Daily Bulletin - Boston Latin School

Notice to Masters and Students
Professional Development- Tuesday, January 13 (2:30-4:30)
Teacher-Led Workshops and Discussions will be held during the regularly scheduled PD time
on Tuesday, January 13 from 2:30-4:30
The schedule is as follows:
2:30-2:45- Faculty meeting in Auditorium (for non-presenters)
2:50-3:35- Session 1
3:45-4:30- Session 2
Please use the sign-up genius link emailed by Beth McCoy to sign-up for TWO sessions.
Course Selection Assemblies
Course selection assemblies in preparation for the 2015-16 school year will take place on
Wednesday, January 28 as follows:
R1- Class II
R3- Class III
R6- Class IV
Masters should take attendance and accompany their students to the Auditorium. MB
Term 2 Exam/Grading Timeline
Monday, January 12- Group A exams (Art, Science, Math, MFL)
Tuesday, January 13- Group B exams (English, History, Classics, Music, PE/Health)
Wednesday, January 14- Group A exams (Art, Science, Math, MFL)
Thursday, January 15- Group B exams (English, History, Classics, Music, PE/Health)
Friday, January 16-Group A exams (Art, Science, Math, MFL)
Tuesday, January 20- Group B exams (English, History, Classics, Music, PE/Health)
Tuesday, January 20- Term 2 grades close
Monday, January 26- Term 2 grades due electronically by 11:59 PM
Poetry Out Loud: The annual BLS school-wide Poetry Out Loud competition for students in
grades 9-12 will be held on Thursday, January 29 at 2:30 p.m. in the Seevak Room. Spoken
Word artists, strong declaimers, and lovers of poetry are invited to participate. The BLS winner
goes on to the city competition, which is followed by state and national levels. The national winner
receives a handsome college scholarship and an all- expense paid trip to Washington, D.C.
Please go to the official Website to view the rules and begin your
preparations http://www.poetryoutloud.org/competition/rules-and-eligiblity. Registration will begin
on Monday, January 12 and will close on Friday, January 23. Forms will be available outside Ms.
Moran's office, room 519. Questions? Please see Ms. Moran. MN
Notice to Students
Third Public Declamation
Get ready to try-out for the Third Public Declamation of this school year. Third Public Declamation
try-outs are Tuesday, January 27, 2015. Members of all classes are invited to try out. Submit a
copy of your piece for review by Monday, January 26 to Ms. Holm in Room 120. Exempt seniors
must submit pieces by the try-out date, January 27. See Ms. Holm for additional information or
coaching. (HW)
Please call Chestnut Hill Studio at 508-336-4777 to schedule a convenient time if you wish to be
photographed on site at Boston Latin School. All dates in January have been booked. February
23rd and February 24 are the last dates that the photographers will be at BLS to photograph
seniors. There are many appointments available but they are issued on a first call basis. Please
keep in mind that, as the yearbook deadline approaches, these appointments will fill rapidly. The
photographer's time will be reserved for you and will require prepayment of a $30.00 sitting-fee
when you schedule your appointment. We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover. (CR)
More tutoring available in French, Italian and Spanish for all grades!
Need some extra help before the end of the term? In addition to the after school tutoring program
and help offered by your individual teachers, you can also find extra tutoring available for all
grades and all levels in the following locations every week:
Wednesdays, Spanish--room 202 with Ms. Fernandez
Wednesdays, Italian--room 021 with Ms. Bagarella
Mondays, French--room 019 with Ms. Blackler
Sessions begin at 2:30 and run until 3:15. Stop by to talk to the teachers if you would like to pick
up some extra help. (KE)
BLS Spelling Bee! Here's a chance for students in Class V and VI to step forward and show us
some great spelling. The annual BLS level of the Scripps National Spelling Bee will be held
on Thursday, February 12 at 2:30 in the auditorium. The winner of this annual event, which is
sponsored by the BLS Home & School Association, moves on to the city-wide bee, and from
there winners advance to the state and national levels. If you love to spell and enjoy competition,
this is the event for you! To get your free registration to the Scripps Word Club, which provides
word lists, rules, and study tips, Sit down with a parent and go
to:https://secure.spellingbee.com/parent/register. BLS registration forms will be available starting
on Monday, January 26, 2015. The deadline for registration is Friday, February 6, 2015. Forms
will be located outside of Ms. Moran's office, room 519, located near the art classrooms.
Questions? See Ms. Moran. Good luck! MN
Calling all people with siblings with special needs!
Come to the Sibling Workshop and meet others who face similar challenges to you, eat good
food, and share your stories! It will be a safe space, and no one will be forced to speak if they are
not comfortable. We also have guest speaker, Nina Schiarizzi, who has worked with the
Aspire.Lurie Center at Massachusetts General Hospital for the last eight years coming to speak
about her experience as a teacher and a parent of children of special needs. For additional
information, please contact Mia Yee ’15 (e-mail: miaichan27@gmail.com, HR 237)
Girl’s Novice Crew
If you are interested in girl’s crew there will be a meeting for all new novice on January 13 at
2:30 in the Cafeteria. No experience necessary.
BLS Catapulta: The science magazine is looking for submissions for the Winter Issue. If would
like to submit an article, please email catapultasciencebls@gmail.com. Articles should relate to
science and be 200-500 words. If you have any questions, please email the address above. (BT)
THE NATIONAL MYTH EXAM!! Attention all mythology enthusiasts! Register this week for the
National Myth Exam. The cost is $4.00 and the deadline is Wednesday January 14th. Talk to
your Latin, Greek, or Myth teacher or Magistra Foley in 031. The exam will take place after
school on Wednesday February 25th. (HS)