Document 374126

Parish office: 538-3194
Pastor: Fr. John MacPherson
678-3303(Kentville Office)
Associate-Pastor: Fr. Craig Cameron
St. Anthony’s
120 Mill St., Box 250, Berwick, NS
St. Anthony of Padua
Remember, next Sunday, November 2nd is Food Bank Sunday!
Catholic Parish
November 2nd, after Mass there will be a meeting for those who have signed up to help with the
Christmas Baskets (In the Fr. Stokes Memorial Room)
PO Box 250, Berwick, NS B0P 1E0
Parish Office: 538-3194
Pastor: Father John MacPherson
678-3303(Kentville Office)
Associate Pastor: Fr. Craig Cameron
October 26th, 2014~ Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deacon: Rev. Mr. David Hasler 681-1601
Parish Council Chair: Jacinta Harvey 538-7110
Responsible Ministry Protocol Coordinators: Kathy Fleiger 679-4523 & Don Sanford
Weekend Mass Schedule
Weekday Mass Schedule (Oct.27th-31st)
Saturday :St.MQHE Hantsport 4:00pm
Saturday: St. Lawrence Mission 4:00pm
Sunday: St. Francis’ Parish 9:00am
Sunday: St. Anthony’s Parish 9:00am
Sunday: St. Joseph’s Parish 11:00am
Sunday: St. John…, Windsor 11:00am
Sunday: St. Joseph’s Parish 5:00pm
Monday: * 9:00am Kentville
* Please check the
Tuesday: * 6:30pm Windsor
office message
Wednesday: *6:30 Wolfville(St. Francis) as these masses
Thursday: * 6:30pm Berwick
may be subject
* 12.30pm Wolfville (Acadia Chapel) to change.
NEW Evangelization!
Parish Registration Forms: available on
the back bulletin board
House Blessings and Home Visits:
Contact Office
Prayer Group:
Tues 9:30am Helen Oliver - Rose Storms
Food Bank Sunday:
1st Sunday of each month
Sunday School:
Resumes Oct.5th
(Gather in Parish Centre 10:15am)
Baptism: Contact Office
RCIA: Contact Office
Confessions available before all weekday masses.
Sat.11:00am-12 noon Kentville
Sat: 3:15pm Canning
Marriage: 6 months’ notice, contact Office
Holy Orders: Contact Fr. Craig
Communion to Sick: Contact Office
Anointing of the Sick: Contact Fr. Craig
Please have any bulletin announcements submitted to the parish office by each Thursday
at noon. (Email if possible), or phone the office (leave a message). Thank you.
(Office hours 9am-3pm on Fridays) .
An electronic copy of the bulletin is available; if you wish to receive one, let the office know.
The Ministries schedule for Nov/Dec. will be available today at the back table.
Dinner Theatre News
Tickets are now being booked for St. Anthony’s Dinner Theatre
“Uncle Phil’s Gator Homecoming, 1957”
The dates of the 4 performances are: Fri. Nov 14th, Sat. Nov.15th, Fri. Nov. 21st and Sat. Nov. 22nd
To book your tickets, call Dorothy or Graeme at 538-7407. Tickets are going well!!
St. Anthony’s Annual Ticket Auction will be held on Saturday, November 1st.
We are less than one week away. Doors open at 10:00am; draws at 2pm. Canteen available.
Still in need of donations (new items), especially items for the children's table.. A box will be placed at the entrance of
the church for your donations. Please have these in no later than Thursday evening. Thanks.
Parish Mission –
St. Joseph’s, Kentville
(Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings & evenings)
Have you got questions like: What good is God? Where am I going? Why don’t prayers work? Why do some people get the best of me?
Do I have to love everybody?
9am Mass ~ (with Talk) 7pm ~ Main Talk
Come and explore your questions of the faith with Paulist Fr. John Collins.
Haven’t been to church recently? Don’t worry! All are welcome.
Check out Fr. Collins on “You don’t know Jack” at
Open Arms Ministry will be accepting donations of used winter coats, boots, mitts, etc… (All sizes)
They may be left
in the old hall basement (in the kitchen) clearly marked for “open Arms”.
Are you a non- Catholic interested in inquiring about the Catholic faith?
Are you a Catholic adult who has never celebrated 1st communion and/or Confirmation, but
have been thinking about it?
If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then maybe RCIA is for you.
For more information, please phone Fr. John or Fr. Craig at 902-678-3303.
Please remember to notify the parish office or Fr. Craig or Fr. John directly if you or a loved one are in hospital or home bound
and would like either Holy Communion or Holy Anointing.
Mass Intentions
Sun. Oct. 26th:Owen O’Neill
by Jacinta and Dan Harvey
Thur. Oct.30th: Michael Creelman
by Rose Storms
Sun. Nov. 2nd: Julien D’Entremont
By Dorothy, Graeme and Girls
Collection for October 19th , 2014
Reg. Env. (48) / Loose
$ 852.50
Building Fund(2)
Mass Intention
Rel. Art.
Evangelization of Nations(12)
Social Action
$ 1064.50