24 October 2014 Dear Parent/Carer YEAR 11 MOCK EXAMS: 26 NOVEMBER – 5 DECEMBER 2014 Year 11 mock exams will be taking place from Wednesday 26 November until Friday 5 December 2014. These exams are of vital importance to our students, as it will give them an accurate assessment of where they are in their learning and highlight areas that need more work before their final GCSEs in May and June 2015. The results will also be used in some subjects to decide the level of exam that they will sit in May/June. To underline the importance of the exams, our intention is to make the mock exam experience as close to that of external examinations as possible, so that students are encouraged to approach them with the same level of seriousness and also become familiar with what will be expected of them when they take part in the real thing. Inevitably, this means that there will be potentially serious consequences for any students whose conduct does not meet these expectations. With this in mind please be aware of the following points: Exam start times are, morning session 9am, afternoon sessions 1.15pm. Students should arrive on time to all exams. All exams will take place in the Main Hall, unless otherwise stated on the seating plans. All students should have at least two Black pens (all external exams are required to be completed in black pen), pencil, eraser, ruler and any other equipment needed for their exams e.g. calculator, protractor and a pair of compasses. All equipment should be in a clear pencil case or clear poly-pocket/food bag. Mobile phones and electronic devices are not allowed in the exam hall. If students have brought any into school, they should hand them in at the start of the exam, and should be aware that failure to do so will result in disqualification. Exams will be conducted under Exam Board regulations. This means that any student not following these rules will be disqualified from the exam. All students should check the seating plans displayed on the exams noticeboard, on the doors of the Main Hall yard entrance and on the windows near B4 & B5 before their exams. Please confirm receipt of this letter and your son/daughter’s mock examination timetable (attached) by completing the reply slip below and returning it to the Exams Office. Your help and support is vital to this process and is greatly appreciated. Yours sincerely Mrs K Saunders Examinations Officer YEAR 11 MOCK EXAMS: 26 NOVEMBER – 5 DECEMBER 2014 Name of Student ……………………………………………………………. Form …………….………… I have received the letter and timetable regarding the mock examinations and understand the points raised. Signed……………………………………………………………………………Parent/Carer Year 11 Mock Exam Timetable B Week Wednesday 26/11/14 Thursday 27/11/14 P1 P2 P3 History Paper 1 1 h 45m P4 P5 Maths Paper 1 1h 45m Child Development 1h 30m RE 1h 30m Music 1h Biology 1h History Paper 2 1h 20m Friday 28/11/14 A Week Geography Paper 1 1h 30m Child Development (3 students) 1h 30m P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Food 2h Monday 01/12/14 Chemistry 1h Health & Social Care 1h Graphics 2h Catering 1h 30 Sports Studies 1h 30m Tuesday 02/12/14 Maths Paper 2 1h 45m Textiles 2h Catering (2 students) 1h 30m Wednesday 03/12/14 English Language 2h 15m German Reading & Listening FT 35m, HT 45m; FT 30m, HT 50m Thursday 04/12/14 French Reading & Listening FT 35m, HT 45m; FT 30m, HT 50m Spanish Reading & Listening HT 45m & HT 50m Friday 05/12/14 Resistant Materials 2h Physics 1h
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