Document 395348

Divine Mercy Parish
November 9, 2014
Dedication of St. John Lateran
• 8:00 a.m. (Latin on last Sat. of month)
• 4:00 p.m. Vigil
• 6:30 p.m. (Vigilia—Español)
• 8:30 a.m.
• 10:30 a.m.
• 6:00 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday
• 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
• 7:30 a.m.
Saturday 3:00—3:45 p.m.
Sábado 5:45 p.m.—6:15 p.m. (Español)
30 minutes before Sunday Masses
By appointment
Contact Us
Church & Parish Office:
4337 Sal Lentini Pkwy Kenner, LA
Phone: 504-466-5016
Fax: 504-264-5394
Emergency: 504-444-8997
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School:
St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome, the cathedral of the Bishop of Rome (the pope)
Offertory Giving
Capital Campaign
Dedication Anniversary Divine Mercy
Church/Pot Luck
Aniversario de la Dedicación de la
Iglesia Divina Misericordia/Pot Luck
Please come to our potluck lunch at
the Divine Mercy Parish Community
Center to celebrate the first anniversary of the dedication of our church
on Sunday, November 16, 2014 at
12:00 noon. Please, if you last
name begins with:
Por favor venga a nuestra pot luck en
el centro comunitario parroquial de la
Divina Misericordia para celebrar el
primer aniversario de la dedicación de
nuestra iglesia el Domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014 a las 12:00 p.m. Si
la letra inicial de su apellido es
A-D— Bring Vegetables
A-D—Por favor, traiga verduras
E-G—Bring Dessert
E-G—Por favor, traiga un postre
H-J—Bring Meat Dish
H-J—Por favor, traiga un plato de carne
K-N—Bring Salad
O-Q—Bring Casserole
R-U—Bring Soft Drinks
V-Z—Bring Bread or Rolls
Please sign up on our website by November 13 or after Mass November 8-9
indicating your dish. Doors open at
10:00 a.m.
K-N—Por favor, traiga ensalada
O-Q—Por favor, traiga una cacerola
R-U—Por favor, traiga refrescos
V-Z—Por favor, traiga pan
Por favor indique su platillo en nuestra
página de web antes del 13 de nov. o
en la iglesia el 8-9 de noviembre . Se
abren las puertas a las 10:00 a.m.
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
Divine Mercy Parish
Page 2
St. Joseph Sunday Missal
Today’s Readings:
Next Sunday:
p. 1491
p. 647
To purchase a Sunday Missal for $20,
please see an usher.
Family Prayer
oving and faithful God, through
the years the people of our archdiocese have appreciated the prayers and love of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in times of war, disaster, epidemic
and illness. We come to you, Father, with
Mary our Mother, and ask you to help us
in the battle of today against violence,
murder and racism.
We implore you to give us your wisdom
that we may build a community founded
on the values of Jesus, which gives respect to the life and dignity of all people.
Bless parents that they may form their
children in faith. Bless and protect our
youth that they may be peacemakers of
our time. Give consolation to those who
have lost loved ones through violence.
Hear our prayer and give us the perseverance to be a voice for life and human
dignity in our community.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to
help us.
Mother Henriette Delille, pray for us that
we may be a holy family.
4:00 pm Mass
Christ, Be Our Light.
1. Longing for light, we wait in darkness.
Longing for truth, we turn to you.
Make us your own, your holy people,
light for the world to see.
Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts.
Shine through the darkness.
Christ, be our light!
Shine in your church gathered today.
2. Longing for peace,
our world is troubled.
Longing for hope, many despair.
Your word alone has pow’r to save us.
Make us your living voice.
3. Longing for food, many are hungry.
Longing for water, many s ll thirst.
Make us your bread, broken for others,
shared un l all are fed.
4. Longing for shelter,
many are homeless.
Longing for warmth, many are cold.
Make us your building, sheltering others,
walls made of living stone.
5. Many the gi s, many the people,
many the hearts that yearn to belong.
Let us be servants to one another,
making your kingdom come.
By: B. Farrell©1993. OCP Publica ons. All rights
reserved. Used by permission. License # 608353.
All Who Are Thirsty
1. All who are thirsty,
all who are weak,
come to the fountain.
Dip your heart in the stream of life.
Let the pain and the sorrow
be washed away
in the waves of His mercy
as deep cries out to deep.
We sing:
Come, Lord Jesus, come.
Come, Lord Jesus, come.
Come, Lord Jesus, come.
Come, Lord Jesus, come.
2. All who are thirsty,
all who are weak,
come to the fountain.
Dip your heart in the stream of life.
Let the pain and the sorrow
be washed away
in the waves of His mercy
as deep cries out to deep.
We sing:
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
Holy Spirit, come.
Holy Spirit, come.
Holy Spirit, come.
Holy Spirit, come.
As deep cries out to deep.
As deep cries deep, we sing:
Come, Lord Jesus, come.
Come, Lord Jesus, come.
By: B. Brown, G. Robertson©1998. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License
#11201196. Song #2489542.
These Alone Are Enough
1. Take my heart, O Lord,
take my hopes and dreams.
Take my mind with all
its plans and schemes.
Give me nothing more than your
love and grace. These alone,
O God, are enough for me.
2. Take my thoughts, O Lord,
and my memory.
Take my tears, my joys, my liberty.
Give me nothing more than your
love and grace. These alone,
O God, are enough for me.
3. I surrender, Lord, all I have and hold.
I return to you your gi s untold.
Give me nothing more than your
love and grace. These alone,
O God, are enough for me.
4. When the darkness falls
on my final days,
take the very breath that
sang your praise.
Give me nothing more than your
love and grace. These alone,
O God, are enough for me.
By: D. Schu e©2004. OCP Publica ons. All rights
reserved. Used by permission. License # 608353.
Sending Forth
Sing a New Church
1. Summoned by the God who made us
Rich in our diversity,
November 9, 2014
Dedication of St. John Lateran
Gathered in the name of Jesus,
Richer s ll in unity:
Let us bring the gi s that differ
And, in splendid, varied ways,
Sing a new church into being,
One in faith and love and praise.
Page 3
nuestro Dios es compasivo.
El Señor guarda a los sencillos,
estando yo sin fuerzas me salvó.
serán consolados por Jesús, el Rey.
Si eres buen amigo, si eres buen vecino,
estará con go nuestro hermano, Jesús.
4. Alma mía, recobra tu calma,
que el Señor fue bueno con go;
arrancó mi alma de la muerte,
mis ojos de las lágrimas,
mis pies de la caída.
3. Bienaventurados los sacrificados;
los desamparados
serán grandes ante Dios.
Tiende más tu mano,
haz a todos hermanos
con tu cris anismo y amor a Dios.
2. Radiant risen from the water,
Robed in holiness and light,
Male and female in God’s image,
Male and female, God’s delight:
Por: L. C. Montgomery©1999. OCP Publica ons. Todos los derechos reservados.
Usado con permiso. Licencia # 608353.
3. Trust the goodness of crea on;
Trust the Spirit strong within.
Dare to dream the vision promised,
Sprung from seed of what has been.
Pan de Vida
1. Yo soy el Pan de Vida.
El que venga a mí
no tendrá hambre;
ni sed, el que crea en mí.
4. Bring the hopes of ev’ry na on;
Bring the art of ev’ry race.
Weave a song of peace and jus ce;
Let it sound through me and space.
Pan de Vida;
danos siempre de ese pan.
Tú eres el Pan de Vida:
danos siempre de ese pan.
5. Draw together at one table
All the human family;
Shape a circle ever wider
And a people ever free.
By: D. Dufner, OSB©1991. OCP Publica ons. All
rights reserved. Used by permission. License #
Misa - 6:30 pm
en presencia del Señor. (bis)
1. Amo al Señor, porque escucha
mi voz suplicante,
porque inclina su oído hacia mi
el día que lo invoco.
Por: Juan Espinoza©1973.OCP Publicaons. Todos los derechos reservados.
Usado con permiso. Licencia # 608353.
2. El que coma de este pan
vivirá para siempre.
El pan que yo les daré es mi cuerpo,
vida del mundo.
3. El que coma de mi carne
y beba de mi sangre
vive de vida eterna
y yo lo resucitaré.
1. Bienaventurados, pobres de la erra,
porque de ustedes es el reino de Dios.
Bienaventurados los que pasan hambre,
los que lloran sangre por amor a Dios.
4. Yo soy la resurrección.
Yo soy la vida.
Todo el que crea en mí,
aunque muriera, vivirá.
2. Me envolvían redes de muerte,
caí en tristeza y en angus a,
invoqué el nombre del Señor:
"Señor, salva mi vida".
Alégrense y llénense de gozo,
porque les esperan
maravillas en el cielo.
Alégrense y llénense de gozo,
bienaventurados serán.
3. El Señor es benigno y justo,
2. Bienaventurados los desesperados,
Por: P. Rubalca©1989.OCP Publica ons.Todos los
derechos reservados. Usado con permiso. Licencia #
Canto Final
Cristo está Conmigo
Cristo está conmigo,
junto a mí va el Señor,
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
Divine Mercy Parish
me acompaña siempre
en mi vida hasta el fin.
1. Ya no temo, Señor, la tristeza,
ya no temo, Señor, la soledad,
porque eres, Señor, mi alegría,
tengo siempre tu amistad.
2. Ya no temo, Señor, a la noche,
ya no temo, Señor, la oscuridad,
porque brilla tu luz en las sombras
ya no hay noche, Tú eres luz.
3. Ya no temo, Señor, los fracasos,
ya no temo, Señor, la ingra tud,
porque el triunfo, Señor, en la vida
Tú lo enes, Tú lo das.
Page 4
3. When we share the bread you’ve broken
With the many and the few,
We are blessed and we are broken;
We belong to you.
4. We are called to share your word, Lord,
In all we say and all we do.
As our journey moves us onward,
We belong to you.
By: T. Thomson©2006. OCP Publica ons.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
License # 608353.
5. Ya no temo, Señor, a la muerte,
ya no temo, Señor, la eternidad,
porque Tú estás allá esperando
que yo llegue hasta Ti.
Por: J. Espinosa©1973. Obra Publicada
por OCP. Todos los derechos reservados.
Usado con permiso. Licencia # 608353.
8:30 am Mass
We Belong to You
We belong to you, O Lord of our longing,
We belong to you.
In our daily living, dying and rising
We belong to you.
1. In the waters of your mercy,
When the old becomes the new,
Souls united in the myst’ry:
We belong to you.
2. Filled with gi s and filled with goodness,
Spirit breathing life into
All who seek to find their purpose:
We belong to you.
2. All our lives are a Myst’ry;
we see not where they lead.
We are asked now to trust you
and we know we must believe.
As our feet become Christ’s feet,
we go forth with the grace
of the power and the Spirit
that is here in this place.
3. Though the world may tell us
to look at ourselves,
we reach out to another
where suffering dwells.
As our hands become
Christ’s hands,
we are healed by the grace
of the power and the Spirit
that is here in this place.
4. Ya no temo, Señor, los abismos,
ya no temo, Señor, la inmensidad,
porque eres, Señor, el camino
y la vida, la verdad.
as one in the Lord.
We are gathered as people
who are living the Word.
Our hearts and our spirits
are nurtured by grace.
It is Jesus who fills us.
He is here in this place.
All Who Are Thirsty
(See 4 pm Mass – Offertory)
In This Place
1. We are all hungry people,
we need shelter and strength.
We are one in our hur ng,
we are one in our pain.
In our suff’ring and sadness,
we are saved by the grace
of the power and the Spirit
that is here in this place.
We are gathered at table
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
4. In the bread that is broken
is the Christ that restores.
As we take, now receive him,
we find love evermore.
As the bread becomes Body,
we are filled with the grace
of the power and the Spirit
that is here in this place.
By: T. Thomson; V. Thomson©1996. OCP
Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by
permission. License # 608353.
Sending Forth
All are Welcome
1. Let us build a house
where love can dwell
And all can safely live,
A place where
saints and children tell
How hearts learn to forgive.
Built of hopes and dreams and visions,
Rock of faith and vault of grace;
Here the love of Christ shall
end divisions:
November 9, 2014
Dedication of St. John Lateran
All are welcome, all are welcome,
all are welcome in this place.
2. Let us build a house
where prophets speak,
And words are strong and true,
Where all God's children dare to seek
To dream God's reign anew.
Here the cross shall stand as witness
And a symbol of God's grace;
Here as one we claim the faith of Jesus:
3. Let us build a house where
love is found
In water, wine and wheat:
A banquet hall on holy ground,
Where peace and jus ce meet.
Here the love of God, through Jesus,
Is revealed in me and space;
As we share in Christ the
feast that frees us:
By: B. Hurd©1991. OCP Publica ons. All
rights reserved. Used by permission.
License # 608353.
10:30 am Mass
All are Welcome
(See 8:30 am Mass – Sending Forth)
We Come to Your Feast
1. We place upon your table
a gleaming cloth of white:
the weaving of our stories,
the fabric of our lives;
the dreams of those before us,
the ancient hopeful cries,
the promise of our future:
our needing and our nurture
lie here before our eyes.
We come to your feast,
we come to your feast:
the young and the old,
the frightened, the bold,
Page 5
the greatest and the least.
We come to your feast,
we come to your feast
with the fruit of our lands
and the work of our hands,
we come to your feast.
2. We place upon your table
a humble loaf of bread:
the gi of field and hillside,
the grain by which we're fed;
we come to taste the presence
of him on whom we feed,
to strengthen and connect us,
to challenge and correct us,
to love in word and deed.
3. We place upon your table
a simple cup of wine:
the fruit of human labor,
the gi of sun and vine;
we come to taste the presence
of him we claim as Lord,
his dying and his living,
his leading and his giving,
his love in cup outpoured.
4. We gather 'round your table,
we pause within our quest,
we stand beside our neighbors,
we name the stranger 'guest.'
The feast is spread before us;
you bid us come and dine:
in blessing we'll uncover,
in sharing we'll discover
your substance and your sign.
no hands but yours
to soothe all its suff’ring,
no touch but yours
to bind the broken hope
of the people of God.
2. No eyes but yours
to see as Christ would see,
to find the lost,
to gaze with compassion;
no eyes but yours
to glimpse the holy joy
of the city of God.
3. No feet but yours
to journey with the poor,
to walk this world
with mercy and jus ce.
Yours are the steps
to build a las ng peace
for the children of God.
4. Through ev'ry gi ,
give back to those in need:
As Christ has blessed,
so now be His blessing,
with ev'ry gi a benedic on be
to the people of God.
By: S. Warner©2003. World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # ALC1102091.
Sending Forth
Christ Be Our Light
(See 4 pm Mass – Entrance)
By: M. joncas©1994. GIA Publica ons. All
rights reserved. Used by permission. License # A-722878
6:00 pm Mass
Hope to Carry On
1. I can see Jesus hangin' on a cross,
I can see Jesus hangin' on a cross,
I can see Jesus hangin' on a cross,
He came lookin' for the lost.
And love has come,
and love has come,
love has come,
and He's given me hope to carry on.
Christ Has No Body Now But Yours
Christ has no body now but yours,
no hands but yours.
Here on this earth yours is the work,
to serve with the joy of compassion.
1. No hands but yours
to heal the wounded world,
2. I can hear Jesus sayin',“Father,forgive”
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
Page 6
Divine Mercy Parish
I can hear Jesus sayin',“Father, forgive”
I can hear Jesus sayin',“Father, forgive”
Oh, what a thing He did.
Love has come, love has come,
love has come,
and He's given me hope to carry on.
1. Oh, how could it be that my
God would welcome me
into this mystery,
say “Take this bread, take this wine?”
Now the simple made divine
for any to receive.
3. And you know Peter
put away his sword.
I can see Peter,
he's pu n' away his sword.
I can see Peter, he put away his sword,
he won't fight no more.
Love has come, love has come,
love has come,
and He's given me hope to carry on.
I go a carry on.
By Your mercy, we come to Your table.
By Your grace, You are making us faithful.
By: R. Mullins©1998. All rights reserved.
Used by permission. CCLI License
#11201196. Song #775190.
2. See His body, His blood; know that
He has overcome ev'ry trial we will face.
And none too lost to be saved,
none too broken or ashamed.
All are welcome in this place.
Refiner’s Fire (Purify My Heart)
1. Purify my heart,
let me be as gold
and precious silver.
Purify my heart,
let me be as gold,
pure gold.
Refiner's fire:
My heart's one desire
is to be holy,
set apart for You, Lord.
I choose to be holy,
set apart for You my Master;
Ready to do Your will.
2. Purify my heart,
cleanse me from within
and make me holy.
Purify my heart,
cleanse me from my sin,
deep within.
By: B. Doerksen©1990. All rights reserved. Used by
permission. CCLI License #11201196. Song #426298.
Remembrance (The Communion Song)
Lord, we remember You,
and remembrance leads us to worship.
And as we worship You,
our worship leads to communion.
We respond to Your invita on
We remember You.
free at last, mee ng face to face.
I am Yours, Jesus, You are mine.
Endless joy, perfect peace,
earthly pain finally will cease.
Celebrate, Jesus is alive,
He's alive.
(to refrain…)
Oh, what a glorious day,
what a glorious way,
that You have saved me.
And oh, what a glorious day,
what a glorious name.
(to refrain…)
What a glorious, glorious day,
I'll never be the same.
By: B. Cantelon; T. Hughes©2006. All rights reserved.
Used by permission. CCLI License #11201196.
Song #4847027.
Dying, You destroyed our death.
Rising, You restored our life.
Lord Jesus, come in glory [Repeat 3
By: M. Maher; M. redman©2009. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License
#11201196. Song #5484616.
Sending Forth
Happy Day
1. The greatest day in history,
death is beaten, You have rescued me.
Sing it out, Jesus is alive.
The empty cross, the empty grave,
life eternal, You have won the day.
Shout it out, Jesus is alive,
He's alive.
And oh, happy day, happy day,
You washed my sin away.
Oh, happy day, happy day,
I'll never be the same,
forever I am changed.
2. When I stand in that place,
We are looking for
volunteers to take
home the Vocations
Cross for one week
and pray for vocations.
Call Bee LaJaunie,
469-6579, cell 481-6579.
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
Sunday, November 9
Mass Intentions
• Second Collection, Debt Reduction
• Mass, 10:30 am, Church
• LIFE TEEN Mass followed by LIFE Night,
6 pm-8:45 pm, Church
4:00 PM
Monday, November 10
• Saint Leo the Great
• Home and School meeting, 7 pm
SEAS lunchroom
• Legion of Mary, 7 pm, SEAS Cry Room
• Initiation into the Catholic Faith, 7 pm
Tuesday, November 11
• Catechesis (K-5), 6:30-7:45 pm, SEAS
• Lord, teach me to pray, 7 pm, SEAS cry
• Girl Scout Service unit meeting, 7 pm,
6:30 PM
8:30 AM
SEAS church
• Divine Mercy Mature Adults, 7 pm,
Parish community center [PCC] *
Wednesday, November 12
• Saint Josaphat
• Spanish Choir , 7:30 pm, Church
Thursday, November 13
• Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
• Sociable Seniors, noon, PCC*
• Sweet and Shop SEAS home and
school association, 6 pm, SEAS church
• Sacred Heart Promoters meeting, 7
pm, SEAS Cry room
• Contemporary adult choir rehearsal, 7
pm, Church
Friday, November 14
• SEAS girl scout meetings, 3 pm, SEAS
PE room
• Troop 40167 Junior and 40806 cadet-
te, 7 pm SEAS church
Saturday, November 15
• Drama Club, 10 am, SEAS church
• Misa hispana, 6:30 pm, Iglesia
• RCCHJ, 8 pm, Centro parroquial
Sunday, November 16
• Solemnity of the dedication of Divine
Mercy Parish church
• Celebration of the first anniversary of
the church, 11:30 am, PCC *
Alton (co on) Olinde First Anniversary of Death
Tommy Reine
Linda G. Comeaux
Arthur Aloysius Sauve
Barbara Messina
Joseph & Mata Drake
Inten on of a parishioner
Recipients of the prayer blankets (living)
Marcella & Marcy Beter (living)
Blanche Gulo a
Earl Pelitere, Sr.
In thanksgiving to God and His Servant
St.Therese, the Li le Flower
• EDGE , 6:45– 8 pm, Trailer-SEAS
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11/9/2014 10:30 AM
11/9/2014 6:00 PM
11/10/2014 6:30 PM
11/11/2014 6:30 PM
11/12/2014 7:30 AM
11/13/2014 7:30 AM
11/14/2014 7:30 AM
11/15/2014 8:00 AM
Chick and Vivian G. Breaux
Emilio Aguilar Gallo
Luisa Aguilar de Abarca
Ligia Bigerio de Garcia
Gilberto Romero
Natalie Aguilar Bartling
Isabel Urcuuyo de Somoza
Danilo y Martha Reyes (living)
Joshua Cassaday (living)
Mrs. Doris H. Schlo erer
Nickie Schiele (living)
Ginny Ketelhut
Ernest Landry
Hien Tran
Tommy Reine
Madeleine P. Rappold
Eldridge Nissen
Johnny Mar nez
For all parishioners
Kayla Breaux
Jim Aitken
Souls in Purgatory
Macy Demma
Jo Anne Boes Holmgren
Carrie McCloskey
Pray for Paul Kurk Bridges, son of Carolyn Bridges,
Nelly Capenea, mother of Nancy Mumphrey and
mother-in-law of Doug, & Mary Wehle, wife of Frederick Wehle, Sr. May their souls and the souls of all
the faithful departed, through the mercy of God,
rest in peace!
Ore por ellos. Que descansen en paz!
• LIFE TEEN Mass, 6 pm
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
Divine Mercy Parish
Page 8
St. Paul said to the leaders of the
church in Corinth, “Brothers, you are
God’s building. According to the
grace given to me, like a wise builder I laid a foundation, and another is
building on it. But each one must
be careful how he builds upon it, for
no one can lay a foundation other
than the one that is there, namely,
Jesus Christ.” Cor. 3: 9-11
There is much confusion among Christians due to the
mixed messages coming out of the recently concluded
Synod on the Family in Rome. Members of the church
are fearful that the basic laws of Christianity may be
changed to accommodate the current secular culture.
Unfortunately we will be in this state of limbo for at
least a year before the hierarchy meets again to discuss the issues and send their report to the Pope for
his decisions. There is one thing we can be sure of and
that is this – as St. Paul assures us, Jesus is the head
of the church and none of us can change the basic precepts of the faith and no one will. Jesus promised to be
with His church until the end of time and we can count
on Him to keep His word. At this time He is calling on
us to trust Him.
Let us pray: Loving Shepherd, You promised to be with
your church in every age. Be with us amid the tensions
and uncertainties of our time. We also pray for all
Church leaders that they will listen for the voice of the
Lord through the Holy Spirit who dwells in each heart.
Build your trust in Jesus through the enthronement of
the Sacred Heart. For more information call AnneMarie d'Abadie - 443-2204 or email (English) or Lynda Peña - 338-4306
Prayer Blanket Ministry
If anyone would like to request a prayer blanket
for someone who is ill or in need, please call Meryl
Rooney at 472-4383. Donations are gratefully
appreciated, but not required.
Ministerio de la Manta de Oración
Si alguien quisiera solicitar una manta de oración
para alguien que está enfermo o lo necesita, por
favor llame al 472-4383 Meryl Rooney. Apreciamos sus donaciones, pero no son necesarias.
Interfaith Voices for Peace
All are welcome to gather for Interfaith Voices for Peace, an
interfaith and multicultural gathering to pray for peace in
our hearts, in our communities and in our world on Wednesday, November 19, 2014. Everyone is invited to gather in
the Loyola University Horseshoe beginning at 6:15 p.m. and
the service will begin at 6:30 p.m. Archbishop Aymond will
be joined by participating various faith traditions including
Christian, Muslim and Jewish leaders. The service prayer
and song will culminate in lighting the Loyola Horseshoe
with candles. For more information contact Fr. Emile
“Buddy” Noel at
Sociable Seniors Meeting
The Sanctuary Candle burns this week in memory
Alton “Cotton” Olinde
The Sociable Seniors will meet next on Thursday, November 20, 2014 at Noon with doors opening at
11:00 a.m. in the Parish Community Center. The
meetings last approximately 2 to 3 hours. Refreshments are served at all meetings.
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
November 9, 2014
Dedication of St. John Lateran
San Pablo dijo a los líderes de la iglesia en Corinto, “Porque nosotros somos cooperadores de Dios, y ustedes
son el campo de Dios, el edificio de
Dios. Según la gracia que Dios me ha
dado, yo puse los cimientos como lo
hace un buen arquitecto, y otro edifica encima. Que cada cual se fije bien
de qué manera construye. El fundamento ya está puesto y nadie puede poner otro,
porque el fundamento es Jesucristo.” I Cor 3:9-11
Hay mucha confusión entre los cristianos
debido a los mensajes contradictorios que salen del Sínodo de la familia que acaba de concluir en Roma. Los
miembros de la iglesia temen que las leyes básicas del
cristianismo se pueden cambiar para adaptarse a la cultura secular actual. Lamentablemente vamos a estar en
este estado de limbo durante al menos un año antes de
la jerarquía se reúne de nuevo para discutir los temas y
enviar su informe al Papa por sus decisiones. Hay una
cosa podemos estar seguros de que es y esto - como St.
Paul nos asegura, Jesús es la cabeza de la iglesia y
ninguno de nosotros puede cambiar los preceptos básicos de la fe y nadie lo hará. Jesús prometió estar con su
Iglesia hasta el fin de los tiempos y podemos contar con
Él para cumplir su palabra. En este momento Él está
llamando a nosotros a confiar en Él.
Oremos: Buen Pastor (Jn 10:11-14), Usted prometió estar
con su iglesia en todas las edades. Quédate con nosotros
en medio de las tensiones e incertidumbres de nuestro
tiempo. También oramos por todos los líderes de la Iglesia que van a escuchar la voz del Señor a través del Espíritu Santo que habita en cada corazón.
Page 9
Voces Interreligiosas para la Paz
Todos son bienvenidos a reunirse para interreligiosas Voces
por la Paz, una reunión interreligiosa y multicultural para
orar por la paz en nuestros corazones, en nuestras comunidades y en nuestro mundo el miércoles 19 de noviembre de
2014. Todos están invitados a reunirse en frente de la Universidad de Loyola, estacionamiento ubicada sobre 6363
St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, a las 6:15 pm y el servicio
comenzará a las 6:30 pm. El Arzobispo Aymond estará
acompañado por varios participantes , incluyendo cristianos, musulmanes y líderes judíos. La oración y el canto
servicio culminarán en la iluminación de la estacionamiento
de Loyola con velas. Para obtener más información de contacto Padre Emile “Buddy” Noel at
Lunes: Ti 1:1-9; Sal 24 (23):1b-4ab, 5-6; Lc 17:1-6
Martes: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Sal 37 (36):3-4, 18, 23, 27,
29; Lc 17:7-10
Miércoles: Ti 3:1-7; Sal 23 (22):1b-6; Lc 17:11-19
Jueves: Flm 7-20; Sal 146 (145):7-10; Lc 17:20-25
Viernes: 2 Jn 4-9; Sal 119 (118):1-2, 10-11, 17-18;
Lc 17:26-37
Sábado: 3 Jn 5-8; Sal 112 (111):1-6; Lc 18:1-8
Domingo: Pro 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Sal 128 (127):1-5;
1 Tes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]
Construye tu confianza en Jesús a través de la entronización del Sagrado Corazón. Para obtener más información, llame al Anne-Marie d'Abadie - 443-2204 or
email (English) or Lynda Peña - 3384306 (Spanish).
Reuinion para Mayores de Edad
Las velas del Santuario, estarán encendidas esta
semana, en memoria de
Alton “Cotton” Olinde
Los Seniors Sociables se reunirán el próximo en Jueves,
20 de noviembre 2014 al mediodía con la apertura de
puertas a las 11:00 horas, en el Centro de la Comunidad Parroquial. Las reuniones duran aproximadamente
2 a 3 horas. Se sirven refrescos en todas las reuniones.
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
Divine Mercy Parish
Page 10
Eucharistic Adoration
24/7 in the Adoration Chapel
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Thurs. & Fri., 3 pm, Adoration Chapel
Following weekday morning Masses
Monday—Friday before Mass
Sat. before 8 am Mass
Sun. before 8:30 am Mass
Sábados, 6:00 pm (Español)
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena
Please pray for our parishioners • Ore por los feligreses:
Nickie Schiele, Sybil Huesmann, Janice Semmes, Paul Tusa, Glenn Farell, Jr.,
Leticia Barrilleaux, Bee Lajaune, Irene Balderas, Marie Baldareas, Marie
Garatie, Jane Miller, Mary Deist, Cheryl Fourcade, Thomas Bawry, Ronnie Ferguson
Names will remain on the list one month. Call 466-5016 to add a name.
Please pray for our military and others serving overseas • Por favor, ore por los
miembros del militar y por los otros que están sirviendo en otros paises:
Nathan Flitcraft, Matthew Wayne Comeaux, Gabriel Padilla, Lawrence Forestier, Kyle Connell, Nolan Connell, Sean Connell, Robert “Matt” Locke, Mauricio
Tábora, Chad Toledo, Joshua Mickles, Randall Brown, Derick Savery, Stewart
Clark, Troy Bodenheimer, T.J. Allo, Roderick Singleton, Justin Griffin, Jimmy
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that You are
in the Blessed Sacrament. I love
You above all things, and I long
for You in my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually
into my heart. As though You
have already come, I embrace
You and unite myself entirely to
You; never permit me to be separated from You.
Wednesdays, following the 7:30 am Mass
Fr. David Dufour
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. Bryan Howard
Noel Martinsen, Drea Capaci, Brian McKnight
Director of Religious Education:
Luke Arredondo
Youth Minister:
Ryan Foulon
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School Principal:
Joan Kathmann
Acto de Comunión
Mi Jesús, yo creo que Tú estás
en el Santísimo Sacramento. Yo
te amo por encima de todas las
cosas y yo Te deseo en mi alma.
Como ahora no puedo recibirte
sacramentalmente, al menos
ven a mi corazón espiritualmente. Como ya has venido, Yo te
abrazo y me uno enteramente a
Nunca permitas que me separe
de Ti.
Welcome Jesus into your
hearts and homes
Revelation 3:20
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