Document 369292

NOTICES for the Week beginning 27th October TUESDAY 10.00am –12noon Café – in the Church WEDNESDAY 2.45pm Wednesday Circle in the Church Rooms 7.15pm Alpha Course THURSDAY 10.00am Open Learning in the Hulbert Room 12.15pm Lunch in the Church Rooms 1.30pm Holy Communion in the Chancel FRIDAY 10.00am U3A in the Church rooms SATURDAY 8.30am– 9.30am Prayers for the work and needs of St Mary’s (All Saints Day) 3.00pm Mini Church NEXT SUNDAY 2nd November 9.00am Holy Communion (CW) President: Reverend Jennifer Hall Preacher: Brian Richardson 10.30am Crossroads All Age Service with Baptism of Isaac and Tabitha Leader: Reverend Mat Ineson Speaker: Reverend Hazel Trapnell 5.00pm Bereavement Service Everyone is invited to a service of quiet reflection Especially for those who are grieving and for their friends ,preceded by tea at 4.00 pm Leader: Reverend Jennifer Hall PRAYERS FOR THE WEEK Sunday All new members of our church as they settle into our community Monday For all suffering from the Ebola virus and for those living in fear Tuesday Those in pain and in the throes of deep grief. Wednesday Those for whom war is an ever-­‐present reality Thursday The gift and blessing of the changes of the seasons Friday Help us to walk in the light of goodness, righteousness and truth Saturday Give us grace so to follow the footsteps of the Saints Sunday For the parents and Godparents of young children baptised at our Church. MISSION TOPIC Lucy Monk works in Central Asia and is now taking on a leadership role for her sending agency. Please thank God for Lucy’s time spent with other leaders and the training and preparation she has received. Please pray for wisdom and discernment as Lucy takes up her new role. Give thanks for BLiSS (Birth Life Saving Skills), which is helping save the lives of mothers and babies and for the funding that has already been received. As always, please pray for Lucy’s safety, for the safety of her team, and for the safety of the community in which Lucy lives and works. The dangers are real and ever present. ST. MARY MAGDALENE, STOKE BISHOP TO KNOW, TO SHOW, TO GROW IN, THE LOVE OF GOD
Lord Jesus Christ, may we know you more clearly, love you more dearly and follow you more nearly, day by day. Amen. Sunday 26th October – Nineteenth after Trinity If you are a visitor or newly arrived in the parish we hope you will feel welcome. If you would like more details about St Mary’s and its activities, please complete a welcome card and ask for information or visit or contact the Parish Office Tel: 968 7449. ( ). 9.00am President: Preacher: Sermon: Organist: Hymns 356 621 362 Bible Readings 10.30am Holy Communion (BCP) Reverend Hazel Trapnell Jo Pestell Healing Word Simon Dulson Judge eternal, throned in splendor Who would true valour see Tell out my soul, the greatness of the Lord (Offertory) Psalm 33.1-­‐9 (OT, page 559) Mark 3.1-­‐6 (NT, page 37) Crossroads All-­‐Age Service Leader: Brian Richardson Speaker: Cliff McClelland Talk: Healing Word Worship Group Leader: Colin Smith Bible Reading: Mark 3.1-­‐6 (NT, page 37) Intercessions: Chris Thomas 6.30pm The Joinery Leader: Peter Robottom Speaker: Tim Smith Informal worship in the Church Rooms PRAYER MINISTRY If you would like prayer for yourself, relatives, friends or situations, members of the Prayer Ministry Team will be available after the 9.00 am and 10.30 am services. PASTORAL CARE MINISTRY -­‐ For pastoral care concerns please contact Jenny Baker (9683227) Jason Parker (9686863) or Jennifer Hall (9685959) Kneelers are available, if required – please collect from either Church entrance. TODAY. You are invited to join us for tea or coffee, after both morning services in the Church rooms. A leaflet detailing the sermon series for November and December is available at the back of the church. You can listen to past sermons at our website Choose Tuesdays Café -­‐ Here! @StMarys Each Tuesday Morning – Come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and a chat – Children welcome -­‐ 10.00am – 12 noon. Join us for Thursday Lunch at 12.15pm in the Church Rooms. Can you offer a hospitality lunch on a Sunday ? Please speak to Bev Richardson to join the rota. Today at 6.30pm – The Joinery in the Church Rooms led by Peter Robottom with speaker Tim Smith – one of our ordinands -­‐ continuing a series on the Ten commandments -­‐ “Don’t bear false witness” . Next Week at 5.00pm Bereavement service-­‐ remembering especially those who have died during the past year. This is preceded by tea at 4.00pm at the back of the Church. Tickets, at £10 each , are now available for the Christmas Performance on th
Friday 12 December -­‐ “The Greatest Story ever told” . The Church will be closed to visitors on st
Friday 31 October. Rotas for Church hosting are in the pigeon holes . We need more volunteers – could you help? Every two weeks, a group from St Mary’s go to Humphrey Repton House for dementia care, in Henbury, on a Wednesday afternoon to sing with the residents. If you are able to join them – please ask a Warden or the Church Office for details. They will be there this week – join them and see if this is a way in which you could volunteer. st
Cubbaccino Café next Saturday, 1 November morning, 10.00am -­‐12.30 pm at the Scout Hut in Kewstoke Road . You are asked to make a note of the dates for next year’s visit to Lee Abbey-­‐ 17th-­‐19th April 2015 -­‐ which will be led by Reverend Mat Ineson – Please contact the church office to reserve your place -­‐ booking forms are now available. Mini church (for 0-­‐7 years) introducing Jesus through craft, friends, food, stories and song. st
Saturday 1 November at 3.00pm Church Contact Directory .This is due to be revised -­‐ If your information is incorrect or you are not listed-­‐ please complete a form from the back of Church and put in the Office pigeon hole, by October 31st. Present listings can be seen at the back of the Church. Volunteers to make and serve tea and coffee after the services, on a rota basis, are needed – please speak to a Warden, Jane Newton (for 9.00am) or Jeremy Barwell (for 10.30am). There are no Youth Groups this week as it is school half term holiday for many schools in Bristol -­‐ groups will resume next week. Shoebox appeal Please help make up shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. A list of suitable contents can be found on the notice board in the foyer – a sample box is on display on a windowsill at the front of the Church. Boxes need to be completed by 5th November. Each box needs £3 towards transport costs. LOOKING AHEAD: @ STMARY’S Saturday 8th November and Sunday th
9 November WW1 Exhibition th
• Saturday 15 November Changing Tunes – Cheese and Wine Evening • Saturday 29th November Winter Warmer • Friday 12th December “The Greatest Story Ever Told” The Christmas story in poetry, prose and song. • 15th-­‐21st December Christmas Tree Festival Our Alpha course continues on Wednesday evening – please contact the Church office for more details. We also have another chance to start an Open Learning course, please contact Albert Pearson, if you are interested. Simon Guillebaud has a new book -­‐ Choose Life: 365 Readings for Radical Disciples – A unique set of daily readings which encourages us to live the Christian life without compromise -­‐
copies can be purchased through Mike Stewart . Christians in Science on Friday 7th November 7.30pm at Tyndale Baptist Church – God and the Big Bang •
We would like to have a list of people who are able to offer occasional transport to the Church on Thursdays at 12noon for lunch or to services on a Sunday morning – please would you contact the Church Office if you feel able to help in this way. Stoke Bishop Primary School Fireworks th
Saturday 8 November. Gates open at 5.30pm and a BBQ and refreshments are available. Tickets £3 in advance or £4 on the gate. Winter Warmer Our annual Christmas sale will be held th
on Saturday 29 November. Please offer your help We need stall holders (either to help on stalls prepared by the Church or to run an idea of your own) We are collecting books and bric a brac to be sold (please leave in the Church porch) We need new items for prizes, for raffle and Tombola. We will need help with publicity Please speak to Yvonne or email at Sleigh Appeal The sleigh will be at the back of nd
the Church from 2 to 30 November – each year we collect toys, toiletries , hats and gloves to be shared between the Salvation Army and Sisters of the Poor in St Pauls . Food for thought : Find out about the work of Changing Tunes Charity­‐