15520 VENTURA BOULEVARD • ENCINO • CALIFORNIA • 91436 REV. LARRY S. NEUMEIER ~PASTOR REV. CYPRIAN CARLO ~PRIEST IN RESIDENCE PARISH MAIL ADDRESS: 4601 FIRMAMENT AVE., ENCINO, CA 91436 MASSES Saturdays: 7:30 AM & 4:00 PM Sundays: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12 NOON Vigil of Holy Days: 7:00 PM Holy Days: 7:30 AM, 12:05 PM & 7:00 PM Week Days: 7:30 AM CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 8:00-8:30 AM & 3:00-4:00 PM MOTHER of PERPETUAL HELP Tuesdays: 8:00 AM ROSARY Daily after the 7:30 AM Mass BAPTISMS 2nd Sunday of each Month at 2:00 PM WEDDINGS By Appointment Only BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL Open Monday ~ Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 1st Friday of each Month after the 7:30 AM Mass _________________________________________________________________ __________________________ PARISH OFFICE ……………………………………………………… RECTORY ………………………………………………………………… SCHOOL ………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… CONVENT BIBLE STUDY ………………………………………………………… RCIA/ RELIGIOUS ED OFFICE …………………………… CHRISTIAN SERVICE PROGRAM …………………………… EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY TO THE SICK ………………… CONFIRMATION PROGRAM/ YOUTH MINISTRY ……… 818- 986.8234 818- 986.8234 818- 501.4155 818- 784.1290 818- 789.5947 818- 789.5947 818- 981.6832 818- 986.8234 818- 986.8234 ………………………………………………… PARISH WEBSITE st-cyril.org PARISH EMAIL ……………………………………………………… info@st-cyril.org FACEBOOK ……………………………………………………… / StCyrilOfJerusalem SCHOOL WEBSITE SCHOOL EMAIL …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………… stcyril.net info@stcyril.net Page Two St. Cyril of Jerusalem Parish Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish News World Mission Sunday World Mission Sunday, organized by the Propagation of the Faith, is a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church's missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. In 2014, World Mission Sunday is celebrated today. As described by Pope John Paul II, World Mission Sunday is "an important day in the life of the Church because it teaches how to give: as an offering made to God, in the Eucharistic celebration and for all the missions of the world" (see Redemptoris Missio 81). Parish League Get your dancing shoes on and take Swing Lessons from our school's one and only Palmer Davis - $40.00 for 4 single lessons, $60.00 for 4 couple lessons. Classes will be Jan 8, 15, 27 and 29, in our Hall. Palmer Davis, palmerdance@yahoo.com Feb. 7th is the date. Parish Hall is the place. Tickets for "G.I Jive" will be on sale after most Sunday masses, outside the church throughout October or you can contact Michelle Malik in the rectory, 818-986-8234. Put together a table of up to 10 people with your friends. If you would like to contribute or help with this event, let Michelle know as well. Our biggest fundraiser for the night will be a parish Memory Album and Program. This will be a book compilation of letters, photos and articles from our parish, as well as personal pages that you can purchase to include a tribute, family photos, alumni news, or simply a nice note to fellow parishioners. These keepsake albums will be sold the night of the event. Our School's Gala Fundraiser, "That's Amore" will be November 7th, 6pm at Braemar Country Club. This Rat Pack inspired evening will be filled with music, cocktails, food, dancing and items for auction. Contact Patty Specht at Patty@pbandjtv.com. Flyers and registration sheets are available at the entrances to the church. If you would like to join us in decorating the outside of our Church for Christmas, please email reunion4stcyrils@sbcglobal.net. Thank you to Angel On My Shoulder's for hosting our 10am Family Mass this morning and providing refreshments afterwards. Stay in touch with the Parish League: parish@st.cyril.org/818-986-8234/st.cyril.org facebook.com/StCyrilofJerusalem twitter.com/St_Cyril_Parish October 19, 2014 Mayonnaise Sunday is October 26th Our Mayonnaise donations enable the Catholic Workers to make their famous French dressing. Three times a week they chop and toss fresh greens and vegetables with the salad dressing accompanied by beans, lentils or other one-meal hot dishes to our happy guests at the Hospitality kitchen. The Community so appreciates St. Cyril’s for all their help in serving the poor. St. Cyril School’s service organization called “Angel on My Shoulder” (AOMS) will be having their Commissioning Ceremony at the 10:00 am Mass today. Students in Grades 3–8 who have submitted an application to join this organization will be recognized for their willingness to help those in need. St. Cyril School invites all prospective families to come to our Open House today after the 10:00 am Mass from 11:00am–12:30 pm. Come see our new Innovation Lab, State of the Art Science Lab, new play areas and all the other exciting things happening at St. Cyril. The Friendship Circle The next dinner meeting of St. Cyril's Friendship Circle will be at the 94th Squadron Restaurant at 6 PM on Monday, October 27, 2014. The address is 16320 Raymer St. Van Nuys, CA 91406. The restaurant is west of Woodley and south of Roscoe. Please call Pat Kane at 818-784-4414 for reservations. St. Cyril’s Bridge Welcome to a weekly gathering of card players, Thursdays, from 12:30pm to 3pm in the Hall. Bridge coaching is offered for beginners or make up your own table for any kind of card game. At this time we have 2-3 tables of bridge at different skill levels. Please contact Mary Kane for more info, 818-7891519. Rest In Peace With confidence, O Lord, we ask that eternal rest be granted to Maria Angelo. Let the perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. FAMILY As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live. --Bl. John Paul II Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Chaminade Family Spirit Night is being held on Friday, October 24th, for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and their families. This is a special evening of fun, food, fellowship, and football beginning at 5:15pm with pre-game performances of our Eagle Regiment Band and cheerleaders and a light supper. Families will be treated to a preview of the football game and a presentation on our Athletic programs. Our Ambassadors will give families a tour of the campus, and will escort them to reserved seats in our stadium to be our guests for the football game against Crespi. Please RSVP to the Admissions Office at (818) 347-8300 ext. 355. Forget-Me-Not Luncheon The Good Shepherd Center for Homeless Women and Children invites everyone to a luncheon at the Good Shepherd Center on Saturday, November 8th at the Wilshire Country Club at 11am. Cost is $90 per person. Call Eleana Williams for more information, 323-2279738. Page Three Saturday, October 18 4:00 p.m. - The People of the Parish Sunday, October 19 8:00 a.m. - Toni Hietpas, RIP 10:00 a.m. - Gina Reyes, RIP 12:00 p.m. - Michelle Malik, Spec. Int. Monday, October 20 7:30 a.m. - Juanita & Abelardo Carrillo, RIP Tuesday, October 21 7:30 a.m. - Helen & Joe Condon, RIP Wednesday, October 22 7:30 a.m. - Annette Funicello Holt, RIP Thursday, October 23 7:30 a.m. - Tom Condon, RIP Friday, October 24 7:30 a.m. - Isabel Urzua, RIP Saturday, October 25 7:30 a.m. - Alex Kuncar, RIP Marriage Help – Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi) has helped tens of thousands of couples at all stages of disillusionment or misery in their marriage. This program can help you too. For confidential information about, or to register for the next program, beginning with a weekend on November 7-9, 2014 call: 661-257-7980 or email: ornelasdachs@sbcglobal.net or visit the web site at HelpOurMarriage.com Our Lady of Guadalupe and Mexico Pilgrimage Nov. 17-23, 2014 Join Fr. Agustin Barco, Msgr. Carl Bell and our group of pilgrims to honor our Blessed Mother on the anniversary of her apparition. For detailed itinerary and reservation, please contact Claudia Venegas at: Claudia@holysitetours.com or call 714-414-2038. Did You Know? Know all the access routes to your children’s school in case of emergency “Back-to-school does not have to mean back-toworrying. Though safety inside school is ultimately the responsibility of the principal and school staff, parents can take a few basic steps to ensure a safe school experience.” Know travel routes to and from the school. Make sure you and your child know both primary and alternate routes. In an emergency, roads can be blocked and it's important to have a backup plan. For more information, please visit scholastic.comparents/resources/ article/parent-teacher-partnerships/6-rules-schoolsafety. Sam Lovullo Marc Vestil Beryl Hayden Frank De Giorgio Sheldon Payne Isabel Reyes Mary O’ Sullivan Anthony Perry Tim Viole Frank Scicchitano Fina Scaduto Harrison Rhodes Marlene Perez Dominic Towell Courtney Jones Dorothy Connerly William Shartzer Rina McCans Nancy Gervin Helen Meck Eddie Nable Michael Glaser Phil Hodgkins Hector Cabrera Sandra Osorio Annie Gabriel Corazon Sunga Michael Kenworthy David Martinez Tom Maglio Dolores Petro Terry McMahon Stacy Frederick Leona Johnston Romy Villa Dennis Galli Patrick King Joe Avelino October, Respect Life Month Harlan Hobbs Travis Thetford Stephanie Crow DeSitter Family Garcia Family Jeschke Family Mitchell Dinopolous Irving Binder Edward Gervin Iris Li Art Pfeifer Jim Muller Roy Kohn Roy Payton Rosemary Gervin Greg Meza Rosenthal Family Maurice Harris Dolores Genova De Nardis Help respect human life with the 40 Days for Life. From September 24 to November 2 hundreds of cities are participating in the 40 Days for Life, a life-saving campaign made up of three components: prayers and fasting, community outreach, and peaceful vigil. For more info, contact Patti Flores, 818-307-4332 or PFlores4Life@aol.com or visit 40daysforlife.com/ sanfernandovalley. PROBATE LIVING TRUSTS WILLS Chris Daniels ✦ John Daniels Attorneys At Law 17024 Lassen Street, Northridge www.johndanielslaw.com 818-718-1250 Free Initial Consultation Catholic Lawyers BOB THE BUILDER Licensed General Contractor/ Electrician with 30+ years remodeling experience lives close to church & can fix most anything. Small jobs ok - so don’t call a handyman (818) 298-3638 - Gets you an honest, reliable professional Lic. #458588 Email Bobthebuilder@Juno.com PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK JASON T. GRUTTER ATTORNEY AT LAW Conservatorship, Trust, Wills & Probate Free Consultation www.ShermanOaksLaw.com 2312 W. 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