October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Matthew 17:4 He said to him, "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." - Mt 22:37-39 Welcome to the Church of the Transfiguration! We are a Roman Catholic Christian Community; We see ourselves as a unique expression of the People of God whose faith in Jesus Christ is rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition. We invite you to come and see what we do at Weekday Mass Schedule Monday, Wednesday & Thursday- 6:45 AM Tuesday - 9:00 AM Saturday– 4:30 PM Weekend Mass Schedule Sunday– 9:00 & 11:30 AM Page Two Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York Masses & Scriptures for the week Monday, October 27, 2014 ***Eph 4:32--5:8/Lk 13:10-17 6:45 am: Jane Flecke by Gary & Pat Hettrich Tuesday, October 28, 2014 ***Eph 2:19-22/Lk 6:12-16 9:00 am: Donna Blasko by Ed.Blasko Wednesday, October 29, 2014 ***Eph 6:1-9/Lk 13:22-30 6:45 am: John Hayes by Cathy & Gerald Chambers Thursday, October 30, 2014 ***Eph 6:10-20/Lk 13:31-35 6:45 am: Edna Schafer by Her Husband, Bill Friday, October 31, 2014 ***Phil 1:1-11/Lk 14:1-6 Saturday, November 1, 2014 All Saint”s Day ***Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a 9:00 am: Remembrance Mass 4:30 pm: Marion Gasser & son, Gerald Gasser by Jeanne McElhinny & Family Sunday, November 2, 2014 ***Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40 9:00 am: Josias Okwudiafor by the Monu Family 11:30 am: Philomena Tandoi by The Boyatzies Family ◊ October 26, 2014 Happening this week... Monday, October 27 10:00 to 11:00 am: Chair Yoga– Ed. Ctr. 4:30 to 5:30 pm: Christian Formation Classes Tuesday, October 28 12:30 to 2:00 pm: Women’s Bible Study-Ed. Ctr. U.L. 4:30 to 5:30 pm: Christian Formation Classes 7:00 to 8:30 pm: Destiny-Teen Room 7:00 to 8:30 pm: Choir Rehearsal-Church 7:00 to 8:30 pm: Joe Kelly Eucharist Series-Ed. Ctr. U.L. Wednesday, October 29 1:00 to 2:30 pm: Bereavement Support Group—PLC Dbl. Room 5:30 to 6:30 pm: Yoga-Ed. Ctr. U.L. 6:00 to 6:50 pm: Morning Star Rehearsal-Church Thursday, October 30 Friday October 31 4:30 to 6:00 pm: CSA– Ed. Ctr. L.L. Winter Clothing Drive Collection This Weekend Saturday, November 1 9:00 am: Memorial Mass and reception 10:30 am to 12:00 pm: Grief Retreat-PLC Dbl. Rm. 10:15 am: JTYM– Teen Room 1:30 to 3:00 pm:: Teresa of Avila-PLC Dbl. Room. Sunday, November 2 10:00 to 12:00 pm: 19th Group Meeting– Ed. Ctr. U.L. 10:15 to 11:15 am: JTYM– Teen Room Altar Linens – Teresa Harris ◊ Merry Martha’s & Muscles Team 3 (eve.) N. Vlosky, B. Hanford, J.E.Eckel K. Larimer, B. & L. Kellett & K. & D. Hamann We Welcome our newly baptized Oliver Palmer Johnson Flowers for the Altar Ann Mitchell Dedicated by George & Kathleen Serbu On Eagles Wings Please remember The Knight Family in your prayers for the loss of Ellie Knight, wife of Glenn, mother of Jeff Knight. And he will raise you up… and hold you in the palm of his hands. The Sanctuary Candles burn this week In Thanksgiving for the Staff at Transfiguration Dedicated by Fran Swift McQuaid Open House– Nov 2nd McQuaid Jesuit will host its annual open house on Sunday, November 2 from noon – 2 p.m. Prospective families with young men entering grades 6 - 10 next fall are welcome to attend. Tours will run continuously. McQuaid Jesuit is located at 1800 S. Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14618. Page Three October 26, 2014 Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York From The Corner Office! Dear friends, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops reminds us Election Day is Coming. Are you ready to vote? Our Bishops encourage all citizens to embrace our citizenship not merely as a duty and privilege, but as an opportunity meaningfully to participate in building the culture of life. Every voice matters in the public forum. Every vote counts. Every act of responsible citizenship is an exercise of significant individual power. We must exercise that power in ways that defend human life, especially those of God's children who are unborn, disabled or otherwise vulnerable. Quoting the bishop’s document “Living the Gospel of Life they call us to see beyond party politics, to analyze campaign rhetoric critically, and to choose their political leaders according to principle, not party affiliation or mere self-interest”. The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in their document on our participation political life reminds us of the following. “By fulfilling our civic duties, guided by a Christian conscience, in conformity with its values, the lay faithful exercise their proper task of infusing the social order with Christian values. The consequence of this fundamental teaching of the Second Vatican Council is that the lay faithful are never to relinquish their participation in 'public life'; economically, socially, legislatively, administratively or culturally, all of which are to promote the common good.” There are many documents in our Church’s history, all of which call us to work diligently at forming our conscience as faithful citizens. We need to be guided more by our moral convictions than by our attachment to a political party or interest group. Our participation should help transform the party to which we belong; we should not let the party transform us in such a way that we neglect or deny fundamental moral truths. We are called to bring together our principles and our political choices, our values and our votes, to help build a better world. Please take time to read the Bulletin insert that hopefully gives you much more to think about as you make your decisions as we all walk toward the voting booth on Tuesday, November 4. Our annual invitation to support the Catholic Ministry Appeal is being responded to nicely, please return your pledge card as soon as you can. If you did not receive the material there are plenty of pledge forms in the Gathering Area of church. Thank you for your quick response! Let us continue to pray and sacrifice for peace in our world! In peace and courage, Fr. Mike CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL Our goal is: $172,193 195 parishioners (12.2%) have pledged $78,491 (45.6%) of our goal THANK YOU If you have not returned your Catholic Ministries Appeal Pledge Card, please do it is needed. Find information: http://dor.org/sd/appeal.htm Remembrance Mass November is the month in the Roman Catholic tradition when we remember in a special way our deceased loved ones. Again this year, we will celebrate a Remembrance Mass on Saturday, November 1st at 9:00 a.m. for all who have died since October 1, 2013. As part of the liturgy we will read the names of the deceased. The Parish Staff has tried to keep an accurate record of parishioners’ relatives who have died since October 1, 2013, but our list may be incomplete. If you have had a relative pass away in the last year and would like that person’s name read during the Remembrance Mass, please call the Parish Office before October 22nd. Join us after the Remembrance Mass reception for a retreat, “Finding God in the Midst of the Grief” from 10:30AM – Noon offered by Damian Zynda in our Parish Life Center. National Vocation Awareness Week November 2-8, 2014 “I would like to ask you: have you sometimes heard the Lord’s voice, in a desire, in a worry, did he invite you to follow him more closely? Ask Jesus what he wants of you and be brave! Be brave! Ask him this!“ -Pope Francis, St. Peter’s Square, April, 2013 Thinking about Priesthood? www.ROCPriest.org @priestsROC Becket Hall Page Five Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York October 26, 2014 Youth Ministry News Formation Moment Senior High: Our weekly youth group for senior high, Destiny, meets on Tuesday from 7-8:30 PM in the youth room in the lower level of the Education Building and meets most Tuesdays during the school year except during school breaks. All 9th-12th graders are welcome to come and bring a friend! Formation Moment Junior High: Our youth group for junior high begins on meets Sundays from 10:15-11:15AM in the youth room in the lower lever of the Education Building and meets most Sundays during the school year except during holiday weekends and school breaks. All 7th-8th graders are welcome to come and bring a friend! Junior High Fall Retreat: Save the date now for our Fall Retreat – Sunday, November 9 from 11:30 until 4:00. Parents are invited to join us for Mass at 11:00. Youth Ministry Adult Leaders Needed! We are looking for a few good adult volunteers to be present with our junior high and senior high youth at their weekly gatherings. This is a very rewarding, FUN, and inspiring ministry! See Anne for details! Contact Anne Gallagher at transfigurationym@gmail.com or 248-2467x239 with any questions about youth ministry. I love to hear from you! Book Club for November 17th & 20th The book selection for November is Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander, M.D. It is the story of Dr. Alexander’s journey into the afterlife. It is a true story of one man’s experience into what many of us question and/or wonder about. The only requirement for this Club is that you come having read the book and are willing to listen and share what you may have found interesting, controversial, puzzling, or meaningful. No registration is required. For more information, contact Sue Reed (sreed41@rochester.rr.com or 359-4024). The group will meet on Monday, November 17 from 12:30-2:00 pm (please note the change in time) in the Parish Life Center OR Thursday, November 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the Parish Life Center. Ministry Fair Thank You Thank you to everyone who participated in our Ministry! Our appreciation to all the many ministry coordinators and their groups who offered a welcoming smile, helping hand and great information. The opportunities to answer God’s call to many was apparent. We especially appreciated so many of you who took the time to consider where God may be calling you. Your willingness to serve is sure to be enriching and graced. It was great to see so many meeting each other for the first time and enjoying the community in reminding us, “Lord, how good it is for us to be here.” Continuing our weekly reflection on Sacraments and the renewed Sacramental Policy, we explore Confirmation. Confirmation Confirmation is the final Sacrament of Initiation. Through it, a Christian’s baptism is sealed in the Spirit by the bishop. It has, culturally, gone through a variety of views and has been referred to the Sacrament in search of a theology. In order to frame it as an adolescent Sacrament, the Diocese of Rochester has set 9th grade as the normative age when one approaches the Sacrament. And, to ensure that as a final Sacrament of Initiation, the confirmandi (candidates for Confirmation) are fully prepared to enter into Catholic life, they are asked to complete two years of catechesis and preparation. In short, beginning in the fall of 2015, Confirmation preparation will begin no sooner than 8th grade and the Sacrament will be celebrated in 9th grade. Elsewhere — ROME This past week, the Synod of Bishops concluded their meeting in Rome. The reactions from spectators were mixed. And that, is exactly what was supposed to happen. In 1965 the “Synod of Bishops” was established as a consultative body for the pope. The hope was that it would provide the pope with perspectives and insights. What better way to do this than an open discussion? Pope Francis knew everything would not be head nods and affirmations. He knew the topics being discussed had multiple viewpoints, and he encouraged the bishops to discuss them openly. He also recognized that this is only the first part of the Synod and that next year will be the final recommendations for the pope to decide upon. So while some may lament the document from the Synod (for either being too liberal or conservative), it is the open discussion among bishops that is the true achievement from Rome. 11th Annual Men’s Fellowship Dinner The 11th Annual Men’s Fellowship Dinner MondayNovember17th at 6:00pm in the Parish Life Center! All men of the parish are invited to a fantastic Dinosaur BBQ dinner and great conversation. No charge for dinner, but donations to the Kentucky Fund will be gratefully accepted. Please RSVP to Rob Kozarits (robshan596@yahoo.com or Page Four Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York Peace & Justice WINTER CLOTHING DRIVE weekend of November 1st and 2nd Please drop off your donations After all Masses this weekend! To assist those in need the following items are needed: Gently worn, clean fall and winter clothes, lightweight sweaters & jackets, shoes for men, women, children and infants; women's career clothes & accessories (purses, jewelry, belts); maternity clothes; men's dress clothes; children's books (infants to age 12), parenting books; bedding, towels, washcloths, curtains & linens pots & pans, dishes, silverware. Please sort your donations into categories (women’s, men's, girls, boys, infants, teens, maternity, accessories, bedding, linens) and label with categories & sizes. SPECIAL REQUESTS: SOCCER uniforms & equipment – please keep separate FURNITURE and household furnishings: - please donate furniture/household items in good repair (no tears or stains) - bring what you can to the PLC on November 1st or 2nd - for large items, call Peter Schaad @ 748-1891 to arrange a home pick-up on Mon. Nov. 3rd or to arrange a different pickup date at your home Perhaps you have nothing to donate. Please consider purchasing new underwear or socks! There is a GREAT need this time of year for men, women and children, boys and girls socks and underwear. Tax donation forms will be available Questions - call Judy Herlihy at 334-0229 Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive Our annual Thanksgiving turkey drive provides food to those in our community who are hungry and often marginalized. The communities we serve include St. Martin’s Place, Bethany House, House of Mercy, Dimitri House, St Andrew’s Food Cupboard and Eastern Service Workers. Thanks to your generous donations we are able to provide roasted and frozen turkeys, and extras including canned vegetables, cranberry sauce and gravy, boxed stuffing mix and aluminum roasting pans. Volunteers are needed to help during drop off and packing. This is a great opportunity for teens to earn community service hours. Volunteers are also needed to make deliveries. Driving directions will be provided and the buddy system is encouraged. Drop off will be held Monday November, 25 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm in the PLC. Deliveries will take place Tuesday morning November 26. Sign-ups to provide food and volunteer will be held in the gathering area after masses the weekends of November 15 & 16 and November 23 & 24. Thank you October 26, 2014 Elsewhere Mass of Remembrance All are welcome to Ascension Garden for their annual Mass of Remembrance, this year, celebrated by Bishop Emeritus Matthew Clark on November 15 at 8:30am. Ascension Garden is located at 1900 Pinnacle Rd. Henrietta, NY 14467. Purgatory and Afterlife Reflections on All Saints and All Souls Come and learn about what Catholics understand about the purification needed after death and the final hope of heaven that awaits believers. Reverend George Heyman will speak on November 5 at 2pm at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery's Christ Our Light Mausoleum Chapel and again at 6:30pm at St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry. The seminars are free with registration by calling (585) 271-3657 x 289 or at www.stbernards.edu. Green Corner Share a Ride. The 1st Sunday of each month is “Carpool Sunday” (also works for 4:30 Saturday Mass!). Next weekend ask some friends or neighbors to travel to Mass together. We can cut gasoline usage in half while catching up on the latest happenings and discussing the wonderful sermon. “Green Corners” are brought to you weekly by the Care of God’s Creation Ministry. If you have suggestions please e-mail us at onegreendoc@aol.com. November Food Collection– Nov 1 & 2 The November food collection is for filling the Thanksgiving baskets that we provide for many charities that we support each year. Canned corn, gravy, cranberry sauce, potatoes, green beans, stuffing mix, roasting pans are needed, as well as any other items you would wish to donate. The charities we serve are always appreciative of all we do to help the needy. God bless all who donate! Community Garden News We wanted to share our final total tonnage. The Community Garden has donated over 2100 lbs. of fresh vegetables and have made deliveries to the Pittsford Food Cupboard and to two local soup kitchens. The work in the Community Garden has been so rewarding. Thanks to all those who participate. Minister Schedule October November 1 & 2 MINISTER Coordinators Greeters Commentator Lector 1 Lector 2 Min of Communion Cross Candle* Candle SAT 11/01 4:30 PM Place B-1# B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 C-1* Sun 11/02 9:00 AM Sun 11/02 11:30AM Newton Greve D. Dey J. Wright M. Andrews Slimmer Milano/Shinay F. Botelho B. Barton S. Cosgrove Ashmore Wheeler T. Quinn J. Vaughan C. Gueli J. Desmann Fr. Mike J. Goonan G. Crissy J. Smoyer J. Baldino Gael Garrity J. Maxwell Fr. Mike A. Maxwell R. Martinez P. Michaels D. Van Vechten Sean Connolly Fiona Connolly Michael Connolly M. O'Leary Fr. Mike M. Kucharski B. Hutchison C. Miles M. Lane Noah Campanelli Michael Giunta Conor Zuniga Pastoral Council Members-at-Large: Laura Cutter ( Moderator & Trustee), Craig Rand, Dave Donnelly, Gerry Gacioch, Maria Herrera, Shannon Kozarits, G.A. Sheller, Jane Vallely and Charlie Zinn. Faith Formation – Lori Goorman, Alternate – vacant Evangelization – Vacant Peace & Justice – Bob Fien, Alternate – Trish Goodman Worship – Vacant Youth – Megan Tremaine, Alternate - Ted Rohrer. Staff – rotating among all staff members Finance Council Larry Buckley, Bill Burke, Peter Deckman (Chair & Trustee) Larry Filipski, Koen Goorman, John Hennessy Patty Lovallo, Sarah Pickhardt and Rich Spencer Pittsford-Mendon Planning Group Representatives Lisa Morris and Fr. Mike Bausch Parish Staff Secretary/Office Manager..................................................Rose Volker transfiguration.parish336@gmail.com Peace & Justice Coordinator………………………………….….Vacant Fr. Mike and Margie Benza covering Pastoral Associate.................................................................Tim Smith timsmith@dor.org Pastoral Associate……....................................................Margie Benza margie4@frontiernet.net Pastoral Associate for Youth ..................................... Anne Gallagher transfigurationym@gmail.com Pastor............................................................................Michael Bausch bausch@dor.org Music Minister....................................................................Sue Wallace choirsue@gmail.com Maintenance Supervisor...........................................Chris Washington miftt@aol.com Deacon......................................................................... Patrick DiLaura Deacon………………………………………………….….…Eric Bessette Christian Formation Director.............................. ………..Damian Zynda dzynda@dor.org Christian Formation Associate Director........................... Donald Smith transfigurationcf@gmail.com Business Manager ........................................................Sandi Lazzaro transfigurationbusiness@rochester.twcbc.com Administrative Assistant for Formation……………….. Meg Kastner mkastner@dor.org New Parishioners Welcome to our Community of Faith! You may register as part of our Community by contacting the Parish Office by phone in person or our website. Please introduce yourself after Mass to one of the parish staff members. Church of the Transfiguration 50 West Bloomfield Road, Pittsford, New York 14534 Parish Office Phone: 585-248-2427 Fax: 585-385-9870 Email: Transfiguration@dor.org www.transfigurationpittsford.org Christian Formation Phone: 248-2467 TransfigurationCF@gmail.com Education Center: 585-248-3922 (during classes) Emergency Pastoral Care: 248-2427 wait for prompt and press 9. Pastoral Care: If you know of someone who is homebound, hospitalized, or in a nursing home and he or she would appreciate a visit from the Pastoral Staff, please contact the Parish Office. Your assistance will help provide care to all our parishioners. Sacraments Eucharist: Please check page 2 of this bulletin for Sunday, weekday and Holy Day Mass schedules. Anointing: In any emergency, at anytime, please call 248-2427 wait for prompt and press 9, or at your convenience or after any weekend Mass. Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 p.m. or by appointment. Baptism: Please contact Tim Smith at the Parish Office three months in advance to register for the Baptismal Preparation Program. Marriage: Please contact Fr. Mike, Deacon Pat or Deacon Eric nine months in advance to arrange a tentative date. Catechumenate: Adults interested in joining the Roman Catholic Church, please contact Damian Zynda at the Parish Office.
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