The First Congregational Church United Church of Christ & Disciples of Christ 627 Sunnyside Drive, Reno, Nevada 89503 (775) 747-1414 CELEBRATION OF WORSHIP Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost October 19, 2014 - 10:00 a.m. ____________________________________________________________________________ We welcome you this morning in the name and Spirit of Jesus Christ! Children four and under are welcome to visit the nursery with Ms. Sharon in the Annex building. Older children are welcome to attend Sunday School following the Children’s Conversation. We ask that you record your presence with us by signing the attendance register at the end of the pew. Hearing assistance devices and large print bulletins are available - please let an usher know if needed. Following morning worship, please join us for the Food and Fellowship in the CE Building. Gathering in God's Presence Give to us laughter, O Source of our life. Laughter can banish so much of our strife. Laughter and love give us wholeness and health. Laughter and love are the coin of true wealth. --Walter Farquharson GATHERING MUSIC WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CHORAL INTROIT *CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Rejoice, for God is among us! People: Give thanks, for in Christ we are a new people! Leader: Sing praise, for we come to worship God! People: Amen! *HYMN Come, O Fount of Every Blessing NCH (Black Hymnal) 459 Please pass blue prayer request cards to the center aisle. Ushers will collect them during the last verse of the hymn * UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION O God, distant yet near, we gather as witnesses to your promise that if we seek you with all our hearts, we will find you. Be among us this day. Hear the confessions of our mouths and the yearning of our hearts. Help us change the narrowness of our vision and the pettiness of our living. Make us new again with your holy grace. Grant us the maturity to accept your many gifts in humility and to use them with faithfulness. Grant to us your spirit that our worship may have integrity and energy, ever witnessing to your holy presence in our lives. We praise and give thanks to you, Eternal One; through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen. *WORDS OF ASSURANCE Leader: God knows us better than we know ourselves. God loves us like a father and nourishes us like a mother. God draws us near, claims us, forgives us, and sets us on a right path. All: Thanks be to God! *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE NCH (Black Hymnal) 760 (Sing Amen!) Amen, we praise your name, O God. (Sing Amen!) Amen, we praise your name, O God. (Sing Amen!) Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! We praise your name, O God! Proclaiming God's Word SCRIPTURE READING Matthew 22:15-22 CHILDREN’S CONVERSATION NT page 21 Saralinda Kiser CHORAL ANTHEM SERMON Sayings Hard and Humorous Rev. Rich Smith Responding as God's People * HYMN More Love to Thee, O Christ Pilgrim (Red Hymnal) 400 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE NCH (Black Hymnal) 581 Lead us from death to life, from falsehood to truth, from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead us from hate to love, from war to peace, let peace fill our hearts, let peace fill our world, let peace fill the universe. CALL TO OFFERING OFFERTORY *PRESENTATION OF OFFERING Tune: Pilgrim (Red Hymnal) 64 Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise God all creatures here below. Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God for all that love has done. Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! *PRAYER OF DEDICATION Accept these offerings now placed on your altar, O God, giver of every good and perfect gift. Grant that they may be expressions of our love and of ourselves now offered more fully to you. Use these gifts and us, we pray, to the end that your realm may come and your will be done on earth, even as it is done in heaven; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. *HYMN OF PARTING Be Now My Vision NCH (Black Hymnal) 451 *BENEDICTION *CHORAL BENEDICTION *GREETING ONE ANOTHER *POSTLUDE * = Those who are able are invited to stand. CROP Hunger Walk, Today at Idlewild Park Afternoon Circle will be packing care packages on Nov. 12th to send to troops from Nevada who are overseas. Requested items include toiletries bagged in Zip lock bags, socks, stretchy black gloves, wash cloths, travel sized wet wipes, any and all food items. They like the pop top soups & stews, drink mixes to add to water bottles, jerky, hard candy and especially cards & letters of encouragement. All items need to be individually wrapped or travel size. Donations for postage are also needed. Please mark donations “care packages.” Looking Ahead October 26 REFORMATION SUNDAY Love, Law & Elections, Matthew 22:34-46 NEW MEMBERS RECEIVED (See pastor Rich for more information) November 2 ALL SAINTS SUNDAY 150 years of Sinners and Saints, Psalm 107:1-9, 33-37 and Hebrews 11:32-12:2 Reno Family Co-op Open House: Sunday, November 9th, Lunch provided (Date change) Consecration Sunday and Annual Thanksgiving Potluck Sunday, November 23rd following worship Beyond Sunday Home Means Nevada—Celebrate Nevada’s 150th Birthday, this Friday, October 24th Don Jessup bicycled across the state on Highway 50 in 1998, he will be sharing the story of his travels. Rev. Rich will share his new verses to Home Mean Nevada. Do you have a story to share? Join us in fellowship at 7pm in the Annex. ACTIONN Public Assembly, "Smart Solutions to Creating Jobs", Temple Sinai on Gulling St. in Reno, Wed., October 29th, 6:30 pm check-in; 7:00 - 8:15 pm. See our ACTIONN Leadership Council representative, Rick Odynski, for more information ABUNDANCE Last week’s attendance This Year: 103 Income Expenses Last Year: 92 Balance YTD 9/30/2014: 186,089 181,131 $ 4.958 Budgeted Expenses for September: $ 22,565, Income received this month: $10,927 Line of Credit balance owed as of September 30, 2014: $6,253 Liturgy today adapted and reprinted from BOOK OF WORSHIP © 1986, by permission of the United Church of Christ Office for Church Life and Leadership LIFE AND WORK OF OUR CHURCH FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF RENO –Worship ............................................................................................. 10:00 am –Food & Fellowship ................................................................ Following Worship Today, Oct 19 –Crop Walk, Idlewild Park .................................................................................... 1:00 pm TUESDAY, Oct 21 WEDNESDAY, Oct 22 THURSDAY, Oct 23 FRIDAY, Oct 24 SATURDAY, Oct 25 SUNDAY, Oct 26 –Children’s Cabinet Stitchers CE Building ...............................................9:30 am –Newsletter Deadline ......................................................................................... 11:00 am –Afternoon Bible Study ............................................................................2:00 pm –Diaconate Meeting.................................................................................5:00 pm –Video Discussion (Annex) Saving Jesus Encore ...................................7:00 pm –Supper & Study, Saving Jesus DVD based series ................................5:30 pm –Chancel Choir Rehearsal ......................................................................7:00 pm –Men’s Prayer Group, Chism Chapel ...... ………………………………… 6:30 am –Fall Travelogue, Home Means Nevada ................................................. 7:00 pm –Prayer Shawl Ministry (Annex) ............................................................ 11:00 am – Reception of New Members ..................................................... During Worship Mark Your Calendar TUESDAY, Oct 28 WEDNESDAY, Oct 29 WEDNESDAY, Nov 12 TUESDAY, Nov. 18 –Fellowship & Growth Committee, Home of Kay Kurvers .......................7:00 pm –Newsletter Folding ............................................................................... 11:00 am –Afternoon Circle (Annex) .......................................................................1:00 pm –Church Council ......................................................................................7:00 pm Serving this Week Greeters: Kathy Odynski Deacon of the Month: Jane Chapman Head Usher: Rick Odynski Sound Technicians: Don Busick, Steve Rowell Liturgist: Liz Tiffany-Jones Sunday School Teacher: Chai Cook Refreshments: Neil & Kay Sanders Church Photographer: Meredyth Busick Counters: Don Jessup, Cinda deWyk Our Staff Pastor: Rev. Rich Smith, Music Director: Ted Owens Office Administrator: Cindy Evans Christian Education Director: Saralinda Kiser Youth Intern: Amy Urban The Reno Crop Hunger Walk is TODAY It’s not too late to join the walk or sponsor a walker! $10 can provide a pair of rabbits, which are a great source of protein. $50 can provide hoes, shovels and seeds, tools a family needs to grow a garden. $100 can provide 200 chicks, helping families find their way from need to nourishment. Imagine that you’re in Kenya, walking to get water that you’ll carry back home in a 5-gallon jerry can balanced on your head. Your family needs this water for drinking, bathing, preparing meals or watering the garden or livestock. Whatever the reason, 5 gallons of water weighs about 42 pounds, and you may have to walk miles to get it. There’s a solution, and you can be part of it. CROP Hunger Walks help Church World Service work with communities to determine the best solution to their challenges. It could be a sand dam to help provide water. Livestock to help start a farm. Or tools or seeds to help keep a family fed – and healthy. Contact Us Phone: 775.747.1414, email: 627 Sunnyside Drive, Reno, NV 89503 Office Administrator hours: Mon– Thurs 10 am to 3 pm, Friday 10 -to 1 or by appointment We are on the web: First Congregational Church of Reno October 19, 2014
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