: An open invitation to parishioners attending the Friday 9.30am Mass to join others for morning tea in an effort to build greater community. Please bring a plate if you can! This will be on the second or third Friday of the month on the following dates for 2014: 14 November and 12 December. Inter Church Forum: We welcome representatives of the local Inter Church Forum to St Agatha’s on 22nd October to plan their program for 2015. We pray and work for peace and unity among all Christians, just as Jesus prayed at the Last Supper. (John 17.21) St Vincent de Paul Christmas appeal will commence shortly – cards and calendars will be on sale from next weekend. There will be an appeal in early December, a Ginger Bread fund raiser and the hampers for distribution at Christmas time. The St Agatha’s Community Social Justice Group (parish and school) is seeking to work more closely on these key social justice initiatives. Recent Discipleship Programs & Retreats: About 80 people attended each night of the Discipleship Program run by Br Aneel in late August. As a follow up, twelve people have committed to an ongoing discipleship program, where they will meet every alternate Friday night at St Agatha’s from late January 2015. There were about 200 people who attended the Divine Retreat Program last weekend. The Diocese has a Divine Retreat Centre at 30 Lutana Rd, Somersby. For enquiries regarding programs ph: 4372 1598 or email frmichaelvc@gmail.com Ladies lunch will be held on Tuesday 21st October at 12 noon at the Dural Country Club. All welcome to attend Marriage Brochure available in church foyer This brochure from the Australian Bishops presents a simple explanation of the Catholic understanding of marriage. This is distributed at this time when civil authorities are seeking to re-define marriage and when Pope Francis has assembled a synod on family life. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Every Monday in the Parish Centre at 10.30am You are most welcome to participate Thank you for helping Jamaicans turn away from violence and crime through your generous donations and prayers. Your generosity is making it possible for local priests and sisters, like Sister Teresia Tinanisolo, to continue to offer life-saving practical, spiritual and emotional support to the people of Jamaica. Please consider becoming a “Friends in Faith” partner with a regular monthly gift to continue your support of our vital work. Freecall: 1800 257 296 catholicmission.org.au/Jamaica St Agatha’s parish Youth Happenings D-GEN Yr9-11:– Friday 24th October Plenty of fun, games, friendship and food, in the Callahan Centre from 7-9pm. FRAGGIES Yr7+8: Friday 31st October– Fun and fellowship to be had. See you in the Callahan Centre opposite the Church for a 7pm sign-on & sign off at 9pm. YOUTH GROUPS: Bring yourself, a friend, your great personality and $2. New people are always welcome. Enquiries: Tomek - 0405 393 872 or tom@stagatha.org.au https://www.facebook.com/stagathaYM STUDENTS & YOUNG ADULTS! Check the noticeboard for events happening around Sydney. YOUNG ADULTS Upper North Shore Adoration 28th October Holy Name Parish – 35 Billyard Ave Wahroonga 7pm – 1 hour adoration followed by Catechism (topic: Eucharistic adoration) and supper Our HSC Students Our prayers and best wishes are with the students of the parish as they work their way through HSC exams over the coming weeks Family Masses for term 4 Sunday 26th October – 9am Sunday 23rd November – 9am Artes Christi presents THE JEWELER’S SHOP: The first Feast Day of St John Paul II is this week and to celebrate don’t miss The Jeweler’s Shop, a profoundly beautiful play on human love & marriage written by St John Paul before he was elected pope. As specifically indicated by St John Paul II, the play will be staged in the unique style of the Polish underground theatre with no sets or props & performed in a recitative style (reading only). SYDNEY: Sat 25 Oct, 7.30pm, Seymour Centre; PARRAMATTA: Sold out. Tix from $20, to book Ph. (02)93517940 (Sydney) or WWW.THEWORD.ORG.AU Please see flyer in church foyer for further details Pennant Hills Uniting Church is holding a “Songs of Praise” afternoon on Sunday 26th October at 2pm. Please see poster in the Church foyer for further details Live Life to the Full..Share your Faith..Encounter Christ iWitness Conference 11th – 14th December(18-35 yr old) A great opportunity to experience Christian community, with great international and domestic speakers. For more information visit – www.lifetothefull.com.au or Fr Paul or Tomek 0405 393 872 Parousia Media are proud to present A New Evangelization Initiative here at St Agatha’s Parish. Parousia Media is offering a practical and effective program to help Catholics know, keep and share their Faith! We all have friends or family members who have fallen away from the Church, or loved ones who are searching for answers and want to increase their knowledge and understanding. Now you can reach out to them by offering a wonderful learning tool – a Parousia/Lighthouse CD! People can deepen their understanding of the Catholic Faith when they listen to inspiring talks given by some of the best Catholic speakers in the world. In the foyer of the church, you will see a display offering sixteen different CD titles. The cost of each CD is $5.00; (please place this in the box provided) Farewell to Sr Margaret rsj and Sr Bridie rsj We wish Sr Margaret every blessing as she moves to a new convent in Sydney. Sr Bridie, who has been very unwell, has also had to move. We thank them both for their friendship and witness, and assure them of our prayers and good wishes. SERRA VOCATIONS MASS AND DINNER Vincentian Father, Father Michael PayyapillyVC, Director of the Divine Retreat Centre Somersby will be celebrating Mass for Serra at Sacred Heart Church, 2 Richard Porter Way Pymble on Thursday 23rd October 2014. The evening will commence with Mass at 6.30PM followed by a light meal and a short meeting. This month Father Michael will be our guest speaker and his topic will be “Vocation: The Result of a Cry”. We are all on a faith journey so please come and join us for what will be a great learning experience. Everyone is welcome. Please remember to pray every day for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and the religious life, for the perseverance of existing vocations and for all seminarians. Please telephone: Terry Scanlan on 0438 887 295 or email terry_scanlan@bigpond.com if you would like to attend. St Agatha’s parish This Week’s Parish Ministers: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th October 2014 6.00pm Mass Times Celebrant Fr Denis 7.30am Fr Joseph 9.00am 10.30am Fr Harry Fr Paul 6.00pm 8.30am Fr Harry Fr Paul Readers C Underwood R Kennaugh A Woods G Kenny B Griscti A M Whenman A Dumas C Man Yan V Logan D Lea Wardens E Gracie C Cawley A King J Minogue L Tadrosse Communion M Gregorio C Joy C Shaw M Kenny 1. L Song 1A. D Scott A Box 2. T Cheung 3. R Hyland 4. F Doughty 5. P Foertsch A Raffel R Robinson V Logan M Anderson E Logan Altar Servers S Kennaugh A Kennaugh D Kennaugh M Wiggins G Da Silva C Grace J Grace N Pangilnan C Pangilnan Preparation C Joy P Cheung J Placido Foertsch Family Saldanha Family Music BBE Quiet Pearl & Venitia Choir Youth for Christ Cathy Kennaugh Lisa Rossi Sue Macko Carmael Underwood De Silva Family Childrens’ Liturgy Welcomers Money Counters 19 & 26 Oct Joan McHugh Rhonda Miller Margot Menzies Eric Gracie (c ) Arminda Ubalde Gerard Pacheco Erlinda Feleo Rosary Statue st 21 Oct 8pm Wadid Khoudair 28 Thormleigh St Thornleigh 9481 9602 Alter Society 26 October Kath Parker Joan Mc Hugh Barbara Crawford Celebrant 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 10.30am Floral Ministry for October Fr Paul Fr Paul Fr Denis Fr Harry Redfield College 6.00pm 8.30am Fr Harry Fr Joseph Readers A Messina S Messina R De Souza P Smith Family Mass C Patchell J Patchell Ayesha Saldanha Anjeli Saldanha Wardens A Messina C McKenna J Marsden S Santos Youth Communion M Mockler S Messina A Wong 1A. A Rangel 1. P Gunawardena 5. S Thomas L Nery A Parsons A Raffel M Del Gallego Altar Servers M Ishak C Ishak 2. R Paton 3. A Alexander 4 N Tomascovic N Rossi M Rossi A De Silva K Adidharma D Saverimutti Preparation R Paton D Salvestro Deitch Family M Lynam Periera Family Music Childrens’ Liturgy Ray & Ronnie N Mascarenhas Family Mass Jean Paul Newton Family Mass Family Mass Welcomers Shirley Reay Narelle Macken Moniek Borsovszky Cecelia Notohamiprodjo Eric Gracie (c ) Arminda Ubalde Gerard Pacheco Erlinda Feleo Rosary Statue th 28 Oct 8pm Jim & Pat Zeaiter 24 Loftus Road Pennant Hills 9484 1212 Alter Society 2 November Money Counters 19 & 26 Oct A Hughes Chris Griffis This Week’s Parish Ministers: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th October 2014 Mass Times Redfield College Narelle Macken Kerry Siddle Vicki Gray A Hughes Floral Ministry for October Chris Griffis Parish Ministries: Children’s Liturgy and Warden’s Rosters are available for collection in the Church Foyer – Thank you
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