HANOVER AREA COUNCIL OF CHURCHES ONE BODY • ONE SPIRIT P.O. Box 1561 136 Carlisle St. Hanover, PA 17331 717-633-6353 FAX: 717-633-6219 COUNCIL NEWS OCTOBER 2014 www.hanoverareacouncilofchurches.org From the Desk of Carol Hinkle (HACC Director) From the Desk of Nancy Werner (Council President) “If we do not steadily minister in everyday opportunities, we will do nothing when the crisis comes.” My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers (Updated Language) This was the last line of my morning devotions today, 9/11/14, and I sat stunned. Wow! This is exactly what happens here at the Hanover Area Council of Churches. We work in everyday opportunities whether its packing MOWs or serving PAL lunch from the steam table, whether sorting clothing or giving flu shots, whether packing Back Pack meals or making lap robes, whether preparing a I trust so much in the week’s menu or answering a telephone, folding newsletters or power of the heart and doing building repair; those who the soul; I know that the answer to what we need serve in all capacities are in to do next is in our own ministry. Our Lord has seen fit hearts. All we have to to bless the ministries that do is listen, then take happen here. This is how a hot that one step further and lunch for 13 individuals turns trust what we hear. We into 56,000+ meals last year; will be taught what we how Ruth’s Harvest 1st weekend need to learn. last year was 37 back packs and ― Melody Beattie this year was 320 back packs, how our 1st year of flu shots was 37 and last season 175. This is how the Lord led us to have a completed year round shelter 7 years ago, after only 6 seasons of a Cold Weather Shelter, which has served 2,000 men women and children. Over the years our membership has grown from 17 to 32 churches and another dozen plus churches that work with us in our 17 ministries and collaborations. We have adjusted our ministries as our community has need. We have been so blessed to have people led of God to head our ministries and serve as workers in the vineyard. For many of our churches the work that goes on here at the Council is their social ministry. For other churches it is just a part. And for still others who have supported If you have driven in the south Hanover area, you know about the additional traffic lights. Recently, I have heard many comments (compliments and complaints) about the newly installed traffic lights. It got me to thinking. What else can I do while I am spending more time stopped at red-lighted traffic signs on south Baltimore Street? The additional traffic lights got me thinking about my life, and if I was a traffic sign, what color would I be? Would I be the nay-sayer, the red light that hollers “stop”? Would I be the counter, totaling up the number of reasons why something cannot be done? Would I be the red light advising all to stop moving forward with warnings about the limited resources and preoccupied with problems that sound like complaints? Would I be the annoying, whiny red light that is focused on what’s not possible? Or would I be the cautionary yellow light? Would I be the look-out, identifying the risks of moving forward, a fear-inducing yellow light? Fear’s best friend is anger. They often travel together. Our human tendency is to experience fear and anger simultaneously. Would I be the yellow light calculating risks as too steep and warnings of dangers too great? Or would I be the green light? Would I be the “go” or the “yes” light shining green on all the hope we have in the Lord? Would I be the part of the solution, flipping problems inside-out to opportunities? Would I be the green light that neither gets stuck in the needs nor the risks, but Continued on page 4 Continued on page 4 1 Weekly Prayer Requests Each week we ask you to take a moment and say a prayer for one of our important ministries. As we all know, the power of prayer works! October SPECIAL NEEDS PAL Ketchup Coffee Creamer Coffee Chicken Broth CLOTHING BANK Family-size Toiletries: Shampoo & Conditioner Razors & Shaving Cream Bar Soap (full size only) CHANGING LIVES SHELTER Adult Sweatpants/Sweatshirts— (men & women, L,XL,XXL) Coffee Coffee Creamer Sugar RUTH’S HARVEST All single serving please! Drinks (Fruit Punch, Applejuice, etc.) Complete Meals Mini Meals Crackers (Ritz or Saltine) - They come in six packs/box Week of Oct. 5: Week of Oct. 12: Week of Oct. 19: Week of Oct. 26: Upcoming Meetings Oct. 1, 2 pm—Ruth’s Harvest at FUMC Middle St. Oct. 2, 7 pm—Changing Lives Shelter at HACC Oct. 6, 7 pm—Ministries Board Meeting at HACC Oct. 14, 7 am—Building Committee at HACC Oct. 20, 5 pm—Finance Committee at GUMC Oct. 23, 3 pm—Community Needs at HACC Oct. 28, 4:30 pm—Executive Committee at HACC Changing Lives Shelter is Seeking Volunteers to Help on Saturdays On one or two Saturday mornings each month Ann Dietz comes into the Changing Live Shelter to organize and clean areas that are not on the regular cleaning schedule. She is always looking for volunteers to assist with these projects. Things that have been done in the past include organizing cupboards, wiping down walls, organizing items for our Christmas Shop in December, and cleaning toys/books in the family common room. This would be a perfect activity for a youth group from your church! If you are able to give a couple of hours on a Saturday morning please call the Council office at 633-6353 to be put on the schedule. ANYTHING YOU DONATE IS APPRECIATED! And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. – Galatians 6:9 HACC Staff Meals-On-Wheels Ministry CROP Walk Committee & Walkers Membership Committee Give a Helping Hand! If you would like to receive the HACC newsletter just call the office at 633-6353 and we will put you on the mailing list. Or GO GREEN and access the newsletter on our website at www.hanoverareacouncilofchurches.org. 2 SPOTLIGHT ON MINISTRY In a continuing feature for our Newsletter we will highlight a ministry from a volunteers’ experience. It is important to understand how those who do the work on a daily basis see Who We Are and What We Do! Faith-At-Work—One Stitch at A Time When life throws you scraps, make a quilt. —Author Unknown Although our numbers are few we have been able to make a constant supply of items for Lebanon Veteran’s Hospital and the Tendercare Pregnancy Center as well as some at home clients or nursing home clients when the family has asked for them. Our total volunteer hours for July was 202 and for August was 144. These totals include the hours for our athome sewer. She does over 100 hours each month! During the month of August we had a special collection of comfort items for the Veterans hospital donated by the congregation of Grace United Methodist Church. One of our ladies made a very special lap robe and we displayed it with our request list. We collected a variety of 280 items. Our request is for donations of cotton blend and cotton fabrics, flannel or fleece in patterns for babies or adults as well as solid colored material. We can use yarn in any weight or color. We meet on Tuesdays from 10 am to 12 Noon at Grace United Methodist Church (55 Albright Dr., Hanover). You do not need to be a member of our church to help with our outreach. A member of St. John’s in Abbottstown works at home making baby afghans and putting edges on baby blankets and a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church comes every week for an hour and sometimes works on items at home. The other four members are from Grace UMC. It is surprising what you can cut out in one hour. So please think about joining us. Come and go as you need to. Please call me if you have any questions at 632-7376. —Betty Coney, Chairperson of Faith-At-Work We need your donations! Please call 632-7376 if you have any fabric or yarn. We will use it to make something warm, useful, and beautiful for those in need of a little comfort in their lives. Your Assistance is Needed to Help the Council Achieve Financial Stability The Council of Churches is looking for a few people interested in working with our Endowment Committee and Fund Development. Anyone who would like to help with creative brainstorming is invited to meet with us one evening during the week of November 17th to discuss ideas and possibilities for the future financial stability of the Council. PLEASE call us at 717-633-6353 if this is an area where you can help. We will let you know which date works for the greatest number of individuals. Help us grow for the future! 3 Reminder about our Thanksgiving Service Wed., November 26 at 7 pm Location of the service is yet to be determined Continued from page 1, “Carol Hinkle” Continued from page 1, “Nancy Werner” mainly foreign missions, they have learned that the greater Hanover community is a mission field in their own backyard. There are no small jobs in the work that is done here at the Council. There are only people living out their faith by serving others for the glory of our Lord. Are you seeing everyday opportunities? Do you have a service area in which you excel? We are all given our own special gifts and a heart to use them where they are most needed. Not sure where your talents lie? Not sure how they could be used here at the Council? Come talk with us. Visit our ministry sites. We can help you find your niche. All for the Glory of God. instead shines on how the needs are filled as we work in ministry? Would I be the green light dispelling the myth that we are alone in this world, reminding all that love triumphs over fear? There are two verses in the scripture that tell me I’ve not lost my mind while sitting at red traffic lights. Ephesians 5:8, “For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of the light.” And Matthew 5:14, “You are the light of the world.” Never underestimate your ability to be God’s “yes” for others. Give freely out of what you’ve been given by God. Go be God’s green light as part of the ministries of the Hanover Area Council of Churches! CROP Walk 2014 - Sunday, October 19 Registration begins at 12:30 PM Walk will start at 1:00 PM at South Western High School The Hanover Area Council of Churches (HACC) invites you to help raise funds for those in our area and around the world who are living in poverty and suffering from hunger. Last year the walk raised more than $16,000 with 25% of the funds allocated to feed the hungry in the Hanover area. Remember our walkers, and the people they walk for, in your prayers on the day of the walk. If you have questions please call Rozenna Hartman, Chair of the CROP Walk Committee at 633-7618 or Carol Hinkle at the Council Office, 633-6353. 320 Backpacks for Ruth’s Harvest On Tuesday, September 2nd our first team came in to sort the donations for Ruth’s Harvest. On Thursday, September 4th our first three teams came in to pack the first backpacks for the 2014/2015 school year in Hanover Borough. What a sight! Three tables covered with food, and about 20 volunteers walking around and putting it into the bags. You would think these people would get dizzy going round and round. No way. They were laughing and having fun. On Friday, September 5th they put all the bags in vans which were delivered to Hanover Street Elementary, Clearview Elementary, and Washington Elementary. The schools were ready to accept the bags. We did have some new people join us and they said they would be back! You don’t need to be on a team to come and help. Just give me a call and I’ll let you know when and where. The number of children will go up in the coming weeks, which means it is essential that the donations continue to come in. The first week alone we sent out 2,240 pieces of food! We would like to share our laughter and fun with other churches, so if you would like more information, please contact me. God bless. — Hazel, Ruth’s Harvest Chairperson, 633-9574 4 Bring your friends and family to the tournament! Croquet Tournament Saturday, October 4 between 9 am & 4 pm Santander Stadium in York, PA We encourage our supporters to come out and cheer on our team… Roger Anderson and John Nickey. Having well-wishers present to provide encouragement is appreciated by the players! Cash prizes awarded! First place $15,000, Second Place $12,000, Third Place $8,000. Other prizes range from $100-$5,000. This year’s theme is the Roaring 20s! There is no admission charge to come watch the tournament this year and food trucks are available. The first match begins at 9AM. There are two 45-minute matches involving all teams, completed before lunch. The top 27 team scores will compete after lunch to determine the nine teams to play two additional matches for the final top 9 teams. Visit www.thecountycup.org for official rules & more info about the tournament. Opportunities to Volunteer at HACC Building Committee—We need persons on our Building Committee to address ongoing repair & upkeep issues with our facilities. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Fund Development Committee—We need 5 people to serve on the committee who are interested in growing our general fund donations. These funds are used to pay utility bills (water, sewer, gas, garbage, etc.), provide for general building upkeep, salaries, etc. Meals-On-Wheels—We need Drivers & Runners as well as people to serve as substitutes. Interested persons should be available for one week at a time on an assigned month for one hour each day Monday through Friday between 11 am and Noon. Valid drivers license and insurance for drivers is required. Receptionist—We could use someone at our front desk on Tuesdays from 11am-1pm and the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Friday from 9am-1pm. Duties include answering the phone, directing clients to PAL & the Clothing Bank, & occasional light office work. Sunday Worship Leaders—We are looking for volunteers to lead our 30 minute worship service on Sunday mornings from 10:30 AM to 11 AM. It is a time of personal reflection, sharing, and prayer. Ruth’s Harvest—We are looking for additional individual volunteers and/or teams to assist with packing and delivering our backpacks to the local elementary schools in Hanover. WE NEED YOU! If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities call the Council at 633-6353. 5 Free Medical Clinic Tuesdays, October 7 & 21 10:30 am—12 Noon REMINDER: The clinic includes Blood Pressure & Glucose Screenings SPREAD THE WORD! FREE Flu Shots will be given again this year at HACC for persons who are uninsured or underinsured beginning Tuesday, October 21 during our normal Medical Clinic hours. No registration is necessary. CHURCH EVENTS If your church has an event that it would like to publicize to the larger community email your articles to adminhacc@comcast.net no later than the 15th of each month. Deadline for articles to be placed in the November newsletter is Oct. 15. Emmanuel UCC, Hanover—124 Broadway, Hanover, PA Hanover Ghost Walks Fridays and Saturdays: October 24, 25, 31, November 1 Sunday: October 26—Following the concert film production of Phantom of the Opera a tour will be available Richard Gladfelter will again lead the 9th Annual Ghost Walks through the streets of Hanover and share ghost stories The walks begin at 6 pm on the front steps of Emmanuel UCC, 124 Broadway, Hanover At the end of the tours on Friday & Saturday evenings Henry McLin will talk about the hauntings at Emmanuel and Don Horneff will play ghostly organ music Donation of $5 per person—Proceeds go to EUCC organ fund For more information or to make a reservation, call Richard at 717-632-0378 or the church office at 717-632-8281 Saturday, October 25, 8 AM-1 PM Annual Holiday Bazaar—Hats on Holiday! Fall and Christmas items include: knitted hats for all ages (including the fashionable children’s animal hats), sock snowmen characters, Glamour Girl ornaments, decorated wreaths, trees, quilted items, wine cork keyrings, themed glow jars, felted purses and hand knit accessories created by Emmanuel members and friends as well as a bake shoppe with homemade cakes, pies, candies and cookies. Breakfast and lunch available as well as silent auction items. Sunday, October 26, 6 PM Phantom of the Opera Michael Britt, organ accompanist to the black-and-white film classic A Guided Ghost Tour of Hanover will be available following the concert reception Michael Britt will perform an improvised score he composed to make the black-and-white classic film “Phantom of the Opera” come to life on the big screen. The Baltimore native is most familiar with composing music for classics such as "Phantom" and remains in high demand as a silent film accompanist at regional theaters and for chapters of the American Guild of Organists and the American Theatre Organ Society. He explained that back in the time of silent films, it was very expensive to hire an orchestra. Instead, an organ provided all the resources—The theater pipe organ was the synthesizer of the 1920s. Michael serves as minister of music and organist at Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, MD. He comes from a family of musicians (his dad was in radio orchestra, his grandfather was a theater organist). He said he was 8-years-old when he first heard the pipe organ – and it happened to be an accompaniment to a silent film. He later took the route of sacred music and the art of silent film accompaniment, studying organ and improvisation/sacred music at the Peabody Conservatory. Presented by generous donors. Free and open to the public. Free-will offering graciously accepted. Dessert reception follows the concert. For more information for any of these events call the church office at 717-632-8281 or email office@eucchanover.org 6 Sacred Heart Basilica Shroud of Turin Conference A fascinating study on the science, history, and controversy of the most important relic in the history of Christianity. October 17, (Friday) 3 - 9 p.m. October 18, (Saturday) 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the historic Sacred Heart Basilica 30 Basilica Drive, Hanover, PA 17331 Registration & Tickets call Luz Socrates 717-873-3650 or email: uzvsoc@hotmail.com St. Jacob’s (Stone) UCC—5152 Stone Church Rd., Glenville, PA Christmas Spectacular Sale Saturday, October 11 from 8 am to 2 pm At the St. Jacob’s UCC Picnic Grove Come One, Come All! Featuring Christmas decorations and gifts. Shop early for the best deals! Call Charlotte at 227-0262 if you want more info. Join us at St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church Fall Family Festival Saturday, October 11, from 12 pm to 7 pm Rain or shine! There will be hay rides, pumpkin painting, games, a puppet show, a magic show, cake and cupcake walks throughout the day and a Vesper Service at 6 pm. Pit beef, hot dogs and sides available all day. Advanced meal ticket is $5 and the day of is $6. Advanced tickets can be purchased on Sept. 27 and Oct. 4, 9 am - 12 pm, at Wetzel’s Market, Glen Rock Library and Susquehanna Bank, all in Glen Rock. Canned goods will be accepted to be donated to a local food bank and we are proud supporters of the Wounded Warrior Project. All of this fun will be at St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church, 3444 Sticks Rd., Glen Rock across from Friendship Elementary School. For information call 235-7313. 7 St. Paul’s Lutheran 1214 Broadway, Hanover Holiday Bazaar Saturday, Nov. 8 from 8 am to 2 pm Call the church office for more info, 637-0511 We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. –Winston Churchill Grace United Methodist Church 55 Albright Dr., Hanover FALL RUMMAGE SALE—Oct. 10 & 11 The PATH Youth & Adult Fellowship of Grace United Methodist Church will hold their Fall Rummage Sale on, Friday, Oct. 10 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 11 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Along with lots of rummage to choose from, the kitchen will offer soups, sandwiches and baked goods. Soup will also be available for carry-out. Call the church office at 637-3100 for more information. Christmas Shoppes of Grace Annual Christmas Bazaar Grace United Methodist Church 55 Albright Drive, Hanover Saturday, Nov 22, 8 A.M. – 1 P.M. Browse our shoppes for homemade cookies, candies and baked goods and handmade crafts and decorations for your holiday home and gifts for friends and family. Silent auction, Granny’s Attic, the Greenery and White Elephant, too. New this year: Handmade fashions and accessories for 18” dolls 90% profit to Grace United Methodist Church and 10% to Hanover Area Council of Churches Santa’s here! Visit him 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. The kids can have fun in the Little Dickens’ Room while you shop. Breakfast and lunch available. St. David’s Lutheran Church - 1032 Musselman Rd., Hanover PA AVON CHRISTMAS BINGO “Joy of Christmas” Bazaar Sunday, November 2—1:00 PM Sat., November 15—8 am to 2 pm Admission is $10.00 and includes 20 games. Snacks & drinks, Bring Bingo Dabbers, Raffles. Cash & Carry and Avon Catalog Ordering. Proceeds to benefit St. David’s “Adopt a Family” Program. Tickets will be sold at the Church and the day of Bingo. Craft vendors will fill the church with crafts and homemade goodies. Visit Miriam’s Bake Shop— featuring Homemade Candy, Whoopie Pies, and other delicious baked goods. Have lunch in our café or take home our famous Pennsylvania Dutch Style Chicken Corn Soup. Children can make a craft while parents shop. Visit Santa 8 am—1 pm. Questions: Call Pam Kemper at 637-7697 or the Church office at 632-1922. 8 Sun Mon Tue Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. —Epicurus 6 7 AA Mtg.—8 am Worship—10:30 Ministries Board Meeting 7 pm at HACC Clothing Bank 9 am-Noon 12 13 Fri 1 2 3 8 14 Clothing Bank 9 am-Noon 15 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE AA Mtg.—8 am Finance Committee Mtg. 5 pm —GUMC Clothing Bank 9 am-Noon Clothing Bank 9 am-1 pm Free Clinic & Blood Pressure/ Glucose Screen 10 am-12:30 pm at HACC Community Needs Mtg—3 pm HACC AA Mtg.—8 am Worship—10:30 27 28 22 16 21 26 NA Mtg. 7 pm —HACC 10 11 NA Mtg. 7 pm —HACC 29 Clothing Bank 9 am-Noon Executive Committee Mtg. 4:30 pm HACC 9 17 Clothing Bank 9 am-1 pm 20 CROP Walk begins at 1 pm South Western High School County Cup begins 9 am Clothing Bank 9 am-1 pm 19 Worship—10:30 4 Rummage Sale 9 am-12 pm Clothing Bank 9 am-1 pm Changing Lives Committee Mtg 7 pm HACC 9 Sat Free Clinic & Blood Pressure/ Glucose Screen 10 am-12:30 pm at HACC Building Com. 7 am —HACC Worship—10:30 Thu Ruth’s Harvest 2 pm FUMC Middle St. 5 AA Mtg.—8 am Wed 23 18 NA Mtg. 7 pm —HACC 24 25 NA Mtg. 7 pm —HACC 30 31 Clothing Bank 9 am-1 pm Happy Halloween! Hanover Area Council of Churches P.O. Box 1561 136 Carlisle St. Hanover, PA 17331 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID HANOVER, PA PERMIT NO. 229 adminhacc@comcast.net www.hanoverareacouncilofchurches.org Return Service Requested Community Health FREE Clinic At HACC every 1st & 3rd Tuesday Tuesdays, October 7 & 21 10:30 AM—12 Noon Get your teams ready for the CROP Walk! Sunday, October 19, 2014 Come to the 2014 County Cup Saturday, October 4 Santander Stadium in York, PA Support our team! Admission is FREE & begins a 9 AM Registration begins at 12:30 PM Walk will start at 1:00 PM South Western High School Reserve the Date! Sunday, November 18 Hoss’s Fundraiser to benefit HACC Ministries 10 See article on page 5.
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