October 19th, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Welcome to St. Benedict’s Parish! 8110 Jewel Lake Road Anchorage, AK 99502 Sunday Mass Parish Office Phone: 243-2195 • Fax: 243-0088 Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10:00am-5:00pm People Mover: Bus Route 7J Web: www.stbenedictsak.com E-mail: info@stbenedictsak.com Lumen Christi Jr/Sr High School Lumen Christi Phone: 245-9231 • Fax: 245-9232 Web: www.lumenchristiak.com E-mail: info@lumenchristiak.com Saturday 5:00pm; Sunday 8:00am, 10:30am, 12:15pm Weekday Mass Tuesday-Friday 9:15am Adoration and Benediction Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Wednesdays, during Adoration Sat. 3:45-4:45pm or by appointment Parish Calendar of Events Sunday 10/19 **Parish Mission ALL Masses** Pastor Rev. Leo A. Walsh, S.T.D. lwalsh@stbenedictsak.com 243-2195 Parochial Vicar Rev. Jacob Stronach, O.S.B. jstronach@stbenedictsak.com 243-2195 Deacons Deacon Ted Greene tgreene@caa-ak.org 273-1597 (message) Deacon Dez Martinez deacondez@alaska.com 273-1599 (message) Administrative Assistant Denice Yonker parishsecretary@stbenedictsak.com 243-2195 Business Manager Danna Hoellering dhoellering@stbenedictsak.com 273-1553 Pastoral Assistant Marcy Adkins madkins@stbenedictsak.com 273-1554 Director of Music Ken Miller stbenmusic@gmail.com 273-1540 (message) Office of Evangelization & Catechesis Director Robert McMorrow II rmcmorrow@stbenedictsak.com 273-1552 Youth Minister Oriele Jones ojones@stbenedictsak.com 273-1541 Adult Education Dr. Bob Schihl bschihl@stbenedictsak.com 273-1541 Mass Times: • 8am • 10:30am • 12:15pm 1:30pm • CCD Monday 10/20 Thursday 10/23 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 5:30pm • Legion of Mary 10am • Kid Play 7pm • Parish Mission: Holiness 5:45pm • Zumba 10am • Junior Legion of Mary 7pm • Parish Mission: Evangelization 5:45pm • Zumba 7pm • RCIA @ Parish Mission 7pm • Parish Mission: Prayer Saturday 10/25 12pm • Lector Training 3:45pm • Confession 5pm • Vigil Mass • Parish Mission: Catechesis Sunday 10/26 Monday 10/27 Tuesday 10/28 Wednesday 10/29 Thursday 10/30 Friday 10/31 OFFICE CLOSED 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 5:30pm • Legion of Mary 10am • Kid Play 6pm • Adoration and Confessions 5:45pm • Zumba 10am • Junior Legion of Mary 5:45pm • Zumba 1:30pm • CCD 6:30pm • RCIA 4pm • Symbolon 7pm • Bible Study 7pm • Knights of Columbus Board Mtg 7pm • Theology Thursdays • Choir Practice • Usher Training • Youth Night 6pm • Halloween Party 10/18 5:00pm Tony Curro 10/19 8:00am Bland Chamberlain (ROS) 10:30am Annie Adkins (SI) 12:15pm People of the Parish 10/21 9:15am Dorthy & Al Giersdorf (ROS) 9:15am 9:15am 9:15am 5:00pm 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 7pm • All Saints Day Mass All Saints Day 11/1 9:15am • All Saints Day Mass 11am • Divine Mercy 3:45pm • Confession 5pm • All Souls Day Mass 6:30pm • Pinochle Mass Intentions (*) 10/22 10/23 10/24 10/25 10/26 Friday 10/24 9:15am • Mass 8pm • YM Meeting 12:45p • Living Rosary Wednesday 10/22 OFFICE CLOSED 4pm • Symbolon Mass Times: • 8am • 10:30am • 12:15pm Tuesday 10/21 United States Navy Ricardo Garcia (ROS) Vivian Fick (ROS) Kevin Collins (ROS) People of the Parish Marcy Adkins (SI) Jose Rodriguez (ROS) *see mass intentions key on back page Sunday 10/19 Isaiah 45:1,4-6 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b Matthew 22:15-21 Sunday 10/26 Exodus 22:20-26 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 Matthew 22:34-40 Sacramental Information Contact the Parish Office at 243-2195 for more information on: •Baptism of Infants is celebrated either during Mass, after the 12:15 Mass or at any other time approved by the pastor. Parents and Godparents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class prior to the baptism of the child. •Marriages are scheduled by meeting with the pastor at least six months prior to the wedding date. •Funerals contact the parish office immediately after the death. •Anointing of the Sick, Communion to the Homebound, Call the parish office to request a visit. ~ Pastor’s Corner ~ Giving to God What Belongs to God I have mentioned before how Jesus was very cagey when he had the religious leaders of his day produce the Roman coin. By doing so, he exposed their duplicity. The coin had on it the image of Caesar who had declared himself divine. By having the coin in their possession they were guilty of a subtle type of idolatry. But what about his admonition to them: “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God?” My observation is that more often then not, we will concentrate on the first part of the teaching and neglect the second. The verse is very often used to instruct Christians that we have a civic duty to pay our taxes and to engage in the public process for the building up of a just society. The upcoming election is certainly a very good opportunity to do so. We not only have the right as citizens, but the duty as Christians to be part of the electoral process. Furthermore, we have the grave responsibility to vote with a wellformed conscience. We must learn what the Church has to say about the issues at hand, the principles involved and the positions of the various candidates in relation to the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching (i.e. 1.) respect for life and dignity of the human person, 2.) the call to family, community and participation in society, 3.) rights and their concomitant responsibilities, 4.) the preferential option for the poor and vulnerable, 5.) the dignity of work and the rights of workers, 6.) solidarity, and 7.) stewardship of creation.) We must be careful that we do not vote our emotions or because we like the way a certain candidate looks, or his or her eloquence of speaking. So, it is important to “repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar”, but do we do so at the neglect of repaying to God belongs to God? Think about it. What belongs to God? Or to put it a better way: is there anything that does NOT belong to God? Before I became a priest, I was very involved in the business community. The illusion of ownership works well for the ordering of commerce and the building up of families and society. However, ultimately we have to realize that none of us actually “owns” anything. Our time, our talents, our will, our intellect, our material resources...all of these are gifts from God. At then end of this life we will be asked to give an accounting of how we utilized the gifts we were given in this life. We will be asked to repay to God what belongs to God. If we have been good stewards, then we will give it all back to the Lord with increase, having left the world just a little bit better off than we found it. Could we really ask for anything more? Could God? Listen to Fr. Leo's recorded homily podcasts: www.stbenedictsak.com/podcasts.htm Please Pray for: Valie Visaya, Diana Bennett, Paul Larson, Mary Dubois, Caryle Keefe, Paulo Iloilo, Kevin Pfeiffer, Glenn Allen, Virginia Aberle, Harold Adams, Joan Alles, Martina Almeida, Rafael Apostol, Clifford Baker, Jane Barnham, Elizabeth Bastiani, Maria Elisa Bente, Solita Balones, Belarde Family, Mark Blumenthal, Deneen B. Bozeman, Mike Bygott, Chasse Family, Doris Claussen, Jim Curro, Kate Daniel, Riza Daniel, Christine Driskell, Monica Estil, Basilia Flores, Bobby Garcia, Jose Garcia, Pierro Garcia, Victoria Garcia, Christina Garcia, Lillian Gibson, Louise Goetsch, Brittany Groenke, Mary Heinz, Angelica Hess, Patricia Hoerling, Kim Hole, Anne Jaskier, Betty Johnson, Stacey Koenig, Paul Lacey, Debra Larson, Keith Lauwers, Chuck Lastufka, Corazon Legarda, Patrick Maitland, Audrey Mather, Mark Mather, Greg Maturo, Natividad Mendoza, Roldan Milallos, Thomas Milton, Leoncia Morante, Modesta Munoz, Hien Pham, Maddie Rey, Jeanne Rosauer, Alfred Russell, Heriberto Saiz, Orlando Sargento, Mark Schoendaller, Joe Shaw, Stanley Smith, Lucia Soriano, Betty Stokes, Rosalie Tadda, Steven Taylor, David Thompson, Helen Thompson, Peg Bernert, Patricia Vollendor, Beatrice Walsh, John Logan, Marijes Apostol, Tuyen Pham, Jane Branham, Nicole Johnson. (To add or remove please call 243-2195). ~October Anniversaries~ Robert & Jeanne Wolf Michael & Wilhelmina Boyles Daniel & Betty Deering Charles & Maxine Pohland Robert & Elenita Garcia Daniel & Georgeanne Castle Michael & Sarah Dinger Robert & Katherine Lopetrone Thomas & Danna Hoellering Arthur & Linda Gonzalez Ray & Angela Wilson Greg O'Keefe & Sally Tugman Mark & Catherine Walatka Patrick & Karin Mott 10/29/1955 10/22/1956 10/26/1957 10/07/1967 10/21/1971 10/20/1975 10/18/1980 10/22/1988 10/28/1989 10/31/1989 10/06/1990 10/05/1991 10/01/1993 10/31/2007 Many thanks and grateful prayers for your steadfast witness to the gospel in the vocation of married life. May Christ richly bless you in the coming year! If you want to be sure that your anniversary is acknowledged, contact the parish office at 243-2195. ~Stewardship in Our Parish~ Liturgical Ministry Important Dates! Downstairs Remodel! Please Eucharistic Ministry Training: Oct. 18 - 1pm & Nov. 5 - 7pm Lector Training: Oct. 25 - 10am & Dec. 10 - 7pm Usher Training: Oct 29 - 7pm & Nov 15 - 10am excuse our mess as we renovate the downstairs bathrooms for the next 6 - 8 weeks. During this time, the upstairs unisex bathrooms are available for use. We appreciate your patience! ~ ——————————————————————————————— ~ If you have not signed up yet for the new liturgical year you may do so when you attend training. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE: Archangel Attic: Please drop off donations during the store's hours. Things may be stolen and some items we are not able to accept at this time. We appreciate your generosity! The Offertory Collection for Sunday, October 12: Weekly offering was $12,516.00 online giving added $1,935.00 the Building Fund was $215.00 online giving added $105.00. for a total of 14,771.00 for the weekend. Our weekly average is $14,521.28. Thank you for your continued and generous support! ~Stewardship in Our Parish~ The Living Rosary On Sunday, Oct. 26th, we will be having a living Rosary in the gym at 12:45. All families are invited to attend. Each participant will recite one prayer. It is a great way to encounter the Rosary. HALLOWEEN PARTY •Sunday October 26th, 6:00 PM-8:00 PM •This year’s party features ‘Trunk or Treat,’ pumpkin carving contests, games ,and a haunted house. •We need volunteers for ‘Trunk or Treat’ If you are interested decorating the trunk of your car, please contact Megan LeNorman at mmlenorman_33@live.com •We are also looking for candy donations. Please bring your donations to Super Sunday. ~Knights Table~ POT OF GOLD RAFFLE 2014 Thank you!! For joining us on Burger night! Hope to see you next month. GRAND PRIZE $15,000 • Nine $1,000 prizes • Proceeds go to Knights of Columbus Charities • Drawing Dec,5th 2014 at Holy Family Cathedral • Limit of 3000 tickets at $25 per ticket (permit #563) Contact Mike Moore (907)563-6224 or ask any knight. The Office of EVANGELIZATION Bob McMORROW, Director CATECHESIS Oriele JONES, Youth Ministry 273-1552 rmcmorrow@stbenedictsak.com 273-1541 ojones@stbenedictsak.com Dr. Bob SCHIHL, Adult Ministry 273-1541 bschihl@stbenedictsak.com CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE (CCD) Family Faith Formation Who: Kindergarten thru eighth grade and their parents. What: Family catechesis from 1:30-2PM followed by CCD for the children and optional adult education classes for the parents. When: Sundays from 1:30-3PM. Why: Faith is fun, exciting and life changing! Where: We will begin in the gym. And: Come early for family fun time - Gym and youth center will be open from noon to 1:30 PM for optional family fun: coffee, juice, and cookies will be provided. Door prizes every week for all families who have parents in attendance! Symbolon Group Study An adult group will meet during the high school faith formation classes(4 - 5:45 PM) to look at the new Symbolon video series. The group meets in room 109 LCHS. The topics are The Who is Jesus & The Paschal Mystery followed by Q & A. “Science can purify religion from error and superstition. Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.” Pope St. John Paul II Catechists Needed People who love Jesus, His Church, and have a desire to share the faith with others! Call 273-1552. We are looking for catechists and other volunteers to help with our new SUPER SUNDAY family faith formation program. Classes meet from 1:30-3:00 PM on Sunday afternoons. If you are interested, call or email Bob McMorrow. Our team will walk with you, and prepare you in both teaching skills and Catholic content. Super Sunday Team—We need help setting up each Sunday, taking attendance, running the technology, and manning the prize tables. If you are able to help, email or call Bob McMorrow ADULT CATECHESIS on SUPER SUNDAYS Starting at 2 PM Ed Wassell “Defending the Church Catechesis” October 19th: If Jesus, Which Version of Christianity I October 26th: If Jesus, Which Version of Christianity II LCHS, Library JuIie Kentch “Meet the Family: Saints in the Catholic Tradition” October 19th: Scholars and Writers October 26th: American Saints LCHS, Room 107 Dr. Bob Schihl “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mary but Were Afraid to Ask.” October 19th: Fourth Dogma - Mary’s Assumption October 26th: Fifth Dogma? - Mediatrix LCHS, Room 109 All titles available at stbenedictsak.com. Click on Bulletin, August 17th A Personal Faith Formation Program for Every Parishioner Encounter your Catholic faith - not just on Sunday but throughout the week, on your own time, at your own pace, as much as you want top spend at a time. SYMBOLON is an on-line 20-episode video series that presents the “big picture” of our Catholic faith. These episodes are filmed on-location in Rome, in the Holy Land, in Calcutta, and at the Augustine Institute Studios in Denver. You create a login that permits you to access Symbolon on your own, on your computer, your smart phone, or your tablet. Begin by registering at http:// symboloncatholic.org/register Then enter our St. Benedict Code: 2a81e2 ADULT FAITH CATECHESIS Theology Thursdays Dr. Bob Schihl October 23rd: No Class-Parish Mission October 30th: Meditation: Methods LCHS, 7PM, Room 109 This class can be accessed on Skype. Go to skype.com and enter the Skype name for the class Robert Schihl anytime after 6:45 PM BIBLE STUDY All are welcome; Bible text and notes are provided. No experience with the Bible is necessary. We are studying The Gospel according to St. John Tuesday evenings at 7 PM, room 109, LCHS; Coffee and dessert will be available. “Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic: How Engaging 1% of Catholics Could Change the World” by Matthew Kelly. There are things that Mother Teresa, Francis of Assisi, John Paul II, Theresa of Lisieux and Ignatius of Loyola had in common. They all practiced the four signs of author Matthew Kelly. Check them out. Available on the rack in the back of the church. MEDITATION OF THE WEEK “Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not. About your frustrations, but about your fulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do." Pope St. John XXIII ST. BENEDICT ANNUAL PARISH MISSION October 19 - 23 Parish mission coming soon!!! A mission is… a time for reflection, learning, challenge; a time to encounter God Our own Dr. Bob Schihl will preach at all Masses on the weekend and the evenings, Monday through Thursday, followed by Eucharistic Adoration, and refreshments. The dates are October 18/19-23. The mission begins at 7PM in the church. Dr. Bob has degrees in Classical Languages, Philosophy, Theology, Sacred Scripture and Communication Studies. The topics will be Monday evening: “Evangelization: You Will Set the Whole World Ablaze.” Tuesday evening: “Catechesis: You Will Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.” Wednesday evening: “Holiness: Get Holy or Die Trying.” Thursday evening: “Prayer: I Will Place a New Heart in You (Ezekiel 36:26).” Followed by Oktoberfest Fellowship Join us downstairs each night after the mission for beer, brats, pretzels, root beer and more. . YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Krakow WYD is geared for young people aged 16-35. The pilgrimage will be in July, 2016. There will be an optional pre-trip to Ireland. Tea Tuesday Join young adults (18-30) from around Anchorage for an evening of great conversation and fellowship. Registration forms are now available in the youth center. Or email Bob McMorrow if We meet from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at Coffee and Communitas ST BENEDICT ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE Questions? Contact Oriele Jones at 907-2731541. Find us on Facebook “Tea Tuesdays” The destination of our 2015 pilgrimage is to the sites of Ancient Rome, the Vatican and Assisi, the home of St. Francis. Our tentative dates are May 18th-28th. We hope to have an audience with Pope Francis too. Located at 12100 Old Seward St. Andrew Bobola, S.J. Patron of our E/C Team Pray for us. ~Our Community~ ~Parish Bazaars~ October 24-25 | Parish Carnival - Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Soldotna November 1 |St. Bernard Church - Talkeetna - 10am to 4pm November 8 | St. Anthony - 9am to 4pm November 15 |Holy Family Cathedral - 8am to 3pm November 15 |Lumen Christi High School - 9am to 4pm November 15 | St. Michael Church - Palmer - 10am to 4pm November 15 | Sacred Heart Church - Wasilla - 9am to 5pm December 6 | St. Mary Church - Kodiak - 9am to 3pm Mass for Alaska Federation of Natives On Monastery Retreat will be 9am to 5pm on October 22nd, 12pm at the Holy Family Cathedral October 25th at 2645 E. 72nd, Anchorage, Alaska. – Archbishop Schwietz For more information please email adoratricesalaska@gmail.com or call 907-344-3330. Shed the Light A city-wide event for faith communities. The Archdiocese of Anchorage October 28 - November 6 | joins faith communities around the city in a pray- Partners in Faith - A Pilgrimage to Rome, er service to spread messages of hope, safety and Assisi and Rimini. Bishop Edward Burns health in relationships, to victims and survivors of invites you to join him on a pilgrimage to Italy. domestic violence. St. Anthony Catholic Church, He will be accompanying a group of faithful from 825 South Klevin Street on Thursday, October 23 Alaska, where Alaskan Catholic Jesuit pioneer Fr. at 7:00pm. All people and cultures are invited to Pasquale Tosi is buried, to Rimini — Fr. Tosi’s join in prayer and song for hope and healing. It home town. This pilgrimage will celebrate a partwill conclude by honoring those who have been nership that exists between Alaska and Rimini impacted by the pain of domestic violence by resimilar to partnerships that exist throughout the leasing sky lanterns and observing a moment of world where visionary men and women from silence. The light from the lanterns will serve as seemingly insignificant parts of the world help symbols of compassion, support and hope. found and nurture faith in other areas. Visit the travel website below for pricing and registration: Holy Rosary Annual Auction Doors Open www.travelillume.com/trc/een/ or call Peggy at 5:30pm at Marriott’s Hotel in Mattson at 907-586-2227 x 31 the Grand Pacific Ballroom on 3rd Annual Halloween Fest Our Lady of the October 25th. This is a Formal Valley - is Friday, October 31 6:00-8:00pm SaDress Event and No Host cred Heart Social Hall in Wasilla. A food donaBar. Dinner Served at 7:00pm. tion to the Food Bank is your entry fee. All are Silent Auction & Live Auction and Ballroom welcome, so spread the word!!! Please email Dancing! Table Sponsors will be Advertised in Becky Frey at Rebecca@gibsonroofing.net to the auction booklet! All proceeds will benefit Ho- help or for more information. ly Rosary Academy. Please call (907) 276-5822 for more information. ~Our Community~ The Archdiocese Holy Spirit Center www.holyspiritcenterak.org HSC Fall Retreat - A Dialogue of Life and Faith Before you get too busy with the holidays, nourish your spiritual life with some quiet time. Fr. Luz Flores, HSC pastoral director, will explore how we express our faith in our lives; how the richness of our individual cultures, traditions and values interplay with our experiences; and how we can respect and accept other faiths while remaining true to our own. Time for reflection, a healing service, Mass, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Adoration, and an opportunity for the sacrament of reconciliation. Friday, Oct 31, 7pm, through noon Sunday, Nov 2. Call HSC at 346-2343 to register or further information. Moral Dilemmas of Partisanship, Wednesday, October 22, 7-8:30pm, at Holy Spirit Center. Pope Francis has stated that politics is one of the highest forms of charity, because it serves the common good in humility and love. But does today’s extreme partisanship express humility and love? Can public officials make choices of conscience which vary from their party’s “no-challenges” positions? Explore with us how faith can influence our political culture. Holy Spirit Center Men's Group next meets on Saturday, 10/25, from 7 – 9 AM in the HSC Resurrection Chapel. Share Mass, light breakfast and coffee, and a discussion of “Faith – when God seems absent, indifferent, or hostile” from Searching for the Invisible God. Feel free to come any week. For info contact John Goll (goll@alaska.net) or HSC at (907) 346-2343. This weekend is the World Mission Sunday special collection. Catholics are invited to reach out and help the growing Church in some of the most remote areas of the world. This includes many initiatives around the United States and in our own Archdiocese. Your prayers and generous gifts support the work of priests, religious, and lay leaders who offer the poor practical assistance and the experience of God’s love and mercy. Please be as generous as you can with today’s collection. November 15| Lumen Christi Festival of Angels Bazaar Calling on vendors! Lumen’s craft bazaar is gearing up for the holiday season. If you are a vendor and interested in selling your craft at the bazaar, you can find more information, including the space and table reservation application: http://www.lumenchristiak.com/pvo/ fundraiser-events/festival-of-angels-craft-bazaar/ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School Auction The 31st Annual Auction “An Evening in Paradise” will be Saturday, November 8, 2014 at the Anchorage Marriott Downtown starting at 5:00 pm. Tickets are available at the auction office inside the school. They are looking for donations of new items, basket items, and artwork. Donations can be dropped off at the school or picked up at your convenience. They also have advertising space available in the auction booklet. Thank you for your continued support of Catholic education. If you have any questions, contact the auction office at 345-2327 or auction@akseas.com. Following in His Footsteps Thrift Store: Open Monday-Friday 10am-3pm, and Saturday 10am-4pm; contact the Store at 245-0017 or for other questions or to volunteer call Colleen: 354-4372 or Mary: 868-3453 Catechesis: Choir: Clare House: Hospitality: Pancake Breakfast: Knights of Columbus: Legion of Mary: Samoan Mass: Filipino Mass: Outreach: Prayer Chain: R.C.I.A.: Mass Intentions: Bob McMorrow: 273-1552, Dr. Bob Schihl and Oriele Jones: 273-1541 See Ken Miller after Mass or email stbenmusic@gmail.com Food for Clare House: 4th Tuesday each month; contact Linda Fleener: 243-5688 Coffee and donuts, following 8:00am and 10:30 am Masses, except on Pancake Breakfast Served 8:00am to 12:00pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month from October to April Meets every 1st Wednesday (Business) and 3rd Wednesday Social & Potluck (all welcome) Meets every Monday at 5:30pm in the Parish Hall; contact Phyllis Wilson: 344-8947 At 12:15 Mass, the 1st Sunday of the Month At 12:15 Mass, the 3rd Sunday of the Month Emergency food for those in need call 273-1596 For information call Ann Curro: 349-3772 or email Peg Walsh Bernert: peg500@aol.com Meets Tuesday 6:30-8:00 pm; contact Marcy Adkins: 273-1554 SI=Special Intentions, RTH=Return to Health, ROS=Repose of the Soul St. Benedict's Youth Activities Dear Young People, “Christian truth is attractive and persuasive because it responds to the profound need of human life.” Youth nights World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow-We will have registration forms available this summer. The pilgrimage will be in July of 2016. There will be an optional Pre-trip to Ireland. -Pope Francis We meet every Wednesday evening from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the upper room above the gym. Junior Legion of Mary: Join us on Friday’s, beginning at 10am in the parish hall, ages 818. Jamaica Trip Meeting: We had the meeting last week. If you are still interested in going, please contact Oriele Jones. This Week: Parish mission– We will go over to the parish mission. The topic: get holy or die trying! Root beer, and brats afterwards. Food Friends Faith Regular meetings YODA– 3:00-3:30 in the Upper Room Youth Ministry Team– 8:00 pm on Oct. 19th Jamaica was incredible! We are looking at going And… for the Junior high Junior High Night– Oct. 14th at 7PM
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