Document 395995

Christ our Saoior
Roman Catholic
Weekend Worship
4:00pm Saint Margaret Mary/Arlington
5:30pm Saint Paul Church/Manchester
8:00am Saint Paul Church/Manchester
1 0:00am Saint Paul ChurchlManchester
Daily Mass & Holy Days
Listed inside of bulletin
5-3:45pm in Arlington
After the 5:30 Mass in Manchester
Opportunities for involvement in Parish Life
Adult or Youth Choir # Mass Servers # Ushers # Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary #
Catholic Daughters of America # Knights of Columbus # Parish Life Committee # Lectors #
Northshire lnterfaith Council # Church Decorations # Religious Education lf you are interested in any of these activities, call the Rectory for further information.
Sacramental Life
Parental Catechesis can be scheduled in consultation with the Pastor during the last few weeks of the
pregnancy or aftenruards. The actual ceremony of Baptism will be scheduled for everyone's convenience.
Couples seeking to be married must complete a Diocesan-approved Pre-Cana program. Convenient
scheduling for this requires a six-month pre-arrangement.
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
lf you, or someone you know is hospitalized or homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion or
the Sacrament of the Sick, please, call the rectory to make arrangements.
New Parishioners
lf you have recently moved to the area and have not yet registered in the Parish, you can do so by
calling the Rectory. At the same time you can arrange to receive the Vermont Catholic Magazine and
to receive collection envelopes for the Parish.
Pastor: Reverend Thomas Mattison
398 Bonnet Street
Manchester Genter, Vermont 05255
Faith Formation
(802) 362-1380
(802) 366-1168
faithformation @cosp. comcastbiz. net
(802) 362-5795
All Souls’ Day
Dear All,
Nowhere, of course, do the Great Church and the
domestic church come together better or more
clearly than in the Baptism of newborn children.
In the conception of a child, God touches the world
of nature to accomplish the beginning of human
life. At the baptism of a child, the child’s parents
bring him to the Church to hear proclaimed and to
celebrate the sovereignty of God over the rest of
the life (and the eventual death) of this newborn.
November 1 to November 9
Saturday, November 1
4:00 pm – ALL SOULS
5:30pm - Louis Zoufaly
by wife Marie and Family
Sunday, November 2
8:00am – Joe Demers
10:00am –Fred Maas
by wife Marjorie and Family
Monday, November 3
8:00am - Pro Populo
Tuesday, November 4
8:00 am - Joe Gawlik by wife, Helen
Wednesday, November 5
8:00 am – Healing for Mark Madkour
by Jim and Patricia Foley
Thursday, November 6
8:00 am - Eugene Kayatta
Friday, November 7
8:00 am – Ken Whalen by Angela Carroll
Saturday, November 8
4:00 pm – ALL SOULS
5:30pm - Brian Gawlik by mother, Helen MAN
Sunday, November 9
8:00am - ALL SOULS
10:00am –The Munro Family
Most people are so excited about the ‘domestic
church’ elements of a baptism (when did
‘christening’ enter Catholic vocabulary?) that they
fail to notice this proclamation. The naming of the
child, the signing with the cross, the exorcism and
anointing all take place in token of the child’s
not to earthly parents or siblings,
certainly, not to the devil, but to the God who first
placed him in that family.
The post-baptism
anointing and clothing and the ceremony of
‘opening’ bespeak the child’s membership in the
Great Church as a sharer in the life and work of
Christ. It is at the presentation of the ‘light of
Christ’, a candle lit from the Easter Candle, that
the parents are reminded of their role in the Great
Church as those to whom the child’s earliest
Christian development is entrusted.
This little
ceremony exactly parallels the catechizing of the
parents on their role and commitment that opened
the whole liturgy of Baptism.
But it is the Baptism itself to which I wish to call
attention as a kind of missed moment. Saint Paul
tells us that when we are baptized it is ‘into the
death of Christ’ and, so, into hope of a ‘like
resurrection’. It seems a little gruesome to be
thinking of death for a child who is just born. But
in other times, infant mortality forced people to
consider the more-than-earthly life of their children
and it was just this hope of a share in Christ’s
resurrection that became a grieving mother’s
greatest consolation and a faith-filled mother’s
greatest concern about her children at any age.
(That is, by the way, the background for all that
stuff about ‘limbo’ and people’s concern that
children be baptized sooner rather than later.)
Let us remember in prayer...
Briefly, then: in the celebration of Baptism in the
Great Church’s faith and the realities of life in
Pam Blair, Anne Marie Dellapia, Kim Donatelli,
Patricia Eveland, Cheryl Finck, Dick LaRoche,
Mark Madkour, Tim Markey, Lorraine Monaco,
Greg Morsch, Lenore Scanlon, Donald Weber
and Michael Weiss
the domestic Church are opened up to the even
greater reality of life in the Kingdom of God (rather
than the kingdom of Satan or the kingdom of death
or sin). The fact of new life becomes the promise
of eternal life and the fact of mortality becomes the
promise of resurrection.
2 November 2014
As I said, these similarities can get obscured by
the crush of family and friends that usually attend
a Baptism.
But on a nice, quiet weekend in
November, a mediation on these ‘coincidences’
becomes a intriguing thought to the curious, a
deepened sense of purpose for the involved and,
maybe, a comfort for those who need to know that
God gives life, not that it may be taken away, but
that it might be lived forever.
Really, truly and immortally yours,
Christ Our Savior Parish’s Community
Thanksgiving Day Dinner UPDATES.
We need volunteers to cook the turkeys. Our
Church is buying them and volunteers can pick
them up in the Church kitchen, time to be
announced. Then deliver them cooked on
Thanksgiving Day morning back to the Church
kitchen. Please call Kathe Henrich to volunteer at
362-0499. Please invite your community friends
to volunteer, and to be quests at the dinner.
If anyone would like to donate an apple or
pumpkin pie for Christ Our Savior Parish's
Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner, please
contact Carolyn Smith at 362-3516 or at
Volunteers are also needed to set up, serve and
clean up on Thanksgiving Day. Please call Ed
Sossi at 362-9979 for more details and time.
Potato peelers are needed for Wednesday
morning, November 26, TBD. Bring your own
peelers and help us tackle 200 pounds. Took one
hour last year! Call Nancy Black at
375-9207 to volunteer.
In Remembrance
Throughout the month of November several
Masses have been scheduled in remembrance of
the faithful departed. Specially, the Masses will be
offered for the deceased whose names have been
listed on the All Souls Day remembrance
envelopes. Additional envelopes are available at
the entrances to the churches. The Mass schedule
is as follows:
Saturday, November 8 - 4:00 PM
Sunday, November 9 - 8:00 AM
Sunday, November 16 - 8:00 AM
Sunday, November 23 - 8:00 AM
Wednesday, November 26 – 5:30 PM
Saturday, November 29 – 5:30 PM
For I was hungry and you fed me…
Your support of the Bishop deGoesbriand
Appeal for Human Development makes a real
difference in the daily lives of Vermonters. In
2013, thanks to your generosity, Vermont Catholic
Charities awarded grants to 12 agencies that
provided food to over 21,790 individuals. Please
donate to the second collection the weekend of
November 22-23. 100% of the collection stays
in Vermont.
Plan on attending Breakfast with the Knights of
Columbus next Sunday morning in the Parish Hall
in Manchester! This monthly event is hosted by
the Knights after both the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
Masses. The extensive breakfast menu includes,
eggs, bacon, sausages, pancakes, OJ, coffee, tea,
and pastries. All of this is offered for $6 for adults
and $3 for children. Proceeds from these monthly
breakfasts help the Knights support their on-going
projects aimed at helping many needy individuals
and families in the Northshire area.
Decorating and setting up the hall will take
place on Wednesday, November 26 at 3:30pm,
please call Nancy Black at 375-9207 to
The Catholic Daughters in Arlington will be
meeting this Monday, November 3rd at 6:30pm.
They will also be raffling all the ingredients for a
Thanksgiving dinner. Chances will be sold after all
masses the next two weekends, November 9 and
16. The drawing will take place on November 22.
Faith Formation Reminders
Novemeber 2nd at 5pm. Please bring your form to
First Reconciliation 2nd parent session on
Wednesday, November 5th, at 6:30pm.
The Catholic Daughters of Christ Our Savior
Parish are planning a BASKET PARTY on
Saturday, November 15th in St. Paul’s parish hall
and are seeking support from parishioners from
both our churches. Needed are themed filled
baskets, and unused items to compose baskets.
Donated baskets and items may be left in the both
of our church halls. For information call Sally
(375-9780) or Mildred (362-3619).