9. 10 a) Explain : i) Data Bound Grid control. ii) DB ComboBox. iii) DB List Box. b) AL - 0512 B. C. A. (Part - Ill) (Old Course) Visual Basic Create a VB application for connecting access database to VB using data control. 6 Paper - XVI P Pages : 4 Time : Three Hours c) What do you mean by Recordset ? Explain its types ? Note : 1. All questions are compulsory 2. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3. Assume suitable data wherever necessary. 4. Illustrate your answer with the help of neat sketches wherever necessary. 4 OR 10 10. a) Explain : i) COM / DCOM. ii) ODBC. b) c) Max. Marks : 100 1. a) Explain the concept of event-driver programming ? Design a database application in VB to store employee detail using ADODC control ? 6 b) Explain the relational & logical operator in VB ? 4 6 4 Define : i) Data Control ii) Record Set. c) What is array ? Explain the array in VB with 10 suitable example ? OR 2. AL - 0512 4 213 / 325 a) Explain : i) IF - - THEN - - ELSE. ii) SELECT - - CASE AL - 0512 1 4 b) 3. Write a VB program to check the input no. is even or odd. c) 6 c) Explain VB IDE with its components ? a) Explain the difference between picture Box & Image Box control ? 4 Explain the procedure of producing color dialog Box ? 6 b) c) Explain all graphics methods in VB with syntax & example ? 10 b) Explain : i) Image Box. a) What is open statement ? Explain the open statement modes ? i) Append ii) Binary iii) Random Explain : i) Seek( ) b) 10 7. Explain the Line & Shape controls in VB ? a) 4 OR 6. OR 4. Write a VB program to read data & write data into a binary file ? 10 6 ii) LOF( ) iii) Freefile( ) c) List the file-related controls with example ? 4 a) What are the web browser controls provided by visual Basic ? Explain. 10 b) Create an intemet application in VB using web browser control ? 4 6 10 ii) OLE. OR c) 5. a) b) What are common dialog control ? Write a procedure to add common dialog control in VB application ? Explain : i) print # a) 10 What is file ? Explain the sequential & random access file with suitable example ? 10 AL 0512 - 8. b) Write and explain all FTP & HITP commands ? 10 Explain the active-x controls provided by visual basic for web ? 10 6 ii) input # 2 iii) write # AL - 0512 3 P.T.O.
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