October 19, 2014 • 19 de octubre de 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Saint John Neumann Catholic Church 801 Tom Smith Road Lilburn, Georgia 30047-2299 Ph: 770-923-6633 www.sjnlilburn.com Pastor Fr. Sunny Punnakuziyil, MSFS father.sunny@sjnlilburn.com Parochial Vicar Father Abel Guerrero-Orta abel.guerrero-orta@sjnlilburn.com Priest-in-Residence Fr. Thomas Zahuta Thomas.Zahuta@sjnlilburn.com Permanent Deacons Rev. Mr. Michael Hayward jmikehayward57@yahoo.com Rev. Mr. Bill Marten bill.marten@sjnlilburn.com Rev. Mr. Greg Ollick greg.ollick@sjnlilburn.com Mass Schedule Sunday 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm (in Spanish) 5:00 pm (Life Teen) Monday - Friday 6:30 am 9:00 am Saturday 9:00 am 5:00 pm Vigil Mass *Nursery is available at all weekend Masses. G +8'61%#'5#4 9*#6+5%#'5#45 #0&61)1& 9*#6+5)1&5 Matthew 22:15-21). D '87'.8'#.%J5#4 .137''5&'.%J5#4 ;#&+15.137''5&' &+15 (Mateo 22:15-21) . Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays, 10:00 am-8:00 pm; 8:00 pm-9:00 pm (Holy Hour in Spanish) Rosary: Tuesday, 11:00 am in Spanish • Friday, 9:45 am in English 2 0DNLQJ&RQQHFWLRQV 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Stewardship is another word for Discipleship. A ending the Interna onal Catholic Stewardship Conference (ICSC) last week along with two of our Stewardship representa ves, Mary Lou Schwaner and John Dockstader, was an enriching experience. There was so much informa on for us to absorb in three days! Stewardship is not about money alone, it involves our whole life. It is a way of life that we freely accept in response to our bap smal call as Catholic Chris ans. In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus summarizes in one sentence the true meaning of Stewardship: “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God” (Mt.22:21). Jesus did not specify the things that belonged to Caesar since Caesar did not possess anything independently of God. Neither did Jesus specify what belonged to God since God possesses everything. Can we claim anything as our own independently of God? Truly speaking, we can’t. Who we are and what we have, all these are gi s from God to be shared. As a growing Stewardship parish community, we recently made our commitment of TIME to Prayer and Study of our Faith. But honestly, so many of you have been living your call to Stewardship through your commitment to various ministries in our parish, through the generous sharing of your me, talents and treasure. What we need to do now is to recognize it, own it and celebrate it! Your contribu on to the on-going “Building a Legacy of Faith: Marian Chapel Capital Campaign” is another visible expression of your con nuous commitment as true Stewards of our Parish. THE ROAD TAKEN DETENTE Y CONSIDERA Week after week, we are offered a choice to declare Algunos de nosotros Misa, pero trato others and to our Godvenimos whom wea belong to—the small god and possessions, the great tamos deof nomoney involucrarnos en másornada. NuesGodrenuencia whom Jesus (Daddy or Papa in tra secalled debeAbba a varias razones: miedo Aramaic). Some of us drop into the basket what we de que nos presionen para hacer compromisos think is good enough, or what we will never miss, or awhatever largo plazo o que se nos pida hacer algo para is in our pocket. How about a different lo cual no tenemos ap tudes. Puede que estas approach? For every financial blessing first give personas renuentes a ofreceransus servicios thanks, whether for a paycheck, allowance, investment interest, even a lottery sean generosas debonus, otras or maneras, comowin. en la Choose asemanal portion and share it with others: to the colecta o haciendo dona voshalf para Church, and half to good cause you favor. In causas justas. ¿Vacilas tú en ofrecer tus servigratitude for God’s overwhelming love, we give cios ¿Cuáles las habilidades thesevoluntarios? “first fruits” rather thanson what’s left over after que Dios te ha dado? ¿Tienes madera deshows líder, we’ve done what we want. Modern research that people who give generously tend to live happier te gusta trabajar en equipo o prefieres hacerlo and longer lives. So become grateful giver and a desde la retaguardia? ¿Teaencuentras enfermo, true steward of God’s constant blessings. Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. I take this opportunity to thank all of you who have already made your Sponsorship/ Cash Pledges and Brick Pavers Pledges for our Marian Chapel. I also earnestly appeal to those who have not yet pledged, to make a sacrificial contribuon and be sharers of God’s Blessings as This week’s altar true Stewards. flowers were donated I wish to you the same gree ng that St. In Thanksgiving Paul used in this Sunday’s 2nd Reading: for SJN Parish “We give thanks to God always for you, Family. remembering you in our prayers, calling to mind your work of faith and labor of To donate flowers on behalf of a love!” (1 Thess. 1:2-3) Amen! deceased loved one, or in celebration of a special occasion, please contact Father Sunny Mary Marder at: 678-549-0188. Pastor, SJN Our Parish WeekataGlance: 0RQ2FW6XQ2FW 20 Monday 21 Tuesday 9:30 am AL-ANON 22 Wednesday 10:00 am WCBS 12pm Staff Meeting 9am SJNRCS Mass Eucharistic Adoration 10am “LTMTP” Prayer Group 11am WCBS Facilitator Mtg. 6pm Spec. Needs PSR 7pm AEBS; RCIA; Bereavement 7:30 pm Spanish Class 23 Thursday 7pm ESL 5:30pm Children’s Choir 6:30 pm PSR;WEDGE; Youth Group; “LTMTP” Prayer Group 7pm Finance Council 7pm ESL; SVdP Holiday Program Mtg. 24 Friday 9:45 am Rosary; Altar Society 25 Saturday 7:30 am Dynamic Catholic Book Club 8:30 am First Penance Retreat 26 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Priesthood Sunday 10:30 am PSR; Catechism Café 10:15am Family Faith Mtg. 2pm Boy Scouts 6:30pm EDGE; LifeTeen www.sjnlilburn.com 3 Haciendo Conexiones 29no Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Administración es otra palabra para Discipulado. Asis r a la Conferencia Internacional Católica del Discipulado (CAPI), la semana pasada, junto con dos de nuestros representantes de Discipulado, Mary Lou Schwaner y John Dockstader, fue una experiencia enriquecedora. ¡Había tanta información para absorber en tres días! La Administración no es sobre el dinero por sí solo, se trata de toda nuestra vida. Es una forma de vida que aceptamos libremente en respuesta a nuestro llamado bau smal de cris anos católicos. En el Evangelio de este domingo, Jesús resume en una frase el verdadero significado de la Administración: "Dad al César lo que es del César y a Dios lo que es de Dios" (Mt.22: 21). Jesús no especificó las cosas que pertenecían a César, ya que, César no poseía nada independientemente de Dios. Jesús tampoco especifica qué pertenecía a Dios ya que Dios posee todo. ¿Podemos reclamar algo como propio independientemente de Dios? Verdaderamente hablando, no podemos. Quiénes somos y lo que tenemos, todos estos son regalos de Dios para ser compar dos. Como creciente comunidad Parroquial, recientemente hemos hecho nuestro compromiso de empo a la oración y el estudio de nuestra fe. Pero, honestamente, muchos de ustedes han estado viviendo su llamado al discipulado a través de su compromiso con los diversos ministerios en nuestra parroquia, a través de la par cipación generosa de su empo, talentos y tesoros. Lo que tenemos que hacer ahora es reconocer que, lo enen y lo celebran! Su contribución a la Campaña Capital "Construyendo un Legado de Fe: Capilla Mariana" es una expresión más visible de su compromiso con nuo como verdaderos administradores de nuestra Parroquia. EL CAMINO QUE TOMEMOS Semana tras semana se nos brinda la oportunidad de declarar a quién pertenecemos, al dios minúsculo del dinero y las posesiones o al gran Dios a quien Jesús llamó Abba, que en arameo (el idioma de Jesús) quiere decir papá o papaíto. Algunos de nosotros ponemos en la colecta aquello que pensamos es lo suficiente o el cambio que tengamos en el bolsillo en ese momento. ¿Y si enfocáramos esto desde otro ángulo? Por cada beneficio financiero, ya sea por el sueldo, por algún subsidio personal, por el rendimiento de una inversión, algún tipo de bono o aun la ganancia inesperada en la lotería, hemos de dar gracias en primer lugar a Dios por tal bendición. Reserva una parte para compartirla con los demás, una mitad para la Iglesia y la otra para alguna causa justa de tu predilección. En gratitud por el inmenso amor que Dios nos tiene damos de estos “primeros frutos” y no de la parte mínima que nos sobra después de hacer lo que hemos querido. Las investigaciones científicas modernas demuestran que las personas que dan generosamente tienden a vivir más tiempo y más felices. Además, dar con gratitud cambia nuestra manera de pensar sobre la vida y nos hace verdaderamente responsables por las constantes bendiciones que recibimos de Dios. Aprovecho esta oportunidad para agradecer a todos los que ya han hecho su Patrocinio /Promesas en efec vo y Ladrillos para nuestra Capilla Mariana. También hago un llamamiento seriamente a aquellos que aún no se han comprome do, a hacer una contribución de sacrificio y ser par cipes de las Bendiciones de Dios como verdaderos Discípulos. Deseo que el mismo saludo que Santo Pablo u liza en la segunda lectura de este domingo: "Siempre damos gracias a Dios por todos ustedes, y los recordamos en nuestras oraciones. ConƟnuamente recordamos qué acƟva ha sido su fe, qué servicial su amor y qué fuerte en los sufrimientos su esperanza en nuestro Señor Jesucristo, delante de nuestro Dios y Padre." (1 Tes. 1: 2-3) ¡Amén! Padre Sunny Párroco 1XHVWUD3DUURTXLD9LVWD]RGHOD6HPDQD/XQ2FW'RP2FW 20 Lunes 21 Martes 11am Rosario en Español 22 Miércoles 7pm Grupo de Oración 7pm CRSP-Mujeres; Clases ESL 7:30 pm Devoción a la Divina Misericordia 6:30 pm PSR; EDGE; LIFETEEN; ¡Por qué Católico! 23 Jueves 24 Viernes 26 Domingo 'RPLQJRGHO 7LHPSR2UGLQDULR Domingo del Sacerdocio 10:00 am CRSPHombres 10:15 am PSR 7pm Clases ESL 8pm Hora Santa 25 Sábado 7:30 pm Clases oro Niños 7:30 pm Grupo de Jóvenes “JUSAD”; Clases Coro Niños 6:30 pm EDGE, Life Teen 4 Religious Education for Youth News from St. John Neumann Regional Catholic School 3ODQWRDWWHQGRXUQH[WOpen House Thursday, November 13, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. ,I\RXZRXOGOLNHPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHFRQWDFWXVDW 770-381-0557 RUE\HPDLODWcrusader@sjnrcs.org Hours of Opera on: Monday - Thursday 9:30 am - 1:00 pm &DWKROLF(GXFDWLRQ6XUYH\ 7KH2IILFHRI&DWKROLF6FKRROVLVFROOHFWLQJGDWDIURP VHOHFWHGSDULVKHVLQWKH1RUWKHDVW0HWUR'HDQHU\WR DVVLVWLQWKHPDUNHWLQJDQGUHFUXLWPHQWRIIDPLOLHVLQWHU HVWHGLQHQUROOLQJWKHLUFKLOGUHQLQD&DWKROLF6FKRRO 7KHVXUYH\ZLOOUHPDLQRSHQXQWLO2FWREHU )DPLOLHVDUHHQFRXUDJHGWRFRPSOHWHWKHVXUYH\RQOLQH (QJOLVK6XUYH\KWWSVZZZVXUYH\PRQNH\FRPU&9&+1- 6SDQLVK6XUYH\KWWSVZZZVXUYH\PRQNH\FRPU13/*% Program Director: Mar McLeer, ext. 130 Mar .mcleer@sjnlilburn.com Coordinator: Adrienne Rybak, ext. 173 Adrienne.rybak@sjnlilburn.com Next Adult Mee ng: Tuesday, November 4th at 7pm Theme: “I Believe” (The Creed) Next Community Mee ng: Sunday, October 26th at 10am Coordinator/Coordinador: Jesse Garcia, ext. 133 Jesse.garcia@sjnlilburn.com 6XQGD\/LIH1LJKWV'RPLQJRV9LGD -XYHQLO–SP :HGQHVGD\V–<RXWK1LJKWV 0LpUFROHV–*UXSR-yYHQHV SP Sun., Oct. 19/Domingo, 19 Oct. Theme: “ The Struggle is Real” Tema: “La Lucha es Real” Sun., Oct. 26/Domingo, 26 Oct. Theme: “ Falling In Love” Tema: “Enamorarse” Sun., Nov. 2 /Domingo, 2 Nov. Theme: XLT/La Familia Tema: XLT “La Familia” Coordinator/Coordinadora: Linda Mauge, ext. 120 Linda.mauge@sjnlilburn.com 6XQGD\1LJKWV'RPLQJRV('*( SP :HGQHVGD\:('*(%LEOH6WXG\ 0LpUFROHV:('*(–(VWXGLRGH%LEOLD SP Sun., Oct. 19/Domingo, 19 Oct. Theme: “Understand What?” Tema: “¿Entender Qué? Sun., Oct. 26/Domingo, 26 Oct. Theme: “Holyween” Tema: “Santanoche” Coordinator/Coordinadora: Cindy Westaway, ext. 117 Cindy.westaway@sjnlilburn.com Sunday Classes/Clases Domingos 10:30 am Oct. 19th, 26th Nov. 2nd, 9th, 16th, 30th No Classes/No Habrá Clases 23 Nov. Wednesday Classes/Clases Miércoles 6:30 pm Oct. 22nd, 29th (All Saints) Nov. 5th, 12th, 19th No Classes/No Habrá Clases - 26 Nov. www.sjnlilburn.com 5 Religious Education for Adults “Lord, Dynamic Catholic Book Club Ǧ Teach Me to Pray” Women’s Pr ayer Group Last July, Chris Rowe attended a retreat focusing on Come for coffee and study on the beautiful and powerful Saturday mornings at 7:30 am in Ignatian Prayer and Spirituality. Encouraged by Rooms 1 & 2, reading The United States Catholic Catechism for Adults. This semester we are studying the leaders of that retreat, Chris decided to start an adult "Part I: The Creed Ǧ The Faith Professed". faith-sharing group at SJN. She explains, “I wanted to offer it during Wednesday PSR to otherwise busy moms Upcoming Chapter Discussions: and other women who needed the evening time slot for an oasis of time to enjoy this experience.” Oct. 25 Ǧ Chapter 8 “The Saving Death Be Bold, Be Catholic! and Resurrection of Christ” Nov. 1 Ǧ Chapter 9 “Receive the Holy Spirit” Proving the value (and hazards?) of reading the bulletin, Terri Kucharzyk found herself at the same training, becoming a co-facilitator after reading the announcement of “a new series developed to meet the desire for ongoing spiritual growth . . . and for a deeper commitment to Jesus Grow in Your Devo on to the Mother of God! Christ as Lord.” Terri is enthusiastic about the new group, %HJLQQLQJLQWKHHQGRI2FWREHU6W-RKQ which she says is different from any she has participated in before. As Chris explains the difference, “ ‘Praying 1HXPDQQLVPDNLQJDYDLODEOHWRLWV Christian Virtues’ will introduce you to the meditative SDULVKLRQHUVWKHERRN'D\VWR0RUQLQJ and contemplative way of prayer devised by St. Ignatius *ORU\7KLVLVDGD\VWXG\RIKRZRXU of Loyola, enabling you to further develop your prayer GHYRWLRQWR-HVXVLQFOXGHVKLV0RWKHUZKR life by listening to the Holy Spirit speak to you personally DOZD\VJXLGHVXVWRKHU6RQ-HVXV,I\RX through the scriptures.” FKRRVHWRPDNHWKLVSULYDWHGDLO\VWXG\WKHQ RQ'HFHPEHUWKWKH)HDVWRI,PPDFXODWH&RQFHSWLRQ there will be a special “Consecration to Jesus through Mary” &HUHPRQ\IROORZLQJWKHPRUQLQJ0DVV:HKRSH\RXZLOO MRLQXVLQJURZLQJRXUGHYRWLRQWR0DU\DVZHSUHSDUHWR KRQRUKHUZLWKWKHSUHVHQFHRIWKH0DULDQ&KDSHO Chris and Terri encourage all who seek to know, live, and share their faith to consider attending this series in the future to develop a more beautiful and meaningful prayer Catechism Café - “Sunday School” for Adults! R.C.I.A. The "Catechumenate" leg of the RCIA journey begins on Monday evening, October 20, at 7:00pm in room 1 & 2. Everyone is invited to join us as we learn the truths of the Catholic faith from the beginning in a systematic way. The Catechumenate meets on Monday evenings (7:00 8:30) until Feb 16th (the beginning of Lent). This is a great way to learn your faith as an adult and support those who are preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation this Easter. Join us Sundays at 10:30 am in room 8 (in the lower level of the Church) for one-hour teachings and discussions. Coffee will be provided; bring a sweet to share! Contact Mary Lou Schwaner at marylou.schwaner@sjnlilburn.com for mor e information. Topic for Oct. 26th: (Catholicism Series) Episode 4: “Our Tainted Nature’s Solitary Boast: Mary, the Mother of God” - Fr. Barron explains the Church’s great reverence for Mary and her unique role in salvation history. 6 Advent by Candlelight... just around the corner! Ladies, mark your calendar for Sunday, November 23rd for the 2nd Annual SJN Advent by Candlelight! Organizers needed! Please contact Mary Lou Schwaner if you can help: 678-462-9911 Father HoLung and Friends and the Missionaries of the Poor present THE MESSIAH COOKING FOR A LIFE TIME What are we going to teach in this class? Through out a cooking demonstra on and a nutri on class you will learn how to prepare deli-cious meals and snacks, select food that may lower your risk of developing cancer. You will also learn how to prepare food with less fat, sodium, sugar and more fiber. In addi on, you will learn how to make healthier food choices in the grocery store. WHEN: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 TIME: 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. WHERE: Saint John Neumann Reynolds Hall Gwinne Performing Arts Center 6400 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth GA 30097 November 7 through November 9, 2014 Tickets Available: www.messiahinatlanta.com Or contact: (470) 249-9563 or (770) 851-0290 or (706) 362-0891 To register please contact: Gloria Ochoa-Andia, RN—SJN Heath Ministry at 770-449-2229 or email at jonny andia@msn.com Or contact Carmen Neris– SJN Secretary at 770– 923-6633 1 !!!" #! $% %& '(! ! !%)%* (!+ +, -! . !% /( ! 0 % (! !% %& ' 0 !" #$ " %& ' !$ () *+,,# ! "- " / "#) 1* 3 www.sjnlilburn.com 7 7 Date Time Mass Intention Daily Scripture Monday 6:30 am Oct. 20 9:00 am Virgil & Lois Deckont (+) Mary Panacci (+) Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday 6:30 am Oct. 21 9:00 am Jack Connolly (+) Ann Marie Salazar Russell (+) Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 6:30 am Oct. 22 9:00 am Kathy Nagle (+) Jack Krug (+) Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday 6:30 am Oct. 23 9:00 am John Parsons (+) Marion Vitale (+) Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Cay Cowell (+) John & Bridgete Best (+) Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Rachel and Jonathan McCright Daniel and Michelle McCarren 7RWKRVHQHZO\%DSWL]HG Agustín Rafael Bonilla Shepard Brooks Gray Wednesday John Restrepo, Cathy Calhoun, Mary Ann McCarthy, Gene and Linda Whitmeyer, Cipriano Rojales, Donna Kelly, Richard Ferris, Jill Maldonado, Grant Gossling, Jerry Torrence, Don Scott, Tommy Arthur Friday 6:30 am Oct. 24 9:00 am Saturday 9:00 am Oct. 25 5:00 pm Sunday Oct. 26 en español Clara Rivers, Harriet Jacobs, Ann Russell, Jack Krug, Lois Murphy, Charles Allred, Marie Feaster † Deceased 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm* 5:00 pm William & Esther Courtney (+) Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Leo & Marion Best (+) Lk 13:1-9 Dorothy Brooks (+) Marie Feaster (+) Personas de la parroquia. People of the parish. (s) Special Intention *en español Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 ~Nursery at all weekend Masses.~ 3HDFH. That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. :RUOG0LVVLRQ'D\That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. ,QWHQFLRQHVSDUD2FWXEUHGHO3DSD)UDQFLVFR 3D] Para que el Señor conceda paz a las partes del mundo más golpeadas por la guerra y la violencia. 'tD0XQGLDOGHODV0LVLRQHVQue la Jornada Misionera Mundial puede reavivar en cada creyente entusiasta de llevar el Evangelio a todo el mundo. Offertory Current Collec on 2013-2014 Income over (under) $22,817.61 $376,563.76 $24,599.44 $365,492.43 ($1,781.83) $11,071.33 10-12-2014 YTD %8//(7,168%0,66,216 To submit any news for the parish bulletin, please send your email to: marylou.schwaner@sjnlilburn.com. All articles must be received by Friday at NOON the week prior to printing. Please include the duration that you would like your item to appear. Bulletin Staff reserves the right to edit contributions for space, content and spelling. Thank you! SJN eNews Would you like to receive our weekly enewsletter? Send an e-mail to: marylou.schwaner@sjnlilburn.com with your first and last name, and we’ll sign you up! 8 SVdP Second-Time-Around Thrift Store FORMACION DE ADULTOS EN LA FE £3RU4Xp&DWyOLFR CONOCE, AMA, VIVE Y DEFIENDE TU FE Miércoles, 22 de octubre 6:30 - 7:35 pm Salón 1 y 2 Tema: Resurrección y Ascensión de Jesucristo 2XU6W9LQFHQWGH3DXO6WRUHLVLQQHHGRIJHQWO\XVHG)DOO DQG:LQWHUFORWKLQJ7KHQHHGLVDWLWVJUHDWHVWWKLVWLPHRI \HDUDQG\RXFDQKHOSWKRVHLQQHHGOLYLQJULJKWKHUHLQ /LOEXUQ3OHDVHFKHFN\RXUFORVHWVDQGLI\RXILQGWKLQJV that are out of style or that you don’t wear anymore, FRQVLGHUGRQDWLQJWKHVHLWHPVWRRXUVWRUH :HDUHRSHQ0RQGD\6DWXUGD\IURPDPSPDQGZH DUHORFDWHGDW/DZUHQFHYLOOH+Z\ LQ/LOEXUQ770-921-7187. Tienda “SVDP Second-Time-Around” Nuestra Tienda de St. Vicente de Paul está necesitando ropa en buenas condiciones usada para el otoño e invierno. La necesidad es máxima en esta época del año y usted puede ayudar a los necesitados que viven Te esperamos... aquí en Lilburn. Por favor, eche un vistazo a su armario y si encuentras cosas que están fuera de moda o que usted no usa más, considere donar esos ar culos a nuestra enda. Estamos SJN Food abiertos de Lunes-Sábado de 10 am – 3 pm, y estamos Pantry News localizados en la 4974 Lawrenceville Hwy. en Lilburn. Nuestro SJN Food Pantry Needs This Week: número de teléfono es: 770-921-7187. ¿Qué eran “los infiernos” a los que Jesucristo descendió después de su muerte? ¿Se puede ser cris ano sin creer en la Resurrección de Cristo? ¿Qué significa que Jesús resucitó? Jam, Cereal, Bar Soap, Peanut Butter, Canned Beans Your dona ons can be placed in the wooden box in the lower level of the Church. Thank you! Also, if anyone has a gently used REFRIGERATOR they would be willing to donate to the pantry, we could make very good use of it! La Despensa de Comida de SJN esta en la necesidad de siguientes arơculos, para servir las necesidades de los pobres: Latas de Frijoles, Jalea, barra de Jabón, Mantequilla de Maní y Cereal. Por favor, dejar las donaciones en la caja que se En cuentra en el vesơbulo de los bajos del Templo. Some items that could be donated in the “camo” box in the lower level of the Church are: Soldier’s Connec on Support Ministry The Soldier’s Connec on needs our help! They provides gi boxes of The Soldier’s needs our help! gi surprises, hope Connec and love on to our Military menThey and provides women serving in Afghanistan. The SJN hope Soldiers' on Support boxes of surprises, andConnec love to our Military Ministry men andwill assist their efforts of support by gathering that can bring on joy and women serving in Afghanistan. Thesupplies SJN Soldiers' Connec relief to our Soldiers in Afghanistan and by assis ng in packing the boxes that are sent to U.S. Military men and women. We will be packing and sending 60 boxes on these dates: October 20th and November 10th. Contact Mickie Ferrante if you are interested in helping: 770-598-8986. Personal Care Items: Shampoo, Toothbrushes/paste, Dental Floss, Eye Drops, Hand/body Lo on, Soap, Unscented Baby Powder, Mouthwash, Disposable Razors, Co on Swabs, Deodorant, Baby Wipes, Feminine Napkins, Chaps ck, Toilet Paper, Facial Tissue, Wash Cloths, Cold Packs/Heat Packs, Socks, Sand Scarves (dessert Camo print or tan), Medicated Foot Powder, Liquid Hand Sani zer, Tylenol/Motrin/Advil, Deet Bug Spray, Sunscreen Lo on, Band Aids. -Edibles: Drink Mixes for individual bo les, Tuna/Chicken in sealed bags, Gum, Nuts, Snack Crackers, Beef Jerky, Individual Boxes of Cereal, Ramien Noodles, Hot Chocolate packets, Snack Foods, Hard Candies, Power Bars/Breakfast Bars. -Others: Envelopes and Paper, Books, Magazines, Game books (crossword/Sudoku), Pens/pencils, Ba eries (AA-lithium type). www.sjnlilburn.com 9 THANK YOU! On behalf of SJN Parish’s Filipino Community and the Table of Fellowship Pot Luck Supper Ministry, we’d like to extend a big “Thank you!” to all the volunteers and organizers who helped make Fr. Sunny’s Birthday Celebration a big success! And to the parishioners, who shared their special “dishes” and time with our Pastor at the celebration, we thank you, too! “We are one body in Christ, and we do not stand alone!” FAMILY COSTUME PARTY/FIESTA DE DISFRACES FAMILIAR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2014 VIERNES, 7 DE NOVIEMBRE, 2014 Reynolds Hall/Salón de Actividades Reynolds 8:00pm—12:00pm Entrance/Entrada : $5.00 per person 15 years and up, 14 years or less is FREE/ Por persona mayor Habrá premio para el mejor disfraz, payaso y muchas sorpresa más. de 15 años en adelante, de 14 años o menos es íSi no vienes disfrazado no puedes entrar! GRATIS. * Food for Sale/Tendremos comida a la venta Prize for the best Costume! ¡Habrá premio para el mejor disfraz, payaso y muchas sorpresa más. íIf you don’t have your Costume, you cannot enter! íSi no vienes disfrazado no puedes entrar! &KULVWPDVSLDQRDQGFHOORFRQFHUW October 26th is “Priesthood Sunday!” in our sanctuary Consider wri ng a note of thanks to our Parish Priests for their service to us and to God! December 2, 7:30 pm Shamrock Landscaping Services, Inc. DESIGN * INSTALLATION * MAINTENANCE * CONSULTATION PAUL V. KELLEY OWNER CELL: 678-429-5350 Jan Carlson, REALTOR® Parishioner VOL REPAIR II, INC. Cell: 678.596.6363 1788 Lawrenceville Hwy. Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Decatur, GA 30033 A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. Email: jannette.carlson@bhhsgeorgia.com Web: www.jannettecarlson.bhhsgeorgia.com Jesus A to Z 404-320-9705 An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It ✂ThePlease Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 www.wlpmusic.com “I Can Help You Hear Better” Dr. Laura Dennison, Doctor of Audiology Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Call 770-717-5711 Lilburn - 4145 Lawrenceville Hwy., Ste. 10A (Kroger Shopping Center) WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket Service • Replacement Systems on an ADVERTISED mattress 770 979-2211 www.knightac.com GA. REG. CN-208407 and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes SERVICE drinks a cup IS OUR SPECIALTY QUALITY IS OUR RULE >> ASK ABOUT CLUB MAINTENANCE TO SAVE $$ << of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car 770-736-5207 $79 PRECISION TUNE-UP LOCAL PARISHIONER SERVICING GWINNETT CO. AND SURROUNDING AREA and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 507233 St John Neumann Church (C) www.jspaluch.com 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 JAMES W. MCKENZIE, JR. MCKENZIE LAW ASSOCIATES, P.C. We Transform Lives SJN Parishioner since 1985 • Disaster Response - Expert on Insurance Claims • Water Damage - Hail Damage • Mold Remediation • Content cleaning and Inventory Control Management • Reconstruction/Remodeling - Residential, Commercial & Institutional LICENSED GENERAL CONTRACTOR Parishioner since 1998 Se habla Español Phone: (770) 985-1727 • Fax (770) 985-2057 • email:gcga@pdr-usa.net SPECIALIZED ROOFING SERVICE BUSINESS LITIGATION GENERAL CORPORATE WILLS • ESTATE PLANNING • PROBATE TRANSACTIONS • CIVIL LITIGATION • RE-ROOF • VALLEYS • REPAIR WORK • DORMERS Over 37 years in private practice; AV - highest peer review rating • GUTTERING • FULL ROOFS • COMMERCIAL • CHIMNEYS • METAL ROOFING • SKYLIGHTS (770) 476-9793 www.mlapc.com jim.mlapc@gmail.com • NEW CONSTRUCTION • VENTILATION CONTACT MCKENZIE LAW ASSOCIATES AND TAKE CHARGE TODAY! Chris Rozier (404) 273-9223 Cell rozierroofing@comcast.net PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... Family Owned & Operated www.mpah.net 5324 five forks trickum rd. lilburn, ga. 30047 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Lilburn ~ Tucker Chapel 770-564-2726 Nancy J. Buchinski, D.V.M. 770-921-2965 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH SERVING ST. JOHN NEUMANN PARISH *** Since 1979 *** TOLL FREE: 6101 Lawrenceville Hwy. 1-877-801-8608 Tucker, Georgia *First Three Months } Loganville Chapel 670 Tom Brewer Rd. ~ Loganville, Ga. Walton Crematory Call: 770.466.1544 Lawrenceville Chapel 300 Simonton Rd. ~ Lawrenceville, Ga. Gwinnett Crematory Call: 770.962.3100 Snellville Chapel} 2246 Wisteria Drive ~ Sneville, Georgia Call: 770.979.5010 Monroe Chapel} 209 Hammond Drive ~ Monroe, Georgia Call: 770.267.2594 RON MUELLER, C.P.A. TAXES ~ ACCOUNTING ~ BOOKKEEPING INDIVIDUALS ~ SMALL BUSINESSES 1770 INDIAN TRAIL ROAD • SUITE 370 • NORCROSS, GA 30093 PARISHIONER 770-381-0208 } 24 Hour Recorded Funeral Notice (770) 962-2002 To help put your faith in clearer focus... Read books that offer fresh insights into the basic questions of life and faith. Join the no-obligation (members are not obliged to buy any books) reading plan that offers substantial savings on the broadest spectrum of outstanding Catholic writing. For full information, write: Robert Carroll, Thomas More Book Club, 225 W. Huron, Chicago, IL 60601. Auto Home Life Commercial Email: atlantainsurance@bellsouth.net www.atlantainsurancemart.com (770) 952-2822 2169 Lawrenceville Hwy., Suite D Lawrenceville, GA 30044 507233 St John Neumann Church (B) 770-923-2940 Louis Zurzolo Agent Javier Perez Leonel Villanueva SIRVIENDO A LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA POR MAS DE 12 AÑOS NUESTRO PERSONAL BILINGÜE SE ENCARGA DEL ENTIERRO Y TRASLADOS AL PAÍS DE ORIGEN. www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Kevin M. Lacour, DDS, PC Family Dentistry Chiropractor Maria J. Leyva, D.C. Free Initial Consultation Car Accidents • Sport & Work Injuries Neck & Back Pain • Headaches 5400 Lawrenceville Hwy., Lilburn, GA 30047 Call us today at 770-921-6606 www.drlacour.com ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Tom Hamberger Parishioner 1568 Indian Trail-Lilburn Rd., Suite 105 Norcross, GA 30093 Se Habla Español We would like to be your dental health team! 770.696.2404 Parishioner We offer a range of dental services for the entire family. Your dental health is important, and we are committed to doing our best to provide you with the information and treatment that you need to keep your smile healthy and beautiful! Quiropráctico Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Multi-Million Dollar Producer Top 9% Nationwide Cell #: 770-616-6455 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Arismel Macedo Exclusive Agent Allstate Insurance Company 1300 Indian Trail Rd. suite-113 Norcross, GA 30093 678-380-8968 aris0908@allstate.com Parishioner Now Op en in Snellvil le 24-Hour Customer Service Se Habla Español Hablamos Español ADRIANA RODRIGUEZ Mon-Sat 10am-7pm Auto • Home • Renter’s • Motorcycles • Boats RVs • Commercial Auto • Insurance for Businesses General Liability • Workers Comp 1195 Scenic Highway,Suite C-11 678-615-3387 Lawrenceville,GA 30045 www.MyGuardianInsurance.com LOW RATES! Patti & Brady Miller Parishioners ® .m REALTORS Atlanta Partners In Business For Good! 770-447-8778 www.millergrouprealty.com Each Keller Williams Realty office is independently owned & operated. Houston Homes Inc. ✓ Remodeling ✓ Basements ✓ Additions ✓ Porches 28 Yrs. Experience ◆ State Licensed Kenneth Starling Jr DDS PC Orthodontics for A FAMILY COMPANY Tommie Ann Wages Johnson, Rick Johnson and Valerie J. Wages - Owners Children, Teens and Adults Board Certified Past President GAO Houston Feaster ~ Parishioner Call: 404-456-9678 Lawrenceville Chapel (770) 963-2411 Snellville Chapel (770) 979-3200 Peachtree Pet Crematory (770) 817-0410 www.wagesfuneralhome.com 131 Langley Dr. Suite A Lawrenceville, GA 30046 (770) 963-8085 www.drstarling.com LAW OFFICES OF DANIEL W. COTTER, P.C. Parishioner WILLS • SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY Past SJN Parent Parishioner NURSING HOME NEGLECT WRONGFUL DEATH • BUSINESS, FAMILY JOE AUGUSTINE, C.P.A. & TRAFFIC MATTERS OTHER MATTERS HANDLED CALL FOR FREE CONSULTATION: Parishioner/PSR 404-377-5775 WWW.COTTERLAW.COM HOME VISIT IF NEEDED ABOGADOS QUE HABLAN ESPAÑOL Tax Planning & Preparation Accounting & Financial Statements Cash Flow Improvements Gross Margin & Profit Analysis Quickbooks™ Training 770.985.3095 507233 St John Neumann Church (A) Come Join Us! Kindergarten - Grade 8 www.sjnrcs.org ✢ Faith • Knowledge ✢ Family • Respect • Service 1994 Blue Ribbon School of Excellence www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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