Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Revealing the Light of Christ COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS’ DAY) / CONMEMORACIÓN DE TODOS LOS FIELES DIFUNTOS NOVEMBER 2, 2014 / 2 DE NOVIEMBRE, 2014 A Eucharistic Community Living the Good News Daily 105 n. la esperanza san clemente, ca 92672 949-492-4101 Fax 949-492-4856 www.OLFChurch.net @FatimaChurchSC PAR ISH INFOR M ATION AND CALENDAR / CALENDARIO PARROQUIAL NOVEMBER 2–9, 2014 Our parish calendar is online! Please visit www.olfchurch.net/ calendar.html for the most up-to-date information on events and activities in our parish. ¡Nuestro calendario de la parroquia esta en línea! Por favor visite www.olfchurch.net/calendar.html para la información más actualizada sobre ventos y actividades en nuestra parroquia. PARISH OFFICE 949-492-4101 CLERGY Fr. Jim Ries, Pastor jries@olfchurch.net / ext. 111 Fr. William Hubbard, Parochial Vicar whubbard @olfchurch.net / ext. 102 Deacon Chris Ciraulo cciraulo@olfchurch.net / ext. 118 STAFF Robin Margraf, M.A., M.S., Pastoral Associate rmargraf@olfchurch.net / ext. 113 Bridget Goodreau Jr High Youth Ministry bgoodreau@olfchurch.net / ext. 105 Lourdes Rojas Office Manager lrojas@olfchurch.net / ext. 101 Cate Girskis Confirmation - Youth cgirskis@olfchurch.net / ext. 117 Rosa Rama Faith Formation- Children & Adults rrama@olfchurch.net / ext. 104 Aida Lopez Maintenance, Spanish Music Coordinator ext. 101 Maria Juul Admininstrative Assistant, Faith Formation, Online Giving mjuul@olfchurch.net / ext. 119 PARISH SCHOOL Joanne Williams, MA Ed, Principal jwilliams@olfschool.net 949-492-7320 Cindy Clark, Administrative Assistant cclark@olfschool.net 949-492-7320 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: Sunday: Daily Mass: Reconciliation: 8:00am, 5:30pm 7, 9, 11am, 1 pm(Sp), 5:30pm M-F 8:30am, S 8:00am Saturday 4-5pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: M–F: Sat: 9-10am; noon-7pm 8:30am-noon PARISH OFFICE HOURS M-F Phone 2 9am-12pm; 1-6pm 949-492-4101 w e lco m e to our lady of fatima parish OLF is on Twitter @FATIMACHURCHSC Thank You for Your Generosity/ Gracias por Su Generosidad October 26/ 26 de octubre $24,653.50 God has given us all we have, let us rejoice and be glad. Please use envelopes or consider giving online. You can call the Parish Office to request envelopes or to learn more about online giving. Dios nos ha dado todo lo que tenemos, gocemonos y alegremonos. Utilice sobres o considere la posibilidad de donar en línea. Usted puede llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para solicitar sobres o para aprender más sobre las donaciones en línea. STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 2/REFLEXIÓN DE LA CORRESPONSABILIDAD PARA LA SEMANA DEL 2 DE All Souls Day, November 2, is a day when we pray for deceased souls. These prayers may be general in nature or they may involve specific members of our families and our faith communities, including perhaps physically visiting the graves of our family members. On All Saints Day, we acknowledge the presence of those who have departed this life. Today, we recognize and honor them to an even greater extent. To practice stewardship completely we need to be aware of our personal families and our faith families. Just prior to today’s Gospel reading, Jesus reminds us that “I am the bread of life.” Seven times in Holy Scripture, Jesus states, “I am…” followed by various statements which allow us to grasp more fully what He is and what He has done for us. Bread is considered one of those essentials “for life.” Jesus is reminding us that He is essential for life, for eternal life. Jesus is not speaking of the physical life on this earth, but about “eternal life.” It is that hope which allows us to trust in Him by living stewardship. This past June at Mass, Pope Francis said, “He Himself is the living bread that gives life to the world.” Let us embrace that hope. Read more at www.thecatholicsteward.com Día de los Fieles Difuntos, 2 de noviembre, es un día en que oramos por las almas difuntas. Estas oraciones pueden ser en general o pueden involucrar a miembros específicos de nuestras familias y nuestras comunidades de fe, incluyendo quizás visitar físicamente las tumbas de los miembros de nuestra familia. En el Día de Todos los Santos, reconocemos la presencia de los que han partido de esta vida. Hoy, los reconocemos y los honramos a un grado mas extenso. Para practicar la corresponsabilidad completamente tenemos que ser conscientes de nuestras familias personales y nuestras familias religiosas. Justo antes de la lectura del Evangelio de hoy, Jesús nos recuerda que “Yo soy el pan de vida.” Siete veces en la Sagrada Escritura, Jesús dice: “Yo soy ...”, seguido de varias declaraciones que nos permiten captar más plenamente lo que Él es y lo que Él ha hecho por nosotros. El pan es considerado uno de los elementos esenciales “para la vida “. Jesús nos recuerda que Él es esencial para la vida, para la vida eterna. Jesús no está hablando de la vida física en esta tierra, sino de la “vida eterna.” Es la esperanza que nos permite confiar en Él a través de vivir la corresponsabilidad. Este pasado mes de junio en la Misa, el Papa Francisco dijo: “Él es el pan vivo que da la vida al mundo.” Abracemos esa esperanza. Lea más en www.thecatholicsteward.com NOVEMBER 2, 2014 / 2 DE NOVIEMBRE, 2014 f r o m o u r pa sto r , fr. James C. Ries Dear Parishioners and Friends of Our Lady of Fatima,/ Queridos parroquianos y amigos de Nuestra Señora de Fátima, Every October we count the number of people coming to Mass. For the past several years we have seen growth at most of our masses, but especially at the 1pm Spanish Mass. In fact they are near capacity. This is wonderful news. In my short time here I have also listened to many confessions in Spanish. Some of them express the sin of missing Mass on Sunday. When I inquire why, one of the reasons is they have to work on the weekends. I had heard this from another priest in the area as well, so I brought this to the Hispanic Committee. They lamented that this is true. There is only one Mass offered to them here, which forces this difficult choice. Looking at the schedules of the other local churches there is a Spanish Mass nearby on Saturday evening, but none on Sunday evening. I discussed with the Committee the possibility of having a Spanish Mass on Sunday after the 5:3pm Mass, which they thought would be a great idea and very helpful. We would like to have this new Mass at 7pm. To allow us enough time to set-up in between Masses it would be helpful to start the English Mass at 5:00 or 5:15 PM. I am asking for input from those who attend the Sunday 5:30pm Mass to let me know if there is a strong preference either way – 5pm or 5:15pm. You can email me at jries@olfchurch.net or talk to me after Mass. God bless you all! Fr. Jim Cada mes de octubre contamos el número de personas que vienen a Misa. Durante los últimos años hemos visto un crecimiento en la mayor parte de nuestras Misas, pero especialmente en la Misa en Español de la 1:00pm. De hecho, están cerca de su capacidad. Esta es una noticia maravillosa. En mi poco tiempo aquí también he escuchado muchas confesiones en español. Algunos de ellos expresan el pecado de faltar a Misa el domingo. Cuando pregunto por qué, una de las razones es que tienen que trabajar los fines de semana. Yo había escuchado esto de otro sacerdote en la zona, así que se lo comunique al Comité Hispano. Se lamentaban de que esto era cierto. Sólo se ofrece una Misa en Español aquí, lo que obliga a esta difícil elección. En cuanto a los horarios de las otras iglesias locales hay una Misa cercas en español por las tardes los sábado, pero ninguna en la tarde del domingo. Discutí con el Comité la posibilidad de tener una Misa en español los domingos después de la Misa de 5:30pm, el cual pensaron que sería una gran idea y muy servicial. Nos gustaría contar con esta nueva Misa a las 7:00pm. Para tener tiempo suficiente para preparar todo entre medio de las Misas sería útil empezar la Misa de Inglés a las 5:00pm o 5:15pm. Estoy pidiendo aportaciones de los que asisten a la Misa dominical de las 5:30pm para que me hagan saber si hay una fuerte preferencia entre estos dos horarios - 5:00 o 5:15.pm. Puede enviar un email a jries@olfchurch.net o hablar conmigo después de la Misa. Dios los Bendiga a todos! Padre Jim MASS INTENTIONS/INTENCIONES READINGS/LECTURAS SUNDAY 11/2 DAILY READINGS CAN BE FOUND AT WWW.USCCB.ORG/BIBLE/INDEX.CFM 7am Dalia Ornellas 9am Baldassare Lamberta ✝ 11am Joseph Talarico ✝ 1pm All Souls Novena ✝ 5:30pm Misa Pro Popolo MONDAY 11/3 8:30am All Souls Novena ✝ TUESDAY 11/4 8:30am All Souls Novena ✝ WEDNESDAY 11/5 8:30am All Souls Novena ✝ THURSDAY 11/6 8:30am All Souls Novena ✝ FRIDAY 11/7 8:30am All Souls Novena ✝ Albino Rivera ✝ SATURDAY 11/8 8am 5:30pm All Souls Novena ✝ Misa Pro Popolo SUNDAY 11/9 7am 9am 11am 1pm 5:30pm All Souls Novena ✝ Richard Henriks ✝ Peter Trovato ✝ Martha Trovato ✝ Efren Torres ✝ Glen Thomas ✝ SUNDAY 11/2 Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 MONDAY 11/3 Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:12-14 TUESDAY 11/4 Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-32; Lk 14:15-24 WEDNESDAY 11/5 Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 THURSDAY 11/6 Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10 FRIDAY 11/7 Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8 SATURDAY 11/8 Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 SUNDAY 11/9 Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 commemoration of all the faithful departed (all souls’ day) / conmemoración de todos los fieles difuntos 3 PARISH NEWS, EVENTS & OPPORTUNITIES Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast NOVEMBER 9 / MCGOWAN HALL Next Sunday the Knights of Columbus are holding their fabulous Pancake Breakfast, featuring pancakes, toppings, scrambled eggs, sausages and beverages. Come to McGowan Hall after the 7am and 9am Masses and before the 11am Mass for food, friendship and fraternity! Eucharistic Ministers Wanted Would you like become a Eucharistic Minister at the parish and be able to give communion during Mass? Or, how about bringing the Eucharist to those who cannot come to Mass? If you would like to become a part of this amazing and rewarding ministry please contact Deacon Chris Ciraulo at CCiraulo@olfchurch. net. The gift you bring by joining this ministry will be a great blessing to others. New Ministry Opportunity! The OLF Walk-the-Cross Pilgrimage Ministry FORMATION MEETING – NOV 16, 10:15AM / MCGOWAN HALL - E We are launching a new pilgrimage walk right here in San Clemente and are looking for passionate volunteers who can help achieve this. Any talent in the following areas (and others) is greatly appreciated – graphic design, branding, copywriting, public relations, website design, social media, photography, ad sales, assembly, and inventory control. For more information please contact Matt Egan at zeco730@ gmail.com or Nancy Egan at egan.nan@gmail.com. All Souls Novena/Novena a nuestros Fieles Difuntos During the month of November, we remember in our prayers those who have passed away during the past twelve months. A scroll listing the names of our parish members will be located in the sanctuary near the ambo. A novena will be offered for all souls. To include the name of a loved, an offering envelope may be found at the church entrances and may be placed in the offertory basket or dropped off at the parish office. Durante el mes de noviembre, recordamos en nuestras oraciones a todos aquellos que fallecieron durante los pasados doce meses. Un lista de nombre de todos los parroquianos que fallecieron en ese tiempo está localizada en el altar cerca del ambón. Una novena será ofrecida por todos los santos difuntos, si desea incluir el nombre de un ser querido puede tomar un sobre de fieles difuntos que se encuentran en las entradas de la iglesia, poner los nombres de sus difuntos y ponerlo en la canasta de la colecta o traerlo a la oficina parroquial. Liturgy of the Word for Children This program takes place during the 9am Mass. Children in grades K through 4 are sent from the main assembly to a nearby space where they celebrate the Liturgy of the Word in a simplified, yet equivalent format. Children return to the church at the offertory. The parish would like to expand this ministry to include the 11am Sunday Mass beginning the first Sunday of Advent, November 30. Adult leaders and teen assistants are needed. Leaders should have a love of the Liturgy and be able to communicate effectively with young children. Volunteers serve on a rotating basis every 4-6 weeks. Complete training is provided. Please contact Rosa Rama at 492-4101 or rrama@olfchurch.net for more information. 4 w e lco m e to our lady of fatima parish Free Flu Clinic at OLF/ Clínica contra la Influenza Gratis en Fátima NOVEMBER 5, 3:30 - 7PM / MCGOWAN HALL - D & E 5 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 3:30-7:00PM / SALON MCGOWAN - D Y E In our effort to extend the healing ministry of Jesus, Mission Hospital & Our Lady of Fatima will offer this free service for the underand uninsured members of our community and those who do not have access to healthcare. No appointment is necessary. The vaccine is available for those ages 9 years and older. A parent must be present for children under 18 years of age. For more information, please call Mission Health Services at 877-459-3627. Bilingual (Spanish/English) clerical help is needed, please contact Daisy Nueva at 949-492-5427 for more information. En nuestro esfuerzo por extender el ministerio sanador de Jesús, El Hospital Mission y Nuestra Señora de Fátima ofrecerán este servicio gratuito para miembros no asegurados de nuestra comunidad y los que no tienen acceso a la asistencia de salud. No es necesario hacer cita. La vacuna está disponible para las edades de 9 años en adelante. Un padre debe estar presente para los niños menores de 18 años de edad. Para obtener más información, por favor llame a los Servicios de Salud de Mission al 877-459-3627. Se necesita ayuda clerical Bilingüe (Español / Inglés), por favor póngase en contacto con Daisy Nueva al 949-492-5427 para más información. OLF to Provide Income Tax Preparation Assistance – Volunteers Needed/Para que Fátima Proporcione Asistencia en Preparación con los Impuestos de Ingresos - Se necesitan voluntarios VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) offers free tax preparation assistance to low-to-moderate income households. Our parish is once again partnering with VITA to provide this important service January through April 2015 in McGowan Hall. Similar to the program offered to seniors, VITA is available to those in need regardless of age. Site coordinators and volunteer preparers are needed now. Full training provided. If you want to make a difference, become a volunteer, contact Anna Cabrera (OLF parishioner) at 714-347-9262 or Anna.M.Cabrera@irs.gov VITA (Voluntarios para Asistencia con Impuestos de Ingreso) ofrece asistencia gratuita de preparación con Impuestos de Ingreso para los hogares de bajos a moderados ingresos. Nuestra parroquia se ha asociado una vez más con VITA para proporcionar este importante servicio de enero a abril del 2015, en el salón parroquial McGowan. Al igual que el programa que se ofrece a las personas mayores, VITA está disponible para aquellos que lo necesitan sin importar la edad. Coordinadores del sitio y preparadores voluntarios se necesitan ahora. Entrenamiento completo será proporcionado. Si quieres hacer una diferencia, ser voluntario, comuníquese con Anna Cabrera (feligrés de Fátima) al 714-347-9262 o Anna.M.Cabrera@irs.gov NOVEMBER 2, 2014 / 2 DE NOVIEMBRE, 2014 “THE BIBLE TIMELINE” Begins on November 6! EVERY THURSDAY FOR 24 THURSDAYS AT 9:30AM / MCGOWAN HALL - A Why should you participate? Because you need to know about your faith and God’s plan for you! Register with Mary at: Mcmenamin@ gmail.com, or leave a messageat (949) 388-8806. CATHOLICS IN RECOVERY / CIR - 12 Steps EVERY SATURDAY, 9:30AM / MCGOWAN HALL God continues to heal and bless all who attend! If any of you continues to suffer from addictions, bad habits or depression, or are grieving a loss of a loved one, or if you suffer with someone else who suffers, this group will help get you back on track. Everyone is welcome! Call 939-9079 for more info. OLF PARISH SCHOOL NEWS Community Building The importance of San Clemente community building has been proudly evident this week at Our Lady of Fatima Parish School. OLF has been a huge supporter of Family Assistance Ministries (FAM) for fifteen years. Weekly, on FAM Fridays, the students donate multiple needed items to FAM which allows them to then wear their school spirit shirt for the day instead of their uniform shirt. This year we added to this spirit opportunity by allowing the students to also wear jeans with their spirit but must pay $1 to do so. These proceeds also go to FAM. Also, OLF students participated in the annual San Clemente sponsored Red Ribbon Week activities that included marching in the parade down Avenida Del Mar and the all-classroom Door Decorating Contest. We are very proud of the fact that OLF has shone its spirit and bright colors by being awarded the winners of the Door Decorating Contest for the third year in a row! Go Falcons! OLF School Vision Our Lady of Fatima Parish School is a dynamic 21st Century Learning Community where Catholic faith, global collaboration and sustained innovation produce excellence in education. Save the Date! December 5 December 18 February 28 OLF Ladies Luncheon and Christmas Boutique OLF School-wide Christmas Program OLF Parish School Annual Auction Gala at Bella Collina Towne & Golf Club AROUND THE DIOCESE Annual Recognition of Altar Servers Mass NOVEMBER 15, 10AM / ST. COLUMBAN CHURCH, GARDEN GROVE All altar servers and their families are invited to this special Mass with Bishop Kevin W. Vann. Following the Mass, there will be a reception in the parish hall for the altar servers and their families. For further information, contact your parish director of altar Servers, or call the Diocese of Orange Vocations Office at (714) 282-3036. Magnificat Prayer Breakfast with Mary Rashid NOVEMBER 15, 9:30AM- 12:30PM / EMBASSY SUITES ANAHEIM – SOUTH, GARDEN GROVE Come and be abundantly blessed by Mary’s beautiful testimony of how surrendering to God’s awesome power brought peace and joy into her life and new hope to her family! Registration by mail by November 8 $28 per person. Registration at the door - $33 per person. Mail to Magnificat Ministry, P.O. Box 4381, Orange, CA 92863. The event includes a full plated breakfast as well as the speaker’s program. Please visit www.magnificat-ministry.net registration information or contact Dely Pili at 714-670-7332 or songbirdnv@aol.com. JSerra Catholic High School Open House & Campus Tour NOVEMBER 6, 6:30PM / JSERRA PAVILION - ATHLETIC SIDE OF CAMPUS Prospective students and their parents are invited! Have your questions answered about JSerra’s college preparatory curriculum. magnet programs, online classes, Trinity League athletics, and more! For more information call 493-9307 x 2 or visit www.jserra.org Priesthood Discernment Evening/ Tarde de Discernimiento al Sacerdocio NOVEMBER 5, 6PM / DIOCESE OF ORANGE PASTORAL CENTER AT CHRIST CATHEDRAL The Vocations Office cordially invites men interested in diocesan priesthood to this opportunity to become familiar with the life, prayer, and possible call to priesthood in the Diocese of Orange. There is no commitment on your part, other than the expression of interest to participate. Please contact the Director of Vocations, Rev. John Moneypenny at (714) 282-3036 or fr.jmoneypenny@rcbo.org if you have any questions. 5 de noviembre, 6pm / Diócesis de Orange, Centro Pastoral en la Catedral de CristoLa Oficina de Vocaciones invita cordialmente a los hombres interesados en el sacerdocio diocesano a esta oportunidad de familiarizarse con la vida, la oración, y la posible llamada al sacerdocio en la Diócesis de Orange. No hay ningún compromiso de su parte, solo la expresión de interés en participar. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el Director de Vocaciones, Padre John Moneypenny al (714) 282-3036 o fr.jmoneypenny@rcbo.org si tiene alguna pregunta. Calling all Alumni: OLF Parish School Celebrates 50 years in 2015! If you are, or happen to know, an alum of OLF Parish School we would love to hear from you as we plan our BIG celebration. Please contact Kris Windes at kwindes@olfschool.net or 492-7320 Enrollment Open! OLF School offers transitional kindergarten through the 8th grade level. If you are considering enrolling your child or children please contact Kris Windes at kwindes@olfschool.net or 492-7320 to learn more. commemoration of all the faithful departed (all souls’ day) / conmemoración de todos los fieles difuntos 5 WE PRAY FOR ALL THE SICK/ OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS AND OUR BELOVED DEAD/ Y POR NUESTROS QUERIDOS FALLECIDOS Chris Fort Justina De La Torre Gary Lofgren Mark Mikulics Rosemary Kern Holden Zimmerle Guadalupe Flores Corrine Shahid Ann Marie Ramos Cynthia Chadwick Brian Babin Herb Raul Aida Perales Edith Benitez Joe Evers Manuela Esparza Trinidad Arvizu Jamileh Akroush Aurora Marquez de Ramos Rosalio Rojas George Zeleski Richard Henriks Jeffrey Laughlin Neil Goodale Jesus Villalobos Arnulfo Ruiz Bishop Cirilo Flores Arturo Soto 8 w e lco m e to Patricia Schlutz Armando Lopez Mateo Nuñez Katherine Shultz Bob Adragna Angela Mastrangelo Zaragoza Garza Linda Greulich Rafael Garcia Jerry Becker Carla Graham Geoff Maddocks Josine Kummetz Ronny Robertson our lady of fatima parish Daveen Nichols Sam Platamone Nick Kraus Lourdes Molina Marilyn Basse Samuel Acosta Jovita Santana Joseph Napolitano Daniel Fitzpatrick Trent Graham Orinda Dickey Mariano Molina and all victims of war and violence. NOVEMBER 2, 2014 / 2 DE NOVIEMBRE, 2014
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