W 2015 Nomination Form for Deacons & Elders e have listed those members who currently serve in these roles; you may wish to ask them about the service and work they have volunteered to undertake. Self-nominations are encouraged. The ACNC will consider all nominations and propose a slate of candidates for congregational vote. Additional forms are available at all name tag tables and in the church office. Completed forms may be left in the church office, in the offertory plate or in the ACNC mailbox in the church office workroom. Please feel free to contact any member of the ACNC. We sincerely thank you in advance for your help and participation. Elders Deacons Class of 2015 Class of 2015 Sally Burns Bevan Duncan Jan Gibson Lynnette Hinch Jeff Howard Jim Kellock Jerry Ligon Mike Borkowski Liz Bradner John Gescheidle Tom John Kathy Moeller Kemper Ryan Sue Sanborn Frances Swaine 2015 Youth Elders Kristen Clair Jack Traynor 2015 Youth Deacons Class of 2016 Class of 2016 Kitty Lansing Fred Montgomery Fred Block Pat Ensing Jody Hillger Members of the ACNC Ted Notz (847) 830-6689 eunotzjr@comcast.net Bill Ensing (847) 234-4851 bill@ihidem.com Liz Gescheidle (847) 234-5124 lizlf@sbcglobal.net Marcy Kerr (847) 295-8316 m.kerr@comcast.net Bernie Layton (847) 615-8819 b.layton@stantonchase.com Jim Seymour (847) 735-1366 jseymour@euclidexec.com Laurie Valassis (847) 234-5326 lvalassis@aol.com Mary Watanabe (847) 816-3520 marytammeuswatanabe@gmail.com Martha Zeeman (847) 234-0082 martha@zeemanfamily.com Vicki Murphy John Norkus David Templin Tracy Tolmie Dewey Winebrenner God saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace. 2 Timothy 1: 9 The All-Church Nominating Committee (ACNC ) has begun the process of gathering names of servant leaders for our church: Ryan Murray Selene Serkland Elder Deacon Jill Moot Jim Perrin Beverly Raudabaugh Patti Tucker Martha Zeeman Class of 2017 Class of 2017 Allen Davies Laura Johnson Geoff Murray Ted Notz Bob Price Todd Puch Mary Watanabe Kristin Wildman Laura Carothers Dan Fietsam Lisa Gross Marcy Kerr Susan Layton Hope May Joy McGreevy Shawn Ward Member-at-Large of the ACNC The congregation of First Presbyterian Church of Lake Forest is encouraged to offer suggestions for consideration. First Presbyterian Church of Lake Forest 700 North Sheridan Road, Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 www.firstchurchlf.org You are invited to study the position descriptions and submit your confidential suggestions of someone else or yourself on the forms provided. Self nominations are encouraged The slate will be presented to the congregation at the annual meeting. T he congregation is invited to offer nominations for church officers. Below is a general list of expectations. Please offer your confidential suggestions on this form and submit to the church office by Sunday, November 16, 2014. Christian Living and Personal Characteristics w Willingness to serve God and the ministry of Jesus Christ with energy, intelligence, imagination and love w Be a friend among colleagues in ministry and service Elder Term: June 2015- May 2018 Ruling elders, together with teaching elders, exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a congregation as well as the whole church, including ecumenical relationships. Deacon Term: June 2015- May 2018 The ministry of deacon is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress. Book of Order, G-2.0301 Book of Order, G-2.0201 We are looking for adult members to serve as Elders for a three-year term and two youth Elders to serve a one-year term. We are looking for adult members to serve as Deacons for a three-year term and two youth Deacons to serve a one-year term. In addition to the Personal Characteristics and Church Involvement listed , an Elder will: In addition to the Personal Characteristics and Church Involvement listed, a Deacon will: w demonstrate leadership experience w be able to attend a monthly Session meeting and serve actively on a Session committee w have volunteer leadership and/or meaningful involvement in one of our church ministries w be able to attend a monthly Board of Deacons meeting, and devote time to congregational caring ministry. All -Church Nominating Committee Term: June 2015 - May 2016 This committee nominates new Elders, new Deacons, new members of the All-Church Nominating Committee and special committees as needed by the congregation. There are 9 members: 5 Members at-large from the Congregation 2 current Elders and 2 current Deacons For All-Church Nominating Committee Member-at-Large, I recommend the following member(s): _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Comments to Offer: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ For Elder, I recommend the following member(s): For Deacon, I recommend the following member(s): _________________________________ _____________________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________________________________ Comments to Offer: Comments to Offer: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Church Involvement ________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________ w Active member of the congregation (for at least one year) ________________________________________ _________________________________________ Your name & phone (optional) ________________________________________ _________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________ Your name & phone (optional) Your name & phone (optional) _____________________________________________ _________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _________________________________________ w Evidence of grace and compassion in daily life w Openness to new ideas and willingness to learn w Maturity of judgment w Ability to follow through on assignments w Regular attendance at worship services w Active participation in church activities w Evidence of commitment to the church and its mission w Willingness and ability to attend regularly scheduled meetings w Stewardship pledge commitment __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ This form is also available at www.firstchurchlf.org.
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