HNTT5AND Qometimes people Jmoke ossumplions oboul whol is toughl in schools without occurole knowledge. Misconceplions leod lo emotionol reoclions including onger, onxiely ond feor. Here ore some focls to help you beller understond how schools operole. clossroom octivities. Jusl os onti-rocism ond multiculturol educotion hove been embroced by educotors os worthy topics, there is olso o growing o\Moreness by educotors thot onti-homophobio hos to be oddressed. You do not hove to be o person of colour to core obout rocism. Similorly, you do nol hove to be TGBTQ to fight homophobio in schools or society ot lorge. MyTH #If: Goy-Stroighl MyTH # I: Teoching obout homosexuolity in lifestyle. schools condones the Allionce Clubs (GSAs) in high schools ore tl woy lo recruil studenls ond encouroge lhem lo experiment with being goy ol lesbion. TACT #I: FACT orft Lesbion, goyt bisexuol ond tronsgender (LGBTO) people hove lives like everyone else. There is no distinct LGBTQ "lifestyle." Teochers often teoch obout unfomilior topics to help students develop respect for other people ond to ocknowledge their contributions to society. A teocher's iob is to present occurote, oge-oppropriote informotion to students. MyTH #2: Teoching obout homosexuolity in schools involves tolking obout goy sex. FACT #Z: Anti-homophobio educotion con be done in o voriety of woys. Most involve no discussion of sex or sexuol proctices whotsoever. The only exception moy be in the heolth segment of Personol Plonning or Heolth & Coreer Educotion closses. Otherwisg teochers moy tolk obout LGBTQ role models in history, or reod o story obout some gender fomilies. They moy olso discuss the oppression of LGBTQ people ond focus on stopping homophobic nomecolling in schools. These ore iust o few exomples of oge-oppropriote onti-homophobio educotion. MyTH #3: LGgfQ teochers hove o goy ogendo for public schools by introducing IGBTQ topics. FAET #3: Teochers ond principols hove o legol obligotion to respond to oll forms of horossment ond discriminotion in schools. All students hove the right to ottend school in o sofe environment - ond expect to see their lives positively reflected in curriculum ond No one suddenly chooses to become LGBTQ simply becouse they heord obout the topic in school, from friends, or vio their sociol circles. There is no known "couse" for o person's sexuol orientotion or gender identity - whether thot person identiffes os homosexuol, heterosexuol, bisexuol or tronsgender. Sexuol orientotion ond gender identity ore complex troits, ond hove been undersrood differently by different cultures ond ot different times in history. GSAs help oll students to come together in o sofe spoce to tolk obout issues thot ore importont to them. GSAs help oll students to leorn from one onother ond moke their school sofe ond more welcoming for students, stoff ond fomilies. Anyone con be the torget of hoteful slurs, irrespective of their sexuol orientotion or gender identity. MyTH #5: Students will become olly octive ond/or promiscuous if TGBTQ issues ol school. lrtore sexuthey heor oboul TACT #5: Like it or not, some teenogers ore sexuolly octive. The decisions they moke obout their bodies hove little to do with LGBTQ issues or onti- homophobio educotion. However, lock of informotion obout sofe sex con hove dromotic ond sometimes trogic consequences for youth. Promiscuity ond unsofe sexuol behoviours often occur when students do not hove occess to oge-oppropriotg occurote informotion.
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