MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2015, DAY 3, BULLETIN 122, PLEASE POST IN HOMEROOMS Notice to Masters and Students LUNCH SCHEDULE CHANGE-TODAY, MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2015 The lunch schedule will change on Monday, March 30, 2015. A new lunch schedule has been put in the mailboxes. SPEND A DAY The Spend-A-Day Program for Class VI students will begin on April 13 and end on May 29, 2015. These days will work around PARCC and MCAS test dates. Spend-A-Day for Class IV will begin on April 27 and end on May 1, 2015. Please welcome our new invitees to the building. All visitors should be wearing name badges. BOSTON LATIN SCHOOL SCIENCE OLYMPIAD TEAM Congratulations to the top 6 finishers at the middle and high school State Science Olympiad tournament! As a whole, the middle and high school teams placed 2nd and 4th out of 45 teams, respectively! We also welcome new members...if interested, contact us at or speak to Mr. Spezzano (335) directly! Students winning individual awards include (in order of event): Anton Xue, Eddie Wang, Claire Zhou, Linda Qin, Leland Wu, Nafisa Wara, Mindy Wu, Jiaheng Zhang, Amy Yang, Jiayi Chen, Ben Wu, Daniel Sherman, Jardel Costa, Julia Pan, Gene Grinberg, Ben Wu, Lauran Jiang, Nena Kotsalidis, Alicia Zou, Hanyi Wang, Lienna Peng, Joshua Lomasney, Anthony Tao, Alfred Yan, Simon Lu, Emily Truong, Rachel Lee, Kelly Chin, Anthony Tao, Jonathan Li, Ben Wu, Mia Loureiro, Kevin Zeng Qi, Simon Lu, Alfred Yan, Christy Jestin, and Yinyu Ji. Well done! REMINDER FROM THE DINING HALL ABOUT FIELD TRIPS When you are taking large groups of students out of the building on field trips, please let the Dining Hall know ahead of time that the students will not be eating lunch. SPELLING BEE BLS is all the buzz! Hearty congratulations to Class VI student Christy Jestin, winner of the city-wide Scripps Spelling Bee for the second year in a row. Christy now advances to the national competition, where he will represent BLS and our city in Washington, D.C. We send him our very best wishes for success! MN POETRY OUT LOUD HONORS: BLS is proud of our own Meggie Noel, Class II, who was among the six finalists in the statewide Poetry Out Loud competition. The judges and staff of the Huntington Theater, which sponsors the event, were so impressed by Meggie's work that they have recommended her to recite for the Boston School Committee at a special event. BLS has been with Poetry Out Loud since its first year, and Meggie continues a fine tradition of success for our students. Please congratulate her, another great representative of BLS pride! MN RED CARPET AFFAIR FASHION SHOW Inspired by celebrity musicians who are also style icons, the BLS Fashion Talent Club presents the Red Carpet Affair Fashion Show! A night full of good music, beautiful people, and great fashion, this is a night you DON’T want to miss! There will be live performances from Step Squad, B Boys, Spoken word, and your favorite BLS singers! Come support us and have a great time on April 2nd in the BLS Auditorium at 5:30pm. Tickets are $4 in advance and $5 at the door! STAND STAND Human Rights Day will be next Tuesday, March 31st. If you are interested in buying an orange shirt with a statistic related to human rights to wear on Human Rights Day, contact on of the club members selling in the dining hall or during the school day, or email us at They will be sold for $5 each, all proceeds go to a charity chosen by the club at the end of the year. Information regarding teacher sign up for the Black Box on Human Rights Day will come out later this week. Thank you! (FJ) IMPORTANT DATES FOR SENIORS Friday, May 22- Last day for seniors in good standing (R5 assembly, R6 & R7 luncheon) Friday, May 29- Senior prom @ Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel (6PM) Wednesday, June 3- Sports banquet @ Lombardo's (6PM) Thursday, June 4- Senior sign-out (HR & R1) Friday, June 5- Prize Night by invitation only @ Sanders Theater, Harvard University (6PM) Monday, June 8- Graduation @ Blue Hills Bank Pavilion (5PM) PENNIES FOR PATIENTS The BLS Red Cross Club has distributed Pennies for Patients donation boxes to teachers' mailboxes. We hope that every homeroom will try to contribute and donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! Help save lives and please contribute to this important cause, anything helps!! The homeroom that donates the most money will win a pizza party at the end of next month! Please email with any questions. (SE) Save the date! The first annual Senior Capstone TED talks will be presented in the Auditorium on Thursday, April 9 and Friday, April 10, during R1, R2, R3, R4, R6, and R7. Teachers will be able to sign up to bring classes to hear talks by this year's Capstone students. Everyone from class VI to class I is welcome, as our parents and interested community members. Watch your e-mail and the Bulletin for a full schedule and a signup link. (FJ and MJ) Due to the extreme number of snow days we have incurred, the term 3 and term 4 grading timelines have been adjusted. Please see below. Term 3 A Exam Days (Art, Science, Math, MFL): April 2, 7, 9 B Exam Days (English, History, Classics, Music, PE/Health): April 1, 6, 8 (Please note that April 3 is a BPS recognized holiday; exams cannot be administered on that day) End of term: Friday, April 10 April 10- No Test Day Please be reminded that Friday, April 10 is a BPS recognized holiday and therefore NO assessments may be given. MB Grades due electronically: Thursday, April 16 @ 11:59 PM (window open April 2-16) Term 4- Seniors Senior Final Failure Forms due to 105: Friday, May 15 @ 7:35 AM End of term for seniors: Wednesday, June 3 Senior grades due electronically: Wednesday, June 3 @ 7:45 AM Term 4- Classes II-VI Progress reports due electronically: Thursday, May 21 @ 11:59 PM (window open May 11-21) Probable Final Failure Forms due to 105: Wednesday, June 10 @ 7:35 AM Final exam period: June 22-24 (make-up exams June 25 & 26) End of term: Tuesday, June 30 Grades due electronically: Tuesday, June 30 @ 7:35 AM Notice to Students AP Students Registration and payment for AP exams is past due. Payments should be submitted to Mr. Kennelly asap. Sneakers for Success Program Teen Central, a new teen space in Boston Public Library, presents the Sneakers for Success program starting Wed, 4/15 and running each Wednesday through 5/27 (3pm). Teens learn marketing, designing and branding from New Balance and Converse designers. Registration required through Boston Public Library (617-859-2334, BLS Catapulta, the science magazine is looking for submissions for the Spring Issue. If you would like to submit an article, please email Articles should relate to science and be 200-500 words. If you have any questions, please email the address above. Lemonade Day – Few Spots Remain Lemonade Day starts next week! LD is city-wide program bringing entrepreneurship to 7th and 8th students by helping them launch their own business – a lemonade stand! 5 classes, after school. Certificate of Completion for college applications. (Mr. Levesque, 7th & 8th grade only. Prom Gowns Sale(Gio) The senior class will continue to sell pre-owned prom gowns for the remainder of the week. Stop by Mr. Gio's office (Schawbel Center) and check out the amazing gowns at significantly discounted prices! Seniors - Cap & Gown Payments(Gio) Mr. Gio will be in the Senior hallway from 7:30am - 7:45am Monday, March 30th and Tuesday, March 31st collecting Cap & Gown money. As a reminder, cost is $50.00. Cash or checks only. Checks should be made out to Boston Latin School and your name and cap & gown money should be written in the note section of the check. Senior/Junior Prom Committees(Gio) There will be a meeting after school on Thursday, April 2nd for any senior or junior who would like to be a member of their prom commitee. Meeting will be held in the Schawbel College Resource Center immediately at the close of school. Any questions should be directed to Mr. Gio. WIN A FREE ICE CREAM PARTY FOR YOUR CLASS Students of all Classes, Ms. Encarnacao & Mr. McQuade are both running the Boston Marathon this year and are fundraising for City Year and Boston Children's Hospital respectively. Starting today, there will be empty water jugs at the Lunchroom- one for each Class I-VI. You can donate to these charities with coins or bills of any size, but make sure you know the rules of this "Penny Challenge!" The class who raises the most money will win an Ice Cream Party for their whole class after April Vacation. (MQ) Strengths Based Leadership Seminar DLI and PIC offering a final installment of the Strengths Based Leadership Seminar. 4 workshops - 3/30, 4/2, 4/14. All required. 2:30-3:30pm, Rm 116. Classes I-III. Students receive personalized report of their leadership strengths and Certificate of Completion for college applications. Sign up by emailing Mr. Levesque ( or Ms. Delorme (
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