Welcome to Channel 35 Bienvenidos al Canal 35 Local Broadcasting for the Rahway Public Schools La Transmisión local sobre las Escuelas Públicas de Rahway The Education Committee of the Rahway Board of Education regularly meets on the First Thursday of each month in Room 105 of the Rahway 7th & 8th Grade Academy at 6:00 p.m. The next meeting will be held on: November 13, 2014 The Rahway Board of Education Caucus Meeting is regularly held on the SECOND TUESDAY of each month in Room 105 of the Rahway 7th & 8th Grade Academy at 7:00 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 The Rahway Board of Education Regular Meeting is regularly held on the THIRD TUESDAY of each month in the STUDENT CAFETERIA of the Rahway 7th & 8th Grade Academy at 7:00 p.m. The next Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 The Rahway Board of Education welcomes your comments and/or suggestions. Please email the Board of Education at rboe@rahway.net El Comité Educativo de la Junta Educativa de Rahway se reúne regularmente el Primer Jueves de cada mes en el salón 105 de la Rahway 7mo y 8vo Grado Academia, a las 6 p.m. La siguiente reunión se llevará al cabo 13 de noviembre del 2014 La reunión del Comité Ejecutivo/Caucus de la Junta Educativa se lleva al cabo regularmente el SEGUNDO MARTES de cada mes en el salón 105 de la Rahway 7mo y 8vo Grado Academia, a las 7:00 p.m. La siguiente reunión se realizará 14 octubre de 2014 La reunión ordinaria de la Junta Educativa de Rahway se lleva al cabo regularmente el TERCER MARTES de cada mes en la CAFETERÍA DE ESTUDIANTES de la Rahway 7mo y 8vo Grado Academia, a las 7 p.m. La siguiente Reunión de La Junta se realizará 21 octubre de 2014 Progress Reports for Rahway High School students were mailed on October 9, 2014. If you do not receive one in a few days, call the High School Guidance office at: 396-1074 Los Reportes del Progreso de los estudiantes de la Preparatoria de Rahway se enviaron por correo el 9 de octubre del 2014. Si usted no lo recibe en los próximos días, llame a la Dirección de la Preparatoria, al (732) 396-1074 Progress Reports for Rahway 7th & 8th Grade Academy students will be mailed on October 9, 2014. If you do not receive one in a few days, call the Rahway 7th & 8th Grade Academy Guidance office at: 396-1029 Los Reportes del Progreso de los estudiantes de la Rahway 7mo y 8vo Grado Academia se enviarán por correo el 9 octubre del 201. Si usted no lo recibe en los próximos días, llame a la Dirección de la Secundaria, al (732) 396-1029 DISTRICT WEEKLY CALENDAR WEEK OF OCTOBER 5, 2014 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10 • 3:45 PM – F Football at Delaware Valley • 4:00 PM – V/JV Volleyball at Plainfield SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 • 2:00 PM – V Football vs. Delaware Valley MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 • 4:00 PM – JV Football vs. Delaware Valley at DVRHS • 6:00 PM – Title I Parent Meeting K-6 in the Rahway 7th and 8th Grade Academy Room 105 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 • HSPA Make-up Testing at High School • 4:00 PM – V B Soccer vs. Summit at Tatlock • 4:00 PM – JV B Soccer vs. Summit at Memorial • 4:00 PM – V Girls Soccer vs. Dayton • 4:00 PM – Cross Country – UCC Championship at Warinanco Park • 5:30 PM – PTO Meeting at High School • 6:00 PM – Junior and Senior Night at High School • 6:30 PM – College Fair at High School • 7:00 PM – Board Caucus Meeting in Rahway 7th & 8th Grade Academy Room 105 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 • HSPA Make-up Testing at High School • PSAT Testing at High School • 4:00 PM – V/JV Volleyball vs. New Providence • 6:00 PM – Parent University at the Rahway 7th and 8th Grade Academy Cafeteria • 6:30 PM – PTA Meeting at Franklin School • 6:30 PM – PTA Meeting at Cleveland School THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 • HSPA Make-up Testing at High School • 4:00 PM – V B Soccer vs. St. Mary’s • 4:00 PM – V G Soccer vs. Benedictine • 4:00 PM – V/JV Volleyball at Summit • 4:00 PM – Tennis vs. A.L. Johnson • 4:00 PM – Rahway 7th and 8th Grade Academy B Soccer vs. Plainfield at Maxson • 4:00 PM – Rahway 7th and 8th Grade Academy G Soccer vs. Plainfield FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 • 9:00 PM – Cleveland PTA Walk-a-thon • 4:00 PM – F Football vs. Voorhees • 4:00 PM – V/JV B Soccer vs. Roselle • 4:00 PM – Tennis at Roselle Park • 7:00 PM – V Football vs. Voorhees at Voorhees SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 • No Events Scheduled DISTRICT WEEKLY CALENDAR WEEK OF OCTOBER 19, 2014 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 • No Events Scheduled TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 • 6:30 PM – GT Parents Meeting at Franklin School • 7:00 PM – Board of Education Meeting in the Rahway 7th & 8th Grade Academy Cafeteria WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 • No Events Scheduled THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 • 6:00 – A Night on Improv at High School FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 • No Events Scheduled Rahway Public Schools still has Openings for ½-Day Pre-School For More Information contact: Mrs. Christine Salcito at 732-396-1013 Rahway School District SCHOOL STARTING AND ENDING TIMES: Start Time Dismissal Time Elementary 8:36 a.m. 2:53 p.m. 7th & 8th Grade Academy 8:20 a.m. 2:55 p.m. High School 8:00 a.m. 2:35 p.m. SCHOOL STARTING AND ENDING TIMES FOR EARLY DISMISSAL: Starting Time DismissalTime PreKindergarten A.M. 8:36 a.m. 10:40 a.m. PreK Disabled A.M. 8:36 a.m. 10:40 a.m. PreKindergarten P.M. 10:45 a.m. 12:50 p.m. PreK Disabled P.M. 10:45 a.m. 12:50 p.m. Elementary Grades K - 6 8:36 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 7th & 8th Grade Academy 8:20 a.m. 12:50 p.m. High School 8:00 a.m. 12:35 p.m. NOTE: Student cafeterias will not be in operation in schools that are on a shortened day schedule, although the breakfast program will be in operation. Registration for the 2014-15 School Year The Following age deadlines are in effect. To enter Kindergarten - Child must be Five (5) years old by 10/1/14. Preschool - Child must be Four (4) years old by 10/1/14. For additional information about preschool registration, call 396-1012. Chronological age is the sole determining factor for admission into preschool or kindergarten for resident children. Preschool Assignments will be made by the end of June. Assignments for registrations after July 1, 2013 will be made by late August and will be based on available space, not school attendance area. Pre-school Disabilities Program (PSD/DAISY)Child must be Three (3) years old and be evaluated by the child study team. If you have questions, call 396-1035. Pre-School Registration Registration will be conducted by appointment only by contacting Melanie McCurdy at 732 396-1000, ext.1106. You can begin the process by downloading the application at: http://www.rahway.net/files/_xVI2L_/3fb5f123c2f53558 3745a49013852ec4/pre_school_Registration_Letter_201 4-15.pdf Registration requires the following: -Proof of Age -Proof of Guardianship -Proof of Residency -Proof of Immunization and Medical Examination Registration Grades PreK-6 Registration for children in grades Pre-K - 6 will be held at the elementary schools between 9:30 -11:00 AM and 1:00-2:30 PM daily. See the next slide for school addresses and telephone numbers. Registration requires the following: -Proof of Age -Proof of Guardianship -Proof of Residency -Proof of Immunization and Medical Examination Elementary Schools Grover Cleveland 486 E. Milton Avenue 396-1040 Franklin 396-1050 1809 St. Georges Avenue Madison 944 Madison Avenue 396-1070 Roosevelt 811 St. Georges Avenue 396-1060 Registration Grades 7 - 12 7th & 8th Grade Academy (Grades 7-8) and High School (Grades 9-12) new registrations are being taken at each school by appointment. Please call to schedule. 7th & 8th Grade Academy 396-1029 Kline Place Rahway High School 1012 Madison Avenue 396-1090 La Matriculación para el Año Escolar 2014-15 Las siguientes fechas límites están en vigor. Para entrar a: Kindergarten – El(La) niño(a) debe tener cinco (5) años cumplidos para el 1ero de octubre del 2014. Prescolar - El(La) niño(a) debe tener cuatro (4) años cumplidos para el 1ero de octubre del 2014. Para obtener información adicional acerca de la matriculación a prescolar, llame al 396-1012. La edad cronológica es el único factor determinante para la admisión a Prescolar o Kindergarten, para niños que residen en el distrito escolar. Las asignaciones escolares y sesiones se realizarán a finales de junio. Las asignaciones escolares y sesiones para inscripciones recibidas despues del 1 de julio de 2011 se realizarán a finales de agosto, basándose sólamente en la disponibilidad de espacios, no por áreas de asistencia. Programa Prescolar para Discapacitados (PSD/DAISY)- El(La) niño(a) debe tener tres (3) años cumplidos y ser evaluado(a) por el equipo de estudio infantil. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame al 396-1035. Matriculación para Grados PreK Inscripciones seran solo por medio de cita a traves de Melanie McCurdy at 732-396-1106. Puede comenzar el proceso al bajar la solicitud en la siguiente pagina de red: http://www.rahway.net/files/_xVI2w_/f51a4635e5457a8 33745a49013852ec4/pre_school_Registration_Letter_Spanish_Translation_2014-15.pdfPara matricularse es necesario presentar lo siguiente: -Comprobante de Edad - Comprobante de Tutela Legal - Comprobante de Domicilio - Registro de Inmunizaciones y Reporte Médico Matriculación para Grados PreK a 6to La matriculación para niños en los grados PreK a 6to se llevará al cabo en las escuelas primarias, diariamente, de: 9:30 a 11 am, y de la 1 a las 2:30 pm Vea la siguiente pantalla para obtener las direcciones y teléfonos de las escuelas. Para matricularse es necesario presentar lo siguiente: - Comprobante de Edad - Comprobante de Tutela Legal - Comprobante de Domicilio - Registro de Inmunizaciones y Reporte Médico Escuelas Primarias Grover Cleveland 486 Milton Avenue 396-1040 Franklin 396-1050 1809 St. Georges Avenue Madison 944 Madison Avenue 396-1070 Roosevelt 811 St. Georges Avenue 396-1060 Matriculación para Grados 7to a 12vo La matriculación para alumnos nuevos a las escuelas Media (Grados 7to-8vo) y High School (Grados 9no-12vo) se realizan únicamente concertando una cita. Llame para programar una, a la: 7mo y 8vo Grado Academia Kline Place 396-1025 High School de Rahway 1012 Madison Avenue 396-1090 Child Find CHILD FIND is a statewide program to locate and provide services for children, ages 3-21 years old, who may have physical, mental, or emotional difficulties. Screening, professional guidance, and an educational program, if needed, are available free through the district. Possible signs of learning disabilities include a child who does not play; a child who is unusually quiet or overactive; and a child who seems to have a vision or hearing problem. If you are a Rahway resident or a family with unserviced children, including homeless and migrant, and have a concern about your child's developmental milestones, such as learning to speak, walk, talk, or toilet train, contact the Rahway Public Schools Department of Services for Children at 732-396-1035. ENCUENTRA UN NIÑO ENCUENTRA UN NIÑO es un programa a nivel estatal para encontrar y proveer servicios a niños entre 3-21 años de edad, que podrían tener dificultades físicas, mentales o emocionales. Identificandolos, consejeria profesional y un programa educacional, si es necesario, están disponibles sin costo através del distrito. Posibles señales de discapacidad de aprendizaje incluye un niño/a que no juega, un niño/a que es inusual callado o hiperactivo, y un niño/a que parece tener un problema de visión o audición. Si usted es un residente de Rahway o una familia que no tiene servicios para sus niños, esto incluye personas sin hogar o extranjeros; y usted tiene una preocupación sobre el desempeño de su niño/a en las etapas del desarrollo tales como habla, andar o aprendizaje del uso del inodoro, favor de comunicarse a las Escuelas Públicas de Rahway, Departamento de Servicios para los Niños al 732-396-1035. SCHOOL CLOSING/DELAYED OPENING PROCEDURE If it becomes necessary to close schools or delay the opening due to inclement weather,parents and staff members will receive a phone call from the Global Connect automated phone system. Home phone numbers are obtained from the student management system, making it imperative that the school has your correct phone number. Information about school closings or delayed openings can be also still be accessed from the following: Dial the main number of your child’s school or 396-1000 and press “1” TV 35 Comcast Cable (Local Access Station) The District website at http://www.rahway.net WNBC TV - Channel 4 101.5 FM Radio DELAYED OPENING TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE On days with delayed openings, the a.m. transportation pickup schedule will be approximately 2 hours later than normal pick-up time. All other bus schedules will remain unchanged. SCHOOL STARTING TIMES FOR DELAYED OPENINGS AM PreK & AM PreSchool Handicapped Classes will be canceled PM PreK & PM PreSchool Handicapped classes - no change (12:15 - 2:48 pm) Elementary Grades K-6 10:36 am - 2:53 pm 7th & 8th Grade Academy 10:20 am - 2:55 pm High School 10:00 am - 2:35 pm PROCEDIMIENTO A SEGUIR DURANTE EL CIERRE o ENTRADA DEMORADA DE LAS ESCUELAS En caso de ser necesario cerrar las escuelas debido al mal tiempo, podrá obtener información relacionada con el cierre o la entrada demorada a las mismas: Marcando el número principal de la escuela de su hijo(a), o el 396-1000, y presionando “1” El Canal 35 de Comcast (Estación de Acceso Local) El sitio de Internet del Distrito: http://www.rahway.net El Canal 4 de Televisión – Cadena NBC El 101.5 de su Radio FM HORARIO DEL TRANSPORTE ESCOLAR CUANDO LA ENTRADA ES DEMORADA Durante los días en que se determina demorada la entrada a la escuela, el transporte escolar de la mañana llegará aproximadamente 2 horas más tarde de lo normal. Todos los demás horarios de autobús permanecerán sin cambio. HORARIO ESCOLAR CUANDO LA ENTRADA ES DEMORADA Las clases de Prescolar para Discapacitados AM PreK/AM Prescolar se cancelarán Las clases de Prescolar para Discapacitados PM PreK/Prescolar PM permancecerán sin cambio (12:15 - 2:48 pm) Escuela Primaria, Grados K-6 7mo y 8vo Grado Academia, Grados 7-8 Escuela Superior (High School) 10:36 am - 2:53 pm 10:20 am - 2:55 pm 10:00 am - 2:35 pm CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION PARENTS CAUTION Reminder to Students: Stay on the SIDEWALKS walking home from school. We want you & our neighbors to be safe. . Important Safety Message for Rahway 7th & 8th Grade Academy Parents! To ensure the safety of Rahway 7th & 8th Grade Academy students and staff, the parking lot areas of the Rahway 7th & 8th Grade Academy will be closed for pick up and drop off of students between 7:45-8:45 AM and 2:30-3:30 PM. Please designate an area on Madison Avenue, Stone Street, or Kline Place for pick up and drop off of your child. Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter. The Rahway Foundation For Excellence in Education … is a non-profit organization that awards competitive grants each fall and spring to district teachers for developing timely, innovative and creative projects that enrich the educational process of the Rahway Public School children. The Foundation sponsors a series of fund raising campaigns throughout the year. See the next slide to see how you can contribute and make an investment in our children. The Rahway Foundation For Excellence in Education … receives donations from corporations, local businesses and individuals through their fund raising efforts. Support the future and rich tradition of excellence in education in the Rahway Public Schools by contributing today. Please send a tax deductible contribution to the Foundation using the printable form on our web site (http://www.rahway.net/education-excellence/contributions.html) or send a check with your information to: The Rahway Foundation for Excellence in Education, Madeline Kropoth, Franklin School, 1809 St. Georges Avenue, Rahway, NJ 07065. Support the Rahway Foundation for Excellence in Education Purchase a RFEE black T-shirt that contains the Foundation Logo in red on the left sleeve Sizes S, M, L, XL - $12.00 each Call Madeline Kropoth, RFEE President, at 732-381-8569 to place your order. Join the Rahway Sideliners, one of the oldest Sports Booster Organizations Activities include: Assisting in providing food at the Rahway High School Sideliners’ Football Stand Presenting Awards to Senior Athletes Sponsoring the Year End Sports Awards Dinner Yearly Membership -$10/Family Membership -$15 Call Don Godfrey 732-381-1239 or Bernie Robson 732-259-2093 Email rahwaysideliners@hotmail.com Donations appreciated - Established in 1945 Rahway High School PTO needs volunteers and members • Annual Membership - $4.00 • Fund Raiser - Rahway School Spirit Wear -shirts, shorts, towels, sweatshirts, etc. • Email us at rhspto@rahway.net or • Call 732-259-0914 Rahway High School Class of 1979 High School Reunion • October 11, 2014 • Sign up to attend: rahway79@gmail.com • or call 732-713-1901 for more information Rapids Swim Team at the YMCA of Eastern Union County • Come Tryout for the Rapids Swim Team • Come be a part of something bigger and join our Rapids Swim Team here at the YMCA of Eastern Union County, Rahway Branch. • Call today to schedule a tryout appointment with Head Coach Ed Soder at 732-388-0057 or email esoder@ymcaeuc.org. • (There is a $5.00 tryout fee.) Volunteers Needed! Riverton Nursing and Rehabilitation Center • Make a difference by pledging at least 2 – 4 hours a week. • Volunteers are needed in the following areas: – – – – Transporting residents to Activities Helping with Activities Friendly Room Visits And much more! • For more information, please call: Rosa Engel, Activities Director (732) 499-7927 Riverton Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 1777 Lawrence Street Rahway, NJ 07065 Pomptonian Food Service is looking for cafeteria workers for the Rahway Public Schools Paid holidays, Convenient hours, Work during school year, Summers, holidays, and weekends are free Advancement Opportunities Call 732-396-1024 between 9 and 11 AM for more information Let’s Do Lunch Together!! Pomptonian is an equal opportunity employer NOTICE: The Rahway Board of Education guarantees that all students, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender, etc. are provided equal access to its educational programs and services. Board Policy 5145.4 "Equal Educational Opportunity (Harassment)”, can be viewed in total on our district website http://www.rahway.net and is available from each school principal and from the Board Secretary in the District Business Office in the 7th & 8th Grade Academy. Visit us on the web at http://www.rahway.net Please call the Rahway Public Schools at: 732-396-1000 If you notice any difficulties with this show, please contact us at (732) 396-2614.
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