November 9, 2014 (A) DEDICATION OF THE lATERAN BASiliCA Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 I 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17 I Jn 2:13-22 ST. MARY CHURCH 1171 Jefferson St. PO Box 179 Carlyle, IL 62231 ;..~ t Saouunent oJ 9.Japti6m: 9.Juiletin ~eadfine: 9'wti61i ~tudion: Fr. George Mauck, Pastor Ellen Knolhoff, DRE Tina Wiegman, Administrative Assistant Phones: Rectory: 594-2210 Parish Center: 594·2225 Relgious Education: 594-2284 E-mail: ~ ~ Fax: 594·4638 Mater Dei High School Telephone: 526-7216 Internet: All Saints Academy Telephone: 526-4323 Internet: W"V\' Baptismal classes are offered the second Sunday of each month at llam. Call Thomas & Laura Anderson 304-5278 to register. Saturday: 3-3:45pm Please make an appointment at least six months in advance, preferably a year. Wednesday, 12Noon \Ve ask that all new residents register with us by filling out the form located on the radiators or by stopping by the _Parish Center. Liturgy for the Week ... Raymond & Jeannine Miller Ferd & Mary Gehrs-Anniv. ofFerd Marcella Varel-Anniv. Sun .. 9 .. 8:00am .. Henry Etter Family Sophia & Ben Pingsterhaus Anniv. of Sophia Joe & Augusta Timmermann 9 .. 10:00am.. Our Parish Family Mon .. 10 .. 7:30am.. Richard Pax Tue .. 11.. 7:30am.. Wm. Kueper Jr. Family Wed .. 12 .. 7:30am.. Pete Harper Thu .. 13 .. 7:30am.. Herb Nothaus Fri .. 14 .. Vic & Frances Wellinghoff 7:30am.. Edward & Viola KorteAnniv. ofVio1a Carol Maue & Carol Stockwell Sat.. 15 .. 4:00pm.. Ed & Dan Frank Joe Rakers Loretta Rolves Cleo & Regina Peppenhorst Sun .. 16 .. 8:00am.. Our Parish Family 10:00am.. Al, Eleanor & Gerry Wiegman-Anniv. Of Gerry Pete & Joanie Harper Joyce Grueter Tom Robben-Annvi. r··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-, Girls Day Out .. Sat., Nov. 22, 10am-3pm at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville. This day features vendors and a fun-filled luncheon and quarter auction. Admission for shopping is free. Reservations for the luncheon are $25 per person or $180 per table of 8 and space is limited. Proceeds from this event support the Shrine's ministries and programs. To make a reservation, call618-394-6292. 8.. Sat.. 4:00pm.. Stewardship...... . $175 .• .. _ . _ .· . _ . !MISSION STATEMENT:O~;~issi~;-i~·to I~vo·l~e ~~rs~-~~~-in i~;-~ini~~ri~~. li~ng-~nd ~pr~·adi~;-the~~sp~l·- .. ~ message of justice and peace. .. I I I : 1Favorite Holiday Recipes: Send your favorite holiday recipes to I 1be published in The Messenger during December 2014. Please I 1include your name, parish and city; and ifthere is some particu- I 11ar memory associated with the recipe (example: recipe is from : 1a favorite relative, prepared only for special occasions), I I Please include that as well. Deadline to submit-before NoI I I vember 22, 2~14. Please email to cathI or mail to: The Messenger, 2620 I ~Lebanon Ave, Belleville, IL 62221 or Fax: 618-235-9605. I ________________________ J 1 I I r------------------------ Our weekly budgeted ~xpense for the current 2014-15 fiscal year is $~42L :w'eekly enyelope/loose target is $8462.· r-----------------------~ 1TEC Weekend: Belleville Diocesan TEC is a three day experi1ence in Christian Living. It is designed for high school juniors 1through adults who are searching for goals, for acceptance, for I meaning, for community, for values, for God. The next TEC I weekend is at St. Mary's in Carlyle, January 17-19,2015. For I[ an application, visit _______________________ _ 11-3-14: Envelopes: $10,733 Loose: $592 Cemetery: $316 , WorldMission:$32 Human De~elopment: $15 .Hispanic MinistrY:. $5ChristmasFlowers: $70. Guatemala: $765.27 Onlliiebanking: \Veeldy-Envelopes: $130 (4) Monthlyonlinebanirn{g: Envelopes:'$3625 · · Renovatiori: $195 Guatemala: $205 - . Cem~tyry: Schedule of Events ... Sat. & Sun: 8 & 9: Matthew 25 weekend ... baskets are at doors Sun.. 9.. (Sam-Noon) Whole Hog Sausage Breakfast St. Anthony PC, Beckemeyer 9 .. (lOam) Pre-K Youth Faith Formation 9.. (llam-6pm) St. George, New Baden, Parish Chicken & Roast Beef Dinner@ St. George Community Life Center, 317 E. Maple St. 9 .. (llam-12:30pm) St. Theresa of Avila, Salem Turkey Dinner-Fall Bazaar 9 .. (llam-5pm) Wheatfield Fire Dept. Chicken Dinner at St. Felicitas PC, Beaver Prairie 9 .. (lpm) St. Michael Church, Radom, Social to benefit the cemetery. 25 Games Quilt/Cash. Turkey dinner & sandwiches starting at llam 9 .. (1:30pm) St. Augustine Church, Hecker, Quilt/Cash Bingo in Hecker Community Center Hall. Fried Chicken & Pork Sausage. Mon .. 10 .. (7:30pm) RCIA meet at St. Anthony's, Beckemeyer 10 .. (7:30pm) Mater Dei Mothers & Friends Meeting Tue .. 11.. Holiday... church office closed (7-8:30pm) Next Chapter/Divorced 11.. Support Group meet at Corpus Christi Church, Shiloh .. Topic: Food Demo Night 11.. (7pm) Parish pastoral council meeting Wed .. 12 .. (6:30-7:45pm) Youth Faith Formation Sat.. 15 .. (3-3:45pm) Reconciliation Sun .. 16 .. (Sam-Noon) KC Sausage & Pancake Breakfast..benefit Newman Fund 16 .. (lOam) Mass of enrollment for Confmnandi 16 .. (1 Oam) Pre-K Youth Faith Formation 16 .. (2pm) Quilt/Cash Bingo St. Augustine, Breese. Fried Chicken luncheon 11am1pm - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. -· ·- .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. -. j ---·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··--·-· !'M~ Y~>U~~~~N~~~:.~.·.~~.~.:.~.·... T.ha~ks~ivi~;-~c~~~~cal.Se;vic~:~:o:: Fi~; ~ap~ist .Ch~~~ j I .............................................................Advent Penance Service, St. Mary, Carlyle Dec. 7, 3pm j •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Christmas Cantata, December 14, 2014 at 7pm in St. Mary Church ~·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·1 &.:c)!i·;l;&·;);;\!•::\Ji;:<)i;:;'li:;,u0.J17,l<i·;);~'\;,;<,>i(.S:;<-;);;.;;,;;.;Q.:;;;;;.'£:c)i•;;~,;,:<.;<·o;.«c.\_'l12,'<•:'-Jt.':c'iJ.?.)"-'-'"''hiJ~L.\"'•~s·'iJ.·:J<.·'iJ.c>,.;z,;;.'\i.;\~~~~:!<;:;><•-:<.'li0.)(;.'\.,f'•"'""::\C;i;:;'li-:s~1ii(.S,~§ <~$~~~~:<~\~~~~~~"~~~~~"-.'- ~~~~~'$'~~~~~~~~'(~-.- ...... '<:;_., ...... ~,;,~<;*~*~~<~-.! ~"Y -Qie-y ~ ... 'B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Hello, }k Kudos to Kollette Lorraine Kohrmann (Parents: Kurt and Jamie) as we baptize her at the 4pm liturgy this ~Saturday, Nov. 8th. May she grow in wisdom, age and grace through the love and faith of her family and all of us. ~ More kudos to Shane and Donna (Schomaker) Reymond as they married earlier this Saturday afternoon. May they ~be a powerful sign of God's love to each other, and, as a couple, to all they meet. ~ As we celebrate the dedication of the Pope's church, St. John Lateran, we focus on Jesus who replaces the temple, i~ our worship. He is most comfort~bl~ ~esiding in us. As we share His body and blood, let us reflect His ~ compasston and mercy to all we touch as Hts hvmg stones. ~ Peace & good, Fr. George v 1: ~ ;;;,.,)'"' @• :; ; ;, ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "'""·"';'~"'""!!',., 'Ji,;<_,.,;);;,_><'h "'"~ '!i;;-.p:s 'lie>,·""""''"':;;;;:; 'li1s """ ·li'h :;;;:; ::;;;:; .;;,")<, :;;c>,}<·'h.,.,,,"'"";,'<?. -><<>- "'·""' ·:\ "'"' :;;;:;2><·::<. ;,;,;:.. <i.c?-;,'i::c ;,;.:c;w. 'li?. 'li?. "'"' 'Ji,;<Joi""J<;•" A,<\~"'";~,;.. ~~~"*~~<...~~~*~~~~~*~~<~~~~~~~~~B'F."*~$~*~~~~~~~~~~~<~~~~<*~~"*-'~~~~ ·"'•"'/n?. ·""" .;;"" """ (---·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·~ j Germanfest Night•.• presented by Breese KC's Nov. 15, ~ i 2014 at Breese KC HalL Music by Die Spitzbaum Ger- ~ ~man Band, DVK Volkstanzgruppe German Folk Dane- i ~ ers, Authentic German Buffet. $35 per person. Reserva- j ~ tions call: Bill Shultz 228-7527 or 806-0292. 1 ~--·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·--~ -------------------------, I BASKETBALL... I I Sun., Nov. 9, 12pm/lpm/2pm/3pm-3rd/4tb/5th vs I Collinsville here I Fri., Nov. 14, 3rd Gr vs Greenville here 6:15pm I I I :Fri., Nov. 14,4thGr. VsBartelsohere7:15pm I Sat., Nov. 15, 4th Fr@ Breese 9am I :Sun., Nov. 16, 5th Gr vs Collinsville here 12pm I I Sun., Nov. 16, 3rd & 4th Gr vs Flora here lpm/2pm/3pm/4pm I -----------------------~ =·······················································································································--··: ~-Gift Bearers ..• · ~ ~ Nov. 8thApm ...Jeff & Pat Taylor ·' 1Nov. 9th-8am... Chad & Patti Timmermann & Family ~Nov. 9th-10am... Chad & Stacy Holthaus & Family ~Nov. 15th-4pm...Jay & Dana Szczeblewski & Family ~Nov. 16th-8am...Bug & Jeannie Kleber l Nov. 16th-10am... Gerhard& JaniceDiekemper & Family ~ If you cannot be there at the specified time, please call !.~-~~-~-~-~~~~.~~~.~-=~~~-~~.~~. ~.~:~~~~~.~~-~~:-~.~-~.~~~-~. ~~.~~. Please;emelllber.tho~e who ha~~asked for ollr p~ay~r~: Ro~e J',jovdk.JenniferBue1Uer Wallace, Murr_ay. Fauke, Sharon Gu.Stafson, Jace Hughes; Scott Ruehl, Bob_- Nbwhlc; Luke w61tenng, JetemyLong, EmilyRebse;Kris Huckshold,JimMoui}lon, JoAml Loepker, IJennis'Bach. 'Sandy Fdrlciey; Dpri ¢aiman;Jolui Moritacue,<M:ada lfpw~ ~d, LukeL~fica~ Kri~t~n;Stiles; RlPllllrdSelf, Barb Ya.fel,. Bil1Wattt1n,yinnieV_a.ieilcia;'FritiMey~r,Bo!JBry5ll,. Leotlilda I)iektmlpei, ~chard. Sa1tnon,KensleySeiffert, David S~!Unid(Rickf~rry, CindyGomez,Dal'lineJohil"" son,BeliJl'!al3eme,Marge;Pax, Brad Zachiy;Ralph , l(ampweith,:Mary;Tatl-eJ;ampen,Rev.Steve (Tootlin; Jean LuitllJohin, Lucille Fq.ster, Stephen Menkhaus · THANKSGIVING DINNER .. .. For those who have no place to go, or just don't want to cook. Immanuel UCC, 1970 Clinton St, Nov. 22, 2014-12:30-2pm. Come join us for some good food, good company, and add a memory or two to your Thanksgiving. I 'SHOWCASE SHOW DOWN' Meet several of Clinton/ :Madison County's self-employed working women at the ~Showcase Showdown at St. Francis PC Gym, Aviston, Nov. j 9th from l-3pm. FREE admission, great attendance prizes plus :FREE drinks and snacks! . l.._,,_, _____ ,,_,,_ .. _,,_,,_,._,,_,._,,_,,j I .--·-·-·---·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·---·-·-·-·~ ; Respect Life Corner-Mary, Health of the Sick-Mary ~ j teaches us to pray, to make of our prayer an act of love for God ~ ; and an act of fraternal charity. By praying with Mary, our heart ~ 1 i welcomes those who suffer. How can our life not be transi formed by this? Why should our whole life and being not bei come places of hospitality for our neighbors? (Pope Benedict XVI j Homily during the torchlight procession at Lourdes, September 2008) ; Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: People experience many types of i suffering sometimes only known to them. Be mindful and supi portive of those who are experiencing difficult times. Pray for i those who suffer alone that they find peace in God's love. ~--·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·---·-·-·-·-·---·-·-·-·-·---·~ MASS SERVERS ... Nov. 9th to Nov. 15th Sun: 8am Brock & Carlie Timmermann, Jenna Martin lOam Josh & Andrew Guthrie, Sydney Hart Mon. thru Fri: 7:30am: Bob Diekemper Sat: 4pm Gavin & Addison Kampwerth, Nicholas Christ Nov. 16th to Nov. 22nd Sun: 8am Blake Holthaus, Jackson Haag, Anne Luebbers lOam Allison Diekemper, Callie Diekemper, Molly Diekemper Mon. thru Fri: 7:30am: Bob Buchheit Sat: 4pm Alan & Audrey Schlau, Ian Simonton I If you cannot be there, please fmd a replacement. Thank . you. -··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-· Walking in the Parish Center 8am-3pm with the exception ofholidays. Monday November 10 St. Leo the Great Pope and Doctor of the Church T1 1:1-9 Lk n1-6 Tue5day November 11 Good NewJS! dear Padre November 9, 2014 (A) November 9, 2014 DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA What is a basilica? Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/ Jn 2:13-22 St. Martin of Touf5, Bishop Ti 2:1-8,11-14 Lk 11'7-10 Wednesday November 12 St. Jo>aphat, Btshop and Martyr Ti 3:1-7 Lk 17:11-19 Thursday November 13 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin Phlm 7-20 Lk 17·20-25 Friday November 14 Weekday 2 Jn 4-9 Lk 17·.26-37 Saturday November 15 Weekday 3 Jn 5-B Lk 18:1-8 Sunday November 16 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Pr•J31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 1 Thes 5:1-6 Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15,19-21 l made a retreat on the shores of :\.lassachusetts not long ago. The shore was rocky. lliith slabs of granite meeting the oceatt. The air was fragrant with flowers and foliage in late August. Birds, bees, and crickets went about their daily business. Surely God is here, I thought as I immersed myself in nature, silence, and prayer. I took a piece of granite from the shore to remind myself of my retreat. It might seem odd to have a feast day for a church, but our readings today show us that marking God's presence is a timehonored tradition. When Jacob dreamed of ladders and angels, he took it as a sign of God's presence and built an altar in the place he'd slept. When Zacchaeus heard Jesus call his name, he climbed down from the tree to welcome Jesus into his home and was moved then and there to give back anything he owed and more. When we finally recognize the presence of God, we often take special note of the moment with some sign. The sign can be small, like my rock. But in other times, people have built extraordinary places of worship, painted luminous pictures, or sculpted statues of amazing grace. The Basilica of St. John Lateran, the principal cathedral of Rome (also known as the pope's cathedral) and the baptismal Church of ancient Rome, is a wonderful example of such a sign. Our focus today is not on the building itseli: but on what it represents- the union of the whole people of God gathered with the pope in witness to the presence of God. Mary Katharine Deeley What's the difference between a church, a cathedral, and a basilica? The word church originally did not mean a building. It was a term used to designate the assembled believers. In the New Testament church was used to identify those who believed in JcsLIS Christ and followed his way. Later the term took on its modern ddinition: a building in which Christian believers gather for worship, especially to celebrate the Eucharist. A cathedral is the bishop's church and the chief church of a diocese or archdiocese. The name takes its origin from cathedra, the ''bishop's chair." The bishops of old delivered their homilies from the bishop's chair in the cathedraL A basilica is an early form of church building used for Christian worship. This was especially the case in the western part of the Roman Empire after the time of Constantine (fourth century), Today, basilica is an honorary title given to certain churches by the pope. Rome has four major basilicas: St. John Lateran (the pope's cathedral church, which we honor today). St. Peter's at the Vatican, St. Paul's Outside the Walls. and St. Mary Major. In addition, a number of churches in Rome and throughOLtt the world are designated as minor basilicas. Whether we worship in the basilica of St. Peter's in Rome or in a parish church, we seek to draw closer to the Lord in our worship and prayers. FR. HARRY GRILE, CSsR sundaybul/ ~ 2014 ~iGtiORI ?ij9l:CATI0tl), Jguori. .'~0 ~305B91J9. 'rinted n U.) A. 'morim~tur. 'in JCcordance .~nh c. 327. JeriiiiSilon '(I uumish ~as ~een ~ranted on :Aay '5, 201~ Jy 'he .'dost ~evereM ~1ward '~-~Ice. Au,tliary 3illl0p, Archdiocese of ll Lilllll". ~P.1m1simn to puchsh '' ;n ll!liOMilUiot ~oming canl!af'/ :o :hurd! :eathifl!J ·i·:ontamed Jll :hn .vo;:~ ,t :JOES 101 ·mpiy ,my ~Mor;ement JI:heollimons ~X!Il!:>Sed ;n the :lUblin lion; "X>r 1 ooy i~bdity Jo>Umed ~ "t'ns Jff!lll>liOil • 'lo eart Jf his '10'~ :nay Je '.ISM n "lli' :IJI"m mthout 'he orior .~nt!en perm1ssioo ~~ ~rguon .'~ohcaocm;. 'icnotur~ •e~ts .n 'his .vork are •.aKE'fl'fOm :he New 4mencan J1ble. ·e~1sed ~Jtlon ~ 2010, :991. :9B6, 1371J ~:mh'atermty Jf(hn;tlanDocmne. nc. ·f1~1hll1gton_ )( -<II ~•g11t1 ~eserJe'd. foord~r Uguor1 :;unday ~ulletm;, clll301)·l25·15Z1 November 15 - November 16 Lector Richard Christ Suzanne Christ Elaine Horstmann John Horstmann Rebecca Krueger John Verstegen Mary Verstegen Dylan Doerr Stan Gezella JoAgnes Beckemeyer Judy Doerr Rachele Kampwerth Linda Peppenhorst Darlene Rodden Dave Rodden John Rubsam Saturday, 4:00 PM Sunday, 8:00AM Carol Loepker Arnie Wobbe Sunday, 10:00 AM Eucharistic Minister Barb Crouse Jean Van Darn Joyce Deiters Lisa Eversgerd Sharon Fauke Christy Foster Cathy Guthrie Dennis Hempen Mary Hugo KayWylder Bill Wylder Nolfember 9- 0edication !Jf the Lateran Basilica ·'Take these out of here, and stop making my Father's house a marketplace."' -John 2:16
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