2QFY2015 Result Update | Media October 20, 2014 HT Media BUY Performance Highlights CMP Target Price Quarterly Data (Consolidated) (` cr) Revenue EBITDA OPM (%) Reported PAT 2QFY15 561 72 12.9 44 2QFY14 535 64 12.0 58 % yoy 4.9 12.0 82 (24.6) 1QFY15 546 62 11.3 33 % qoq 2.6 16.3 151 34.3 Source: Company, Angel Research `111 `129 Investment Period 12 months Stock Info Sector Media Market Cap (` cr) 2,584 Net Debt (` cr) 988 HT Media reported a subdued set of results for 2QFY2015, both on the top-line and the bottom-line front. The top-line growth was lower mainly due to lower growth in advertising revenue, primarily from the English edition, which although is showing signs of recovery. The company’s performance was subdued on the profitability front as well, owing to subdued sales growth and lower other income. Beta English ad revenues show signs of recovery, but still below our expectation: HT Media’s Hindi subsidiary - HMVL - registered a double digit advertising revenue growth of ~12% yoy to `142cr on back of increase in yields and volume. English advertising revenue grew by 7.0% yoy to `278cr owing to improvement in market sentiment with increase in ad spend from automobile and real estate sectors in particular. The Management expects English advertising yield to go up after 2HFY2015, leading to improvement in English advertising revenues. Nifty Despite OPM improvement, Net profit subdued: For the quarter, HT Media posted a de-growth of ~25% in earnings to `44cr, owing to subdued sales growth and lower other income. Other income in the corresponding quarter of the previous year carried an amount of `38.2cr from the Burda stake sale and an amount of `8.6cr pertaining to the HMVL stake sale, thus leading to a higher base for the quarter under review (2QFY2015). MF / Banks / Indian Fls Outlook and valuation: Going forward, we believe that the company would perform well, both on the top-line and bottom-line fronts due to expected recovery in Indian economy. This would lead to increase in revenue from new businesses like HT Mumbai, Radio and the Hindi editions; further, we also expect the company to gain some traction in its Digital businesses. Moreover, the company has a strong balance sheet which would make it more capable to execute future expansion plans. Hence, we maintain our Buy recommendation on the stock with a target price of `129. 0.5 52 Week High / Low 131 / 70 Avg. Daily Volume 20,713 Face Value (`) 2 BSE Sensex 26,430 7,879 Reuters Code HTML.BO Bloomberg Code HTML@IN Shareholding Pattern (%) Promoters 69.5 8.1 FII / NRIs / OCBs 11.8 Indian Public / Others 10.6 Abs. (%) 3m 1yr 3yr Sensex 3.1 26.6 56.0 HTML (5.6) 20.2 (21.1) Key financials (Consolidated) Y/E March (` cr) Net Sales % chg Net Profit (Adj.) % chg EBITDA margin (%) EPS (`) P/E (x) P/BV (x) RoE (%) RoCE (%) EV/Sales (x) EV/EBITDA (x) FY2013 2,048 2.3 168 1.3 13.8 7.2 15.4 1.6 10.5 9.4 0.9 6.7 FY2014 2,201 7.4 208 23.8 14.2 8.9 12.4 1.5 11.9 10.5 0.7 5.1 Source: Company, Angel Research; Note: CMP as of October 20, 2014 Please refer to important disclosures at the end of this report FY2015E 2,301 4.6 174 (16.2) 12.4 7.5 14.9 1.3 9.0 8.0 0.6 5.1 FY2016E 2,495 8.4 187 7.5 12.4 8.0 13.8 1.2 8.7 7.9 0.6 4.5 Amarjeet S Maurya 022-39357800 Ext: 6831 amarjeet.maurya@angelbroking.com 1 HT Media | 2QFY2015 Result Update Exhibit 1: Quarterly performance (Consolidated) Y/E March (` cr) Net Sales 2QFY15 2QFY14 % yoy 1QFY15 % qoq 1HFY15 1HFY14 % chg 561 535 4.9 546 2.6 1,107 1,076 2.9 3.1 186 2.0 4.4 Consumption of RM 189 184 (% of Sales) 33.8 34.3 Staff Costs 116 106 (% of Sales) 20.7 19.9 Other Expenses 183 180 (% of Sales) 32.7 33.7 Total Expenditure 489 470 3.9 484 0.9 Operating Profit 72 64 12.0 62 16.3 OPM 12.9 12.0 Interest 12 17 Depreciation 25 Other Income 34 PBT (excl. Ext Items) 69 11.3 15.2 16 18 (% of PBT) 23.5 21.8 Recurring PAT 52.6 64 9.4 11.9 8 5 Reported PAT 44 58 Equity shares (cr) 23 23 EPS (`) 1.9 2.5 359 33.4 241 212 21.8 19.7 357 362 32.2 33.7 973 933 4.3 134 142 (5.8) 13.8 (1.4) 12.1 13.2 27 31 27 (8.5) 52 44 18.5 39 (14.1) 73 85 (13.2) (16.0) 59 15.5 128 152 (15.6) (1) (0) (16.5) 59 15.8 127 151 11.4 14.1 33 36 26.2 23.8 82 12.1 375 33.9 (15.7) 12.1 (0) 5.6 31.8 (40.5) 81 Minority Interest 174 57 (1) (7.3) 22.9 1.8 22 68 PATM 125 15 PBT (incl. Ext Items) Provision for Taxation 9.0 (28.4) Ext Income/(Expense) (% of Sales) 34.0 (1) 10.7 (10.2) 17 (7.7) 29.4 (17.7) 42.1 25.0 7.7 9 (24.6) 33 34.3 23 (24.6) 1.4 34.3 95 115 8.5 10.7 17 10 77 106 23 23 3.3 4.5 (12.6) (16.4) (8.0) (18.0) (27.5) (27.5) Source: Company, Angel Research October 20, 2014 2 HT Media | 2QFY2015 Result Update English ad revenue showing signs of recovery, but still below our expectation For 2QFY2015, HT Media reported a lower ~5% yoy growth in its top-line to `561cr owing to subdued growth in advertising revenues from English editions. Overall, the company registered a ~9% yoy growth in advertising revenue to `420cr and ~12% yoy growth in circulation revenue to `72cr. Exhibit 2: Top-line growth trend 580 12 10 560 10 9 (` cr) 520 4 5 5 5 4 4 500 1 535 573 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 Consolidated Top-line 2 544 546 561 2Q15 541 1Q15 501 4Q14 547 3Q13 1 511 2Q13 480 460 6 (%) 8 540 0 yoy growth (RHS) Source: Company, Angel Research Hindi advertising revenue continues to grow in double digits HT Media’s Hindi subsidiary - HMVL - registered a double digit advertising revenue growth of ~12% yoy to `142cr on back of increase in yields and volume. English advertising revenue grew by 7.0% yoy to `278cr owing to improvement in market sentiment with increase in ad spend from automobile and real estate sectors in particular. Further, the Management expects English advertising yield to go up after 2HFY2015, leading to improvement in English advertising revenues. Exhibit 4: Hindi advertising revenue 10 Source: Company, Angel Research yoy growth (RHS) (6) 30 - 118 111 133 127 138 133 156 142 2Q15 (4) 1Q15 278 Ad revenue (LHS) (%) 10 5 (3) 4Q14 266 12 11 3Q14 3Q14 Ad revenue (LHS) 284 14 60 2Q14 314 15 17 16 15 1Q14 260 2Q15 277 1Q15 267 (2) 4Q14 297 2Q14 (4) 90 20 4Q13 0 (3) 1Q14 0 4 2 3 4Q13 100 7 6 4 200 3Q13 (` cr) 6 20 120 6 3Q13 8 300 25 150 8 (` cr) 400 (%) Exhibit 3: English advertising revenue 0 (5) yoy growth (RHS) Source: Company, Angel Research Among other businesses, the digital business reported a ~40% yoy growth in revenue to `25cr while revenues of the radio business grew by ~10% yoy to `24cr. The Management expects the company’s digital business’ revenue to continue with its double-digit growth and expects revenue from the digital business to reach `100cr in FY2015. October 20, 2014 3 HT Media | 2QFY2015 Result Update Exhibit 6: Circulation revenue - 56 57 57 61 64 67 Circ. revenue (LHS) yoy growth (RHS) 66 69 72 Exhibit 7: Gross Margin & OPM Exhibit 8: Net profit and margin trend 65.9 67.1 67.5 65.7 66.7 66.2 66.0 (` cr) 40.0 30.0 11.1 16.0 14.3 14.4 12.0 15.1 13.9 11.3 12.9 30 20 10.9 9.8 8.0 11.7 8.0 8.8 7.8 6.5 6.4 6.0 33 Source: Company, Angel Research 40 47 58 67 35 33 44 Reported PAT (LHS) 4Q14 3Q14 2Q14 1Q14 4Q13 3Q13 2Q15 1Q15 4Q14 2Q14 3Q14 Gross margins 54 - 2Q13 OPM 1Q14 4Q13 3Q13 2Q13 0.0 6.0 4.0 10 10.0 (%) 10.0 2Q15 40 50.0 (%) 12.0 50 60.0 20.0 14.0 60 66.2 1Q15 61.8 - yoy growth (RHS) Source: Company, Angel Research 70.0 10 5 Source: Company, Angel Research 80.0 12 2Q15 (4) 13 1Q15 10 12 3Q14 20 14 14 11 2Q14 420 (2) 15 (%) Ad revenue (LHS) 421 30 18 16 1Q14 417 40 2Q15 452 1Q15 387 4Q14 410 3Q14 378 2Q14 415 1Q14 2Q13 - 364 1 19 50 2 3 2 4Q13 (1) 6 4 200 100 60 4Q13 6 8 3Q13 9 20 2Q13 300 9 70 (` cr) 10 10 3Q13 (` cr) 400 80 10 (%) 500 12 4Q14 Exhibit 5: Consolidated advertising revenue 2.0 - NPM (RHS) Source: Company, Angel Research Net profit subdued despite OPM improvement In 2QFY2015, despite the growth in operating profit by ~12% yoy to `72cr and improvement in margin by 82bp yoy, the company reported a Net profit de-growth of ~25% yoy to `44cr owing to subdued revenue growth and lower other income. Other income in the corresponding quarter of the previous year carried an amount of `38.2cr from the Burda stake sale and an amount of `8.6cr pertaining to the HMVL stake sale, thus leading to a higher base for the quarter under review (2QFY2015). In terms of segment wise EBIT level, the company reported a profit of ~`67cr in the Print business while the Radio business reported an EBIT level profit of ~`7cr. However, the Digital business reported an EBIT level loss of ~`15cr. October 20, 2014 4 HT Media | 2QFY2015 Result Update Investment rationale Margin pressure to ease as ad revenue picks up Losses in the Digital business and emerging markets, higher newsprint costs, and cyclical nature of ad revenue growth are weighing on the company’s operating margins. The company has undertaken measures such as cutback in excess circulation and pagination efficiency to improve margins. The company has also divested its entire 51% stake in HT Burda, which was making losses. Further, the Management has indicated at a shift in focus from volume driven to yield driven advertising growth. Going forward, we expect yield driven advertising growth and eventual recovery in economy to aid advertising revenue growth and overall profitability. Outlook and valuation Going forward, we believe that the company would perform well, both on the topline and bottom-line fronts due to expected recovery in the Indian economy. This would lead to increase in revenue from new businesses like HT Mumbai, Radio and the Hindi editions; further, we also expect the company to gain some traction in its Digital businesses. Moreover, the company has a strong balance sheet which would make HT Media more capable for future expansion plans. Hence, we maintain Buy on the stock with a target price of `129. Downside risks to our estimates include 1) a sharp rise in newsprint prices in INR terms, and 2) higher-than-expected losses/increase in the breakeven period of emerging editions and Digital business. October 20, 2014 5 HT Media | 2QFY2015 Result Update Exhibit 9: One-year forward P/E band 250 10x 15x 20x 25x 30x Share Price(`) 200 150 100 50 Apr-08 Jul-08 Oct-08 Jan-09 Apr-09 Jul-09 Oct-09 Jan-10 Apr-10 Jul-10 Oct-10 Jan-11 Apr-11 Jul-11 Oct-11 Jan-12 Apr-12 Jul-12 Oct-12 Jan-13 Apr-13 Jul-13 Oct-13 Jan-14 Apr-14 Jul-14 Oct-14 0 Source: Company, Angel Research Company Background HT Media is the second largest print media company in terms of readership/circulation and the largest listed print media company in terms of revenue. The company's two key offerings, Hindustan Times and Hindustan, feature in the top five newspapers in their respective categories in terms of readership. The company is a market leader in Delhi (Hindustan Times), Bihar and Jharkhand (Hindustan) and has emerged as a strong contender in the financial daily segment (Mint). October 20, 2014 6 HT Media | 2QFY2015 Result Update Profit and Loss Statement (Consolidated) Y/E March (` cr) Gross sales Less: Excise duty FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015E FY2016E 1,776 2,048 2,201 2,301 2,495 - - - - - - 1,776 2,001 2,048 2,201 2,301 2,495 25.7 12.7 2.3 7.4 4.6 8.4 Total Expenditure 1,444 1,715 1,766 1,888 2,016 2,185 Cost of Materials 620 724 724 734 782 848 Net Sales % chg Power & Fuel Cost 37 40 48 64 71 80 Other Manufacturing Expenses 129 153 160 187 200 220 SG&A Expenses 289 325 325 348 341 359 Personnel 301 356 392 424 483 529 68 117 116 132 138 150 Others EBITDA 332 287 283 312 285 309 % chg 33.6 (13.6) (1.5) 10.6 (8.7) 8.4 (% of Net Sales) 18.7 14.3 13.8 14.2 12.4 12.4 Depreciation& Amortization 84 92 91 86 98 108 EBIT 248 195 191 227 187 201 % chg 39.4 (21.2) (2.1) 18.6 (17.3) 7.5 (% of Net Sales) 13.9 9.8 9.3 10.3 8.1 8.1 25 36 45 65 56 54 Interest & other Charges Other Income (% of PBT) Share in profit of Associates Recurring PBT % chg 34 75 94 162 148 150 13.2 32.0 39.0 50.1 53.0 50.4 - - - - - - 257 234 240 324 279 297 (8.4) (9.0) 2.7 34.8 (13.8) 6.4 - - - - - 257 234 240 324 279 297 Pr Period & Extr. Exp/(Inc.) PBT (reported) Tax 71 63 62 92 75 80 (% of PBT) 27.7 26.7 25.9 28.3 27.0 27.0 PAT (reported) 186 172 178 232 204 217 Add: Share of earnings of assoc. - - - (1) - - Less: Minority interest (MI) 5 6 10 24 30 30 PAT after MI (reported) 181 165 168 208 174 187 ADJ. PAT 181 165 168 208 174 187 0.4 (8.5) 1.3 23.8 (16.2) 7.5 % chg (% of Net Sales) October 20, 2014 2,001 10.2 8.3 8.2 9.4 7.6 7.5 Basic EPS (`) 7.8 7.1 7.2 8.9 7.5 8.0 Fully Diluted EPS (`) 7.8 7.1 7.2 8.9 7.5 8.0 % chg 0.4 (8.5) 1.3 23.8 (16.2) 7.5 7 HT Media | 2QFY2015 Result Update Balance Sheet (Consolidated) Y/E March (` cr) FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015E FY2016E SOURCES OF FUNDS Equity Share Capital 47 47 47 46 46 46 Reserves& Surplus 1,255 1,400 1,549 1,699 1,894 2,101 Shareholders’ Funds 1,302 1,447 1,596 1,745 1,940 2,147 Minority Interest 130 136 144 159 159 159 Total Loans 312 387 434 417 407 407 Deferred Tax Liability Total Liabilities 73 77 80 49 49 49 1,817 2,047 2,254 2,370 2,555 2,762 APPLICATION OF FUNDS Gross Block 1,213 1,284 1,327 1,459 1,569 1,699 Less: Acc. Depreciation 408 497 594 679 777 885 Net Block 805 787 734 779 791 813 10 19 113 - - - - - - 6 6 6 Investments 760 832 973 1,287 1,387 1,437 Current Assets 765 891 986 1,092 1,179 1,327 Inventories 146 182 163 226 240 273 Capital Work-in-Progress Goodwill Sundry Debtors 258 276 271 287 309 342 Cash 109 157 152 119 148 151 Loans & Advances 185 187 281 352 368 437 67 89 119 110 115 125 Current liabilities 604 594 635 794 808 820 Net Current Assets 161 298 352 299 371 507 Deferred Tax Asset 81 112 83 - - - - - - - - - 1,817 2,047 2,254 2,370 2,555 2,762 Other Assets Mis. Exp. not written off Total Assets October 20, 2014 8 HT Media | 2QFY2015 Result Update Cashflow (Consolidated) Y/E March (` cr) FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Profit before tax 257 234 240 324 Depreciation 279 297 84 92 91 86 98 108 (32) (78) 8 53 (44) (132) 21 (28) (48) 65 56 54 Direct taxes paid (52) (115) (81) (92) (75) (80) Others (28) 34 34 0 0 0 Cash Flow from Operations Change in WC Interest / Dividend (Net) October 20, 2014 FY2014 FY2015E FY2016E 250 139 244 436 314 247 (Inc.)/ Dec. in Fixed Assets (1) (39) (112) (80) (110) (130) (Inc.)/ Dec. in Investments (284) (72) (141) (313) (100) (50) Cash Flow from Investing (285) (111) (254) (393) (210) (180) Issue of Equity 198 0 0 0 0 0 Inc./(Dec.) in loans (88) 65 59 (17) (10) 0 Dividend Paid (Incl. Tax) (8) (8) (9) (9) (9) (9) Interest / Dividend (Net) (35) (36) (46) (49) (56) (54) Cash Flow from Financing 66 21 4 (76) (75) (63) Inc./(Dec.) in Cash 31 48 (5) (33) 29 3 Opening Cash balances 78 109 157 152 119 148 Closing Cash balances 109 157 152 119 148 151 9 HT Media | 2QFY2015 Result Update Key ratios Y/E March FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E FY2015E FY2016E Valuation Ratio (x) P/E (on FDEPS) 14.3 15.6 15.4 12.4 14.9 13.8 P/CEPS 9.7 10.1 10.0 8.8 9.5 8.8 P/BV 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 Dividend yield (%) 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 EV/Sales 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.6 EV/EBITDA 6.1 6.9 6.7 5.1 5.1 4.5 EV / Total Assets 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.4 EPS (Basic) 7.8 7.1 7.2 8.9 7.5 8.0 EPS (fully diluted) 7.8 7.1 7.2 8.9 7.5 8.0 11.4 11.0 11.1 12.6 11.7 12.7 Per Share Data (`) Cash EPS DPS Book Value 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 55.9 62.2 68.6 75.0 83.3 92.3 13.9 9.8 9.3 10.3 8.1 8.1 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 DuPont analysis EBIT margin Tax retention ratio Asset turnover (x) ROIC (Post-tax) Cost of Debt (Post-tax) 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.9 2.8 2.6 24.0 16.9 15.6 21.5 16.8 15.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Leverage (x) (0.3) (0.4) (0.5) (0.5) (0.5) (0.5) Operating ROE 16.8 10.2 7.9 10.8 8.5 7.6 RoCE 15.3 10.6 9.4 10.5 8.0 7.9 Angel RoIC (Pre-tax) 33.2 23.1 21.1 29.9 23.1 20.8 RoE 13.9 11.4 10.5 11.9 9.0 8.7 Returns (%) Turnover ratios (x) Asset Turnover 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Inventory / Sales (days) 29.9 33.2 29.1 37.4 38.0 40.0 Receivables (days) 53.0 50.3 48.3 47.6 49.0 50.0 Payables (days) 64.3 63.9 67.1 65.3 63.0 59.0 Net WC (days) 18.7 19.5 10.3 19.7 24.0 31.0 (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.6) (0.6) (0.5) Net Debt to EBITDA (1.7) (2.1) (2.4) (3.2) (3.9) (3.8) Interest Coverage 10.0 5.4 4.3 3.5 3.3 3.7 Solvency ratios (x) Net Debt to equity October 20, 2014 10 HT Media | 2QFY2015 Result Update Research Team Tel: 022 - 39357800 E-mail: research@angelbroking.com Website: www.angelbroking.com DISCLAIMER This document is solely for the personal information of the recipient, and must not be singularly used as the basis of any investment decision. 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Reports based on technical and derivative analysis center on studying charts of a stock's price movement, outstanding positions and trading volume, as opposed to focusing on a company's fundamentals and, as such, may not match with a report on a company's fundamentals. The information in this document has been printed on the basis of publicly available information, internal data and other reliable sources believed to be true, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete and it should not be relied on as such, as this document is for general guidance only. Angel Broking Pvt. Limited or any of its affiliates/ group companies shall not be in any way responsible for any loss or damage that may arise to any person from any inadvertent error in the information contained in this report. Angel Broking Pvt. Limited has not independently verified all the information contained within this document. Accordingly, we cannot testify, nor make any representation or warranty, express or implied, to the accuracy, contents or data contained within this document. While Angel Broking Pvt. Limited endeavours to update on a reasonable basis the information discussed in this material, there may be regulatory, compliance, or other reasons that prevent us from doing so. This document is being supplied to you solely for your information, and its contents, information or data may not be reproduced, redistributed or passed on, directly or indirectly. Angel Broking Pvt. Limited and its affiliates may seek to provide or have engaged in providing corporate finance, investment banking or other advisory services in a merger or specific transaction to the companies referred to in this report, as on the date of this report or in the past. Neither Angel Broking Pvt. 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