October 22, 2014 Special points of interest: Mass-9:30 a.m. & Fall Festival 4:00 to p.m. Oct. 26 (Sunday) Photo Sessions; Youth Mass-I 0 those first drawing of the $60,000 raffle will be this Friday, Oct. 24. 2014. There will be 20 draw ings and if your ticket is pulled, it goes back in for ALL remaining drawings. Purchase individual tickets or go in on a group ticket! a.m. II Oct. 28 (Tuesday) School Faith Pilgrimage II Oct. 30 (Thursday) -Early dismis 1:30 p.m. & Soccer T ourna ment-2-5 p.m. II Oct. 31 (Friday) a.m. & I st Quarter Ends II Happy Halloween II Nov. I (Saturday) other, and "Nurturing a lifelong love for 24 (Friday) II II St. Mary's News Come out for an evening of food, fellowship and Hallow een howls. Join the 5MB ulty and Staff on Friday, Octo ber 24, 2014 for an evening of games, trunk-or-treat, face painting, our infamous haunt ed and perhaps a haunted hayride?? evenwith a costume at 4:30 p.m. and ends at 7 p.m. All proceeds from the night go to Relay for Ufe (Team St. Mary's Angels). student saints or no weapons, blood, masks, etc. ten your time, please the main office. Bring a check made out to St. Mary's amount of School in $35.00. The photogra pher will give you a link and a passcode to access your photos and you will pho able to tos you would like to purchase. Thank you to all who have supported this fundraiser. We are completely booked for all sessions this Sunday! to our school and our school families. All families should apply 2015-2016 ADWTuition You do not know what your circumstances may be next school year, and tui tion assistance might be helpful. assistance also helps our school. The more that apply and receive ADW assistance allows the parish to help more also. apply NOW and follow the listed in handout in the newsletter packet. Our talented and hard working NJHS are offering tutoring services again this year on Mondays. Please see the flyer and attached permis sion slip. Parents need to sign and return the per mission slip if they want their child to participate. Peer mentoring is an ex in Support the 8th efforts to to New York City by attending the Applebee's Flapjack Fund raiser. Mark your calendar for Nov. I, 2014 from 10 a.m. at the Plata Ap enjoy a dous breakfast. What a great way to start weekend with some family time supporting your 8th grade. Come you get bogged down with games and are $8.00 per person and are on now. See flyer for details. 8th grade students will there to serve you and thank you for helping them earn their way to NYC! cellent way to learn! Fundrais er Plata loca tion)-8-IO a.m. -Support the 8th Notre Dame Jill photography sessions will be held this Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014. Photographs will held to right of St. Mary's Church near the brick me morial. Families are asked to arrive at their assigned times. If you have forgot- Bryantown, MD 20617 tance Program Can you believe we need to begin thinking about next school year already! program is very important 301 301-843-3387 www.bryantown.org Page 2 St. Mary's News "Whoever does not Soccer Tournament Thanksgiving feast. Specific Please review the handout in this week's white enve lope packet. Mrs. Cusic is in need of volunteers to help make this event the best for our students, and those other participating schools. Please consider giving of your time and tal ent and volunteer as a coach, referee or other duties as noted by Mrs. Cusic. This is a great way to support your child while details will be forthcoming. earning volunteer hours. love does not know God, because God is love." I John 4:8 Friday Saint, Blessed or Servant of God-Feast Day or Passion Saint Anthony Claret Thanksgiving Baskets St. Mary's School partners with St. Mary's Church, and T.e. Martin Elemen tary School to fill baskets of food for need families in our Bryantown community. Beginning November 3rd through November 22nd we will be collecting food to help provide a Happy Thanksgiving to those in need. Each class will be assigned a specific food to contribute to make sure that each basket contains a healthful and proper Money Collection This is an important notice about sending in any pay ment to school whether it be check or cash. Please make sure to give all mon ey/checks/cash to Ms. Al ston or Mrs. Crozier in the main office. We cannot be responsible for any pay ment sent to school, but not given to these staff members. Thank you for your cooperation. Page 3 • GASP-a kid with no device? If you've chosen to delay device usage for your children, you've made an intel ligent choice. There's a correlation between kids texting too much and early sexual experimentation. High levels of social media use among preteens and teens is linked to higher levels of anxiety and can interfere with full participation in healthy activities-sports, homework, reading. But parents who delay device use need to talk their children through feelings of exclusion that can occur. "It's a valuable life lesson to learn the handle of hurt of exclusion, irrespective of why it occurs," writes Marybeth Hicks in Teachable Moments: Using Everyday Encounters with Media and Culture and Faith (Howard). "A sad faced middle schooler mustn't dictate your parenting decisions. When it comes to media and culture, it's your values, and not your children's friends, that must inform your choices." ARCHDIOCESE OF WASHINGTON 2015-2016 ADW Tuition Assistance Program The application period for the 2015-2016 ADW Tuition Assistance Program is now open. The deadline for all applications is Friday, December 5, 2014!! We strongly encourage all school families to apply. ALL families who received any form of tuition assistance for the current school year MUST apply for this assistance. Families must apply each year to receive assistance. Please to go www.mytads.com and click on "Financial Aid Assessment" to apply. Hard copies of the application are also available in the main office. If you have any questions, please contact the main office. Get ready for 5MB's Annual Fall Festival Friday, October 24, 2014 An event for family & friendsU Enjoy games, trunk-or-treat, face-painting, a hayride and haunted house, as well as delicious food and fellowship~ Event begins with a costume parade at 4:00 pm; ends at 7:00 pm (creativity encouraged; nothing gory or violent permitted; saints costumes get extra recognition) This event is sponsored by 5MB Faculty and Staff All proceeds donated to Relay for Life, Team St. Mary's Angels ************************* Return this portion of form if you would like to assist with donations or volunteer to help. Contact Mrs. Slay for more info @ slay@bryantown.org. Your Name: _______________________________________ How to reach you: _________________________________ How do you want to assist? Donation of small game prizes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Donation of baked goods ______________________ Tractor for hayride _ _ trailer _ _ hay bales _ _ Items for raffles ________________________ Other _________________________________ What is T.A.P.? TAP in a nutshell means "tuition assistance". TAP is a popular fundraiser because families don't have to sell anything. When you purchase TAP cards, you're purchasing gift certificates and prepaid cards that are used just like cash. You can use TAP cards to purchase everyday expenses like food, clothing, and other essentials, and with every purchase, you earn tuiition dollars for yourself and support St. Mary's Bryantown . . • • BARNES NOBLE •. I I . $10 Girt Canl ~ Applebee's "" 25 --- amazon.com STARBUCKS ~5 .... ' ... ""," - 5100 €iJ • • II •• • • TAP. Order Online MyScripWaliet 1M Online Form with Order with Howto Order with (new mobile app) Check Check PrestoPay only PrestoPay Payment Payment Place an order for Physical Cards J J J (sent home weekly in white envelope) Place an order to Reload a card J (*) (balance is avaialble in 24 hours J after oavment is orocessed) Place an order for ReloadNow! J (*) (balance available in minutes J after payment is orocessed) Place an order for ScripNow! (these are electronically sent to your email J (*) J J after payment is processed) J(*) = family must walt for school to process payment, all check payments process weekly J= PrestoPay accounts process when you complete the order Find Out More Every registered 5MB family has an online account, if you don't know how to use it, contact your TAP coordinator listed below. We can get you earning additional money today. St. Mary's Bryantown Bob Horecky- TAP Coordinator (301) 645-9126 or robert_horecky@comcast.net Date: l-amllY to De crear[~u . TUITIO'N ASSISTANCE ORDER FORM Telephone number in case there are questions about your order: Name: STORE Standard Rebate Card Value BJs (2%) $25 BJs (2%) $50 BJs (2%) $100 Food Lion (5%) $25 Food Lion (5%) $100 Giant (4%) $25 Giant (4%) $50 Giant (4%) $100 McKays (5%) $25 McKays (5%) $50 McKays (5%) $100 Nick's of Clinton (5%) $25 Nick's of Clinton (5%) $100 Safeway (4%) $25 Safeway (4%) $100 Rita's (seasonal offer) (10%) $5 Spirit of America Car Wash (15%) $25 Ledos -- Charlotte Hall (10%) $10 #of Cards Check#: Name & grade of youngest child (weekly white envelope): Extended Retail WRITE-IN STORES FROM ShopwithSE!Jp BELOW: 1 2 3 4 5 :; 7 B 9 10 TOTAL ORDER: $ . . Check out www.shopwlthscnp.com for dally updates & changes to store offers . Replacements will not be issued for lost or stolen cards. Please keep in a safe place. 2014 FALL SOCCER GAMES: GRADES 1- 8 Dear Our fall soccer Complex on Thursday, October 30 th for 1 - 8. begins at 15. Students to be PlCJKea up at the """.",v.,,;:> playing soccer may wear th school on 30 . ~!!!Jlli!l@~!:!u~!ill!:!!.!Ql:..ru!"'§!!!!!£!!!~!i!!l!ill~~£!:!:"£!~~!!Y be worn for grades 4 - 8 only. two for 4-5, and one for We will need at least 5 coaches; two for grades and 10 judges. If you have any experience 6-8. We also need 5 people need not be experienced. ball is with soccer, WE NEED YOU! in or out! Garnes will cancelled if we get volunteers. School will dismissed at 1:30 on game day transportation the soccer Please return the lower portion of students will to have their own form ASAP. will be cancelled and not PLEASE NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, the sure the rescheduled. All will be notified as soon as possible if this occurs. Please office your correct address or cell number for test blast. Please return lower portion only ASAP or ~~~!..,!;;!~~~...!....;!~~~~~~~~ 23rd. I time to up team rosters and get I am very grateful for the help I know will be provided to make tbis a fun day for our students. Cut here and save at home. return this portion to school BEFORE 10/23/14. STUDENT NAME(S) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ GRADE(S) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I am willing to: JUDGE picking up child up at school: -------------------------------Person picking up my child from the soccer field: -------------------------- Order Form 2014/2015 Milk Program 2nd Quarter Milk Program starts Mon., Nov. 3, 2014 To order: .. Please complete the form below .. Return form + payment by Thurs.• Oct. 30. 2014 .. Make your check payable to St. Mary's School .. A separate check is required for the Milk Program (Milk Money is kept in a separate account in accordance with state regulations. ) 2nd quarter cost:: $1S.00/child Grade: Child's Name: Flavor: White Chocolate Grade: Child's Name: Flavor: White Chocolate Child's Name: Flavor: Grade: White Chocolate Additional Quarter Prices: rd 3 quarter Milk Order cost == $lS.00/child rd 4 quarter Milk Order cost == $lS.00/child __ I wish to order 2 nd quarter only ($lS/child) __ I wish to order 2 nd & 3 rd quarters ($30/child) __ I wish to order for the remaining school year ($4S/child) Reminders: ~ Additional milk order forms will be sent at the end of the 2nd & 3 rd quarters. ~ Changes to your child's flavor choice may be made at that time. Thank you. Enjoy a short stack for a tall cause. You're invited to an Applebee's® Flapjack Fundraiser breakfast to support 8th Grade @ St. Mary's Bryantown Catholic School Tickets Cost: $8.00 per person November 1,2014 (8am -10am) Applebee's 10 Shining Willow Way La Plata, MD 20646 Meal includes: Pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs and a beverage (coffee, juice, soda or tea.) Please contact school at 301/932·6883 to purchase a ticket. This flyer is only intended for advertising purposes. Ticket valid for pancake event only. Applebee'S® menu items are not included as part of purchase. applebees.com 'The 2014 White J{ouse Christmas Ornament The 2014 White House ornament honors the administration of Warren G. Harding. As a young boy, Harding dreamed of being a locomotive engineer-a wish that was to come true for 51 minutes when as president, he took over the controls on the Alaskan railroad during the "Voyage of Understanding," his famous transcontinental speaking and sightseeing tour. Great Gift Idea! Friends and Co-Workers Baby's First Christmas First Christmas Together Day Care Provider / Babysitter Teacher's Gift Secret Santa Mailman or UPS COST Single (1) Ornament $20 each Three (3) or more Ornaments $18 each Pre-Order Todav! Ornaments will be delivered Fridav. December 5 Thank you for supporting St. Mary's Bryantown 8th Grade Fundraiser!! Proceeds are being raised for their Spring 2015 New York trip. • ------------------------------------------------Please return order form and payment by November 26 to: Sarah Crozier c/o lexi Crozier, Grade 8. Make checks payable to St. Mary's School # or Ornaments at $20 each (lor 2): _ _ __ # of Ornaments at $18 each (3 or more): _ _ __ Name: _________________ Telephone: ________________ Amount Enclosed: ________________ Ornaments can be picked up in the school hall on December 5, or backpacked home. ~o One in 100 Chances to Win, the Students Win Every Time! • Monthly drawings for cash prizes beginning in October • 20 opportunities to win cash prizes • Your ticket enters you in all $1,000 and $4,500 drawings as well as the Grand Prize Drawing • Drawings will be held on Oct. 24, Nov. 2, Nov. 25, Dec. 13, Dec. 18, Jan. 23, Jan. 29, Feb. 7, Feb. 19, Feb. 27 & Mar. 6. • Grand Prize Drawing of $20,000 held on March 6, 2015 $60,000 Raffle Ticket Form If you would like to purchase a ticket or go in on a ticket, please fill out this form and mail it with your payment of $100 to St. Mary's Bryantown, 13735 Notre Dame Place, Bryantown, MD 20617. Attn: Sarah Crozier. Please call 301.932.6883 or 301.843.3387 for more information. Name/s: ------------------------------------------------------ Address: _____________________________________________________ Phone Numberls: ------------------------------------------------- Email/s: _____________________________________________________ St. Mary's Bryantown • 13715 Notre Dame Place, Bryantown, MD 20617 • 301.932.6883 or 301.843.3387 NJHS TUTORING SERVICE > > When: Mondays (after school) Time: 3:45-4:30 PM (if parents are not present after 4:30, children go directly to BAC and will be charged) > Wllere: 2nd Grade classroom ~We tutor students from grades 1 to 5, any subject, and make sure they have fun! Please make sure children return permission slip to respective teacher so they can be sent/collected in office Tutoring permission slip Student's first and last name: ---------------- Grade: -----Parent's/guardian's signature: ---------------------------Are there any particular subjects your child needs assistance on? Please check off the days your child can attend tutoring: October 27 ***Please make sure your child will be present at the tutoring session CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS Court Bryantown #771 RAFFLE!! Handmade King Size AMISH Quilt (Shown Below) Drawing December 18 th , 2014 Chances: $1 each or $5 for 6 Tickets may be obtained from Ashley O'Haver @240-425-3500 or Ashley.ohaver@yahoo.com Color pictures can be emailed Proceeds help fund our many charities. Thanks for all your support.
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