Document 369047

St. John the Evangelist
Catholic Church
San José Mission
800 Gornto Road, Valdosta, GA 31602
Phone: 244-2430 Fax: 244-5352
October 26, 2014
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pastoral Staff
Fr. Brian LaBurt,
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 12:00pm
Fr. Paul Ladda,
Parochial Vicar
Spanish Mass
Saturday Vigil: 7:00 pm at San José
(Lake Park)
Deacon David Lasseter
Adoration Every Sunday (Chapel)
Silent-10:30-11:30 a.m.
Devotional-3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Pastoral Emergency 506-5483
Deacon Columbus Carter
Deacon Pete Falkenhausen
Daily Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 12:10pm
Wednesday: 6:00pm
Friday: 8:10 am
Deacon James Burns
Saturday: 4:00pm
Deacon George Heise
Nursery available during the
9:30 am and 12:00 pm masses
Deacon Paul Worth
Church Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
(Closed for lunch 1:00–2:00 pm)
Baptism Class: First Tuesday
7:30pm- CHAPEL
Contact the church office at least 6 months in advance.
Church Office Staff
Mass Intentions for the week of
October 26, 2014
Lynn Barfield, Office Director/
Religious Education for Youth
Michelle Kirkpatrick, Bookkeeper/
Bulletin Editor
Lynne Salek, Office Assistant
School Staff
Saturday, October 25
5:00 pm + Bond Crosby
Sunday, October 26
7:30 am + Natalie Gjertsen
9:30 am People of the Parish
Noon + William Davis &
Watson Koller
School - 244-2556
Chris Wilson, Principal
Marian Mitchell, Secretary
Christy Hatcher, Bookkeeper
Monday, October 27
12:10 pm + Lea Filtz
Parish Ministries
Tuesday, October 28
12:10 pm Special Intention
Parish Council 2014-2015
President, Lee Crosby - 229-251-6628
V.P., Ryan Hogan - 229-563-3001
Secretary ,Terri Filtz - 229-247-1125
RCIA, Paul & Sue Worth, - 263-5659
Nursery, Hanna Everitt - 247-8942
Campus Ministry,
Bethanie Brogdon561-4456
Children’s Liturgy,
Suzie Puckett- 242-8603
St. Francis Center
Sr. Nuala Mulleady
Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10:00-2:00
2nd Saturday of each month
Phone Numbers
Convent - 244-0050
Parish Center - 249-9281
Knights of Columbus - 247-4913
Wednesday, October 29
Thursday, October 30
Bob Acton
12:10 pm +John Bolger
Friday, October 31
8:10 am + Bond Crosby
Mass intentions
Mass intentions may be made at the church office. A donation per
Mass will be collected at the time the intention is made.
Welcome New parishioners
If you are new to St. John, please register at the Church office.
Newman center update
On Sunday, November 2, at 6:00pm. we will have our 1st mass at
the new Newman Center located at 1524 N. Oak St.
Southern cross
Protecting Our
Diocesan policy requires that all
diocesan adult employees and
volunteers who minister to the
youth of the diocese attend
VIRTUS (safe environment)
awareness training. For more
information call (912) 201-4073/4074 or visit
Thank you to those of you who have donated to the
Southern Cross. The parish will be billed for any
shortage in subscription donations. If you have not
had a chance to contribute, there is still time. We
appreciate your support!
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Altar flowers may be purchased
from the florist of your choosing.
Please call the church office
to check the calendar for
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October 26, 2014
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” Jesus advises the Pharisees and others who are listening to Him.
This was in answer to a “trick” question posed to him by a lawyer among the Pharisees. The questioner
wanted the Lord to give a response that might appear to lessen other commandments. Instead, Jesus
points out that there are some commandments from our God that are greater than our traditional Ten
“You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” We are
first called to that relationship with God, a relationship which acknowledges God’s love of us, and results
in our own love of the Lord. That is where stewardship must begin with each of us — through developing a
loving bond with God. However, Jesus then explains to us how we must relate to one another: “Love your
neighbor as yourself.”
Many misinterpret Christ’s admonition to mean that we must love ourselves first. He was not saying that we
must love ourselves before we love anyone else. He was saying nonetheless that our focus as stewards needs
to be on serving and loving others. The good steward respects, regards, and loves others as he or she might
expect to be treated. Love and stewardship are very much the same — each strives to put others before our
own interests.
Stewardship Reflection on Lectionary Readings
Catholic Stewardship Consultants, Inc.
Next Weekend’s Readings
The Commemoration of
All the Faithful Departed
(All Souls Day)
November 2
Wisdom 3:1-9
Romans 6:3-9
John 6:37-40
Living rosary
The Ladies Auxiliary will be conducting a Living
Rosary on Monday October 27th. This will be
held on the front lawn of the Knights Hall on St
Augustine Road. We will start promptly at 6:30
PM. All are welcome to attend and participate in this moving
experience. We will be praying for our Country, and for Prayer
Lists. For more information, contact Valerie Rucki at 229-834-9813.
Thanks to our Sponsor
Will you join them?
If you are a business owner or
self-employed, please consider sponsoring
the weekly bulletin by advertising your
business? It’s a great way to reach folks
who want to support your business, too,
your church Family! The revenue from the
sponsor ads allows the church to have the
bulletin printed and shipped completely
free of charge.
Our Sales Rep, Steve
Hembrook, will be working in the parish
office this week to answer any questions
about rates & available space. He may
be reached at (407) 450.-3633 or
We thank you, in advance, for your
consideration and continued support of
the St. John the Evangelist bulletin.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Whoever sacrifices to any god, save to the Lord only, shall be
utterly destroyed.”
Exodus 22:20
Do you put other “gods” before God? Is your love of money,
power, status or some personal possession greater than your
love for God? If so, you may want to pay attention to the
scripture reading because you are not going to like the
outcome. The good news – it’s not too late to put God first in
your life.
Parish Goal:
$ 91,035
$ 82,971
$ 77,564
This year we are lagging behind the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. If you
have not yet contributed to this annual drive, please consider the
needs that it supports. The Diocese of Savannah is not an ordinary
diocese with some missions; it is a missionary diocese. Among the
endeavors that are funded by the BAA are the many rural missions
that depend upon support that comes from the BAA. The education
and formation of seminarians are also funded by the BAA. Please
consider making a contribution to the BAA if you have not already
done so. And to those parishioners who have already made their
contribution, THANK YOU!
St. John School News
Month of the holy rosary
The second-grade students at St. John School in Valdosta use a
“pool-noodle” rosary to pray a decade each day during October, the
month of the rosary. Teacher Chrystal Rose got the idea from a
religion workshop at the annual Diocesan Educators’ Institute.
Many other school-wide rosary activities are also taking place. Each
day’s mid-morning prayer features a summary narrative and reflection
about one mystery, written by middle-school students. The school
will also host a parent-child rosary-making workshop later in the
On Wednesday, October 29 following the 6:00pm mass the children
and their parents from grades 4-8 will lead a “living rosary” for the
parish. Please join them for this special devotion. The students will
also participate in a “living rosary” around Mary’s statue on the last
school-day of the month.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Week of October 12
Debt Reduction
$ 355.00
Thank you for your generosity
to St. John Church!
Diocesan loan balance
October Payment
Debt Reduction $3,787.06
Total Payment $7,433.96
Online giving
Sign up for online giving at and
select the Online Giving link.
Call the Church office if you need
assistance. Online giving is a way
to remember your church even
when you are away.
All souls day
1st Quarter (July-Sept)
Total $
Financial (Utility) Support
Emergency Shelter (Other )
Total $
People helped financially
People helped with food
People helped with clothing
People helped with other items
Community agencies helped
Total People & Agencies helped
Volunteer Hours
Many thanks and abundance of blessings on each of you who
continuously and generously donate to St. Francis Center. Your
spirit of sacrificial giving enables us to bring compassion and
hope to so many needy people. See the above report. What the
report does not reflect is the dedication, kindness, friendliness
and joy filled self giving of our wonderful volunteers. For each
of them I am truly grateful and blessed.
Peace and blessings!
Sr. Nuala
The collections from the All Souls Day
envelopes will be the seed money for a
new parish St. John School scholarship.
This new scholarship is different from
the Grace Scholarship which redirects
tax dollars to our school. The new
scholarship will be established to bring
more funds and students to St. John
School. As the scholarship is developed,
we will keep you informed.
Anointing of the Sick
On Wednesday, November 5th, we
will be celebrating the communal
Anointing of the Sick at the 6:00pm
Mass. Everyone is invited to take
advantage of this opportunity. Many
people have chronic
conditions or
illnesses for which they would like to be
anointed. Those who are struggling with
emotional conditions such as depression,
addiction, or other illnesses may also
wish to be anointed. If for some reason
someone is not able to receive
Communion, they may still receive the
Sacrament of the Sick.
American red
cross blood
Breakfast With Santa!
Saturday, December 6, 2014
8-11 a.m.
St John's Parish Center
Also... we will have a White Elephant Sale, for children to
purchase gifts for parents, teachers, friends, etc. We will be
accepting donations from the parish (no furniture, electronics,
or clothes). Items will be collected in the vestibule starting in
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
The Knights of Columbus will
hold a blood drive on Sunday,
November 9, from 9:30-2:30 in the
Parish Center. You can put the
power of faith into
action and help
save a life!
Prayer Requests
For Those Who Have Died
Dan Sebring
Joseph ZurSchmiede, father of
Ann Hilgert
Christina Kija, sister of Fr. Ladda
Sandra Rolland, niece of
Myra Guarino
Alexandrina Vera, sister of
Maria Colwell
Ruth Bosman
For our sick
Gloria Bailey, George Pruner,
Clyde Pruner, Jose Antonio Sanchez
Andrew Rumker, Salina Rumker,
Raphael & Joy Agbali
Tom & Brenda Anderson
Robert & Kristine Criscuola
Joseph & Tara Egresits
Charles & Barbara Foster
Alvaro Leyva & Hannah Moore
Dave & Kathy Metzger
Chris & Mary Williams
Sonia Singletary, Bill Searling,
Terri Filtz, Joan Pickens, Ben Stubbe
Linda Hayman, Barbara Cunningham,
Tammy McDonald, Jennifer Mills,
Kathryn Brashier, Samuel J. Miller
Sick or in the Hospital
If you have a family member in the hospital,
please call the Church office so they may be
included in the hospital visits made by our
priests and deacons.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is a lay
Catholic organization for men and
women who serve the Church on a
voluntary basis in almost every
country. Meetings are Mondays at
10:00am. in the Parish Center
Conference Room. For information
please call Betty Murphy at
Please contact the Church office if you would like someone
added to the prayer list. Names will be published for one
month. If prayers are needed for longer, please notify us.
Sunday Morning Adult Education
We continue to watch and discuss world-famous Catholic speaker
and teacher Father Robert Barron’s renowned ten-part series
Catholicism. This week’s topic:
Mary, the Mother of God
The class will meet in the Maturi Room from
10:45 to 11:45am. Each film in the series is
independent of the others so that you can
attend all or certain ones that interest you.
(Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
RCIA sessions continue following the 9:30 Mass in the Parish
Center conference room (10:45-11:45 AM). You are welcome
to attend any of these sessions. For more information
contact Deacon Paul at 229-263-5659 or e-mail at
We will explore the following topics:
October 26 – The Command to Love; Sacrament of Matrimony
November 2 – Heaven, Mary, The Creed
November 9 – The Four Marks of the Catholic Church
November 16 – Stewardship
November 23 – Judge the Living and the Dead, Christ the King,
Liturgical Cycle
November 30 – The Second Coming
Planning a
Wedding Soon?
In the Diocese of Savannah, couples
are required to attend a Marriage
P r epar atio n w o r ksh op/ week en d .
Programs are
offered in Macon,
Savannah, Atlanta, St. Augustine FL,
and here at St. John the Evangelist
Church in Valdosta. St. John will host
our next marriage workshop on the
weekend of November 7th and 8th, 2014.
Registration is required and there is
a $50 fee per couple. You may obtain
the forms from the Church office or call
Deacon Pete and Cathy Falkenhausen
at 229-563-3980.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
October 25/26
5:00 pm
C. Dowling
M. Doner
J. Cabral
L. Salek
W. Scoby
T. Thomas
B. Sewell
A. Rivera
7:30 am
9:30 am
M. Fendley
T. Fendley
C. Hotcaveg B. Kindley
D. Martin
M. Burns
12:00 pm
J. Peters
G. Peters
W. Okuma
J. Marcoux
C. Meadors
T. Drake
November 1/2
5:00 pm
W. Filtz
S. Boinski
G. Harmon
C. Genter
K. Metzger
D. Metzger
A. Martinez
H. Everitt
7:30 am
9:30 am
J. Kozuch
W. Kozuch
M. Doscher
T. Doscher
C. Stubbe
S/ Findlay
12:00 pm
I. Bauer
R. Bauer
R. Beier
T. Gonzalez
J. Waite
T. Waite
October 25/26
November 1/2
5:00 pm
+ T. Ellis
N Savoie
ME Wilson
5:00 pm + Z Brice/J Brice
7:30 am
+ J Rowe
M Rozier
S Rozier
7:30 am
9:30 am
+ E Hester L Struble
I Repsher
9:30 am
12:00 pm + E Carter T Falkenhausen E Kumpel
M. Gerber
E. Landers
JD Peterman
L. Peterman
B. Meindl
+L Struble/C Struble
M. Puckett
J. Puckett
12:00 pm +J Gonzalez/L Gonzalez T. Falkenhausen A. Crist
October 25/26 (4th Sunday)
November 1/2
5:00 pm
Ralph & Myra Guarino
5:00 pm
Carol Hill
7:30 am
David & Donna Nolan
7:30 am
Gail Decima
9:30 am
Diane Culpepper
9:30 am
Diane Culpepper
12:00 pm
Carmen & John Wilkinson
12:00 pm
Marilyn Singletary
October 25/26
November 1/2
5:00 pm
7:30 am
Denise Retterbush
Mike Mikovitz
Bonnie Rainey
Angela Carter
5:00 pm
7:30 am
Bob Goddard
Elizabeth Rowe
Mattia Goddard
Kevin Berkel
9:30 am
Ryan Hogan
Micha Hogan
9:30 am
St. John School
St. John School
John Waite
12:00 pm
Beverly Lanier
Daniel Lasseter
12:00 pm Sheryl Dasinger
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church