Y outh
E ducation
S ervice
G rowth
O utreach
D iscipleship
October 23, 2014
Volume: 51
Number: 10
A monthly publication of Pasadena
Christian Church (DOC)
789 N. Altadena Drive Pasadena •
CA 91107 • 626.798.0591
Stewardship Campaign
is Coming!
Our theme for this year’s
Stewardship Campaign is
“Same Hope, New Future”.
Our giving emphasis is based on Jeremiah
29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,
declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not
to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future.” During the campaign, we will ask each
one in our church community to prayerfully
consider how you can share in God’s ongoing
work in our church, community and world.
Letters with a giving guide and pledge card will
be sent out the week of October 27th. The
pledge cards help the church plan the future
ministry. We will be requesting that the cards
be completed and returned by Sunday,
November 16, 2014.
Nancy Lahey
Chair of the Stewardship Committee.
Join the Women
of Pasadena
Church in
We will enjoy a
potluck dinner
After dinner, we may also have a brief
presentation about the Quadrennials held
last summer by one or more of the women
who received scholarship funds from our
church women.
When: Monday November 10th, 2014
at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Milt Bilderback’s home 2091 N. Roosevelt, Altadena, 91001
Please RSVP with the dish you plan to bring
to Nancy Lahey (323) 255-2423 by
Wednesday, November 5th 2014.
November 30, 2014 Pick up your Advent Devotional
In this booklet for Advent, celebrate the joy we have in Jesus every
day of our lives because of his birth. Author Jerry Cattleman helps readers
see through Scripture readings, reflections, prayers this includes daily
activity suggestions that joy in Jesus is something to be received and
embraced by each one of us this season. It also expresses that our love of
God is experienced– not only during Advent—but throughout the year.
Pastors corner
Just Bill….
‘Give thanks With a Grateful Heart, ‘ is a
favorite hymn of mine. Gratitude sets
forth a firm backdrop for ministry as I
begin partnership with you.
The moment I stepped into the Pasadena
pulpit, you welcomed me with gracious
and loving hearts. I felt this in the depths
of my soul. Your energy and your
compassionate spirits burst with
eagerness and readiness to envision …
‘how we do church!’ A new chapter in our
journey of faith has begun - - indeed.
First, a few lines of my history! As you
know, our ministry is not quite new. I’ve
been here before! You may remember
when my family and I first arrived in
Pasadena in February of 1978. You called
me from pastoral ministry with First
Christian Church of San Jose. For the next
twelve-plus years you became my church
Since those beginning days in ‘78 and now
my return in ‘14, the clock has moved
forward - - beyond our imaginings. We
live in a world of change, dramatic
change. The technological explosion has
especially impacted the way in which we
live, the way we dress, the way we eat,
the way in which we communicate - and
even in the way we do church!
I return with confidence that together, our
ministry in mission here on our sacred
corner of Altadena Drive and Loma Vista
will stretch forth ‘upon doorsteps to the
ends of the earth!’ For empowerment of
this call, let’s each one ‘give thanks with a
grateful heart’ coupled with faith and
conviction . . . blessed by the Holy Spirit!!
Music Corner
Sunday, October 19, was an opportunity
for some great music at Pasadena
Christian Church. With the installation of
our new pastor, Rev. Bill Backstrom,
some traditional hymns got a lively
“re-do.” “Be Thou My Vision” and
“Here I Am, Lord” were symbolic of new
beginnings and visioning in our church,
while giving each attendee a chance to
think about how they make themselves
available to God. The “Fly Away Medley”,
sung by the Celebration Singers, was light
and upbeat - reflective of the steps we
take at the church to grow more fully in
God’s Spirit.
The choir has been busy preparing for our
Christmas Concert, Sunday, December
7 at 4:00pm. The voices of many of the
choir members will be highlighted
individually in songs such as
“Gesu Bambino”, “Riu, Riu, Chiu”
(a 15th-century Spanish carol) and
“Laudamus Te” from Vivaldi’s “Gloria.”
One of the full choir anthems will be
“A Light Will Shine”, which combines
modern, lush harmonies while integrating
the hymn “Come, Thou Long Expected
Jesus.” Opportunities for singing carols by
the whole assembly will abound. After the
concert, there will be a lively “Wassail”
party, with refreshments and wishes for
a happy, healthy year 2015!
Starting with the first Sunday of Advent,
November 30, traditional carols will be
prominent in the services. We look
forward to the next few months of praising
God – and serving one another – in song.
Allis Druffel,
Music Director
Prayer Concerns
Sunday Scriptures
(Deaconates' and Elders please meet with the pastor
before service on the day of serving in the chapel before worship)
November 2
Title: The Pattern
Matthew 23:1-12
Communion Elder:
Offering Elder:
Deacon: Lynn Chastain & Skyler Cain
Communion Set-up: Skyler Cain
Bread Preparation: Lynn Chastain
Scripture Reader: Milton Bilderback
Hospitality: Jenni Tubbs
November 9
Title: Ready or not here I come
Matthew 25:1-13
Communion Elder:
Offering Elder:
Deacon: Ian MacMillan & Felix/Andi Cordeiro-Benson
Communion Set-up: Nancy Lahey
Bread Preparation: Lynn Chastain
Scripture Reader: Andi Cordeiro-Benson
Hospitality: Kathie Reilly
November 16
Title: Use Your Potential
Matthew 25:14-30
Communion Elder:
Offering Elder: Jim Fraser
Deacon: Christopher Strayer
Communion Set-up:
Bread Preparation: Lynn Chastain
Scripture Reader: Janice MacMillan
Hospitality: Janice MacMillan
November 23
Title: Love Embraces
Revelation 1:4-8
Communion Elder:
Offering Elder:
Deacon: Kathie Reilly
Communion Set-up: Kathie Reilly
Bread Preparation: Lynn Chastain
Scripture Reader:
November 30
Communion Elder:
Offering Elder:
Communion Set-up:
Bread Preparation: Lynn Chastain
Scripture Reader:
all in the family
prayer concerns
And celebrations…
Worship was blessed by many friends
from the region and the life of Rev
Backstrom- including his family- Mary K,
Heather, Melissa, David & Taylor; Rev
Susan Gonzalez-Dewey-co-minister of the
region. All joined in supporting all of us in
this journey we are embarking upon together.
Joe and Joan Malcor are celebrating their
58th wedding anniversary.
Allis Druffel- Her sister has been battling
breast cancer for past 2 years and the
chemo appears to be working as the
original tumor is not growing.
Linda Boyd- all the nodules from the
scans last July are significantly smaller or
non existent.
Pasadena Christian Church was blessed on
Sunday, Oct 19, with the installation of
Rev William Backstrom as our transitional
minister for the next 3 years
For all those suffering from Cancer.
For all those who are grieving the loss of a
loved one.
Concerns for the world, including those
who lost their lives in Afghanistan
recently and Poland.
In Our Thoughts and Prayers…
Kevin Albert, Alma Hall,
Bea & Dennis Loesch, and Dolores Nance.
Phyllis Wolf-November 1
Elizabeth Cain-November 9
Kathleen, Cortland-November 9
Brint Tubbs, Jr-November 13
Skyler Cain-November 25
Jim Tubbs -November 28
Thank You Notes
Mary K. and I wish to take this
opportunity to ‘Thank You’ for the wonderful
Installation and reception Sunday (October
19). You put a great deal of thought and
love into the celebration. Friends and
visitors remained for the delicious and
generous reception.
The cupcake sheet cake honoring
me was wonderful. It was exactly what
I wanted!
Thanks again for all your effort and
love. You are a wonderful congregation with
tremendous gifts. It is a pleasure to serve
you and be a part of such a delightful fellowship of Christians. We have a rich and
magnificent future with Christ’s leading.
Bill & Mary K. Backstrom
October 4th Women’s Program
Eight women from Pasadena Christian
Church and friends gathered for another very
special program - “A Safe Place to Call
Home” on Saturday morning, October 4th at
the home of Doris Anne Hendin in Altadena.
We thank Doris Anne for her warm
hospitality and Mary Ann Logan for providing
the delicious food for our meeting. We also
thank Marley Postlewaite for sharing her
experiences with us. She has been buying
the food and organizing the monthly meals
that our church provides to the homeless at
the Adult Center in Pasadena for several
We are thankful for our guest speaker,
Greg Prout, a lead volunteer and advocate
for Union Station. He explained that Union
Station Homeless Services are committed to
helping homeless men, women and children
rebuild their lives. He told us about Union
Station’s full continuum of eight programs in
seven location in the San Gabriel Valley and
provided us with literature fro Union Station.
Nancy Lahey
Dear Mary Ann and Doris Anne,
I wish I remembered all the names
of your special group. I want to thank all
of you for your hospitality and your
generosity. Saturday, October 4th 2014,
was a wonderful experience for me. Thank
you again for your gift to me. In gratitude,
I will pass it on to Union Station… from
your heart to theirs. The United States is
made up of people just like yourselves…
people who are compassionate, willing to
give back and to make a real difference.
Thank you!
Greg Prout
Union Station Representative
Welcome to B.J. & Megan Barlow, who
placed their membership by transfer to
fellowship with our congregation on
September 28. We give thanks for their
commitment to the life and ministry of the
church and for opportunities to grow
together in Christ love.
23 Message:
Love Embraces
30 First Sunday of
Hanging of the
Use Your Potential
Elder’s Meeting
Ready or not here
I come
* Elizabeth Cain
* Kathleen Cortland
The Pattern
All Saints Day
Deaconat’s Meeting
CWF Thanksgiving
Potluck 6:30 p.m.
* Skyler Cain
Veterans Day
Cabinet 6:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Day!
Office Closed
Choir Rehearsal
6:30 p.m. Chapel
Choir Rehearsal
6:30 p.m. Chapel
* Brint Tubbs Jr.
Choir Rehearsal
6:30 p.m. Chapel
Union Station
7:00 p.m.
Sunday Services
10:30 a.m.—Worship celebration with communion;
Be a Friend—Invite a friend!
Office Closed
* Jim Tubbs
* Phyllis Wolf
Pasadena Christian Church
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Pasadena, CA
Permit No. 1608
789 N. Altadena Drive
Pasadena, CA 91107
(626) 798-0591
Dated Material
Come grow with us!
October 27Stewardship Campaign Begins
October 31st Harvest Festival - Victory Park - 5:00 p.m.
November 2nd—
All Saints Day
Deaconat’s Meeting—Following Worship
November 6th Choir Rehearsal - 6:30 p.m.
Union Station 7:00 p.m.
November 10th CWF Thanksgiving Potluck - 6:30 p.m.
November 11th—
Cabinet Meeting - 6:30 p.m..
November 13
Choir Rehearsal— 6:30 p.m.
November 16—
Elder’s Meeting –Following Worship
November 20Choir Rehearsal - 6:30 p.m.
November 30 First Sunday of Advent—
Hanging of the Greens following worship.
Don’t Forget
November 2nd at 2:00a.m.
set your clocks back one hour
to standard time.
Pasadena Christian Church is…
Rooted in Christ, with roots in Pasadena
 Worshiping God for 100+ years
 Welcoming all believers to weekly communion
 Where those of diverse backgrounds can
find a common home
Providing opportunities for learning, serving, and
spiritual growth through:
 Bible classes
 Small-group ministries
 Prayer groups
 Helping neighbors at Friends in Deed House
Embracing diversity, serving the community.
Weekly Services
Sunday: 9:30 am: Bible Study
10:30 am: Worship celebration with communion
5:00 pm: Alcoholics Anonymous
7:30 pm: Adult Children of Alcoholics
Thursday: 7:30 pm: Alcoholics Anonymous
Monday-Friday — 11:30 am: Senior Meal Program