Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Information Parish Office: (520) 868-5940 Fax: (520) 868-0413 Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 9:30- 4:00pm Pastor: Rev. Fr. Jose Maria A. Corvera Deacon: Rev. Mr. Ernie Trujillo (480)-861-5420 / Religious Education: Linda Pintar & R.C.I.A.: 480-250-1320 Rel. Ed. Office: (520) 868-5940 Safe Environment Officer: Liz Trujillo 480-861-7208 / Mass Schedule Tuesday: 5:30PM Wednesday - Friday: 8:00AM Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM Mass of Anointing of the Sick & Holy Hour w/ Confessions: First Friday of each month, 8:00AM Parish Groups & Ministries Altar Servers: Deacon Ernie Trujillo Choir: Elizabeth Myers Martha Ministry: Dolores Cota Praise Team: Mike Lundbohm Prayer Chain: Carmen Martinez and Olga Cathemer 868-4902 or 868-5267 Eucharistic Ministers: Dr. John Valeri Knights of Columbus: Johnny Ramirez Lectors: Bill Tatlock Church Decorum: Rose Marie Monks Welcome! If you would like to become a registered member of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, or would like to contact a Group or Ministry leader, please contact the Parish Office at the above number. Roman Catholic Church 221 E. 8th Street, P.O. Box 2550 Florence, Az. 85132 Email: November 2nd, 2014 COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED ALL SOULS’ DAY Readings for the Week of November 2, 2014 Sunday: Sat: 11/1, 5:00 PM For The People Sun: 11/2, 7:30 AM Betty Padilla (D) Ophelia Padilla (D) Tim Sheridan (D) Sun: 11/2, 9:30 AM Judith R. Bague (D) Salve Rances (D) Sun: 11/2 11:00 AM Rose Basquera (S) Mon : 11/3 No Mass Tue: 11/4, 5:30 PM For The People Wed: 11/5, 8:00 AM Dorothy Zapata (D) Thur: 11/6, 8:00 AM For The People Fri: 11/7, 8:00 AM Alice Winkler (D) Sat.: 11/8, 5:00 PM For The People SHOP HOURS SATURDAY After 5:00pm Mass SUNDAY: After 9:30am Mass Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/ Jn 6:37-40 Monday: Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17--4:1/Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15 Next Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 1617/Jn 2:13-22 FYI “Take care of your body as if you were going to live forever; and take care of your soul as if you were going to die toSaint Augustine morrow.” IF GOD GAVE ME NOTHING IN THIS LIFE, I WOULD STILL BE FOREVER IN HIS DEBT FOR THE PLACE HE HAS PREPARED FOR ME IN HEAVEN. If you need to shop outside of these hours, please call 868-4810 or 868-4246 Sacramental Policies 1st Anointing of the Sick: Friday of the month, 8:00AM Mass. Holy hour and confession follows. Baptism: Mass attendance every Sunday is encouraged. Baptism Preparation class: please contact Deacon Ernie for an appointment at ( 480)-861-5420/ A Baptism Preparation class is required for both the parents and for the godparents. Baptisms are scheduled on Saturdays between 10AM and no later than 2PM and on Sundays during masses only. Confession: Saturday- 4:00PM, Sunday– 6:30-7:30AM and by appointment. In dire need, approach the priest immediately. First Reconciliation/First Holy Communion: Students will be prepared to celebrate these two sacraments during the second grade. Students must be enrolled in a formal religious education program two years before celebrating the Sacraments (grades one and two.) Confirmation: Students will celebrate Confirmation in ninth grade after being enrolled in a formal religious education program from the reception of First Holy Communion on. Students not meeting this criteria will be eligible for tutoring of any missed grades. Rite of Christian Initiation : Available to any Adult or Child (grade three and older) interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith with the added desire of celebrating the Sacraments with us. Safe Environment Program: Any person experiencing offensive behavior on the part of any employee or volunteer of the parish is encouraged to inform our Compliance Officer: Liz Trujillo at 3139 E. Gable Circle, Mesa, AZ 85204 or 480-861-7208 or This Weeks Ministry Assignments November 1/2 5:00 PM Lector: Euch Min: 7:30 AM Lector: Euch Min: 9:30 AM Lector: Euch Min: 11:00 AM Lector: Euch Min: No Schedule Submitted C. Scrufari, D./E. Ortega No Schedule Submitted J. Wooley, J. Ramirez, S. Sarmiento No Schedule Submitted S./H. Kirkbride, M. Day Youth Mass Next Weeks Ministry Assignments November 8/9 5:00 PM Lector: No Schedule Submitted R. Rodriguez,O. Bussey. S. Hermann Euch Min: 7:30 AM Lector: No Schedule Submitted Euch Min: Ty Morgan, J. Ramirez, S. Sarmiento 9:30 AM Lector: No Schedule Submitted Euch Min: S./C. Goldsmith, C. Martinez 11:00 AM Lector: No Schedule Submitted Euch Min: M. Tatlock, L. Pintar, M. Day Assumption DATEBOOK ♦ ♦ ♦ Assumption REMINDER ♦ Second collection: Parish repair and improvements. ♦ Parish Pastoral Council has two seats available also one seat available for the Parish Corporate Board Secretary. If you are interested to become a candidate for any of these positions please submit your name, address, phone number and signature to Father Joe or the parish office. Elections will be held the first Sunday of December. Wednesday morning DVD class time will be 9:30-11:30 A.M. Father Barron’s new series entitled Priest, Prophet, King will be available in November. Contact Linda at 480-250-1320 for more information. ♦ Come celebrate Father Joe’s 50th Birthday on Saturday November 8th with a Pot- Attention: If you attend Mass and have never filled out a registration form you are not a registered parishioner. Please fill out a registration form in back of the church. Return to the office or collection basket. ♦ The Catholic TV Network, America’s Catholic Television Network, is now available to cable and satellite providers in our area. Please help provide this upbeat, youthful exciting Catholic network and powerful resource to the people of our area and the entire nation Simply visit Our 3rd Annual February Parish Festival is in the planning stage. (Feb. 14, 2015) Please consider getting involved! Call Sandy in the parish office for more information. luck Party after the 5:00 P. M. Mass in Phelan Hall. Parish will provide dessert and beverages. ♦ Rosary every Monday evening at 6:00 P.M. in the Gila Chapel, beginning November 3rd. Come join our Prayer Group, group prayers are very powerful. ♦ Coffee donuts and fellowship in Phelan Hall after 7:30 and 9:30 Masses beginning Nov.2nd. The Knights of Columbus Monthly Meetings for Knights of Columbus are held the 1st Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm in Phelan Hall. Next meeting scheduled November 5th. New Members Always Welcome! For more information call Johnny Ramirez at 520-251-1968. Pancake breakfast November 23rd, and on every 4th Sunday of each month. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education students will be selling Christmas Cards this year. More information to follow. Please consider buying your cards from them. High School Students: Religious Education meet Monday evenings at 6:30PM followed by Youth Group. RCIA classes Sunday 6:00PM-7:15. Religious Education classes Sunday 9:1510:30 A.M. The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed I will not reject anyone who comes to me." Today, as we remember the faithful departed, we can rejoice in these words from Jesus. He promises that he will welcome those who come to him. He is so anxious to embrace us! As the catechism puts it, "All who die in God's grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation" (CCC §1030). Jesus' whole message here is important. Eternal salvation is available to all, but it does involve a level of participation on our part. "Everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life," Jesus says in today's Gospel. When it's authentic, of course, this belief is more than mere lip service. Understanding that Jesus is our savior and our God is one thing. Coming to him is another; it takes belief to the next level of personal commitment. This involves choices, decisions, and actions. Coming to Jesus means being near him-through a spiritual life that involves a real relationship with him-as well as being focused on him by charting our life's course in the light of faith. This is what we strive to do during the ups and downs of this life. But it isn't always easy. Even as faithful Christians we often fall short of perfect cooperation with God. But this is not cause for despair! Today we remember that even Christians who die still "imperfectly purified" can ultimately share the blessing of heaven. We pray for these souls in purgatory to come closer and closer to perfect union with the Lord. And meanwhile, we strive to increase our own union with Christ in the hopes of sharing eternity with him and with the whole communion of saints, including our loved ones who have gone before us in faith. Laura Medina - Val Rodriguez GARRETT MOTORS F U N E R A L S E RV I C E S (520) 723-7722 • Coolidge Chapel: 541 W. Coolidge Ave • Coolidge, Arizona Eva Moore - Sales Consultant Parishioner Cell (520) 251-0361 • Bus. (520) 723-5401 • Sales Manager Coolidge, AZ • Visit Monarch Flowers LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED AIR CONDITIONING • HEATING • SHEET METAL RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL INSTALLATION & SERVICE 13670 N. TENER RD., FLORENCE, AZ 85132 ROC# 188085 Fresh Flowers Daily Nationwide Delivery Serving Florence, San Tan Valley, and A. J. P: 520-868-9005 F: 520-868-9405 WWW.EANDJCHVAC.COM REQUEST@EANDJCHVAC.COM 520-280-6834 Eddie Ortega Parishioner Family owned and operated 1675 E. 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Pinal Parkway • Florence, AZ 85132 520-868-0735 • 9am - 9pm Monday - Saturday VIBRANT FULL COLOR NOW AVAILABLE! To Advertise Here, Call Debra Tyrrell today at 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2649 STEVEN DILL, DDS • 520.426.0404 1968 N. Peart Rd., Building F, Suite 22, Casa Grande, AZ 85222 or email: A 4C 05-0471 FOR AD INFO CALL DEBRA TYRRELL AT 1-800-950-9952 • ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY PARISH, FLORENCE, AZ 09-16-2014 08:42:14
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