TELEPHONE: 1300-306-630 (local call - Aust wide, except from mobile phone) FAX: 02 6268 5111 AIP SUPPLEMENT AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION (SUP) AUSTRALIA SERVICE AIRSERVICES AUSTRALIA GPO BOX 367 CANBERRA ACT 2601 E-mail: H112/14 DATE: 13 NOV 14 MILITARY EXERCISE - HIGH SIERRA TOWNSVILLE MILITARY AIRSPACE 13 NOV - 4 DEC 2014 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Elements of the RAAF and Army will conduct a wide range of general flying, bombing and tactical exercises during the period 13 Nov – 4 Dec 2014 in the Townsville Field Training Area (TFTA). 1.2 Participating Military aircraft include: F/A-18 (Hornet) BAe-127 (Hawk) KC-30A B350 (King-Air) Military helicopters PC-9 Other supporting civil and military aircraft 1.3 Operations will involve: Increased aviation activity in TFTA Increased military operations at Townsville Fixed wing and helicopters engaged in NVG operations within the TFTA 1.4 Increased military aviation transit activity will occur between TVL and the exercise areas. Aircraft captains, including captains of military exercise aircraft, should familiarise themselves with the inner and outer holding patterns detailed in Section 6 of this document. (SUP H112/14) 2. Page 2 of 6 AIRSPACE ACTIVATION 2.1 For the period 13 Nov – 4 Dec 2014 inclusive (including weekends) all, or some, of the following permanent Townsville areas may be activated by NOTAM. Vertical limits will be advised by NOTAM: R736 TOWNSVILLE (STAR) SFC–NOTAM R737A/B/C/D TOWNSVILLE (LAND) 7000FT–NOTAM R739 TOWNSVILLE (STAR) SFC–NOTA R751 TOWNSVILLE (DOTSWOOD) SFC–NOTAM D744 TOWNSVILLE SFC–7000FT 2.2 The following new restricted area is established (refer Appendix 3) and will be activated by NOTAM when required in the period 13 Nov – 4 Dec 2014. Activation is only anticipated for non exercise activities (such as air tests) and activation height is as indicated. This airspace may be activated on short notice with the status (when active) notified on Townsville ATIS. YBBB/R759 TOWNSVILLE CONDITIONAL STATUS: RA2 MILITARY FLYING LATERAL LIMITS: 18 53 34S 146 59 48E, 18 07 04S 147 31 02E then along the minor arc of a circle of 80.00NM radius centred on 19 14 39S 146 45 30E (TL/DME) to 19 11 17S 148 09 57E 19 13 42S 147 11 54E, then along the minor arc of a circle of 25.00NM radius centred on 19 14 39S 146 45 30E (TL/DME) to 18 53 34S 146 59 48E VERTICAL LIMITS: A040 – FL240 HOURS OF ACTIVITY: NOTAM CONTROLLING AUTHORITY: FLTCDR 452SQN TOWNSVILLE FLT 2.3 For further information on the activation of exercise airspace, refer to NOTAMS or contact RAAF Townsville - Phone (07) 4752 1207. 3. TOWNSVILLE AIRFIELD RUNWAY AVAILABILITY AND STATUS 3.1 Due to the increased military activity in the Townsville area, increased congestion is expected at Townsville airport. All aircraft captains, including those of exercise aircraft, should anticipate some delays, particularly during peak military exercise traffic periods. A requirement to carry additional holding fuel will be notified by separate NOTAM. Page 3 of 6 (SUP H112/14) 3.2 Additionally, the possibility of arrestor cable engagements on RWY 01/19 is greater. Aircraft captains should be aware that RWY 01/19 may be unavailable for periods in excess of 30 minutes following an engagement. Aircraft captains should not discount the possibility of the requirement for diversion to alternate airfields following a cable engagement. 4. MILITARY AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 4.1 Within Danger areas F/A-18, BAe-127, B350 and Military Helicopters will be operating on random tracks without communications. 5. DIVERSIONS AROUND RESTRICTED AREAS 5.1 Pilots shall flight plan via diversion routes to remain clear of restricted areas. 5.2 ATC will issue clearances around active restricted areas for flights in controlled airspace. Where an amended route clearance is issued and navaid coverage is limited, pilots may request radar services to assist in navigation and terrain clearance. Note: Terrain clearance advice will be based on radar terrain clearance charts and Grid lowest Safe altitudes. 5.3 R737 may be released to ATC for short periods during NOTAM activation timings. In this case track shortening for ACFT cleared via diversion routes may be available. 5.4 To enable pilots of IFR flights to anticipate clearances that avoid restricted areas, some diversion routes used by ATC are provided below: a. R736 (STAR) SOUTHERN DIVERSION Aircraft departing/arriving Townsville can expect ATC instruction to track via CATEY (TL243R42DME) NORTHERN DIVERSION Aircraft departing/arriving Townsville can expect ATC instruction to track via PELIS (TL285R45DME) b. R739 (STAR) SOUTHERN DIVERSION Aircraft departing/arriving Townsville can expect ATC instruction to track via MARON (TL228R36DME) (SUP H112/14) Page 4 of 6 NORTHERN DIVERSION Aircraft departing/arriving Townsville can expect ATC instruction to track via PELIS (TL285R45DME) c. R751 (DOTSWOOD) SOUTHERN DIVERSION (Appendix 1) RWY 01 Operations Expect departure clearance via FLEMO (TL165R52DME), and expect inbound clearance via EFFEY (TL177R55DME). RWY 19 Operations Expect departure clearance via EFFEY (TL177R55DME), and expect .2inbound clearance via FLEMO (TL165R52DME). NORTHERN DIVERSION Aircraft departing Townsville can expect ATC instruction to track via CATEY (TL243R42DME) Aircraft arriving Townsville can expect ATC instruction to track via VINOX (TL265R40DME). d. R737A/B/C/D (TOWNSVILLE) SOUTHERN DIVERSION (Appendix 1) RWY 01 Operations Expect departure clearance via FLEMO (TL165R52DME), and expect inbound clearance via EFFEY (TL177R55DME). RWY 19 Operations Expect departure clearance via EFFEY (TL177R55DME), and expect inbound clearance via FLEMO (TL165R52DME). NORTHERN DIVERSION (Appendix 2) Expect inbound and departure clearance on the track YBTL - CARMN – TORIA - YGTN. MELBOURNE TO CAIRNS (Appendix 2) Q76 – KANGI – VOMPA – Q499 – BIB e. R759 (TOWNSVILLE) (Appendix 3) ATC will issue diversions as required. Page 5 of 6 (SUP H112/14) 6. HOLDING PROCEDURES 6.1 Outer Holding Patterns a. IFR aircraft instructed to hold at EFFEY must hold as follows: inbound track TL 177R VOR, standard right pattern, two minute legs, and at an altitude specified by ATC. 6.2 b. IFR aircraft instructed to hold at JEMMA must hold as follows: inbound track TL 137R VOR, standard right pattern, two minute legs, and at an altitude specified by ATC. c. IFR aircraft instructed to hold at SWIFT must hold as follows: inbound track TL 355R VOR, standard right pattern, two minute legs, and at an altitude specified by ATC. d. IFR aircraft instructed to hold at LINBO must hold as follows: inbound track TL 083R VOR, standard right pattern, two minute legs, and at an altitude specified by ATC. e. IFR aircraft instructed to hold CARMN must hold as follows: inbound track TL 302R VOR, standard right pattern, two minute legs, and at an altitude specified by ATC. Inner Holding Patterns a. IFR aircraft instructed to hold at KIRAN must hold as follows: inbound track TL 164R VOR, standard right pattern, Page 6 of 6 (SUP H112/14) b. 7. two minute legs, and at an altitude specified by ATC, not below 7000FT AMSL. IFR aircraft instructed to hold at WESTY must hold as follows: inbound track TL 070R VOR, standard right pattern, two minute legs, and at an altitude specified by ATC, not below 7000FT AMSL. PRIOTITIES 7.1 Every endeavour will be made to adjust exercise activities and minimise delays to facilitate transit of civil aircraft engaged in SAR, Mercy flights, emergency, or MEDEVAC operations. 7.2 Within Townsville Class C airspace (excluding those portions of active restricted area) ATC shall prioritise aircraft IAW ENR 1.4-17 para 10. However the following shall supersede para. 10.1 j: A recovering military F/A-18 or Hawk shall be given priority over civil traffic where the circumstances allow. 8. CANCELLATION 8.1 This SUP will self-cancel at 1412041400UTC. 9. DISTRIBUTION 9.1 Airservices Australia website only. Appendix 1. Southern Diversion Routes for R736, R737, R739 and R751 2. Northern Diversion Route for R737 3. R759 Appendix 1 TO SUP H112/14 1. Southern Diversion Routes for R736, R737, R739 and R751 Appendix 2 TO SUP H112/14 2. Northern Diversion Route for R737 Appendix 3 TO SUP H112/14 3. R759
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