TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2014, DAY 3, BULLETIN 33, PLEASE POST IN HOMEROOMS Notice to Masters and Students BLS Fun Run On Sunday, October 19th we had a great turn out of participants for the 2nd Annual BLS Fun Run. Approximately 90 runners made their way through the Franklin Park 5K course. Andreya Zvonar won the men’s race with a time of 17:51. Alannah O’Brien won the women’s race with a time of 21:53. A big thanks to all participants and volunteers! BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Please bring in your boxtops by Oct 31st. There is an envelope outside room 236 and the Main Office. Thank you! (Go) CANNED FOOD DRIVE Wolfpack Volunteers will be holding its 11th Annual Canned Food Drive from now until Monday November 24th. Last year, Wolfpack Volunteers raised 1500 pounds of canned food, and our goal this year is to raise 2000 pounds of food. We encourage students to bring in any canned or dry foods, and there will be drop off boxes in front of the Main Office. All donations go directly to Rosie’s Place to feed women and children in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you! Notice to Masters SUNSHINE FUND The Faculty Senate will be collecting donations for the Sunshine Fund - we are asking $25, but feel free to donate whatever you want. You can also place your donation in Monica Gribaudo's mailbox. Please make checks out to BLS Faculty Fund. thank you! Faculty New to BLS- Meeting Tuesday, October 21 The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 21 from 2:30-3:30 in ROOM 308 (next to the Seevak Room on the third floor). The focus will be on the services and resources available to students and teachers via the Guidance & Support Team. TERM 1 GRADING TIMELINE. Friday, October 24- Group A exams (Art, Science, Math, MFL) Monday, October 27- Group B exams (English, History, Classics, Music, PE/Health) Tuesday, October 28- Group A exams (Art, Science, Math, MFL) Wednesday, October 29- Group B exams (English, History, Classics, Music, PE/Health) Thursday, October 30- Group A exams (Art, Science, Math, MFL) Friday, October 31- Group B exams (English, History, Classics, Music, PE/Health) Friday, October 31- Grades close Thursday, November 6- Grades due electronically by 11:59 P.M. Notice to Students BLSJCL Pumpkin Painting: It's that time of the year again! Foliage and Pumpkins! BLSJCL cordially invites all MEMBERS to attend our first annual pumpkin painting! For $1, paint a pumpkin that you can keep after school on Friday, October 24th in the dining hall. To become a blsjcl member, see Ms. Foley in 031. For any questions, contact Allyson Ping (HR 212) or Carina Layfield (HR 023) Attention all musicians, it is not too late to start swinging on Thursday afternoons in the band room with the Thursday Afternoon Dues Band. Fundamentals of improvisation and basic swing concepts will be covered. Just show up ready to swing. Rehearsal starts at 2:30 pm. We especially need trombone players. Class six to one students are welcome. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY MEMBERS: The election of officers will take place after school on Wednesday, Oct.22 in room 325. Those members interested in running for the office of President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer should come prepared with a short speech. Leadership Luncheons Every month the Deitch Leadership Institute hosts a lunch for 3-4 current student leaders to 1) discuss their leadership experiences and 2) share best practices for being a BLS student leader. The DLI is looking for student leaders from all areas of BLS - student clubs, athletics, academics and performing arts. If you are an interested student leader, please email DLI Director, Mr. Levesque (jimlevesquebls@gmail.com). All students must have a faculty member (advisor, teacher, coach) who will vouch for their leadership abilities and experience. DLI Mini-Grants Deitch Leadership Institute wants to fund new and creative ideas from students that 1) improve BLS or 2) improve the Boston community. Applicants must be a team of students; no individuals. Each team will submit a professional proposal and make a presentation to a panel of judges. Up to $2,000 available per proposal. Funding is competitive. Info Sessions have concluded, but interested students can still contact DLI Director, Mr. Levesque (jimlevesquebls@gmail.com) for information and submission deadlines. A second round of the MiniGrants will also occur in the spring. SENIORS-If you are a student who is a non-Native English speaker, speaks another language at home or was born in another country and you have a minimum of a 3.0 G.P.A. and have scored below a 550 on the SAT Critical Reading or Writing sections you should consider taking the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). See Ms. Segal in guidance ASAP for information on how to register. Calling ALL 10th grade students - BLS has been asked to select one student ambassador and an alternate to attend the Massachusetts Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Seminar. Any 10th grade student who is interested in an amazing youth leadership opportunity that will take place at Bentley College, in Waltham, MA on May 29-31, 2015 should notify Ms. Encarnacao in guidance of their interest by November 3, 2014 and submit a 200- word description of why you would like to represent BLS at this youth seminar and what you hope to gain from the experience. The HOBY Leadership Seminar focuses on providing outstanding high school students with an opportunity to learn how to lead and make a difference. Please see Ms. Encarnacao with any questions. SENIORS- Please call Chestnut Hill Studio at 508-336-4777 to schedule a convenient time if you wish to be photographed on site at Boston Latin School. Dates currently available December 8 th, 9th & 10th (2:208:00). There are many appointments available but they are issued on a first call basis. Please keep in mind that, as the yearbook deadline approaches, these appointments will fill rapidly. The photographer's time will be reserved for you and will require prepayment of a $30.00 sitting-fee when you schedule your appointment. We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover.
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