eBulletin September 2014 SMR ASM, Diversity & HACC Alliance News A quality improvement approach to HACC Welcome to the September edition of the eBulletin. All ASM Plans 2014-15 have been submitted with analysis so far indicating that the top three priorities identified by the SMR agencies for 2014/15 (more than 50%) are: A regional summary snap shot report will be made available shortly to all HACC agencies; follow up opportunities will be made to meet with individual agencies to provide one on one feedback. • Assessment & Care Plan Development (81% - 38 agencies) • Workforce/Volunteer development (68% - 32 agencies) • Communication/Marketing (55% - 26 agencies) Just under half of the agencies identified: • Partnership Development (47% - 23 agencies) • Program reviews/Evidence based planning (45% - 21 agencies). A full report will be available in the coming weeks. We will be visiting HACC agencies as well as attending network meetings to explore how we can continue to support the great work occurring in the sector at a time of transition. All Diversity Plan progress reports have been submitted for year two, 54 reports in all which is 7 more than last year’s submissions. It’s been great to read about all the wonderful work happening on the ground and as a result the benefits to the wider and hard to reach individuals and groups. Alison Clarke (ASM ~ Industry Consultant) aclarke@bayside.vic.gov.au Paula Clancy (ASM ~ Industry Consultant) pclancy@bayside.vic.gov.au Katie Goodrope (HDA ~ Home & Community Care Diversity Adviser) kgoodrope@bayside.vic.gov.au Of the 54 agencies 93% of agencies (50) have identified focusing in the area of CALD, 70% of agencies (38) Dementia, 65% of agencies (35) GLBTI, 56% of agencies (30) Financial disadvantage/ Risk of Homelessness/ Insecure Housing and 52% of agencies (28) focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ATSI. mail us your ideas, stories, ASM and E Diversity information for the Bulletin that you would like to share. For further resources and information please visit our Website! Mishelle Ansems (Project Officer, SMR HACC Alliance) mansems@bayside.vic.gov.au This initiative is supported by funding from the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments under the HACC program. eBulletin September 2014 SMR ASM, Diversity & HACC Alliance News A quality improvement approach to HACC Department of Health The HACC and Aged Care Program update Please find below some reminders and dates to save in your diaries: • C ommunity Common Care Standards 12 monthly reviews are due 12 months after your improvement plan was submitted. Please provide to your Program and Service Advisor (PASA). Should you have any questions regarding this report please contact Linda Stewart-Wynd Regional Advisor HACC and Aged Care. Save The Date: • HACC - Chisholm Training and Education SMR consultation session will be held Thursday, 2nd October, 1.00pm to 2.30pm. Level 4, GSO Building Thomas Street Dandenong. RSVP to Gail.Higgins@health.vic.gov.au Workshop Two: Tuesday October 7, 10.30am2.30pm Latrobe University Franklin St, City campus. This workshop will build on the findings from the first workshop. It will identify the preferred outcomes to be measured and discuss options for how to measure them. Organisations interested in participating will need to complete the registration form and email it to Karen Teshuva k.teshuva@latrobe.edu.au. For more information please Click Here to access the latest client and carers outcomes measures information bulletin as well as the workshop registration form. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions or require further information. Linda Stewart-Wynd Regional HACC and Aged Care Advisor, Southern Metropolitan Region p. 03 8765 7548 | m. 0409 420250 e. linda.stewart-wynd@health.vic.gov.au • H ACC Diversity Planning and Practice SMR Consultation will be held, Thursday, 6th November, 10.30am to 1.30pm. Level 4, GSO Building Thomas Street Dandenong. Lunch included. RSVP to Gail.Higgins@health.vic.gov.au • S tate wide ASM Client and Carer Outcomes Framework (project) As part of the project, HACC organisations are invited to participate in one and/or two Melbourne based workshops which will provide advice and feedback to the consultants on relevant measures to be included in the Outcomes Measures Framework. The second workshop will build on information gathered in the first workshop. Workshop One: Was held on Tuesday September 9 at Latrobe University. The aim of this workshop was to discuss the type and range of outcomes that should be measured. A discussion paper which summarises the literature review findings including measures being tested in other program areas was circulated prior to the workshop. This initiative is supported by funding from the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments under the HACC program. eBulletin September 2014 SMR ASM, Diversity & HACC Alliance News A quality improvement approach to HACC SMR HACC Alliance - update Please visit the Alliance webpage to learn more about the Alliance, view the minutes from the Leadership Group Meetings and register your organisation as a member: Alliance Projects The South East Melbourne Aboriginal Engagement Project is currently auspiced under the Southern Metropolitan Regional Home and Community Care (HACC) Alliance. It was previously identified that work needed to be done to assist in the building of better pathways and partnerships between HACC funded agencies in the South East Melbourne region working with the Aboriginal Community. As a result the SEM Aboriginal Engagement Project is now working on a brochure to develop a shared service provision resource in the form of a printed brochure that will also be available via the Dandenong and District Aborigines Co-Operative Limited (DDACL) website. The brochure on the website will have links to partners detailing what DDACL , City of Casey, City of Greater Dandenong and Mecwacare each provide with HACC services. Conferences/Expos National LGBTI Ageing & Aged Care Conference, Tuesday 28th – Wednesday 29th October 2014 at Melbourne Town Hall The National LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care Conference 2014 aims to ensure that the needs of older LGBTI people are understood, respected and addressed in Australia’s aged care policies, programs and services. It also seeks to support the implementation of the National LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care Strategy developed by the Australian Department of Social Services in 2012. The conference brings together those involved in supporting the implementation of the strategy, as well as national experts. Conference presentations will assist service providers understand LGBTI ageing and strategies for LGBTI inclusive aged care For a full program and registration please Click Here. Bay Mob Health & Education Expo 2014 Now in its 4th year, this year’s BayMob Health and Education Expo on Thursday 3 October looks set to be bigger and better than ever! This popular annual event at Monash University’s Peninsula campus in Frankston showcases many of the health, education and wellbeing opportunities available for local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Please Click Here for expo flyer. Also being worked on concurrently is a short DVD for HACC workers which will provide some real life examples and practical Q&A communication tips for them in working respectfully with Aboriginal clients. For more information please contact the Alliance Project Officer: Mishelle Ansems Project Officer, SMR HACC Alliance Email: mansems@bayside.vic.gov.au This initiative is supported by funding from the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments under the HACC program. eBulletin September 2014 SMR ASM, Diversity & HACC Alliance News A quality improvement approach to HACC Training who can provide LGBTI Aged Care Sector Training. Transgender Victoria are available to discuss with aged care providers how they might assist to improve the quality of aged and community care for older LGBTI Victorians. To arrange a session please contact: Brenda Appleton Email: brenda@transgendervictoria.com Mobile: 0404 480 416 For more information please click on the following links: All HACC Education & Training TBV LGBTI training factsheet The new statewide HACC Education and Training Service will place, coordinate, promote and deliver education and training to the HACC workforce across Victoria. The following training link may be of interest Implement Goal Directed Care Planning Save the date! HACC - Chisholm Training and Education SMR consultation session will be held Thursday, on the 2nd October, 1.00pm to 2.30pm at the GSO Building Thomas Street Dandenong RSVP to Gail.Higgins@health.vic.gov.au Chisholm HACC Draft Course Menu HACC Education & Training 2014 Regional Consultation Information Training highlight: SMR GLBTI Forums Recently four forums took place across the SMR, delivered free by Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria. These forums were a result of the evidence gathered from the preliminary 3 year diversity plans and first year progress reports submitted by HACC agencies. The forums were held during the months of June, July and August with 95 participants attending. Positive feedback was received from all those that attended and as a result some HACC agencies have enrolled in the HOW2 training. LGBTI Aged Care Sector Training Resources Establishment of Primary Health Networks – Frequently Asked Questions Getting ready for reform through the eyes of an aged care provider working with CALD clients - A You Tube presented by New Hope Foundation Inc Community West - Communications Kit: Talking About Wellness Community West - 7 key principles for workforce redesign If your agency missed out on attending the forum you might like to get in contact with Transgender Victoria This initiative is supported by funding from the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments under the HACC program. eBulletin September 2014 SMR ASM, Diversity & HACC Alliance News A quality improvement approach to HACC Diversity planning & practice Diversity Planning and Practice Implementation Review Project Department of Health Central Office have engaged HDG Consulting Group to undertake the Diversity planning and practice implementation review project. As part of the review the consultants are required to hold one sector consultation in each region. The consultants will be drafting a discussion paper for distribution to the sector prior to the consultations. The SMR consultation session will be held on Thursday 6 November, 10:30am to 1:30pm Dandenong (further details to follow). Housing – support and resources Home at Last aims to ensure older people have access to secure, affordable and appropriate housing that can be enjoyed for the rest of a person’s life. If you need help to attain this goal then we can assist. Home at Last offers free and confidential advice, support and advocacy to older people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or are wanting to plan their housing future. Home at Last is available to any older person in Victoria on a low income with low assets. They provide one-to-one assistance to you, or link you into a service that can help. http://www.oldertenants.org.au/home_at_last Housing for the Aged Action Group is the statewide organisation of older renters in Victoria –across all housing types. For tenants in private rental; public and community managed housing; caravan and residential parks; rooming houses; independent living units; and a range of new models of older persons’ housing including rental villages and semi-independent living. http://www.oldertenants.org.au/about Wintringham Housing: is a not-for-profit Housing Association dedicated to providing safe and affordable housing to elderly men and women who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. http://www.wintringham.org.au/WintringhamHousing WAYSS: Homelessness Services can provide advocacy, information and referral to residents in the Dandenong, Casey, Cardinia, Frankston and Mornington Peninsula areas. This includes referral to crisis accommodation services, transitional support services and long-term housing options in both public and private rental. http:// www.wayssltd.org.au/prog_housing_services.html HomeGround: provides housing and support services across Melbourne, developing innovative housing models, advocating for systems change and researching the causes and solutions to homelessness. They work in partnership with public, private and community sector organisations and with the support of philanthropic and individual supporters. They are an independent, secular and non-profit organisation with more than 130 staff across four offices. http://www.homeground.org.au/ Sacred Heart Mission: provides a range of accommodation services to those having difficulty accessing sustainable housing. For many residents this is the first stable accommodation they have had in years. http://www.sacredheartmission.org/Page.aspx?ID=69 ACHA: The Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged (ACHA) Program helps eligible clients remain in the community. Eligible clients are financially disadvantaged older people who are homeless or have insecure accommodation and are at risk of becoming homeless. The program helps clients obtain appropriate, sustainable and affordable housing and links them to community care services, where appropriate. http:// www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/ Content/ageing-commcare-acha-overview.htm Responding to Hoarding and Squalor – In Victoria a broad range of sectors and related services have been responding to hoarding and squalor situations, often in isolation. The publication Hoarding and squalor – a practical resource for service providers has been developed with the aim of providing direction and strengthen the capacity of government funded and private services t work together when responding to hoarding and squalor situations. Defining Hoarding and Squalor Hoarding: is the persistent accumulation of, and lack of ability to relinquish, large numbers of objects and/ or living animals, resulting in extreme clutter in or around premises. This behaviour compromises the intended use of premises and threatens the health and safety of people concerned, animals and neighbours. Squalor: Domestic squalor describes an unsanitary living environment that has arisen from extreme and or prolonged neglect, and poses substantial health and safety risk to people or animals residing in the affected premises, as well as others in the community. Please Click Here for further resources, checklist, templates and other useful information on hoarding and squalor. This initiative is supported by funding from the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments under the HACC program. eBulletin September 2014 SMR ASM, Diversity & HACC Alliance News A quality improvement approach to HACC Stories from the region The Gift of Giving The Revival of Philanthropy through the Active Service Model The Active Service Model has inspired participants of Fronditha Care’s Planned Activity Group to give back to those in need. Participants were eager to commence a knitting group, reconnecting with previous skills and redeveloping a sense of purpose. The social connection in the group, laughter and reminiscing progressively became contagious and the knitting group slowly but surely started to expand. Of importance were the shared stories about knitting patterns, where they learnt the art of knitting and special people in their lives who were recipients of their knitted items and the significance of passing these on children, grandchildren and close friends. This encouraged the PAG Coordinator to suggest to participants that the items knitted be donated to the Caroline Chisholm Society. “Established in 1969, the Caroline Chisholm Society is a charitable organisation, both privately and government funded, and is non-denominational. The Society offers support to pregnant women and parents with children up to school age. The Society provides a range of programmes for families in need, including counselling, housing, material aid and in home family support”. For many, the migration experience was an inspiration to put more effort into this activity and staff commented that those participants who they had thought had no interest were the ones that contributed greatly to the project. It reinvigorated ‘meaningful’ engagement for many PAG members and the outcome (pictured below) speaks for itself! Thinking outside the box to embedding an ASM approach in practice A Bayside City Council care worker shared his creative approach to providing activities during respite care for clients with dementia. The care worker noticed a client with an engineering background, and an interest in modern communication tools such as mobile phones and personal computers, but the client had nothing of this at home. He then thought outside the box and took the client to a Harvey Norman store where the client was able “to check out and have a go” with different personal computers, tablets and phones. The client really enjoyed this visit, even though he could not retain any information. It then became a regular activity that both client and care worker equally enjoyed. They visited many other stores such as Apple, Dick Smith, etc. where not only the client was getting a stimulating activity during respite but the care worker also admitted to his knowledge of technological advances significantly increased. The response from participants was overwhelming; knowing that this project would help support mothers in need and more importantly offer newly hand knitted clothing to newborns. Participants reconnected in different ways with their own lives, being brought up in villages in Greece, experiencing poverty brought on by the Civil War, having an appreciation for hardship and the value of anything ‘new’. SMR - ASM/Diversity/HACC Alliance Contacts: Paula Clancy (ASM ~ Industry Consultant) pclancy@bayside.vic.gov.au Work: 9599 4714 Mobile: 0419 186 291 Katie Goodrope (HDA ~ Home & Community Care Diversity Adviser) kgoodrope@bayside.vic.gov.au Work: 9599 4774 Mobile: 0428 137 984 Alison Clarke (ASM ~ Industry Consultant) aclarke@bayside.vic.gov.au Work: 9599 4462 Mobile: 0419 376 893 Mishelle Ansems (Project Officer, SMR HACC Alliance) mansems@bayside.vic.gov.au Work: 9599 4775 This initiative is supported by funding from the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments under the HACC program.
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