Saint Kilian Parish 7076 Franklin Road, Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania 16066 The Catholic Parish for those living in the boroughs of Callery, Mars, Seven Fields and Valencia; as well as those in Adams Township and Cranberry Township (east of Rt. 19) Phone: 724-625-1665 Fax: 724-625-1922 October 19, 2014 Web Site: Email Address: The Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Daily Mass: Consult weekly bulletin Parish Staff Infant Baptisms may take place during any weekend Mass or at 1:15 p.m. on any Sunday. Reverend Charles S. Bober Pastor Adult Entrance into the Catholic Church takes place through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.). For adolescents, preparation for Confirmation takes place within the Religious Education Program. For adults, preparation takes place through a brief special program. Reverend Christopher D. Donley Parochial Vicar Deacon Ralph Bachner Pastoral Associate Director of Faith Formation Matrimony Diocesan directives require at least 6 months notice. An interview with the pastor is required before a date can be placed on the parish schedule. A marriage preparation course is provided periodically by the parish. Susan Bachner Faith Formation/CCD Program Director Reconciliation (Confession) is scheduled on Saturdays from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., or by appointment with the pastor. Deacon William Carver Pastoral Care/Institutional Ministry Anointing of the Sick is available to anyone seriously ill or anticipating surgery. David Dreher Director of Music Ministries Charles J. Goetz Business Manager Deacon Robert Marshall Youth and Young Adult Ministry Jane Pampena School Principal For information on priesthood or religious life contact the Vocation Office of the Diocese of Pittsburgh at 412-456-3123. Interpreted Mass for the Deaf every Sunday at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Parish Center is located at 7076 Franklin Road (off of Route 228). Office Hours: Monday through Thursday - 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. New Parishioners are always welcome. You may register at the parish center or by means of the parish website. Page Two October 19, 2014 THE WORD OF GOD THIS SUNDAY: For this Sunday, the Twenty-ninth in Ordinary Time, the Scriptural readings begin with a passage from the Book of the prophet Isaiah where he speaks of God working through the leader of another nation. In the second reading, from the First Letter to the Thessalonians, Saint Paul speaks of faith and prayer. In the Gospel, Jesus challenges those who attack him with a question about their loyalty to what really matters. COLD AND FLU SEASON: As the weather changes, many of us will experience personal health issues. As you do so, please consider whether or not you might pass on your illness to others by being in crowds at Mass or social events in the parish. It is also important to remember that at the Sign of Peace at Mass it is enough to share the words of peace without shaking hands. Please be understanding and sensitive if others wish to extend greetings but not their hands. SEATING AT MASS: Please note that many of the rows in the auditorium at the high school are very long (some over 20 seats in length). If you arrive early and sit in the end seat, everyone else has to climb over you to be seated in that row. While many prefer “end seats” it really does not convey a sense of welcome if people have to climb over others to get to a seat even when they arrive early before Mass begins. Taking a seat in the middle of the row is one more way of extending hospitality to visitors and fellow parishioners alike. FLU SHOTS: Walgreens Clinic will be offering Flu shots to parishioners on Saturday, October 18th from 4:00-5:00 pm and Sunday, October 19th from 7:0010:30 am. Most insurances accepted so participants will need to bring insurance cards for billing. Cash payment will be accepted. SERVING OUR COMMUNITIES Our Food Pantry continues to serve our communities. For the month of September (4 Wednesdays), 204 families (401 individuals) utilized the Food Pantry. The demand continues to grow! The Food Pantry, located in the basement of the old rectory in Mars at 205 Clark Street, is open every Wednesday from 3:00 until 7:00 pm. FOOD DONATIONS The Food Pantry is always appreciate of your donations (please do check to make sure donated items have not expired). This week, we are most in need of the following: cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix and syrup, canned meats and tuna, pasta sauce, canned ravioli, boxed potatoes, stuffing mix, Hamburger Helper, canned fruits, applesauce, canned vegetables (except green beans), jelly, cranberry sauce and toilet paper. FELLOWSHIP DINNERS These Wednesday evening meals are of great help to our neighbors and provide food and fellowship for those in any need. Dinner is served from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. every Wednesday in the Parish Hall (next to the church in Mars on the corner of Clark and Cherry Streets). A Planning Meeting for 2015 Fellowship Dinners will be held on Wednesday, October 22 at 6:45 in the Church Hall in Mars. All contact persons for Parish groups should attend. If you haven’t done so already, please let Rob know who will represent your group. THANK YOU! Thank you to Giant Eagle for their weekly donations of baked goods to the Food Pantry and McGinnis Sisters for their weekly donations of baked goods and desserts to the Fellowship Dinners. Special thanks to all our dinner sponsors and volunteers. Page Three LITURGY & EVENT CALENDARS LITURGY SCHEDULE October 19, 2014 THIS WEEK AT SAINT KILIAN Saturday, October 18, 2014 3:30 p.m. Wedding: Adam Kokal and Kate Reinhart Saint Kilian Church in Mars 4:00 p.m. (CWNC) Larry Benton (Jean) 5:30 p.m. (CWNC) Victoria and Donna Pietropola (Family) Saturday, October 18, 2014 9:00 a.m. Caring Quilt Ministry - Parish Hall in Mars Sunday, October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. (CWNC) Living and Deceased Members of Saint Kilian Parish 9:00 a.m. (CWNC) Stephanie Glavin (Family) 10:30 a.m. (CWNC) Regis Kozusko (Linda and Ted Rossetti) 12:15 p.m. (CWNC) Carole Levesque (Tony Rigano) 5:30 p.m. (CWNC) Marvin Wirsing (Marge) Monday, October 20, 2014 11:30 a.m. Jr. SKY Core Team Meeting Conference Room B 4:40 p.m. CCD Classes - Saint Kilian Parish Center 6:30 p.m. CCD Classes - Saint Kilian Parish Center 6:30 p.m. RCIA - Conference Room B 7:00 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul Society - Rectory in Mars 7:30 p.m. Devoto Bells - CWNC Band Room Monday, October 20, 2014 10:00 a.m. (PC) Anna Steinbeiser (Bachner Family) Tuesday, October 21, 2014 7:00 a.m. (Chapel) Mike Kenitz, Jr. (Nick Makozy) 2:30 p.m. Paramount Senior Living - Rosary 3:00 p.m. Paramount Senior Living - Communion Service Wednesday, October 22, 2014 7:00 a.m. (Chapel) Kathleen Haberman (Christina Kolmansperger and Eric Fritz) Thursday, October 23, 2014 7:00 a.m. (Chapel) Marilyn Osiecki (Crowley Family) Friday, October 24, 2014 7:00 a.m. (Chapel) Lorraine Cieslak (Ed and Toni Zawisza) Saturday, October 25, 2014 2:00 p.m. Wedding: Richard Shutte and Morgan Henrich Saint Kilian Church in Mars 4:00 p.m. (CWNC) Helen Grygiel (Jeanne and Rege Kleinhampl) 5:30 p.m. (CWNC) Ted Helgerman (St. Vincent de Paul Society) Sunday, October 26, 2014 The 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. (CWNC) Emma Cole (Family) 9:00 a.m. (CWNC) Mikayla Chappell (Friends) 10:30 a.m. (CWNC) Anna Mae Seibert (Family) 12:15 p.m. (CWNC) Living and Deceased Members of Saint Kilian Parish 5:30 p.m. (CWNC) Katherine Dienstbier (Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Samuto) Sunday, October 19, 2014 8:40 a.m. CCD Classes - Saint Kilian Parish Center 10:30 a.m. CCD Classes - Saint Kilian Parish Center 6:30 p.m. SKY Youth Ministry - SKP Cafeteria Tuesday, October 21, 2014 4:40 p.m. CCD Classes - Saint Kilian Parish Center 6:30 p.m. Alienated Grandparents Anonymous Conference Room B 7:00 p.m. Dreher Chorale Rehearsal - CWNC Band Room Wednesday, October 22, 2014 9:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study - Conference Room B 6:30 p.m. GriefShare - Conference Room B 7:30 p.m. Evening Bible Study - Conference Room A Thursday, October 23, 2014 5:30 p.m. Jr. Cantors - CWNC Band Room 6:00 p.m. Children’s Choir - CWNC Band Room 6:30 p.m. Protecting God’s Children - Cafeteria 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir - CWNC Band Room Friday, October 24, 2014 10:30 a.m. Prayer Group - Church in Mars Saturday, October 25, 2014 9:00 a.m. SKY Youth Ministry - SKP Cafeteria 6:30 p.m. Jr. SKY Youth Ministry - CWNC Cafeteria Sunday, October 26, 2014 8:40 a.m. CCD Classes - Saint Kilian Parish Center 10:30 a.m. CCD Classes - Saint Kilian Parish Center Page Four October 19, 2014 MUSIC MINISTRY The readings, psalm and music this week centers on the concept of giving praise to Almighty God. God alone is God. God is the source of all power and authority. The psalm calls us to give God “glory and praise” and to announce God’s sovereignty to all nations. Even in the gospel, Jesus commands us to give God what is properly due. It is very fitting that we conclude our liturgy with the beloved hymn, Holy God, We Praise Thy Name. This very old hymn dates back to 1771 with lyrics by the German priest Ignaz Franz. It originally had lyrics in Latin that paraphrased the Te Deum. The first printing of the song was made in Vienna 1776, where it became part of the Catholic hymnbook (Katholisches Gesangsbuch) upon the order of Her Apostolic Majesty Maria Theresia. Our various choirs can be heard at these liturgies coming up: Devoto Bell Choir Children’s Choir Adult Choir Oct. 19th Oct. 18th Oct. 19th Oct. 26th Nov. 2nd Nov. 9th @ @ @ @ @ @ 12:15 pm 5:30 pm 10:30 am 10:30 am 12:15 pm 12:15 pm If you would like more information regarding the Bell Choir, Children’s Choir or Adult Choir, please contact David Dreher at 724-625-1665 x2113 or email LAST CALL! HAVE A COAT? NEED A COAT? Gently used coats and winter items needed for our annual COAT COLLECTION. All sizes gratefully accepted! Other winter items especially in need are sweatshirts (used) and large/XL white socks (need to be new). Items can be dropped off at the front office of the Parish Center, Attn: Jo Scheller. If you need a coat or winter help, please email Jo at DUE DATE for coats and misc. items is Saturday, October 25th. Drop off at the Jr. SKY meeting in the CWNC cafeteria after 5:30 pm Mass. ALIENATED GRANDPARENTS ANONYMOUS: AGA is support group for parents who struggle with their relationship with their married children and as a consequence their grandchildren. Alienated Grandparents Anonymous focuses on the struggle so many grandparents have in being part of their grandchildren's lives. AGA provides support and information, and helps validate the feelings of those suffering some degree of estrangement, alienation, or isolation. Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 21st at 6:30 pm in Conference Room B of the Parish Center. Contact Deacon Ralph Bachner @ 724-625-1665 x 2103 or email for more information. CARING QUILT MINISTRY HAS A CHANGE FOR OCTOBER We usually meet the 4th Saturday of every month BUT for October we will be meeting on the 18th! Anyone is welcome to stop in the Parish Center and request a quilt. No cost, no questions! Any questions, please contact Betsy Pfendler at 724-766-7435 or email at betsy000@zoominternet. Thanks for the continued support. Geri Basa Monica Brower Corey and Kristy Carson Children: Ty and Alex Catherine Mahunik Lance Trott Fred and Ann Marie Zajac ARE YOU PLANNING A WILL OR ESTATE? Please remember Saint Kilian Parish’s Second Century Campaign in your will or estate planning. In this way, you can help build the future of our parish and likely take steps which are of a tax advantage to you. If you need additional information regarding this opportunity to help the parish, please phone the Parish Center. Page Five October 19, 2014 Saint Kilian Youth High School Youth Ministry Deacon Bob Marshall 724-625-1665, ext. 2116 October 19, 2014 - SKY NITE Parish Center 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Come to play the “Where is He?” game. Walking tacos for dinner. DEADLINE to register for Fall Retreat. Send in your registration fee and permission form to Deacon Bob, Saint Kilian Parish, 7076 Franklin Road, Cranberry Twp PA 16066 or bring to our SKY Nite. October 21, 2014 - Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity Join people all over the nation and give up your voice for a day in solidarity for all the children who have had NO VOICE. Since 1973, over 50,000,000 babies have had their voices silenced by abortion. During the silence, remember to pray for the babies and all those affected by abortion. October 25, 2014 - Make A Difference Day 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. We need volunteers to do yard work or help prepare a meal. We will be serving families in our local community. You can sign up for all day or half day. Service hours will be given. Deadline to register is October 22nd. COME MAKE A DIFFERENCE! November 21-23, 2014 - Fall Retreat Friday evening to Sunday afternoon “Jesus: The Myth, The Man, The Legacy.” Inspiring speakers and great live music. The retreat will be held at Camp Allegheny, Ellwood City. Cost: $110 - check made out to Saint Kilian Parish. Lodging and all meals included. Scholarships are available. Contact Deacon Bob or Tina. Come to celebrate with hundreds of teens! DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS OCTOBER 19TH To join our group, please send Deacon Bob a registration form. Forms and information on our events are on the parish website under Youth Ministry SKY (9-12) and on our Facebook Page SCISSORS & LEADERS: The fleece project requires lots of cutting before we can make the ties…I need 7 /8 grade volunteers to help with this. If you are willing to help lead, email Jo! ALSO, we could use extra fabric scissors, it helps speed up the work! Please let me know if we can borrow yours (make sure they are labeled so I can return them to you). th Our NEXT Jr. SKY is our Winter Warmth Project on Saturday, Oct 25th from 6:30-8:30 pm at CWNC cafeteria (dinner included). We are following in the footsteps of ONE motivated youth who started a whole movement right here in Pittsburgh! YOU too can help make a difference, it’s easy! We have two projects planned for our Oct 25th meeting. All items can be dropped off beforehand at the Saint Kilian front desk, ATTN: Jo Scheller OR bring it with you to Jr. SKY. COAT COLLECTION: Ask friends and family to clean out their closets for gently used winter items. White socks (new) also needed. This is also a parish-wide collection! At Jr. SKY we will organize all by sizes and attach blessings/scripture for a bit of spiritual warmth as well. FLEECE BLANKETS: This is one of the clear favorites for service projects! YOU are to work for, earn and purchase between 1 yard to 2 ¼ yards of fleece. Get a cool design, whichever you like! We will partner you up with another youth/fabric and as a group you will make the tie fleece blankets to give away. These are so BEAUTIFUL due to your creativity and work, and much appreciated. Larger blankets will go to the homeless, lap blankets will go to our seniors and/or homebound. th YUMMY BAKERS WANTED! The treat table this past Jr. SKY was AMAZING! The kids loved it, and I heard some of the youth baked the goodies themselves, thank you! Any leftovers were frozen for our next meeting. Love to bake? Email Jo to bring your yummy treats to our next meeting on Oct 25th. YUM! HALLOWEEN CANDY COLLECTION: We WEALTHY with candy after Oct 31st! Let’s share some of it! Candy collected will be given for Operation Gratitude (candy is sent to our Troops overseas) or to our Food Pantry who uses the candy as treats for those they serve. Please drop off candy by Wednesday, November 5 at the front desk of the Parish Center, Attention: Jo Scheller. are so MINISTRY CLEARANCES are a must for all adult volunteers over the age of 18. Please go to help_clearances.htm for more information. The class that is required as part of this process, “Protecting God’s Children” will be held onsite on Thursday, Oct 23rd from 6:30-9:00 pm in the cafeteria. You must register for this class; email Deacon Ralph at to sign up. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Page Six October 19, 2014 TO BUILD A CHURCH, A CHURCH ALIVE Realizes $7,332,304 of $10,000,000 needed We as a parish have both a tremendous opportunity with this campaign and a significant challenge. But as clearly proven, with faith in God and hard work by all of us, everything is possible. Thanks to the tremendous work of our volunteers, generosity of our parishioners and deep commitment to our faith, we have accomplished much. Working together as one, Saint Kilian’s has almost reached our goal of $10,000,000 because the need is true, our faith is strong, and our generosity is well proven. We are continuing to contact those who have not yet provided a response to the appeal. Please watch future bulletins for updates and information. Financial Report – October 12, 2014 Parish Share 2014 Report Amount Regular Offertory ( Envelopes) Regular Offertory Not in Envelopes Children's Envelopes Total (Including Faith Direct) $40,848.00 $2,476.50 $296.25 $43,620.75 Amount Donations Through October 5, 2104 Contributed on October 12, 2104 $332,547.69 $15,671.49 Total (Including Faith Direct) $348,219.18 2014 Diocesan Assigned Goal $145,369.00 Surplus (Thank You!) $202,850.18 Total in Attendance October 12th Weekend: 3,195 Page Seven October 19, 2014 We welcome into our parish family this infant who was recently Baptized: Patrick James Mahan son of Michelle and Kevin Mahan REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Please pray for the following friends and family of Saint Kilian parishioners who are currently serving in the military: BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP: If you have experienced the death of a loved one, Saint Kilian Parish invites you to be part of a program that offers support, conversation, and comfort. While the thirteen-week program began on August 27th you may join the group at any time. GriefShare meets Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in Conference Room B of the Parish Center. Our ninth session on October 22nd is Stuck. This session looks at common misconceptions that hinder healing and how to prevent getting stuck in grief. Contact Deacon Ralph Bachner at 724625-1665 x2103 or to register or for more information. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 John N. Dvorak Mary D. Dvorak Dominic Greco Andrew Guevara Alan Gundloch Danielle Steed Gundloch LCpl. Dakota Harbison Lt. Ben Harper Will Hospodor Christopher Iole Dale Mahafkey Shawn Palmer TJ Palmer David Smeigh Vincent Steed Daniel Topf Marriage Ministry Corner Marriage Tip of the Week: “Not only do I love my son’s mother, I exalt her as a queen.” (Rosario Slack) Do your children hear how much you esteem your spouse? This works for both husbands and wives. For daily marriage tips, visit, an initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Marriage Encounter The best gift parents can give their children is a happy marriage. Your marriage teaches your children what marriage is. Is your marriage as happy and lifegiving to you and your children as it can be? Want to know more about becoming the loving couple you so deeply desire from your marriage? Upcoming weekends are Nov 14-16 in Bolivar, PA , Jan 23-25 in Portage, PA, Feb 27-Mar 1 in State College, PA. Reservations are limited, register early! for info or to register. Christian Family Movement: Our parish has a number of small faith sharing communities that meet monthly to promote Christ-centered marriage and family life. Groups are geared to life-stage such as a group with young children, teens, empty nesters, etc. More information can be found at or call Lori and Gerry Crowley at (724) 8163951 or e-mail Page Eight October 19, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION The focus of Physical Education at Saint Kilian Parish School is to provide the students with skills and knowledge they need to maintain health for the rest of their lives. Physical Education extends far beyond just being active, rather it provides an understanding of how activity affects the body and mind and spirit. In Physical Education at Saint Kilian’s the students are presented with many different skills, some are new and some are familiar. Mastery of the skills is assessed on how well they followed the critical elements of each skill. For example: it is not how many baskets you make but how you shoot the ball. The students are learning to set personal goals, make intelligent choices, act with personal integrity, work in groups, follow directions, expand their range of skills, and acknowledge that God is at the center of all their gifts and talents. Students in grades K thru 2 are diligently working on their loco-motor skills beginning with skipping and hopping and ending up in 2nd grade with “Karaoke”. The classes are exploring their environment with varying levels of difficulty. They are using different height levels, speeds and balancing techniques. They are also beginning to move into small group games with rules. Grades 3-8 have all begun to take interest in their level of fitness. They have been working hard all quarter so far taking fitness pre-tests which they will be training at home and retesting their progress throughout the year. Time has been allotted in class to develop the 5 components of fitness and many of the activities have been centered to those 5 components to help make fitness fun. All grades are utilizing small and large group activities to build their fine and gross motor coordination, spatial awareness, rule following, sportsmanship and decision making skills. The students of the middle school 6-8 have also been using their creativity and teamwork skills to create a “Frontier Game”. Where they are to pretend they are kids on a wagon train moving west and they must create a game using only items that they could find in their wagon. The students are split into small groups. Each group is given 5 of the same items which would be found in any family’s wagon. They each have some unique items that they must incorporate into the game which will help make the activity unique from the other groups. Groups will teach other groups how to play the games and the rules associated with them and we will have a day where each group will play each game. SAINT KILIAN SPORTS THIS WEEK SOCCER AT HOME Good Luck Celtics cross country In the Playoffs! CROSS COUNTRY Saturday, October 18th 10:00 am Friday, October 17th 5:00 pm 4th Grade 5x5 Tournament Invitational Saturday, October 18th 1:00 pm 4th Grade (Paschal) vs. Aquinas Academy 2:15 pm 4th Grade (Esser) vs. Saint Alphonsus Flames Sunday, October 26th 2:15 pm 2nd Grade (White) vs. Holy Sepulcher Diocesan Championships at Cooper’s Lake Good Luck Ironmen Football In the Playoffs! GIRLS VOLLEYBALL AT HOME Saturday, October 18th 8:00 am Saint Kilian Hosting Volleyball Tournament Sunday, October 19th TBD Saint Kilian Hosting 1st Round of Playoffs Sunday, October 19th 1:00 p.m. Developmental vs. St. Louise de Marillac Upper St. Clair @ 2:00 p.m. JV vs. Louise de Marillac Upper St. Clair @ 3:30 p.m. Varsity vs. Northern Catholic North Allegheny @ Page Nine October 19, 2014 Children’s Clothes • Maternity CONCRETE WORK Baby Gear • Toys • Books Mike Mulkerrins (412) 337-2073 Now Located in the Piazza Plaza 20550 Route 19, Unit 5 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 Fully Insured-Free Estimates Driveways • Sidewalks 724-591-5808 Steps & Patios • Floors Small Excavations • Versalock Walls MENTION THIS AD AND RECEIVE 15% OFF 1ST APPAREL OR TOY PURCHASE Decorative Concrete • Stamped Concrete License # 093792 Myers Family Practice LANA ZORTMAN, MBA Harry C. Myers, DO Dina K. Myers, DO Jennifer Curtis, PA-C REAL ESTATE SERVICES We are Accepting New Patients at: Brush Creek Commons II 125 Emeryville Drive, Suite 120 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 Real Estate. Real Simple. Cell (724) 831-1062 Business (412) 366-1600 A part of UPMC Senior Communities 724.772.2340 Enjoy the many amenities of this large, gated campus surrounded by beautiful wooded acreage conveniently located in Cranberry Township. Call to schedule an appointment 41 Dutilh Road Cranberry Township, PA 724.772.2600 General (724) 776-8100 FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION Shutters • Window Blinds • Draperies Solar Shades Soft Shades • Vertical Blinds Valances • Panel Track • Woven Woods Window Film and more! Employment (724) 776-8492 Call today for your complimentary in-home consultation or visit our showroom Employment Opportunities 668 Pittsburgh Rd. • Butler 724-234-4311 15% Off All Parties Welcome Homecoming 724-778-9998 SOCASH PLUMBING, INC. For All Your Electical Needs Service • Installations • Wiring • Upgrades Circuit Breakers • New Plugs • Lighting A Second Generation Family Owned Business 724-776-7390 JEFFREY R. HITCHAN D.M.D. Phone: 724.779.7999 • Repairs • New Construction • New Installations • Remodeling Jobs • Water Heaters We Can Handle All Your Plumbing Needs Registered Master Phil - 412-736-5757 DO YOU KNOW WHO WILL BE CLOSING YOUR MORTGAGE LOAN? Ask your AGENT or LENDER to provide you with the Best Closing Experience! “Close your next mortgage transaction Where and When you want to Close!” At YOUR office! Real Estate Agents In YOUR home! Lenders Bill Gruber, President/Parishioner Email: Trusted by Doctors • Preferred by Patients • 724-779-1300 Educated Consumers 412-322-4001 412-952-5105 (M) 5 Time Reader’s Choice Best Physical Therapy 724-443-1575 Serving the North Hills Since 1953 1658 Rt. 228 • Cranberry Twp., PA 16066 Phone: (724) 772-7474 Mary Ann Kelly Owner/ALA Lighting Specialist Parishioners Patrick & Lee Ann Sheehy 490900 St Kilian Church (C) Rt. 8 - Gibsonia For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 TAX PREPARATION SERVICES $10 Off w/Ad Piazza Plaza, Cranberry Banquet & Meeting Facility Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals Showers, Communions, Anniversaries Don’t Suffer Anymore with Hemorrhoids! BANQUET INFO LINE: (724) 766-1908 RESTAURANT (724) 776-6455 In a 2 to 3 second office procedure, THEY ARE GONE! Call Now 724-935-1122 724-612-8333 Voted Best Chiropractor Six Years in a Row! BRADLEY A. LEVINSON, M.D. Butler’s Diamond Family Since 1949 524 Northpointe Circle • Seven Fields 724-591-5776 (Next to Siba Restaurant) James E. Brown “Specializing in Individual Tax Preparation” Affordable - Experienced • Sole Proprietorships BOARD CERTIFIED COLON & RECTAL SURGEON 105 Brandt Drive, Suite 202 • Cranberry Twp • 724-741-6020 2009 - 2014 *Tribune Review Brian or Sally, coordinators an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 860.399.1785 READY TO GET RESULTS? THE TRAINING CENTRE THE TRAINING CENTRE 518 Myoma Rd., Ste. 100 • Mars • 724-591-8445 IS THE PLACE! ASE Certified Tire and Auto Center Pittsburgh, PA Please visit for more information 7-DAY TRIAL MEMBERSHIP Mon.-Thurs. 5am-9pm • Fri. 5am-8pm • Sat. 7am-5pm • Sun. 7am-3pm Design Decisions... No Regrets 20636 Rt. 19N Cranberry Twp. National Accounts Welcome Tel 412.381.9977 Mars, PA FREE GET STRONGER, LEANER & HEALTHIER WITH RESULTS FITNESS Tel 724.776.9977 CRANBERRY SUPPLY CO. Mulch • Top Soil • Building Supplies (724) 776-1610 Rowan Rd. Cranberry Twp., PA Johnny McClymonds, Parishioner 10% Off w/ this ad (724) 776-2886 Serving Butler County Dental Needs Since 1964 John S. Pawlowicz, DDS, FAGD John E. Pawlowicz, DMD, AGD - Parishioner Jason J. Pawlowicz, DMD, AGD - Parishioner Countertops Marble, Granite, Soapstone, Quartz Cabinets Interior Design Color Consultations PARISHIONER Carol J. Cantando Tutoring Specializing in Elementary Reading and Math H# 724-591-8275 C# 925-787-5524 516 Hansen Ave Lyndora, PA 16045 Telephone • 724•287•4000 *24 Hours Nursing Care *Daily Activities *Rehab Services *Warm Caring Staff A Secured Alzheimer’s/Dementia Facility Specializing in Personal Care for the Memory Impaired 500 Seven Fields Blvd., Mars, PA (724) 779-5020 Employment Opportunities Available Michael D. Funovits President Roofing Systems & Services HIC #PA025958 • Commercial • Residential • Architectural Sheet Metal • Institutional P. O. Box 662 Valencia, PA 16059 (p) 724.903.0020 (c) 866-245-2759 (f) 724.903.0031 (email) NOW HIRING QUALITY FAMILY DENTAL CARE 724-776-5151 1325 Freedom Road 1-800-770-8260 Next to Sheetz architecture Manufacturing & General Labor Positions! Leaders in Staffing Industry since 1965 Let Us Put You to Work! 1-800-770-8260 Long Term & Short Term Positions Dependability, Integrity & Trust For your home, auto, & business insurance We find insurance that fits your needs. Gretchen Howard Pass, Parishioner Get a quote online at: 490900 St Kilian Church (B) Joseph A. Terravecchia, O.D. 724-553-5555 (Butler) 724.283.8181 6501 Mars Rd., Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 (Seven Fields) 724.772.8180 planning interior design Corporate & Insitutional Clients please contact: Jeffrey Brown, AIA, Principal Architect phone: 412-281-1337 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Funeral Home, Inc. A TRUSTED NAME IN FUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1912 238 CROWE AVENUE • MARS, PA 16046 724-625-2900 • John C. Hanovick Supervisor & Parishioner Lawrence S. Han, DPM 100 Perry Hwy., Suite 109 Harmony, PA 16037 Phone: 724-473-8080 Fax: 724-473-8072 You are Invited PODIATRIC MEDICINE & SURGERY OPEN HOUSE September 11, 2014 20397 Route 19, Suite 230 Cranberry Township 4:00-7:00 PM & GIVE-A-WAYS WILL BE INCLUDED DILLON MCCANDLESS KING COULTER & GRAHAM LLP AT T O R N E Y S AT L AW Shop ‘n Save Dwayne Spurlock - CEO, Founder and Parishioner 201 Grand Avenue • Mars State of $ a vings. HORS D’OEUVRES, COCKTAILS 412-324-1121 (724) 553-5706 Jay Bullie Insurance Agy Inc Jay Bullie, Agent 1667 Route 228 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 Bus: 724-625-3588 724-625-9130 724-625-9190 Get discounts up to 40%* Saving money is important. That’s why you can count on me to get you all the discounts you deserve. GET TO A BETTER STATE™. CALL ME TODAY. 1101282.1 *Discounts vary by state. State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL BRICK OVEN Perry Hwy., Warrendale, PA 800 Cranberry Woods Drive, Suite 100 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 724-776-6644 Dine In, Take Out, Delivery and Catering (We deliver up to a 5 mile radius) Pizzas...Salads...Pastas... DR. R. PATRICK FRANCIS, AuD Homemade Desserts... Board Certified Audiologist Open 7 Days a Week Lunch & Dinner “Faith comes by hearing” ROMANS 10:17 Let Aviva cater your next social or business event 724.933.3440 Leonard P. Crawford Heating and Air Conditioning Sales & Service • Tool & Equipment Rentals • Decorative Concrete Products Contact us for details • Concrete Grinding & Polishing Products WWW.AVIVABRICKOVEN.COM • Stihl Power Equipment 724-799-8849 Route 228, Cranberry Twp. 16066 soon, an expanded 724-776-1450 Coming dining area and lounge Our Newest Beautiful Location (724) 898-2121 Parishioner MARK B. DEVLIN, Supervisor 2678 Rochester Road • Cranberry Township, PA Cranberry / North Hills Edward R. Robison D.D.S. - General Dentistry - Alex Audia Agent 7031 Crider Road, Suite 125, Mars, PA 16046 Bus 724-625-6300 Fax 724-625-6307 Providing Insurance and Financial Services PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE SERVICE INC. Cranberry Professional Park Bldg. 101, Rt. 19 at Rochester (724) 776-4250 Toys ◆ Trains ◆ Planes Trucks ◆ & Much More Serving Our Green and Living World Mulch & Gravel Sales, Landscaping 1232 Mars - Evans City Rd., Mars Parishioner (724) 538-0567 724-772-8800 1713 Route 228 ◆ Cranberry Commons Drive ◆ Near Target & Lowe’s (724) 779-2000 ◆ GENERAL CONTRACTORS Replacement Windows Electrical • Remodeling • Solar Energy • LED Lighting • Garage Doors Entry Doors — Storm Doors FREE ESTIMATES 724-452-7644 • 490900 St Kilian Church (A) Insulated Glass — Screens Tom Jones 412-821-4322 100 Evergreen Ave., Pittsburgh WWW.PGHWINDOWDOOR.COM Michael Hetzler 724-452-5900 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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