Central’s CONNECTIONS CENTRAL SCHWENKFELDER CHURCH, 2111 Valley Forge Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 - 610-584-4480 www.cscfamily.org Love Love God. God. Serve Serve Others. Others. Grow Grow Disciples. Disciples. October 26, 2014 Welcome…we are glad you are here! If you are a visitor with young children, we have childcare available during our worship services. For children 0-3 years of age we have a NURSERY. Youngsters 4-8 years of age can go to the Beginners room when excused from the Worship Service. Both classrooms are in the main hall of the main floor. For exact locations, please ask an usher who can direct you to the proper classroom. Church News and Notes The Flowers on the Altar are given to the Glory of God and in Loving Honor and Memory of: John Edward Fisher Stephen Knapp Those needing prayer: (*Discharged from medical facility) Frank Davis – Paoli Hospital Congratulations to Ryan and Amanda Gallagher on the Dedication of their daughter, Kellan Gallagher, in today’s Informal Worship Service. Thank you – The Clothing Reruns Committee sends a big thank you to all the members and friends of this congregation for generously donating their clean and gently used clothing to the Country Fair. We had a banner year. Not only did we have a good sales year, but we supplied at least 12 local missions with clothing and Liberty Ministries picked up the final leftovers. Ladies and men – if you would like to help with this wonderful mission next year, please call Sue Sproule, Fran Witte or Judy Berger Calendar of Events Sunday, October 26~ Rev. Bill Kalajainen Reformation Sunday 9:00 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m. Traditional Morning Worship Service Sunday School for all ages Informal Worship Service Wired and Crave Eagles Party (CCC) Dorian Choir (CCC) Small Group – Ephesians (ACR) Monday, October 27 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. United Choir Mtg. (CHAP) United Choir (FH) Chancel Bells (PP) CSC Men’s Basketball League (CCC) Tuesday, October 28 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Worship Band Practice (SANC) North Pennsmen (FH) Hebrew Christian Fellowship Small Group (BLUE) Mission Board (PP) Bethel Bible (BETH) Wednesday, October 29 Please read today’s Bulletin insert for the dates still available for November’s Inter-Faith Hospitality Network to see where you can help. So far there is one family (a mom and a 15 year old student) that will arrive here on Saturday. Please prayerfully consider where you can help. Prayer for Church Life Thank God for our Music Department. Ask for God’s blessing to be upon Sally House, Ben Modica, Joanne Lepping-Irvine, Patricia Simpson & Wayne Wurtz as they continue to plan and develop inspiring music for our congregation. Prayer for Missions Remember in prayer the directors, staff and residents of Advanced Living Communities**. The mission of this organization is to manifest the love of Jesus Christ by providing affordable housing and services to senior citizens. Please pray specifically for those facilities serving elderly and disabled persons – Schwenckfeld Manor, Schwenckfeld Terrace & Derstine Run. **supported by our Board of Missions 9:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Happy Days, Reserved (NARX) Women’s Bible Study – Nehemiah (CCC) LAMPS (FH) Junior Choir (JR) Genesis Bells, Grades 6-12 (PP) Women’s Bible Study – Nehemiah (ACR) AWANA Bonfire and Hayride (CCC) 363 Worship (CHAP) Celebration Brass (FH) Prayer Meeting (PRAY) Brasswind (FH) Chancel Choir (SANC) Nominating Committee (QUILT) Thursday, October 30 7:00 p.m. Women at Risk (WAR) Planning Mtg. (ACR) Friday, October 31 Saturday, November 1 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Work Project (STEEL) NEXUS (AYS) Daylight Savings ends. Remember to turn your clocks back one hour when you go to bed tonight. Calendar of Events continued on next page…….. Sunday, November 2~ Rev. Dr. David McKinley All Saints Sunday 9:00 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:15 p.m. Traditional Morning Worship Service Sunday School for all ages Informal Worship Service Lite Bites (FH) Dorian Choir (CCC) Wired and Crave (CCC/AYS) Small Group – Ephesians (ACR) Nominating Committee (BETHEL) COUNTRY AUCTION SEEKING DONATIONS With the Country Auction just a few weeks away – on the th evening of Saturday, November 15 – the committee is still gathering donations for the Live and Silent Auctions. Some of the most popular auction offerings have been handcrafted items, art, antiques, and vacation or weekend get-aways. Donations already include an overnight getaway to Ocean City, NJ, including accommodations at The Flanders Hotel, gift certificates for shore favorites like Manco & Manco pizza, and a pound of Shriver’s salt water taffy…tickets to see “Mary Poppins” at the Walnut Street Theatre…a framed original watercolor by artist Bill Bourne…beautiful crocheted blankets and quilted wall hangings…several custom-framed counted cross-stitch pieces from Gladys Rittenhouse… a unique wall-hung coat rack with shelf made of poplar and cherry by Brad Smith…a hand-crafted Fraktur of the “Serenity Prayer”…gift baskets filled with locally harvested honey, wine (alcohol-free) and cheese, and movie snacks with a Redbox gift card…as well as a set of hand-crafted note cards. Today is the deadline for the donation of auction items for inclusion in the printed program. There will be a member of the auction committee in Fellowship Hall following today’s service, so feel free to stop by to ask any questions or let them know of an auction item you will be donating. The committee is also seeking volunteers to help at the event, and dessert donations for the buffet table, so please let them know if you can help. The Country Auction will include a Silent Auction and complimentary Dessert Buffet starting at 6:30 p.m., followed by the Live Auction starting at 8:00 p.m. It should be a fun evening, especially as it will conclude with the excitement of the drawing of the winning “Stitches for Missions” ticket for a beautiful quilt hand-stitched by our Quilters group. If you would like to purchase “Stitches for Missions” tickets now, or if you would like a packet of tickets to sell to friends and coworkers, please contact Holly Sensenig at (610) 5840918. Tickets cost $2 each, or three for $5. A new addition to this year’s auction activities will be door prizes, and anyone in attendance will be eligible to win! Remember, all proceeds from the Country Auction will benefit Central’s missions! YOUTH NEWS WIRED & CRAVE EAGLES PARTY! TONIGHT, October 26th @ 4:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. in the CCC! Wired & Crave will be having pizza and snacks and enjoying the Eagles fast-paced offense on multiple big screens while having the run of the Community Center. Don’t Miss Out! AWANA Awana meets Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at the Central Community Center. Because the weather did not cooperate this past Wednesday, the Bonfire and Hayride th is now rescheduled for this week, October 29 ! PLEASE invite and bring friends! Awana is open throughout the year th to kids in Kindergarten through 5 grade. DONUTS! Donut Day! Donuts will be available in the Middler Room after class on the fourth Sunday of each month for any current and former student. Please feel free to stop by after class! INFANT DEDICATION Today we have the pleasure of dedicating Kellan Gallagher, daughter to Ryan and Amanda Gallagher during the Informal Worship Service. th The next Infant Dedication will take place on November 9 in the Traditional Service. If you would like to have your child dedicated at that time, please contact Juli Apple in the rd church office by November 3 . FIRST FRIDAY FUN NIGHT! The next First Friday Fun Night at the Central Community th Center will be November 7 from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. All church members and their guests are invited to come and enjoy the open gym and lounge for recreation, games, and fellowship. All for FREE, no charge, zippo money! Hope to see you there! BOARD OF MISSIONS NEWS Our two Inter-Faith Hospitality Network families will arrive at st Central this Saturday, November 1 . There are still open dates for overnights, meals, and morning and evening transportation to the Day Center in Souderton. (Transportation will definitely be needed as one family does not have a car.) If you have not yet signed up for one of the slots on the Missions Board in the main hallway, please consider how YOU can help with this important community outreach. Carolyn Channell and Trish Simpson will be happy to answer your questions about any aspect of the program. There is also an opening for Overnight Coordinator. WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Please sign up today! Today’s bulletin insert has more detailed information. STITCHES FOR MISSIONS TICKETS AVAILABLE TODAY Stop by Fellowship Hall today and get a look at the beautiful “Stitches for Missions” quilt, “Country Lane,” which will be raffled at the conclusion of the Country Auction on th November 15 . Hand stitched by Central’s Quilters, the design features appliquéd flowers and vines in the center, and was crafted with an off-white background, with accents of green, blue and burgundy. Tickets will be on sale in Fellowship Hall today, and for the next two Sundays, at the cost of $2 each, or three for $5. WOMEN AT RISK (WAR) PLANNING MEETING Thursday, October 30th Women at Risk, International is an organization that rescues women and children from human traffickers here, and around the world, providing them with safe shelter. A th planning meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 30 at 7:00 p.m. in the Ander’s Conference Room to get ready for th th the Holiday Shopping Event which is December 5 and 6 . Please, come out and learn more about WAR and help in the planning of this event. Women of all ages are welcome to come out and help with this worthy mission. 2nd ANNUAL MEN’S RETREAT: Jan. 15 – 16, 2015 The Men of Central and Board of Christian Education are excited to announce our second annual Men’s Retreat. It th th will take place from January 15 – 16 , 2015. We will be traveling to Spruce Lake retreat center in the Poconos (about 30 minutes north of Stroudsburg). This retreat is an annual event organized by Spruce Lake, bringing together 200+ men from a number of churches. The event will start with a steak dinner at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday and will end around 4:00 p.m. on Friday. Our time may be relatively short, but we believe that it will still be an impactful and uplifting event. Our teacher will be local pastor Greg Lafferty. Greg previously pastored at Saddleback Church in California, where Rick Warren is the senior pastor. There will also be time for worship, recreation (tomahawk throwing?), and personal renewal. Worship will be led by Mitch McVicker, who regularly toured with Rich Mullins. The cost will be $109, which should cover all costs at the retreat (food, lodging, speaker, etc). A deposit of $25 is due at the time of registration. Good News: We have 50% off discount coupons for the first 25 “first timers” who register! To ensure your spot, please register by Sunday, November th 30 . There is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall. You can also register directly with Peter Colvin (267-664-5923, peter_colvin@verizon.net). Please make checks payable to Central Schwenkfelder Church, with “Men’s Retreat” written on the memo line. Checks can be placed in Peter’s mailbox. Please note that this retreat is open to non-members (same price). This is a PERFECT opportunity to connect your family or friends with our church! Please contact Peter for more information, and you can also go online to: http://www.sprucelake.org/events/calendar/mens-retreat/ We are praying that you will attend this retreat, which is sure to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus. WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP The WCF Nominating Committee’s slate of officers is as follows: Barbara Bucher, President; Amelia Stetler, VicePresident; Wendy Kaminsky, Recording Secretary; Marilyn Seipt, Corresponding Secretary; Carol Fryling, Treasurer. These current officers have agreed to run for office for another 2-year term. The slate is now OPEN to all women in the congregation to make other nominations. Anyone making a nomination must first get the permission of the nominee before submitting the name and that of the nominee. PLACE NOMINATIONS in an ENVELOPE in Beverly O’Brien’s th church mailbox by November 16 . Nominating Committee: Wendy Kaminsky, Bev O’Brien, Doris Plager, Pat Zambella OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD It’s not too late to join the project! Fill a box, leave items for group “fill-ups”, or leave an envelope with a check to Samaritan’s Purse (or cash for underwriting the group activity) in the Buchanan mailbox. The deadlines and locations for the Christmas Child Shoe Box ingathering are set. For our boxes to join the caravans, we need them under the Buchanan mailbox on or before ND NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 . Keep in mind that your check will not clear until the boxes reach the North Carolina packing center. THE SOCIETY OF THE DESCENDANTS OF THE SCHWENKFELDIAN EXILES ANNUAL FALL MEETING TODAY 2:00 p.m. Annual Fall Meeting & Election of Officers st Meeting Room, 1 Floor Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center 105 Seminary Street, Pennsburg, PA 2:30 p.m. “Letters from a Montana Sheep Man” Presented by Darlene Schneck Darlene Schneck will be presenting the true, fascinating story of her Schwenkfelder ancestor, Isaac S. Schultz of Hereford, Pennsylvania. Born in 1851, Isaac was a scholar, a pioneer in the Wild West, and a missing man for 44 years. Isaac's tale will be told through letters, maps, photos, and other historical documents from the 1880s and 1931 when he was discovered. Darlene will also share how his story came to light and then became a book entitled “Letters From a Montana Sheep Man.” UNITED SCHWENKFELDER CHOIR FUND DRIVE The United Schwenkfelder Choir began its annual fundth raising campaign on Monday, October 6 ! Our fundraiser provides almost 60% of our revenue. All contributions are recognized by printing the donor’s name in our program. The Patron level requires a contribution of $5.00 or more. The Contributor level requires a contribution of $10.00 or more. Sponsor level requires a contribution of $25.00 or more. The Business Card level requires a contribution of $35.00 or more along with your business card which will be slightly reduced and printed in our program. Members of the choir will be in Fellowship Hall after both services or any United Schwenkfelder Choir member will accept your contribution at any time. Our fund drive will close rd on Monday, November 3 so that we have sufficient time to compile and print all of the names in our program bulletin. th This year is our 86 year of music ministry, and our concerts th will be presented on Sunday, December 7 , at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. here at Central. PUBLIC INVITED / HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE / REFRESHMENTS FOLLOW Worship Service Leaders and Full-Time Church Staff Senior Minister Associate Minister Youth Pastor Director of Music Worship Team Coordinator Church Organist Cherub Choir Director Bell Choir Director Church Administrator Pastoral Assistant/CCC Head of Maintenance Rev. Dr. David W. McKinley Rev. William D. Kalajainen Pastor Julian A. Scavetti Sally L. House Wayne C. Wurtz Benedict Modica Joanne E. Lepping-Irvine Patricia J. Simpson Leslie J. Reyburn-Shisler Juli R. Apple Edwin R. Sturm, Jr. Church Leaders and Board Chairs Moderator Vice Moderator Board of Christian Education Vernon K. Seipt Don L. Casey Peter A. Colvin Board of Deacons Kathryn L. Casey Board of Ministries Carl B. Sensenig Board of Missions Patricia J. Simpson Board of Trustees Mark A. Singer Garden of Memories President Harris D. Gramm, III Announcements and Connections information can be emailed to BulletinInfo@cscfamily.org. Please note that information is due Wednesdays by 10:00 a.m. CD’s of the 9:00 a.m. worship service are available for a $1 donation and can be ordered through the church office. Sermons are posted on the church’s website under “Central to Life”.
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