''1 reNtr INSTITUTIONS U.E. ll-Pratappura Road, Shahpur Jalandhar . 144020 Ph. : 01 81 -5055127-28 Fax : 01 81 -50551 30 E-mail : info@ctgroup.in cti-shahpur@sify.com www.ctgroup.in Ref. No. DIIVCTIEMT/ l-l l 6 Dated: 22.10.2014 Director(s)/Principal(s) I PTU affiliated Colleges A11 Subject PTU Inter Zonal Youth Festival, 2014 Dear SirMadam, It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that CT Institute of Engineering, Management & Technology (CTIEMT), Jalandhar is privileged to host, 'PTU Inter Zonal Youth Festival 20'1.4 on November 4,5 & 6, 2014 as per detailed schedule enclosed. I seek your valuable co-operation for the success of event and request your team for participation in the competition. Important Guidelines: 1. All the participants 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. must possess with them valid ID card duly signed and stamped by the Principal/Director. Teams/Participating institutes are requested to register online and bring along with them the attested copy of registration form and undertaking using format available at wrn w.ctgroup.in. The teams must be accompanied by the Cultural officers/Faculty Incharges. There would be a meeting of all the cultural officers/incharges at 11 A.M on-Tuesday, October 2& 20'1.4 n the Con{erence room of CTIEMT to decide the draw of lots for allthe events. All Cultural Coordinators should register their teams online till 28th October, 2014 alongwith the list of maximum 25 (Non Participating) students as audience, attested by the Director/Principal of the lnstitute. Coupons for breakfast, lunch and dinner can be procured from the assistance desk @Rs30/- each for breakfast and @Rs 50/- each for lunch and dinner. The boys & girls would have their meals in the boys and girls hostel respectively. The following can be reached for further queries/clarifications: Email ID: culturalofficer@ctgroup.in Looking forward to your support & encouragement in making the event a grand success (Dr. Manof kr*ur) t SCHEDULE FOR PTU INTERZONAL YOUTH FESTIVAL November 4,5 and 6 - 2014 Venue: CT Institute of Engineering Management and Technology, Jalandhar Venue/Date Auditorium Seminar Hall CTIT Seminar Hall CTIEMT Drawing Hall, MK College of Education Registration –08:30 a.m. to 09:30 a.m. Inauguration 4/11/2014 TUESDAY 10.00 a.m Classical Dance* One Act Play Mimicry Group Shabad/Bhajan 10.30 a.m Classical Inst. Solo(P) Classical Inst. Solo(NP) Prize Distribution Skit 5/11/2014 WDNESDAY 10.00 a.m Mime Bhangra Group Song Indian 10.00 a.m Classical Vocal Solo Creative Writing 10.30 a.m ( Room No. 2 Ground Floor CTIEMT) (Announcement of Topic Debate & Elocution) ( All Venues) Quiz (Prelims) (Room No. 9 Ground Floor CTIEMT) Quiz (Final) (Seminar Hall) Debate Elocution Light Vocal Indian(Solo) Poem Recitation 10.00 a.m Rangoli 10.00 a.m (Dept. of cultural Affairs) Clay Modeling On the spot Painting (Open Lawn) Collage Making Indian Folk Dance* Still Photography (Open Lawn) Mehndi Poster Making Cartooning Prize Distribution 6/11/2014 THURSDAY Western Solo 10.00 a.m Western Group Song Giddha Int. Group Dance* Final Prize Distribution Punjabi Folk Song 10.00 a.m Vaar Singing *Classical Dance, International group dance & Indian folk dance will be presented as Exhibition items .These items will not be included in the competition. All Items will continue after one another, Mimicry item will be interspersed between the One Act Play. 1.00 p.m
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