Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish North Attleborough, Massachusetts Our Heritage Arrival of Catholic immigrants to North Attleborough 1826 Mass celebrated for the first time in North Attleborough October 1848 First resident pastor 1858 First Catholic church dedicated June 19, 1859 Present church cornerstone blessed May 30, 1890 Present church consecrated December 8, 1901 “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive and bear a son, and you shall name him, Jesus . . . Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Luke 1:31, 38 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday, October 18– Vigil Mass 4:00 pm Joe & Mary Nolan – 24th Anniversary Normand Brissette – Birthday Remembrance Sunday, October 19 – 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 am Leo & Edith McAlice – Anniversary Remembrance Barbara Joyce – 2nd Anniversary 11:15 am Hilda Medeiros – Month’s Mind Brandon Luise – Month’s Mind Joyce Noonan- Month’s Mind Monday, October 20 8:00 am Sacred Heart Tuesday, October 21 7:00 am Bill & Mafalda Garges – for healing Wednesday, October 22 8:00 am Sacred Heart Thursday, October 23 7:00 am For the People of the Parish Saturday, October 25– Vigil Mass 4:00 pm Virginia Gagnon – 1st Anniversary Edward McCrory – Birthday Remembrance Elizabeth Gaudreau – Month’s Mind Sunday, October 26 – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 am Mary E. Brown – 21st Anniversary Robert O. Scarlatelli – 1st Anniversary Mary J. Wagner – Birthday Remembrance Victoria Ann Leco – Birthday Remembrance 11:15 am Kate McNamara – 14th Anniversary Jack McNamara – 1st Anniversary William Varney – 1st Anniversary From Father Costa It’s that time of year! Preparations are well underway for the 39th annual Saint Mary Christmas Fair. This year’s fair will be held on Saturday, November 29, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in our parish center and church. The Christmas Fair is the one major fund-raiser our parish sponsors for the year. Proceeds from the fair help us to fund many parish ministries and help us to meet major expenses such as building repair and heating costs. More importantly, the Christmas Fair offers us the opportunity to welcome the wider community into the Saint Mary family and showcases the gifts and talents, the hospitality, dedication, and enthusiasm of our parishioners. Every year countless numbers of visitors tell me how welcome they feel and how impressed they are with the quality and craftsmanship of our parishioner’s work. Truly, as many continually say, the Saint Mary Christmas Fair is the BEST in the area! Such quality does not happen overnight or without the assistance of a great number of people. For our Christmas Fair to be a success we need YOU! I am appealing to all of our parish members to be involved in some way in the 2014 Christmas Fair. There are countless ways you can help. In this bulletin and in future publications you will find all sorts of opportunities to share your time and talent to support the parish in this important work. Many thanks to Don McHoul, who has graciously agreed to once again coordinate the many facets of the Christmas Fair. My appreciation also goes to the many chairpersons who are organizing the various tables and booths. To all who have been working so hard over the past few months preparing hand-crafted gifts, décor, and prizes, “Thank You!” If you have never been involved in the work of the Fair, please consider joining us. If you are new to our parish, this is a great way to meet our parishioners and share your gifts and talents. For more information or to volunteer, please see Sister Kathee after Mass or contact the parish office. Together, let’s make the 2014 Saint Mary Christmas Fair the best in the history of our parish! CHRISTMAS FAIR 2014 Silent Auction: We are in need of prizes for our silent auction. Larger ticket items (flat screen television, iPad or iPod), electronics, personal services (massage, photography, lawn care), vacation weeks/trips all make GREAT silent auction prizes. Raffle Baskets: We welcome pre-made, themed raffle baskets as well as prizes for various themed raffle baskets. This is a great way for a group of parishioners to get together to donate to the Fair. Donations may be brought to the parish office. The St. Mary Café: Once again we will sponsor a café on the day of the Fair. This year, we will offer both breakfast and luncheon menu items. We are also seeking business sponsors for our kitchen. Sponsors will have their business name posted billboard style above the kitchen entrance. If you or your company would be interested in assisting us, please contact Fr. Costa at the parish office. Christmas Fair 50/50 Raffle: We will be selling tickets for the 50/50 Raffle at all the Masses beginning October 25th. Raffle tickets will also be available all day at the Fair! Last year’s winner took home over $2,000. Saint Mary Glass Christmas Ornament: New this year is a custom-designed beautiful, commemorative St. Mary’s glass Christmas ornament exclusively designed for Saint Mary’s North Attleboro by parishioner, Erin Sweeney, and offered at a cost of $10 each. The ornament depicts a reproduction of one of our beautiful stained glass windows. The ornaments will also be available at all the Masses beginning October 25th. Supplies are limited. FESTIVAL OF TREES Once again this year, we will sponsor a “Festival of Trees” as part of the Christmas Fair. The elegance and beauty of our church is enhanced by the lights and decorations of this popular aspect of our Faith. Beautifully decorated Christmas trees line the main aisle of the church and are offered as silent auction items and raffle items. Parishioners sign-up to decorate table top trees in various themes. The creativity of our parish really shines forth in this unique display. Along with the table top models, there are four larger trees offered in raffles: the Women’s Guild tree festooned with gift cards and certificates, the North Attleboro tree hung with Red Rocketeer apparel, and Fr. Dave’s Disney themed tree. For those who are unable to decorate a tree, we also offer Christmas stockings for raffle. We invite our parishioners to choose a theme and fill various sized Christmas stocking with small gifts and prizes. You may sign up for this option next weekend as well. The Festival of Trees will open on Friday, November 28 with a preview night that will include a festive Blessing of the Trees. Mark your calendars and plan to join us. Faith Formation News This week all students will bring home a form to sign up for the Pageant which will take place on Sunday December 21st. All faith formation students are invited to participate. The pageant is under the direction of Mrs. Eileen Hare. The students will also bring home an information page with ways to access our class storm closings through 7 NEWS. You may download a FREE APP to receive our class storm closings on your cell phone! Parents are asked to please drop your child off for class in front of the school building on the school side. Children should not be crossing the street-this is a safety issue for all our children. We appreciate your support with our drop off on Sunday morning and Tuesday afternoon/evening. ***Please be aware—there is parking available for the Tuesday 5pm pickup on Church Street which runs parallel to Richards Ave. You may park on Church Street and walk on the right side of the Sacred Heart Rectory house to the front of the school to pick up your child. Grade 6 class will meet Monday afternoon/evening October 27th at Saint Mary’s parish hall. Grade 7 class will meet Monday evening October 20th 6:30pm-8:30pm. Grade 8 class will meet Sunday evening October 19th 6:30pm-8:30pm. Grade 7 & 8 classes are held in Saint Mary parish hall Grade 9 Confirmation class for Saint Mary Candidates will meet Sunday evening October 26th at 6pm in the hall. All service forms are due at this class. **Our next faith formation family Mass class is Sunday November 2nd with St. Mary’s Mass at 9am and Sacred Heart Mass at 10:15am. A reminder when there is Mass class there is NO grade 1, 2 & 3 on that Sunday and NO grade 1, 2 & 3 on Tuesday! The grade 4 & 5 Tuesday class schedule is not affected by the Sunday Mass class. ALTAR SERVERS WANTED Calling all children 4th grade and up…and Adults too! Have you dreamed of becoming an Altar Server? It is a wonderful way to serve Our Lord and the Parish Community. We would love to have you on our ministry team. If you would like to join us as an Altar Server, please fill out the YELLOW FORM located on the table near the Reconciliation Room and place it in the basket provided, or give to S. Kathee after any Mass. S. Kathee will contact you directly concerning training and schedules. Weekly Collection Many thanks to all those who continue to remember the financial needs of our parish. We thank you for your continued generosity to the parish. Collection from October 11-12: Budget: $3,549.00 Debt & Development: $1,743.00 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL “INVITATION TO SERVE” Jesus told us “whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters so you do for me.” In our own town, people are hungry, homeless, or cold, and struggling just to keep their lives and families together from day to day. Are you looking for rewarding ways in your own life to follow Jesus’ plea? If so, please consider coming to our “Invitation To Serve” program on Thursday, October 23, at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. This brief orientation is a chance to learn more about the history, works and spirituality of the SVDP Society, and to chat informally with current SVDP members about their personal experiences serving those in need. The orientation also includes a visit to our SVDP Food Pantry. Because of Jesus’ plea, we see Christ in the faces of those we assist. We invite you to learn more about how you too can experience this amazing gift. SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY BROWN BAG PROJECT In an effort to stock our food pantry as the Thanksgiving Holiday approaches, the St. Vincent de Paul Society at both Saint Mary and Sacred Heart parishes are asking for your help. Beginning this weekend, October 18-19, "Brown Bags" will be available at all the Masses of both churches. Each bag will have 6-7 non-perishable items listed on them that would be a part of a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner. You can help us prepare 40-50 Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets to those in need by returning the filled bags. Some ''Brown Bags" will also have a HBA items listed that cannot be bought with food stamps and are costly items for one to buy when food needs to be a priority. Gift cards to Stop & Shop, Shaws & CVS are always welcome as this allows us to purchase pantry items when there is a shortage and at times supply a family with much needed diapers. Bags can be returned beginning the weekend of October 25-26. The conferences of both parishes would like to Thank You in advance for your support of this project and the works of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society of both parishes. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Representatives of the Knights of Columbus will be at all of the Masses this weekend, October 18-19 requesting our financial assistance with their annual “Tootsie Roll Drive.” Proceeds from this candy sale help fund the Knight’s charities assisting those with disabilities. Your generous attention is most appreciated. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Parishioners from Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s are invited to take part in the national 40 Days for Life vigil in Attleboro on Saturday, Oct. 25th. Please join the Respect Life Ministry to pray outside of the Abortion Clinic, Four Women, from 7:00-9:00 am. Meet on the public grounds of Angel Park located at 150 Emory St. in Attleboro. 40 Days for Life is a peaceful, prayerful pro-life campaign that has been embraced by more than half a million people worldwide. It joins 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion and has saved over 5,000 lives from abortion. For more information visit ...All things are possible with God! NOVEMBER MEMORIAL BOOK During the month of November, the Church traditionally honors our beloved dead. The month begins with two feasts, All Saints and All Souls, both of which connect us with our ancestors in faith. To honor our dead, we invite you to write their names in our Memorial Book, before or after Mass, please write the names of your family members and friends on the pages provided. If you are not able to write the names in the book before or after Mass, Please clearly PRINT the names and return the form to the parish office via the collection basket or the mails (post or e-mail) by Thursday, October 30. Please note that names which are included on the All Souls envelopes will be included in this Memorial Book as well. During November the book will be placed in a prominent position in the Church to remind us of our loved ones and our prayer for them. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION Parents requesting the baptism of their child should be registered members of the parish who attend weekend Mass here at Saint Mary on a weekly basis. Please pick up and complete one of the Parish Census forms if you have not already registered with the parish. If this is your first Baptism here at Saint Mary Parish, parents are asked to attend a brief baptismal preparation session. The next session will be held in November. Advance registration is required. Please call the parish office or email Monica at for more information. CROP WALK It is here!! Today St. Mary’s will be participating in the annual CROPWALK for the fight against hunger. The CROPWALK will take place on Sunday, October 19, 2014 beginning and ending at Capron Park in Attleboro. Registration begins at 12:30. The Walk steps off at 1:30 pm, rain or shine. Donations can be left in the basket at the entrance of the church. Checks can be made payable to: CWS/CROP. God bless you for all your kindness and generosity. SAINT MARY NA #0902 Saint Mary Parish Staff Weekend Mass Schedule Rev. David A. Costa, Pastor Saturday Vigil Mass, 4:00 p.m. Sunday Masses, 9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. S. Kathleen A. Corrigan, SUSC, Pastoral Associate Rev. Kenneth Sicard, OP, Weekend Assistant Daily Mass Schedule Rev. Gabriel Pivarnik, OP, Weekend Assistant Saint Mary Church Tuesday & Thursday, 7:00 a.m. First Friday of the Month, 7:00 a.m. Sacred Heart Church Monday & Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. Mrs. Monica T. Forte, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Michele Dillon, Faith Formation Coordinator Mr. Michael Dias, Music Director Mr. Michael Dillon, Buildings Supervisor Joining Our Parish Saint Mary Parish Office 14 Park Street North Attleborough, Massachusetts 02760 Office Hours Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Contact Information If you are new to the North Attleboro area, we welcome you to join our parish community. Parish census forms are found at the doors of the church, or you may contact the Parish Office for more information. Sacrament of Reconciliation Parish e-mail Confessions are heard in the Reconciliation Room of the church on Saturday afternoons from 3:00-3:30, or by prior appointment. Parish website Sacrament of Baptism Parish Office Telephone (508) 695-6161 Facsimile Number (508) 695-5248 Faith Formation Contact (508) 695-3823 e-mail: St. Vincent de Paul Help-Line (508) 212-4755 Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School Mrs. Denise Peixoto, Principal 57 Richards Avenue Baptism is celebrated once a month at 12:30 on Sunday. Baptism Preparation class is required. Please call the Parish Office for more information. Sacrament of Marriage Marriage is usually celebrated on Friday evening and on Saturday morning and afternoon. Please contact the Parish Office at least nine months in advance to begin preparation. Sacrament of the Sick (508) 695-3072 FAX (508) 695-9074 Pastoral care to the sick and homebound is provided by the parish staff and trained parishioners. Please call the parish office to arrange a visit. Saint Mary Cemetery Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament North Attleborough, Massachusetts 02760 Mr. Jarrod Ward, Superintendent Towne Street North Attleborough, Massachusetts 02760 (508) 695-1173 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held in the parish chapel on the First Friday of each month. Adoration begins at 7:00 a.m. and concludes with Night Prayer at 10:45 p.m. SPERRY MC& HOUL FUNERAL HOME 15 Grove Street No. Attleborough, MA 02760 508-695-5651 508-699-8429 Houle’s Morse & Beggs M O N U M E N T C O M PA N Y 2 Kelly Boulevard, No. Attleboro, MA Floor Covering Center 580 Kelley Boulevard • North Attleboro LAFRATTA ELECTRIC, INC. MICHAEL J. LAFRATTA • PAUL M. LAFRATTA Residential • Commercial • Industrial Tel: 508-699-4244 • Fax: 508-643-5066 206 Broad Street • North Attleboro www. Est. 1943 (3 Generations) GT, Raleigh, Haro, Felt, DK Better Accessories & Repairs 800-562-7328 781-878-0232 No. Attleboro Branch Rt. 1 652 E. Washington St. NCUA ~ MSIC ~ Equal Housing Lender 633 So. Washington St., No. Attleboro, Mass. 02760 Heating & Cooling, Inc. 508-643-5114 RICHARD’S REALTY Specializing In Rentals Single Rooms • Efficiencies • Duplexes N. Attleboro, MA 02760 1-2-3 Bedroom Apartments • Single Homes Commercial Office Space Brian D. Lithway, President • HEAT PUMPS • GAS FURNACES • CENTRAL AIR 44 Elm St., No. Attleboro, MA • 508-641-2484 A trusted name since 1915 Complete Installation & Maintenance Service Residential & Commercial 508-695-9344 Master Plumbers Lic. # 11063 Dedicated To Caring 85 North Washington Street N. Attleboro, MA 02760-1684 Landscape Management & Construction Services Glenn Riel,Manager 508-643-1007 “The REAL Auto Body Experts” 508-695-6303 LICENSED INSURED BONDED RS#4313 525 John Dietsch Blvd. • North Attleboro, MA 02763 Bardi Construction Up on the Roof All Types Of Roofing & Siding Tel: 508-699-2740 Fax: 508-699-0481 Gutters • Windows • Doors • Decks (508) 226-3363 SCHOFIELD PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. Madonna Manor CRYAN LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS, INC. Free: Financial Literacy Class • Unlimited Use Checking & Savings Account • Debit or ATM card No Minimum Balance • NCUA ~ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ~ Apartments & Efficiencies Cable TV - HBO Direct Dial Phones Complimentary Coffee Seasonal Pool GOLDMARK Federal Credit Union 155 Pleasant St., Attleboro, MA 02703 508-222-3009 • Teen Freedom Accounts - Adult Must Accompany 13-17 Serving the Area For Over 65 Years 893 Landry Ave., North Attleboro (508) 695-9324 (Formerly White Birch Motel) Service & Installation 508-699-8981 Sirois Bicycle Shop, Inc. Attleboro Cumberland Oral Surgeons, Inc. Mark D. Schenkman, D.D.S. • John F. Biernacki, D.M.D. 103 Commonwealth Ave., Attleboro Falls, MA 02763 508-699-0449 • Interior & Exterior Painting Bathrooms & Hardwood Flooring 508-375-8199 Cell 781-858-0083 87 Parsonage Way, Attleboro , Ma 02703 Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates Tribute IN STONE MONUMENT COMPANY 629 South St., Wrentham, MA 508-384-5826 • Fax: 508-384-5155 John W. Barone, D.M.D. Law Office of John D. Simmons Estate • Family Law Practice of General Dentistry LandlordReal Tenant • Home Improvement 107 N. Washington St., No. Attleboro, MA 02760 (508) 699-2481 Contractor Disputes • Criminal & Civil Free Consultation • Located in North Attleboro 508-319-1529 • SERENITY HAIR DESIGNS Nicole Michaluk-Owner KERATIN, FOILS, COLOR 365 East Washington St. No. Attleboro, MA 02760 508-316-3516 Family Owned Industrial Supply Company Sales Opportunity 527 Pleasant Street Attleboro, MA 02703 Full Ɵme/Part Ɵme/Flexible Hours 508-222-7576 Please pat onize the businesses that adver ise in your bulletin and thank them for Sell AdverƟsements into your Parish BulleƟn (and surrounding Parish bulleƟns) Contact: Celeste Gama, Sales Manager, John Patrick Publishing 1-800-333-3166 x 151 their continued suppor . They make your bulletin possible. If you would like to adver ise in this bulletin please contact John Pat ick Publishing (800) 333-3166 ex . 161 902 St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, N. Attleborough, MA Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. 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