Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 11-12, 2014 Saturday October 11th 4:00 pm Anne & Richard Lake ~ Lake Family th Sunday October 12 8:00 am Anna & Walter Halecki & John Burke ~ family 10:00 am Dominick Caruso ~ family 12:00 pm Joseph Nigro ~ Josephine Caggiano 2:00 pm John Dobrowolski ~ David & Karen Seaman th, Monday October 13 9:00 am Intentions for Raphella Fleurimond ~ Ousnars Birotte th Tuesday October 14 8:00 am Harry & Anne Venezia ~ Jutka 12:05 pm Thomas Larmore ~ wife Vera & family th Wednesday October 15 8:00 am Intentions for Raphella Fleurimond ~ Ousnars Birotte 12:05 pm Cary Schaffran ~ Josephine r th Thursday Octobe 16 8:00 am Intentions for Raphella Fleurimond ~ Ousnars Birotte 12:05 pmIntentions for Raphella Fleurimond ~ Ousnars Birotte th Friday October 17 8:00 am Intentions for Raphella Fleurimond ~ Ousnars Birotte 12:05 pm Carmella & John Amari ~ VI & Paul Amari r th Saturday Octobe 18 12:05 pm Intentions for Raphella Fleurimond ~ Ousnars Birotte Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 18-19, 2014 th Saturday October 18 4:00 pm Intentions of Anne & Richard Lake ~ Paula th Sunday October 19 8:00 am People of The Parish 10:00 am John Karafa ~ wife 12:00 pm Joseph Nigro ~ Barbara Baum Weekly Memorials Sanctuary Lamps, Altar Candles, Bread, Wine, Flowers for the Blessed Virgin Mother, St Joseph, St Ann, Tabernacle or the Cross are weekly memorials. Sanctuary Lamp ~ Stephanie Spadora Alter Candle ~ Penny Ann Riechers Alter Bread ~ Mary Pristavec The donation for the sanctuary Lamp and the Altar Candles are $10.00, the Altar Bread is $15.00, and the Altar Wine is $25.00. The flowers for Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph and St Ann are $45.00. The Tabernacle is $60.00 and the Cross is $110.00. Please stop by the Rectory to reserve any of the above items This week please use the Gold Envelope (regular Weekly Collections) ) and White (Heating and Fuel) Next week please use the Gold Envelope (regular Weekly Collections) and World Mission Sunday There is a parishioner that is need of a twin size mattress, If anyone is able to donate please call the rectory, thank you in advance for your generosity Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday Is 25:6-10a; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:114 or 22:1-10 Monday Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31—5:1; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday Gal 5:1-6; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday Gal 5:18-25; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday Eph 1:1-10; Lk 11:47-54 Friday Eph 1:11-14; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Lk 10:1-9 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Isaiah 25:6-10a This passage describes the new Jerusalem as a heavenly banquet on the mountain with the Lord God wiping away all tears. Second Reading: Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20 In simple, direct words, Paul thanks the Philippians for alleviating his hardships. He stresses, though, that he is as accustomed to poverty as to abundance and finds all his strength in Christ. Gospel: Matthew 22:1-14 Once more speaking to the chief priests and the elders, Jesus relates the parable of the wedding banquet. A King, preparing a wedding banquet for his son, summons all the invited guests. When, after several invitations, no guests arrive, the King commands his servants to “go out into the byroads and invite anyone you come upon.” Again, Jesus warns the elders, “the invited are many, the elect are few.” Welcome to The Family We welcome new life into our Christian Community Gabriella Bolivar Child of Carlos Andres Bolivar and Jeniffer Lozada Perea Ethan James Opinion Child of Carlos A opinion Jr. and Leah Opinion Baptisms are performed on all Sundays except for the second week of the Month. Please call the Rectory and make am appointment with a priest and schedule for baptismal preparation classes Prayer for those who lost a loved one We offer our condolences to the families and friends of Louise Y. Brown, Ludmilla (Millie) Shubiak May the soul and the souls of the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in Peace Today after the 2PM Filipino Mass therewill be the blessing and the Inaugurations of the Divine Child Museum 238 E Blancke st Bishop Marconi will be here for the Blessing!! FROM THE PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Please remember to put all your envelopes and cash donations in the single collection basket. God bless you for your continued generosity. God’s Plan for Giving Weekly Collection 09/27-28 $ 6,512.00 Total Giving Fuel $ 115.00 $6,627.00 Archdiocesan Assessment $ 4,610.00 Collected to Date $ 1,411.00 Still Needed: $ 3,199.00 2014 Envelopes If you currently are not using envelopes please call the rectory and we can easily get you signed up. “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”. Mathew 6:24 The Giving Tree Would you like to honor your family’s heritage or have your parent’s legacy continue at St Elizabeth? The Giving Tree is available in the back of the church. For $350.00 you can have your inscription on a Gold leaf. The forms are in the vestibule of the Church or at the Rectory. What a great way to Remember your family! Music Ministry We are delighted to welcome Juan Pineda as our new Music Director to St Elizabeth Church. Juan, and his wife Val, have many years of experience in the music field and look forward to working with us. The offer still stands that if there is anyone that would like to be in the choir please feel free to call the Rectory and we will pass your name along. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION NEXT WEEKEND OUR PARISH WILL CELEBRATE WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. SUNDAY This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS RCIA as restored by Vatican II, is a process in which a person prepares to become a member of the Roman Catholic Church. The process is one of inquiry, of evangelization, of prayers, of study and conversion leading to ones entrance in the church through Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. The RCIA welcomes the unbaptized as well as those who have been baptized in another Christian tradition. The RCIA also welcomes those who have been baptized Catholic but who have not completed their sacraments through the Eucharist and Confirmation. The RCIA is a step by step journey highlighted with corresponding rituals celebrated within the Parish Community. . For more information and applications please call Deacon John Bejgrowicz at 908-862-3195 or 908-338-5249. ORGANIZATIONS/ASSOCIATIONS Linden Interfaith Council During the month of October we are asked to pray for: St. George Byzantine Catholic Church St. John the Apostle Roman Catholic Church May these Faith Communities continue to make the Lord present by their Christian witness Calling All Seniors!!! To join our Attention Parents for CCD!!! st Our CCD program started on Sunday the 21 registrationwill remain open until October 26th 2014. Registration is available on our web site. Please visit or You will see an icon for Religious Education that is for K through 6. If your child is preparing for Confirmation please use Confirmation icon. Thanks for registering your children and choosing St Elizabeth!! Calendar October 12 No CCD Columbus Day Weekend th st October 194 CCD Class, 1 Class for CCD Parents in the school Family Room October 265th CCD Class9-9:50 Last Day to register for CCD 10:00 AM Mass CCD Community Mass Grade 8 Confirmation Candidates Blessing and Bible Presentation Young at Heart Club Our First Luncheon meeting was quite a success, thank you all for coming Our Next meeting will be on Wednesday October 22nd Immediately following the Noon Mass In the Rectory Join us for pizza and a sing a long with Fr Ed!! Please call and leave a message that you will be coming and that you will be having lunch Cost will be $5.00 Feel free to invite any of your friends Thank you for the interest Archbishop’s Annual Appeal --“When I called, you answered” Our Parish Goal 2014: $38,631 Parish Stretch Goal 2014: $ 42,494 To date we have received over $20,177.00 in pledges. We have reached 51.5% of our goal with 152 donors. The average gift is $133.00 Every October, the Catholic Church celebrates Respect Life Month. Cardinal Sean O’Malley, chairman of the USCCB Committee on ProLife Activities shared that: “We live in a society of unbelief, where the unborn, the sick, and the elderly are often unwanted and endangered by acts of violence or neglect…Since [Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton], over fifty-five million unborn children's lives have been taken, leaving many millions of mothers, fathers, and family members wounded and grieving their loss. Physician-assisted suicide is now legal in three states, allowing doctors to help end patients' lives rather than provide much-needed comfort in times of pain and distress… Despite these challenges, Pope Francis reminds us that we always have hope in Christ. The Holy Father speaks not only of physical life, but spiritual life as well -- our life in Christ that has the power to transform us. By opening our hearts to his love and mercy, we let Christ dwell in us and we see more deeply the intricate and unique beauty of each person…We must respond to Pope Francis' call with great urgency. Opening our hearts to life in Christ empowers us for loving, merciful action toward others. We must give witness to the Gospel of Life and evangelize through our lives.” The Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of Newark promotes the Catholic Church’s teaching on the respect, care and protection of human life from conception to natural death, and does so with great urgency. The Respect Life Office works with crisis pregnancy centers to direct people to proper prenatal care and information when faced with a crisis pregnancy. The Respect Life Office provides resources and necessary tools for parish involvement for Pro-Life activities throughout the entire Archdiocese. From retreats to special Pro-Life training, they offer effective opportunities to engage others in the Pro-Life movement. For example, the Rachel’s Vineyard retreat was created to help men and woman who have had an abortion, find hope and healing. To date there have been over 65 retreats, healing over 700 men and women. Thank you for your support of the Annual Appeal, which makes the Respect Life Office a reality! The Pro Life Committee at St. Elizabeth Church Would like to thank the parishioners of St Elizabeth’s of Hungary Parish for their kindness and generosity for Raphael’s Life House. Your donations of numerous baby items, items for unwed mothers and cash donations of $237.25 will be able to fill a lot of needs. Everyone at Raphael’s Life House are very grateful. Deacon John, Fred and Ann McMahon eÉátÜç fÉv|xàç is hosting a VÉÅÅâÇ|ÉÇ UÜxt~ytáà th Sunday November 9 after the 10:00 Mass Cost $10.00 for more information call Joann Badalis 486 6570 or Rich Borowicz at 925 5867 _|yx |Ç à{x fÑ|Ü|à fxÅ|ÇtÜ Would you like to know God personally and have a deeper relationship with Him? Consider this an invitation to meet Jesus more intimately through a Life in the Spirit Seminar or LSS. This seminar will take five Friday evenings altogether, starting on Oct. 10 at 7:30 pm. Sessions will be in the Family Room and will start with a short prayer, a talk and then a personal sharing by someone who has already encountered God thru a past seminar and continues to experience Him in his/her day to day life. Admission is free, however, pre-registration is required. For more info and/or to register, please call Arnold or Yen at (718) 494-7256 or Teya at (908) 486-5918; visit us at or email Sign-up sheets also available at the church entries. st Family of Faith is on its 21 year and has been based here at St. E since year 2000. Fr. Ed is our current Spiritual Adviser. We look forward to seeing you at the LSS. OUT OF PARISH INFORMATION Center for HOPEHospice & Palliative Care Woman Auxiliary Annual Fashion Show Lunch and Tricky Tray Sunday October 19 11-4PM To reserve tickets contact DOT at 732 521 5362 Tickets are $65.00 includes lunch Knights of Columbus Is hosting a Karaoke Night with DJ Rambo th October 18 8 -12 PM Food Beer Wine and Soda Tickets are available at the bar on KOC 118 N Park Ave. Linden for more Information call Luke Yanakatis at 908 494 0864 Bring your singing voices!!! The Friends of the Linden Library will be hosting a book sale in November, at the Linden Library. Book donations are needed. Please drop them off at the library No dictionaries, encyclopedias, or text books, please Another way to help the Friends;You can purchase a shopping pass for Lord and Taylor Westfield store only. 25% OFF BONUS COUPON Some exculsions will apply October 29th, is the only day that the shopping pass is valid. Use the drop down box and locate THE FRIENDS OF LINDEN LIBRARY. 100% of your $5 pass purchase is donated to the Friends! Join others from parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Newark as we read, study and discuss the important book: Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus Select Thursdays October 2 - November 20, 20147:00 pm - 9:00 pmArchdiocesan Center171 Clifton Ave., Newark, NJCost: $10 Includes study guide God be with us always! PASTOR’S COLUMN “...Not to be served by others, but to serve, to give his own life as a ransom for the many. (Matthew 20:28) OUR LOVE IN RETURN FOR GOD’S The First Reading from the Book of Isaiah consists of an allegory, which can be interpreted on several levels. The literal sense addresses an agricultural scene, in which loving care is given to a vineyard, only to produce worthless fruit. Since the passage is introduced as a love song to a friend, it could be read as an allegory of marital infidelity. Finally, the verses, understood in the historical context, address the sins of the Northern Kingdom (Israel) and the Southern Kingdom (Judah). A vineyard is a symbol for wealth, but this wealth has not produced justice. The Second Reading reminds the Philippians to have no anxiety, offering two paths to peace. Believers should confidently make requests to God and they are to continue to do what they have learned, received, heard and seen in St. Paul. He closes his letter to the Philippians with an exhortation – the believers are to adhere to the virtues of truth, honor, justice, purity, loveliness, grace, and excellence. The Gospel Reading today picks up the theme of the vineyard found in Isaiah, but it is not the produce that is rotten, but the tenants. Addressing the religious leadership in Jerusalem, Jesus presents three parables in response to their criticism of Him – the parable of the two sons, the parable of the wicked tenants, and the parable of the wedding feast. These parables serve as a response to the criticism from and an indictment of the religious leadership. In today’s parable, Jesus describes an absentee landowner who attempts to collect his rent on three occasions, and each time the tenants beat, stone, and kill the servants sent. Finally, the landowner sends his son, expecting that the son will be respected. Instead, the tenants kill the son, assuming that they will then inherit the vineyard. In this parable the vine, often a symbol of Israel, is not unproductive, but the caretakers. Jesus asks what the landowner should do to the tenants. The religious leaders respond, unaware that they are condemning themselves: “He will put those wretched men to a wretched death.” (Matthew 21:41) The chief priests and Pharisees recognize that Jesus is addressing them and wanted to arrest Him. My dear friends, here we see something familiar about the senseless actions of the tenants of the vineyard. Do not we humans sometimes act as if by rejecting God we will inherit the world? Do we not reject the message of Jesus in the insane hope of being able to live by our own rules? The idea that a violent rejection of God can turn us from servants into masters is perhaps more common than we might think. But the fact remains that we are tenants in a vineyard that belongs to God. All of the fruit that we bear in this life belongs to God, because ultimately it comes from Him who is the source of all good gifts. If we give up the delusion of being our own masters, we will discover a true God of peace who guards our hearts and minds in Christ. Attention families of 8th grade students Wanting to attend Catholic High School in fall 2014. The Catholic High School entrance exam (COOP) will be given on November 7, 2014. Students need to register for this exam ahead of time by going to The site will be fully operational as of September 1. Additionally the Archdiocese of Newark is sponsoring Catholic High School Admissions Fairs called High School Expo at the end of September. Full details can be found here If you have any questions, kindly direct them to -Laura Cristiano St Mary of the Assumption High School 237 South Broad St.Elizabeth, NJ 07202 Will be having Open Houses are the following dates Saturday September 27, 2014 at 2PM Tuesday October 14, 2014 at 7PM th Sunday October 26 , 2014 at 2PM We still have space open for the 2014-2015 school year! $6400.00 Tuition is the lowest in Union County For more information Please call 908 352 4350 or visit us at Online Giving Coming Soon Online Giving will soon be available for parishioners, making donating simple, safe, and secure. Be sure to check the bulletin in the coming weeks for more information or call the parish office if you have any questions! 908 486 2514 MASS OF THE ANOINTING At St John’s the Apostle The Mass of the Anointing will be held on Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 11 a.m. in the Church. Anyone in need of any special healing is welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served immediately following the Mass. For further information, please contact Johanna at 732-499-9730 after 6 p.m. 1805 Penbrooke Ave Linden Visit our website often at
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