(lltSLAl and LossAssesso6 lndian Institute of hsurance slNevors er.5,,s'sshsBach' ivd$b'd-500@4 ;;:;;,''.",'.""."'. """n l,*l t'i*di,",r"'ffifldffiii{1ffilliJfriTil'i}:ili rfi *M*d "'-'*rt"* t;;6rt ffi l"-u*::";",r.":',: " s' "r" "r ffiffi tfu -.. ' n e&h .T loie' !d Rsisd "RP'!c/rns -"ddeB!!@r"'"1'!tl"':: il+tffimmnP*jl; ry*#H'"-* ,. Mr. saiFy suQm i:1,,,*-?::"^'asLi"-i'*i^:iT:',[i'T:'," -,-,**-,d"ilrll:!ir!!!!!rgr!]I!11 *'L';d"ir-@ ::i--*++$#:l -l*#*fi:i=i;:|1:;ffi' , Mr o.chd&6*b€ E!!! i j,j.j*J#".r;*."Jf ,*""_",-,,",,",".:1,:-:1,:,;i;ii[*lff t_il.""* :]"n"si":"]i*fii$li:iiil;;1rfr j*firfi I""##ii,":'#ilirtx *il]iiiilii":'" ili.::il;:ffi,li]:.;.::#jijl",iiiji"ii';i;';:']"*.' ue rcadllq34Eqrx5q-so reaolsu*-llo:ou" 'd.h'd"-.&b.a' "n b" ""!!!4!s$!r!!!9D$ ;*i.:il:llljji;l:l"i1if,{1:i:I$Xilllffrilt::Jir"',';l 'ii!:li#;l.li;';:,illl :llii:::l:rul;r:*]:::li'*i;:.lli::ili:*li:i":,te"".",;:1"-,...;:'' ::;lf ;:lL"ll,:r:*l ;:'^'^'"r"l I HJ:Iiiiiii:ir$:':ririil,TI-*xr;i:lr::i;':'J,i; i;"lii;;i:::'m:::*:'*::ll,*"1":'::11:'il:l[iJlili:ffi;.;iii.",""..",""'"'",'.,'."'"'"-'" rh3 **w ft'* h and Y4l!!b'!s'j! ffi :':ffil$tHf ' ilr""f5;ll"'i"': 'ii"'lj'slJ$'i*il:'#:'"xffi Nottli alion Fonnfor 2014 ., nc Electiorls to lhe [llSLA Lo -lff";":?ilFi'3,*J ii{::iil';:3'iiil[n::.;:1, - Insurance com"crr'" cenerar " "aJo. i,jiii i; NovFmb'r 2014 7" ' soo plii]'"i'ro;vrhe ". -t"-" ,", - rNsrRrrcrroNs FoR f TLLTNG NoMllitJitli-183J":l*t"^tt" to the lrrsLA'councir' the ''{,it+t*t'*ffi "*-,lJl':,Jill:3,i:i":iT,""i:'i:olilT,Ji'.'oto"'"""'" ln the fodat as prescribed 1. The nomination should be sirictly 'Edffi ft"#{fi :ri#i; ii;ll+il;T:i*:.r#'::+{":'T"r#Tf K V Krlshnan' rEle(llon otl'ceF lllsLAl a/o General lnsurance counctr "Roval lnsurance Buildin9 Mr, " ii,ft:j!ili.,'i'*lill* ''lL"f ii;":i'll'iif :,:jj,r,fi:T#1,ffi":i:ii:1;,i'::1,$ i:ii:';ri'* be menlion'd Fot ol the rlevafl zondconsl'luencv should gNen Derow readv rcferenc€ lheseare ,"' ' y,","J:il"?I"-;o'Ji!,il"lil,i1'.i"i;,,i#il3';'tsil?:";"li:*Ii"*i (Silvas5al and Daman 6 uru :'li''i:T'i'i1""5'J;"i:'i;i"':i;J;"'l:'T'l '"' i".,1**: "' ;j:1fi ''1"fi:i"Ti"#i:"T\"1'"'?il "?ilil' ii"::i#:";,-.ll: s*s"r' w*t , "*lidfu iiii^."r;pi,., *l'lsli"J;t (') lH:::i""i:li'l'#l;1"""1'ffi 'li!"'l"i"T!"tlull'1 All lndia con3lifuencv 6. '#l*qs***f*#*stre#tejffi and anv ove'wri'lins or ::t",t**".txt"tlll'.t,:llt:,i,lJ":ilL"il'' 3, $**gupgfi*****rt**'*,**m *tq'+*u*p*r"**$*tg$-*w End FORM OF NOMINATION 'iix,l,?illsl'sl$,i""jii"lRil'"i,?1.'":R.^''i"'1":11r"$i\""'*' upno.dab h.rcbY onor MEMBER zont' puButnr to lrcm mY 1t(2)(a)01 or fi6 ^ntcb puBuant ro Aruoro All hdia con.iitu€ncv r 3(2)(a)(ti) ol rho Artrcl.. or Ag'oclaton Nful|yNhb..bd.:orccl' :#,;;;;1";".'.'""'" Acandidaiewilrsubmncoovol "bdbv'|h'EaL"nofnc'r Sub'crl'rion Ecsror' ::ffi,;;;;il;;"'.'"" mat'B p€tu Er.ction oflicor in all .nd l4 trrc.oB, ugLA cdncil rom b.hg q 'rt @ o) (r) 2Ol' d.yof Pt{orlmne.t for rh' aim'uE b dn Fom or flomrnadd{ NOMINATION ANNEXIIFETO FORiII OF fr '-am,, rcm@hrP Numbar, frfifirtiz* frfiifrai orhd€ d"d i,-r"*t"*, ;B.ondud g"r'tY 'r '"Y andcon$quoNrY dhsrhor ropimrndtd or-$' ,*JdodDena|tyo.nngason --rhdb Fr*da ii - r*d roDkrbb (3ep,iabrv hm brdcn ;rn.nd'd r.. *hkh b,"" (r) rho ofroncs tor which iound iiljGiiits rcpam"na "t rhd d"t€ l6n whhh tho l''ir--ii[ ;.m'wd Bnovod on fcounr or .boYt ditqualltroruon nom ii) (vt h-"bbrp*ro&'-**l t-d*sjn whtch tho SffiE"ll;,'''n:: ii*'.1""*:" #,Th":l - --in d:b on whbn.$' i!-... rho n.e *rs Mto' o, i'"'iatty .ndnr or Ps'$Y d nG it-iD _-tfud.l..Ilghkhd'. lL-.. - ;.;n{t*s m.d. r.r F N'tY iifrfi1-'$EFs . ect ildd *-y*:l*","f" 'li"; {-h.$..hordlns : 9dl Mdar yE8!fr!!r!g! r-iliiind co.rect to rne bst Si''RWIORS AND LOSS ASSESSORS bIDI-AN TNSTIIUTE OF INSI''RNNCE CONDUCT REGULAT ONS & PROCEDURE IORTS! TdE collrcll ln c\e('tr of dc por.F confedd O! ELECIIONS TO ol Anlkq o( A$(irnor $c 'l'Lse detr rrtr' 6a'd 5d Dssbcrr00s Aibonq bv rhe oo *. J;-;;*;; 'dr va@noi's ""'.'"pnd roronducrins rh' craiions io ,o0 ;;;J;;;'i;"-".n;Fsuraiiols lhc diediois ot or ric coscil A'tiB unde! mmbcB r/3rd ;;;;;;;;'"; ro! $i fot thc @nd$t ofrhe Elections poBduP the u"sn ,* n""0, ,*io *1.""""u **noi6 o,"ur"a tv rtt. tal*t"nr of 1/3i ftembe6 of rhe couc'l' "':i'f"':Tl"l:l]:"ilT.u'n.,n",.*u"-'"n"*^o*'orEnsuinsEreclions' b) $c Ensuins Eleclioos for thc These r€gdalions shall applv onlv ro! @ndloling (DirccroE) to dc cotnci !a6ci6 dear€d bv the EtiEmcor of 4 medbds c) The nrlbving shall ofEnsuing Eldrions bc the Pr@eduE lor lhe Conduc! " * *." .. ,.0.t-, ". tt *" dtted 05 Aniclc 49 dd OiEtion ol IRDA n e rdr 12 2003 in ihese 'c3llalions u"i*.rtr -**t "*"** *tuis, *odr orcxpEssion c'ntained fdrce in of AJs@jdtion Anicle $e nesins as in shall bcar rlt eme lndis lnsii$tc oi Insdoce SNcvon proYisions of and L'$ Asess conFnies Aol_1956 ofth' Inditur' "Aniolc or"Aniclct ncans $. A*icl.s of A$@i'tion "El@!ioD Oitrc€c'sem $c lhc conducl of s@ond cleorioN person b the aploinEd N Election Oinoer bv the IRDA for cencil Anicl' ol Aso'alon ''Mcmbci d.ans a ncnbd ts dcfidcd i! Aniclc I (o) of$e of totifiarion to be ed vho bave ptid thc dnual nemb€rshjp on or b'foE rbe dae isued by lho Elecrion officer - ;ffi:,'J#;,"tr;':il;"''ilffiu..;;ilifi;R: Nonh - Jdnu & (adsir' Ui@anchal, Edt chanissarh' - - lradesh, Kamtak4 Kdala, Ardhd lddesi\ chani$ath, Orist', Jtanlni' Bihd' Tdil & Nad! ?ondhhe!ry' Andatdd wsr Ber8al sili<im' A$sn' Ptucdures Arunachsl - ]"-;;, ;; ..ti* - "**"*;i, sOTo i € 1menb€6*ho otLot, will decide Th€ Elccrio. Ofiicr (d) Every '" ncnbir ,n" shall bc sill sht will rill b! (b) nre mncs oflhc'1 p.Mi e elcdcd th' CoDncIl' by the p.Mn so authoded b) '"' .."*i*"nt ri of rn. oedbc. rhe or tl* coonol cxcrudi* noninltd frci the datc *""''tn"uon ofL'ei' *ilhin a p€riod or I ddvs OlfiGr rar As drNEd b, LRDA $c El'dion I dcEmrne by lor z rcairc ths Ye'r' afrnuni€tcd to the El@lion accodinglv incorFDlc dreir b be isue! for th' Elarions 10 $e oli€f second "*'ocdlion cnin[d b oontes rhe 'l@lidns or and hdve 3 tuht io vor' rhe eEcnos b co^ulation Biih de Council' shall notifv of l/3' t" a""".'i i' .,., up th' Bdcic! so creaied bv thc rdnedentpddioutaN lhe N€wspapc'r @ntaiiing such ddbils ol -..*o a u "*'*, 49(b) 6 arc nee$ar' and reldanl lor {he @nducl of $cdfioned in Anicl. Webrit oflh' IRDA cledions The @. shall ako b€ notined 6hrcugb the (e) The Elelion "' Silv6sa Na$led Mtahalavq TrrFra' Mi&M' r. Fr*rror (o) Det'' Pradtsb Diu M'dhva haddh' Cor' Dddn' Manddhra' Cuj@! Rtj6ds, WBr south Utd rbrvsa' ginachal Pdd$ll. Ptnjab' Ofier, tu putposer as tne rime fBo.s for vrios Pnvid.d thar $e Elerxid ofie! k nor bound by Inslirute, !!d he dav adopt *id or {ilhoul hendon.n in Anicle 49 of the Anlcld of rhe qr lDa-D 'he condJd o[ Anrctr d provi\ions the modi[(lrions dr) of povidcd ior here$exeDt iol thirgs 6 aE sp€'iii€llv ' The I lstion "' 'n r*;;:,;^"' , om.ct srFl' rotire *e elechons the nrnb'6 rcmrdod'ol rndid{4lom of th( coln.' ror pbpd ''diturion "-" " '''!on' \ha, be . sr fF. nom na,id ,or iT.::": $i'i ddfsenL colod shenc as mov be d'km'ns *' "i ol u" ;,-ff;jl::"T,il1 T lne lnstroE cosulidrion qirh rn' Coucil ol pDposd (h) Ev.ry nobintdon shall b' rhe lppoPritlc nohination t@' !i 'u'h nof,rndon ."r * ,p.t'nta Ul EveD t odllb(< trrm whilr dd ssonded ro on bv a nembcr' bv dulv $gr'mg bclor' !h'rime dd 'rare !o noai alon' of trdrdre" prsuarl $' F'*lonn'ncr '1vr:18 su6{ld!P (0 heEh dbovc s "t "''*-v**'it"g"o No nenber to' mot dan on' Po{ onrr hb €noidture vmulkneobl) ""ni"k l(n sli'6dr'rro t\eln{iru' b) $e noD!turion plpeu on rhe ddte sp€oified G) Ite Elcciion ofli@r shall rcntini4 date and ame '";;;"0 is eeivcd b€Fnd $e specited *""'" -"" "hich be Fject'd bY hifr outighdy shau to the bv notico in vritins and deliveled (1) Ant menber mot *ilhdraw |is candidlturc bv the El@lion Ofier in this Elation Ofiicer bv rne ddc ad rihe d sPecif'ed *ilhdBwal ofcondidatuF shtll bc ireroabrc b€hdlfdd candidare to ll{rion Oiic.r shalt inlinate rhc r irbd8wal of every post or co.ri.i csndida$ co esting lhc clsnon bY spo€d (m)Thc may or anv al I o$d rhe oth'r mooe 6 b. dceicd .xpcdrcot ntu'ncr dd' t ol er ted be ,n' wner the nthF oi membc* no'ior'a in ar oo rn" menber o nom nrd ndoerol memb.bro be elsre{ lrcm Lb' con'tiruenq $'n iama eh8ll b' tord' .i"rr u. o-r.."-o a*!ed uv trt" Erd'ion onicf 'nd **,,t t ln" IRDA snd in' lbclion oficq shatl al$ intimah o"iu" t-O "" b ach ofsu'h elcccd memb'r id'l'p'ndenllJ '6y< ?\ Y/.J a>.-',9 o,.dd10^ :.:t:::t:.':' "- ndh b he cl6ed fmD rlE .a wd! of 6(mbcs lh. nannd (p) The s tovidcd beFn .tdions slFll ., :::l::.;.:;#:Ti.*T be beld The notica ma) i. ii bv po$at ballot mlv Ti' wili Mdhod for sddins nori@ b' ised eith Und* RegisEnd Post Acloovledgdd! Utd'r ceniiicdc of Posling tnd l]lei 'r b wJ *;"*;.*,,b,;"i". ",in o'c rT":l'":i surc m rcIDa(ularNewspap€rci'(ulaung ballor pap'F **, " ''*'t '*" h'\usdnpa\ h'd $' "ii" od ihc ind dd' b ts \pc' is b) him \qJl o0 Omn etp'c'alrv ror bs.!tr.r wlln o6e55"3 Instu'' iob a ctni4of rc1c' b€ d€es'd ,or lhc llet i. l-'ot c. ""on 'n' *t bsr d!€ of e@iP1of lotc "ill vore .r ' Ctc'] to,.r !n!r,illin8 i;:Tilli:;; scn nR \ouns Papcr in \oting p'orr 6 Inrslid' for clecdon ofonc Councrl 6c mdnci ndEr d \Ecd h'r'ir abo\' hell n'me oa5@@\ o:.4 m'eropc rorhc urcnionofruro) doD *' rl'ne dd dak 'pccrn@ :r Jre bef"'i ftr h -"*'*"*, ii",* o"*' *' t"' ** shall bc prolided l) '' b, the pop'i El*ris offic$ alo4 with the rotins iilh th' Council noy sp@ifv 8rcuds on which TlE Election ofli@r in consulbtion be connui@ted to tbe O*^.u Ot tvslid Thes' aens {ill also . t * '". along "* {tth rhe voling pap" volcr El4lion "';;;;;;.t u) nol ex@dins cislr in nuDb" pk*'d $c orrcc or th' Er€rion om@' on rhc "ketl'crion off'cd in the Erectior Nadfi€tion' in rh' Ofi*r 64, app'id ind'Perd'd $runn@s ';':""" * *," I'i t'"i" '""n* "" e Indep€ndentscrorin@s' b. con&$ing oddidaG or nis audorjzed c. At leasl one nemb€r ofrhe Coucil' (pd*n6uv. llithcY sisb ro Pr*00 \z nol ss $c indcpcld$t scNtind thall Psridcd thar &e P.don to be appoid€d or pioposer or s@ndd ar a ci$ei be a mndidare or hs auriori4{t repscnrativc dw|d bcetmincd b) ft' tld'onOf,i_'r"ndaltrrftlshdBmv !' ftc\oEe$'ll -". ''',""t quftd bt *ch and:d'e *r' O**O t tu th' rdmber ol ro$ $e ddrodF( nam<otrh' ,\,The tldion Ofiier s\el p'eps a @rn8 hr ol ro nis connitoen') duD pttu: or ,aid ' ot, rr u'l Uv ed'h 6dio5R 'ng ""-*r by th. scnri'eB md dela€ thc sul1s $rough tne wbsiE or the ;;6sd th' €l€ted menbes Elecrion OffFr shall tle individuallv inform IRDA The Prvid.d rhal in the ewnl of tie ber**n No csdidaies Ekcliotr officer, may d.cide on $e 'lection of L Ponerr add Dun6ofsle(tioD Omcer El€clioi Offer wlthoul pFjldioe lo the gen.Blit, or th' to*c6 and obligs.ions of and duncs : stnr.d hcr€in above, thc El.ction Oflic.r has $c lollo*iry P.soN as suoh sums ot monev s nd' be (a) The El.clion Onier shdll have powc6 !o 'rptnd (ne Couicil / ihs Cohni$e dulv rcquied, siicr ob6ining lhc prior appov'l of aldoriz€d by thc Council h lhh bchali prcr (b) lor the sn@rh conducl of Elections, lhc Electio' Ottrcer mav' Yilh lh' such appoval oi rhe Cooncil/ rhe commi@ autho'izcd bv lhe Counoil lPpoint exp'6 nunbc. of pcNns, as rtdy b. tequied' ro conduot d' elcctio's' including and/or prclesionals, and pay ior thct s.ryiqls (o) The Ele.lion Ofncer shall a@8e for rbe safe cstodv of all d*uncnts/papes in (nc se shall h€ handed over ro ilE rcgard b lhe conducl oflli.rioN Th.@fter, IRDA for safc custodt. (d) Thc Eleclion ottic$ may takc all tsal sicps, as nav be consided nssery b) Itih aor ensuing smmlh and fEe snducl or clstions (.) Th. Eletion Oiter 3h!ll n,kc sregenenb for lMrdiry th' date and tinc of r6eiF of tl L rhe ballol Pap€6 al ihe lledion oliicers oftft' Thc Dlcction oflier afier shall lale skps b separaiclv identiit ud epade $e ballor Papc6 Meircd thc .losurc oflne scheduled date sM rimc lor Ecoipr of $e ballor pdFrs Should lbd dddorlh€bellcr oao'( thc d'i\on or il"'#"rl:'' "' H:H:i""5#;Jr.Yr*ii:;l;i'"%rffi " d@*ti'j']* @i!cd 'f'd $' ie' EMinins of OuL'r onvclope se is containins $' paJr'cu'r -,,..,"- .t *, volcr sft $e inn6 bv p'$ ol or b"oF thc Flcred '- i"Lt" i,,'* *" licred duh PaPers "u"r u'*''" oirrcci h5 salisned hirsor' lhar $e membtrs i,te. o"* ""ii"l -* * ro"'*", * tnvelop would bc drcpp'd into the bslloi b'x ansi ,t*,lp"" afixins tnc sig,tutc of$' Eldtion oifisr' 5, Displrd -',"iii*" '- thc provisions or e'* o-* dies rcsardi'g fic itt'adarion or udcr thce Fguldlons i hrn of ur *e"t''* .' "dhd:s -"'r., "* 'l*uvn rre 'rt" InrnuG who !al' rnd"\or ro eolve $' *t t * *",,t --"' "r 'n"* sM! nn drlv dar. dcpe'ding upon $' eaigencv' lhc IRDA dsision of $e coNil hc m6v app@l10 his gri'vdcc ud points of win; ? d.vs eom ddc or ns lotinc'doo' se{ing lbrih on rhall be llnal and bind'ng iiugr*ncnt ma Oat lho arc;sion orlne IRDA tt@ fol ii-"b*r'o **-'W r" r-*" t.".".. * *" t"snd.lcted ouncil shall b" deemed to be iovalid paper to a voEr or s'dinB a voting of My accidcnral onnsion 10 scnd' or delav in or ,*to*.i ****tot .t * u"lav in rec'ivi4 a voiins papcr bv a votri co'dud of ih' clectons unint€nde,i ircgllarirv or iniomslitv in the b€€e heEl' ". a@id.nlal or f\ z, E. ;i1",*2 $v oiher
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