Saint Ann Catholic Community 1311 Robinson Drive P.O. Box #1285 Haines City, FL 33845 Church Office: 863-422-4370 FAX: 863-421-2522 WEBSITE: PASTORAL STAFF PASTORAL STAFF The Dedication of the Lantern Basilica Fr. W.W. Mitchell -Pastor Fr.Robert Robert Mitchell -Pastor Dedicación de la Basílica Letrán Fr. Pawel Pazdzioch -Assoc. Pastor Fr. Frank Lobo, PhD — Parochial Vicar November 9, 2014 9 de Noviembre de 2014 Sr Sr.Josie JosieCanevari, Canevari,O.S.F. O.S.F. Director of Religious Director of Religious Education Education 863-438-2700 863-438-2700 Deacon Hector Colón Deacon Deacon Hector OrestesColón Hernández Deacon Robert Demming Deacon Fernando “Fred” Molina Deacon José Ramos Deacon José Ramos Business Manager - Lupe Jimenez Music Director - Bob Macar Business Manager - Lupe Jimenez Secretary - Michelle Wieber Office Support—Luz Gonzalez Maintenance Supervisor—Tom Smith Office Support - Michelle Wieber 863-419-1935 Maintenance Supervisor—Tom Smith MASS SCHEDULE 863-419-1935 Monday—Friday 9:00 AM Eng. SaturdayMASS SCHEDULE 8:30 AM Eng. Vigil Mass for Sun. 4:00 Monday—Saturday 9:00 PM AM Eng. Eng. Sunday 8:00 AM Vigil Mass for Sun. 4:00 PM Eng. Eng. 10:00 Sunday 7:30 AM AM Eng. Eng. 12:00 PMEng. Sp. 10:00 AM 7:00PM PMSp. Sp. 12:00 HOLY DAYS: As announced. 7:00 PM Sp. CONFESSIONS: HOLY DAYS: As announced. Spanish CONFESSIONS: Sunday: 11:30 AM –11:50AM In English and Spanish English Fridays at 6:00, Saturday at 3:00 pm Saturday: 3:00 PM –3:45 PM Reconciliación—Español e Inglés Viernes: 6:00 pm, Sábado: 3:00 pm Sacramental Preparation Info Sacramental Preparation Information Contact the Church Office. Contact the Church Office. Preparación Sacramental Preparación ComunícateSacramental con la oficina Comunícate con la Oficina Parroquial parroquial St. Vincent VincentdedePaul: Paul: 863-419-4819 419-4819 St. WELCOME. Thank you for joining us today! Bienvenidos. ¡Gracias por acompañarnos! Page 2 November 9, 2014 St. John Who? This weekend we are celebrating the ‘Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran.’ Actually that should be “St. John ON the Lateran,” referring to the fact that the Basilica is built on the Lateran Hill in Rome. So what’s the big deal? St. Ann is celebrating 30 years since the building of our beautiful church, but we don’t expect the whole diocese to drop everything to join in the celebrations. So what makes St. John Lateran so special? The Basilica was dedicated on this day in 324 - that’s one thousand six hundred and ninety years ago! But that’s not what makes it stand out. What makes it stand out is the fact that it is the cathedral church of the Pope. Most of us think of St. Peter’s as being the Pope’s church, but in fact as Bishop of Rome (which is the basis of his position as Pope) his Cathedral, his Church of which he is the pastor, (as Bishop John is pastor of St. James in Orlando,) is this Basilica of St. John. Obviously the building we see today wasn’t built 1,690 years ago! The current building was constructed in 1646 by Pope Innocent X and one of his successors, Pope Clement XII had an inscription put on it which explains our connection with the Basilica and why we celebrate it even though we are more than 5,000 miles away. The inscription reads: “Omnium ecclesiarum Urbis et Orbis mater et caput,” which means: “the mother and head of all Churches in the City (Rome) and the World.” One of principal functions of the Holy Father as Pope is to be center of unity for the Church - what the Pope believes and teaches is what the Church believes and teaches. This is what Jesus meant when he said to Peter “You are Peter and upon this Rock I will build my Church.” (Mt. 16.18) Elsewhere Jesus says, “However, I have prayed for you (Peter) that your faith won’t fail. When you have returned, strengthen your brothers and sisters.” (Lk. 22.32) Through the office of Pope, we believe that the Lord continues to guide and strengthen His Church. When we celebrate the dedication of the “pope’s Church” what we are celebrating is that we are united to one another through the teaching and guiding function that the Bishop of Rome performs for the universal Church. Far from being an irrelevance, this weekend’s celebration reaffirms our unity as the Body of Christ - the people Jesus has called together to witness to His Resurrection and to invite all God’s children to enter into the joy that the Father has prepared for us. Fr. Robert. READY TO SERVE THE LORD ALWAYS. Many people, when they hear that they have to be vigilant and prepared for the coming of the Lord, they think that they have to be ready for death, so that it does not take them by surprise and ignorant. There is much more to it than this. We must learn to meet the Lord now in the various ways in which He comes to us: as our companion on the way of life, in our neighbors, in our prayer, in the celebration of the Eucharist. All these different ways will prepare us for the final encounter. Some people think that their time is not yet come. The truth, is that no one knows. And thanks be to God, nobody knows when is the time for our death. Only God knows the day and time, the place and the way to end our existence here on earth. When He calls us we hope to be prepared to go to him. But this is not complicated, the difference is that we may complicate it a bit. Let's see. Each day has enough problems of its own, so we must live intensely every day with its challenges and gifts and taking advantage of their challenges and gifts to live each moment well and to make our own the wisdom that each way of life brings us. God does not leave us alone and He is with us in our dying and our living. Ask the Lord for the grace to be attentive to His continued presence among us and to be ready when He decides to call us into his presence. I give thanks to God and to the bishops of San Cristobal and of Orlando, for allowing us to have the presence of the Father Rogelio Landeta in our Parish during the past three weeks. Fr. Rogelio with his simplicity, joyfulness, spirit of service, has experienced a very short pastoral experience in Central Florida showing that faith is alive and well in Hispanics and Anglos and in the midst of this simple, humble, hardworking and loyal people, the Church continues to spread the seed of faith in a world that cries out for the courage of witnesses such as Father Rogelio who left the comfort and warmth of his country, his Church and his family to share with us the of his priesthood. Saint Ann’s is also now his home and God may bless him for his spiritual contribution to the whole of Saint Ann´s community in Haines City. Fr. Frank Page 3 November 9, 2014 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL In today’s Gospel, Jesus challenges us to ‘stay awake’ by taking time to seriously look at ourselves, the priorities of our lives and how we are growing spiritually. Ask yourself ‘What would Jesus Christ do?” Could you afford to make a donation of food or money to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for those who are suffering? Or could you buy gifts for a child on our Angel Tree? Perhaps you could work with a friend or two to purchase gifts for a child. Light up your life! As days get shorter, it’s helpful to remember the importance of light. Light helps growth and vision. In light of certain information, you can make better decisions; with a light heart, you can rejoice in others’ good news. “Live as children of light,” Saint Paul wrote. That means being free enough to see and be seen by others, being humble enough to free others through forgiveness, and being aware enough to live with gratitude for all you’ve been given. In essence, it means living a life befitting eternal life—a life that’s a light to the world. The Columbiettes again are offering you the opportunity to order “Keep Christ in Christmas“ Cards from their catalogue. You can get a catalogue in the Narthex. Orders are due by November 23rd to insure they arrive in time for Christmas mailings. ADORATION of the BLESSED SACRAMENT: There is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:30 a.m. on Friday with benediction at 5:45 PM. HAVE YOU REGISTERED TO BECOME A MEMBER OF ST. ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH? DO YOU WANT DONATION ENVELOPES? In order to have contribution envelopes, you must register. In order to register you must request a registration card from any Usher or from the Church Office .After filling it out, please put it in the collection basket at Mass or turn in to the Church Office. You may also register on-line. Automatic monthly mail service normally takes 1 to 2 months but the Church Office will send out your first month’s package upon receiving your registration request. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Church Office. Welcome to St. Ann, your friendly community that enjoys photographing special events, especially visitors. Pictures are free, if sent out as an email. Printed copies are available upon request, $2 each for a 5x7. If we missed you before Mass, see us in the Narthex following Mass. Volunteers are needed, call Jacquie Menard, at 863422-1063, leave a message or email: . We are accepting all empty ink and toner cartridges for reward points to defer the cost of ink. Please drop them off at the Religious Store. We welcome you into our Community of faith. For information regarding RCIA please call the Faith Formation Office and speak to Sr. Josie. If you have baptized your child at Saint Ann and not received a Baptismal Certificate, please come by the Church Office and pick it up. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, November 8th, 2014 9:00 AM +Sandr a Hlad Giesting 4:00 PM +Amilvia Gallon Sunday, November 9th, 2014 7:30 AM +Aggie Stieber 10:00 AM +Charles Step 12:00 PM Intenciones de Rodr igo Castillo Posadas 7:00 PM Por los fieles de la Parroquia Monday, November 10th, 2014 9:00 AM +Clair e Gilber t Tuesday, November 11th, 2014 9:00 AM +Ann Keating Bisceglia Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 9:00 AM +Memorial Mass Association Thursday, November 13th, 2014 9:00 AM +J uan Cuenca Friday, November 14th, 2014 9:00 AM +Sinfor iano Mir les Saturday, November 15th, 2014 9:00 AM +J esus Or r ego 4:00 PM +Donna Smith Sunday, November 10th, 2014 7:30 AM +James Burke 10:00 AM +Santo Car los 12:00 PM +Victor Dominguez 7:00 PM Por los fieles de la Parroquia Page 4 If you have questions involving an Annulment, please make an appointment with Carolina Breton who is the Regional Advocate for the Diocese of Orlando’s Tribunal. Call 863-646-3556 ext. #101. Carolina will address the congregation about the Marriage Annulments process during the 7:30 and 10:00 AM Masses on November 23rd. She will be available for questions after mass. For more information call 863-646-3556 x 101 or write to MINISTERS TO THE SICK : Ministers to the Sick share the Word and mystery of Christ's presence in Holy Communion with members who are physically unable to attend our Eucharistic celebration. St. Ann ministers embrace those who are unable to be present in the Eucharistic celebration. It is our community privilege to share the word and nourishment of the Sacrament with all it's members. If you or a loved one are in need of the Sacrament please call Cathy Grossmann at 299-3452. When entering Winter Haven Hospital, and wish the parish to be notified, please call the parish office at 422-4370. November 9, 2014 50-50: M./M Artie Grossman won the 50/50 for a total of $130.00 and donated it all to St. Vincent de Paul. Please remember: it takes $2.00 to play. If you don’t have a 50/50 envelope, you may get one from the Narthex. The Altar & Rosary Society would like some help laundering the towels and purificators used at Mass. Volunteers would only be responsible for one month at a The Haines City Knights of Columbus Business Meetings ar e on the 2nd Tuesday of the month @ 7:30 PM. Council Social: 4th Tuesday of the month @ 6:30 PM. All Knights & family are welcome at the Social. BINGO is every Monday & Thursday starting at 12:30 PM. For more info, call Roger Werckman.@ 863-956-5123. “WALK FOR THE POOR” NEW TRAINING: If you would like to become a Minister to the Sick or Extraordinary Minister the next training will be December 13, at St Joseph parish, in Winter Haven. Please call Cathy, to register at 863-299-3452. WITH THE SUPPORT OF PARISHIONERS OUR FAITH FORMATION STUDENTS EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: All EM’s should sign in 15 minutes prior to Mass so that we can get coverage if needed. IMPORTANT MESSAGE: All ministers are now mandated for a period of (5) five years, so if you are not new and those who have just been mandated or will next month, your next mandate will be in 2018. If you are looking for a better way to serve the Lord, then become an EMHC!! VINCENTIANS, WE RAISED LECTORS: “Come Holy Spir it, into my mind and my heart as I read these Sacred Scriptures. Inspire me with your grace to proclaim this Living Word with sincerity and reverence.” If you are interested in becoming a lector, please call Ann Wolber at 407-433-8048. The flowers around the Altar are in loving memory of Robert Riggs. AND A TEAM EFFORT BY ALL $6,075.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS AND FOR WALKING WITH US. We have placed a book in the Narthex where you can write the names of those who may be sick and for whom you wish us to pray. At Mass we will pray for "for those who have asked us for our prayers, especially those in our intention book." You can neatly write names into the book right up to the start of Mass and the book will be carried to the altar. Please pray for the sick in our Parish who have asked for our prayers. The Columbiettes would like to say thank you for all the baby bottles that have been returned. If you have not returned yours, please do so as soon as possible. Your generosity is much appreciated. Page 5 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & FAITH FORMATION Dear Parents, Again, “Thank You” for your great support in helping to keep our students safe. The teachers and I are grateful that “PLAN C” IS WORKING SO WELL. We are also very happy that now that you deliver and pick-up your child/ children it gives us the opportunity to see you each week and speak to you. “THANK YOU” to WALMART for their generous donation of the ham and roast beef subs and potato chips for our Teacher’s Meeting on Saturday, November 1st. We are deeply grateful for their generosity and also, a special “THANK YOU’ to Mary Felix for coordinating this project. All parents or designated adults that are responsible for the delivery and pick-up of our students will park in the parking lot in FRONT OF THE CHURCH and then walk with their child/children to the classroom. You will sign your child in and when you return to pick-up your child, you will need to sign your child out and your child will walk with you to your car. Parents may not park in front of the Fr. Carlos building. PARKING IN FRONT OF THE FATHER CARLOS BUILDING IS FOR TEACHERS ONLY. If you have not paid Tuition, you may do so on the Saturdays that you drop off your child/children. Please call 863-438-2700, BEFORE coming to make sure that I am really in the Office as some days I have meetings, etc., and am not in the Office. Thank you and God Bless you, Sr. Josie The Charismatic Prayer Group meets every Wednesday morning after the 9:00 AM Mass in the Fr. Carlos Building. Come join us! November 9 is Florida Catholic Sunday. As you strive to live your faith, let the stories in the Florida Catholic serve as an educational and inspirational guide. Let us walk with you as you explore your faith. Prayerfully consider subscribing to the newspaper or offering a loved one a gift subscription. Print edition is available for home delivery; e-Edition is available for PCs and tablets, including iPads. Subscribe online at or call toll free 1-888275-9953. Dear Parishioners: I am asking that everyone continue to give at the level that they did this time last year. This is what our budget is based on and it’s vital that we stick to it. Thank you again for your continued generosity. Catholic Charities……$4,994.00 This week 11-2 & 3, 2013 last year…..$13,452.36 This week 11–1 & 2, 2014 this year …$14,965.70 Difference: + $1,513.34 November 9, 2014 Flowers for the Altar: Flower Fund Did you realize that there are only 34 weeks of Ordinary Time? These are periods when we need your help. We are looking for 34 families or parishioners who would be willing to support the altar arrangement each week. A $50 donation once a year from each family would ensure we can dress the altar respectfully each week. Perhaps you would like to memorialize a loved one or celebrate an anniversary or birthday. Please contact the church office if you would like to support this effort. Thank you, Tammy Higgins, Art and Environment. THE PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will meet every Wednesday to make teddy bears, chemo hats and prayer shawls. We are so grateful for the many skeins of yarn for our shawls and chemo hats and material for the teddy bears that we have received from our Church members.. Thank you so much. If you know of someone needing a prayer shawl because of poor health or who have lost a loved one, please come see us on Wednesday mornings in the Fr. Anderson Building or call the Church Office at 422-4370. PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS MINISTRY NEEDS YOUR HELP! Ar e you celebrating a birthday, wedding anniversary, a baptism or other occasion in the next few months? Why not consider spiritually making your day extra special by volunteering to bring the Gifts to Father during the offertory. It will mean extra joy for you and your day and it will help us immensely. Please contact Mary Jo to volunteer for the 4 o'clock Mass @299-5590, Joyce Crane for the 7:30 AM @419-1200, Joyce Greenwood for the 10 AM Mass @956-4548 or feel free to e-mail us at , please add "Gift Givers" to the subject line and be sure and tell us what date and Mass time you are requesting. You may also talk to any Usher who will forward the request to us. Prelude to the Holiday Concert Paul Todd and featuring Paul Todd, Jr. Concert coming to St. Ann Catholic Church at 1265 Robinson Drive, Haines City in the Church at 3:00 PM on Sunday, November 30th, 2014.. Renown musicians Paul Todd and Paul Todd, Jr. will return to Haines City to offer a holiday concert including original works, Christian favorites, patriotic tunes and Broadway classics on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Tickets are $15.00 for General Admission with first comefirst served seating. For more information, please call Patty Homjak at (863) 438-4892. Tickets are available in the Church Office. Page 5 FAITH FORMATION Dear Parents, Again, “Thank You” for your great support in helping to keep our students safe. The teachers and I are grateful that “PLAN C” IS WORKING SO WELL. We are also very happy that now that you deliver and pick-up your child/ children it gives us the opportunity to see you each week and speak to you. “THANK YOU” TO WALMART FOR THEIR GENEROUS DONATION OF THE HAM AND ROAST BEEF SUBS AND POTATO CHIPS FOR OUR TEACHERS’ MEETING, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1ST. WE ARE DEEPLY GRATEFUL FOR THEIR GENEROSITY ALSO, A SPECIAL “THANK YOU” TO MARY FELIX FOR COORDINATING THIS PROJECT. All parents or designated adults that are responsible for the delivery and pick-up of our students will park in the parking lot in FRONT OF THE CHURCH and then walk with their child/children to the classroom. You will sign your child in and when you return to pick-up your child, you will need to sign your child out and your child will walk with you to your car. Parents may not park in front of the Fr. Carlos building. PARKING IN FRONT OF THE FATHER CARLOS BUILDING IS FOR TEACHERS ONLY. If you have not paid Tuition, you may do so on the Saturdays that you drop off your child/children. PLEASE CALL , 863-438-2700, BEFORE COMING TO MAKE SURE THAT I AM REALLY IN THE OFFICE AS SOME DAYS I HAVE MEETINGS, ETC. AND AM NOT IN THE OFFICE. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU, Sister Josie The Charismatic Prayer Group meets every Wednesday morning after the 9:00 AM Mass in the Fr. Carlos Building. Come join us! November 9 is Florida Catholic Sunday. As you strive to live your faith, let the stories in the Florida Catholic serve as an educational and inspirational guide. Let us walk with you as you explore your faith. Prayerfully consider subscribing to the newspaper or offering a loved one a gift subscription. Print edition is available for home delivery; e-Edition is available for PCs and tablets, including iPads. Subscribe online at or call toll free 1-888275-9953. Dear Parishioners: I am asking that everyone continue to give at the level that they did this time last year. This is what our budget is based on and it’s vital that we stick to it. Thank you again for your continued generosity. Catholic Charities: $4,994.00 This week 11-2 & 3, 2013 last year…..$13,452.36 This week 11–1 & 2, 2014 this year.....$14,965.70 Difference: + $1,513.34 Thank you! Fr. Robert November 9, 2014 Flowers for the Altar: Flower Fund Did you realize that there are only 34 weeks of Ordinary Time? These are periods when we need your help. We are looking for 34 families or parishioners who would be willing to support the altar arrangement each week. A $50 donation once a year from each family would ensure we can dress the altar respectfully each week. Perhaps you would like to memorialize a loved one or celebrate an anniversary or birthday. Please contact the church office if you would like to support this effort. Thank you, Tammy Higgins, Art and Environment. THE PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will meet every Wednesday to make teddy bears, chemo hats and prayer shawls. We are so grateful for the many skeins of yarn for our shawls and chemo hats and material for the teddy bears that we have received from our Church members.. Thank you so much. If you know of someone needing a prayer shawl because of poor health or who have lost a loved one, please come see us on Wednesday mornings in the Fr. Anderson Building or call the Church Office at 422-4370. PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS MINISTRY NEEDS YOUR HELP! Ar e you celebrating a birthday, wedding anniversary, a baptism or other occasion in the next few months? Why not consider spiritually making your day extra special by volunteering to bring the Gifts to Father during the offertory. It will mean extra joy for you and your day and it will help us immensely. Please contact Mary Jo to volunteer for the 4 o'clock Mass @299-5590, Joyce Crane for the 7:30 AM @419-1200, Joyce Greenwood for the 10 AM Mass @956-4548 or feel free to e-mail us at , please add "Gift Givers" to the subject line and be sure and tell us what date and Mass time you are requesting. You may also talk to any Usher who will forward the request to us. Prelude to the Holiday Concert Paul Todd and featuring Paul Todd, Jr. Concert coming to St. Ann Catholic Church at 1265 Robinson Drive, Haines City in the Church at 3:00 PM on Sunday, November 30th, 2014.. Renown musicians Paul Todd and Paul Todd, Jr. will return to Haines City to offer a holiday concert including original works, Christian favorites, patriotic tunes and Broadway classics on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Tickets are $15.00 for General Admission with first comefirst served seating. For more information, please call Patty Homjak at (863) 438-4892. Tickets are available in the Church Office. Página 6 9 de Noviembre de 2014 SAN JUAN DE LETRAN ¿QUIÉN? Este fin de semana se celebra la 'Fiesta de la Dedicación de la Basílica de San Juan de Letrán. "En realidad eso debería ser" St. Juan en la Lateranense ", en referencia al hecho de que la basílica está construida sobre la colina de Letrán en Roma. Entonces, ¿cuál es el problema? Santa Ana está celebrando 30 años desde la construcción de nuestra hermosa iglesia, pero no esperamos que toda la diócesis pueda dejar todo para unirse a las celebraciones. Entonces, ¿qué hace que San Juan de Letrán sea tan especial? La Basílica fue dedicado el día de hoy en el año 324 - que es de hace ya mil seiscientos noventa años! Pero eso no es lo que hace que se destaque. Lo que la hace destacarse es el hecho de que es la iglesia catedral del Papa. La mayoría de nosotros piensa en San Pedro como la iglesia del Papa, pero, de hecho, como Obispo de Roma (que es la base de su posición como el Papa) su Iglesia Catedral, de la que es el pastor, (como el obispo John es pastor de Santiago en Orlando,) es esta basílica de San Juan de Letrán. Obviamente, el edificio que vemos hoy no fue construida hace 1.690 años! El edificio actual fue construido en 1646 por el Papa Inocencio X y uno de sus sucesores, el Papa Clemente XII tenía una inscripción que colocó en ella lo que explica nuestra conexión con la Basílica y por qué lo celebramos a pesar de que son más de 5.000 kilómetros de distancia. La inscripción dice: "Omnium Ecclesiarum Urbis et Orbis mater et caput", que significa: "Madre y cabeza de todas las iglesias de la ciudad de Roma y del mundo" Una de las funciones principales del Santo Padre como Papa es ser centro de unidad de la Iglesia - lo que el Papa cree y enseña es lo que la Iglesia cree y enseña. Esto es lo que Jesús quiso decir cuando dijo a Pedro: "Tú eres Pedro y sobre esta piedra edificaré mi Iglesia." (Mt. 16,18) En otro lugar Jesús dice: "Sin embargo, yo he rogado por ti (Pedro) que tu fe no decaiga. Cuando yo haya vuelto, confirma a tus hermanos y hermanas. "(Lc 22,32) A través de la oficina del Papa, creemos que el Señor sigue guiando y fortalecer su Iglesia. Cuando celebramos la dedicación de la "Iglesia del Papa" lo que estamos celebrando es que estamos unidos unos con otros católicos del mundo a través de la enseñanza y la función de guíar que el Obispo de Roma lleva a cabo para la Iglesia universal. Lejos de ser una irrelevancia, la celebración de este fin de semana reafirma nuestra unidad como el Cuerpo de Cristo la gente que Jesús ha convocado a dar testimonio de su resurrección y de invitar a todos los hijos de Dios para entrar en la alegría que el Padre ha preparado para nosotros. P. Robert. DISPUESTOS A SERVIR AL SEÑOR SIEMPRE. Muchos hombres y mujeres, cuando oyen que tienen que estar vigilantes y dispuestos para la venida del Señor, piensan que tienen que estar listos para la muerte, para que no los tome ignorantes y por sorpresa. Esto significa que hay mucho más todavía. Tenemos que aprender a encontrar al Señor ahora en las diversas formas en que viene a nosotros: como nuestro compañero en el camino de la vida, en nuestro prójimo, en nuestra oración, en la celebración de la eucaristía. Todas estas formas nos prepararán para el encuentro final. Algunas personas piensan que su hora aún no está por llegar. La verdad es que esto no lo sabe nadie. Y menos mal que nadie lo sabe. Solo Dios conoce el día y la hora, el lugar y la forma como terminara nuestra existencia aquí en la tierra. Cuando Él nos llame esteraremos estar preparados para ir a su encuentro. Pero esto no es algo complicado, la diferencia es que quizá nosotros lo complicamos un poco. Veamos. A cada día le basta su afán, por lo tanto debemos vivir intensamente cada día disfrutando de sus desafíos y regalos, así, tendremos la oportunidad de vivir el momento correctamente tomando ventaja de sus riquezas y apropiándonos del conocimiento que cada vivencia nos deja. Dios no nos deja solos y Él está con nosotros en el morir y en el vivir. Pidamos al Señor la gracia de estar atentos a su constante presencia entre nosotros. Le doy gracias a Dios y a los Obispos de San Cristóbal y de Orlando por habernos permitido contar con la presencia del Padre Rogelio Landeta, quien con su sencillez, alegría, disposición y espíritu de servicio a podido vivir una cortísima experiencia pastoral en la Florida Central evidenciando que la fe está viva en los hispanos y en los estadounidenses y que en medio de esta gente sencilla, humilde, trabajadora y fiel, la iglesia sigue extendiendo la semilla de la fe en medio de un mundo que clama la valentía de testigos como el Padre Rogelio que abandonando la comodidad y calidez de su país, de su iglesia y de su familia. Ahora Santa Ana también es su casa y que Dios le bendiga por su aporte espiritual a toda la comunidad Santanense de Haines City. Fr. Frank Página 7 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL Muchísimas Gracias! Gracias al apoyo de los feligreses, los estudiantes de formación de fe y el esfuerzo de todos los voluntarios, la Sociedad de San Vicente recaudo $6,075.00 en la caminata de los pobres. Agradecemos a todos los que contribuyeron con sus donaciones y caminaron con nosotros. En evangelio de hoy Jesús nos reta “a mantenerse despiertos” para que miremos seriamente las prioridades en nuestras vidas y para ver como esta nuestro crecimiento espiritual. Pregúntese “"¿Qué haría Jesucristo?" ¿Puede usted hacer una donación de alimentos o dinero a la sociedad de St. Vicente de Paul para los necesitados? ¿O puede usted comprar un regalo para un niño del Árbol del Ángel? Tal vez usted podría ponerse de acuerdo con un amigo o dos para comprar un regalo a un niño/a esta Navidad. El próximo fin de semana el Árbol del Ángel estará expuesto en el Nártex. El árbol contiene las tarjetas con la información de los niños y los regalos que desean para navidad. Le animamos a coger una tarjeta y a que ore por el niño/a que usted “adoptara” esta navidad. Si usted quiere comprar regalos para un niño, pero no se puede ir de compras, por favor llame a Kathy al 863-422-5138 (Inglés) o Carmen al 863-424-5585 (español). Gracias 9 de Noviembre de 2014 Formación de Fe: Una vez más, "Gracias" a los Padres de familia por el apoyo y la ayuda que nos han brindado en el procedimiento de la salida de los estudiantes. La seguridad de nuestros estudiantes es nuestra prioridad. Los maestros y yo estamos contentos porque el nuevo sistema está funcionando muy bien. También nos da mucho placer tener la oportunidad de verles y conversar con usted cuando recoge a sus niños. “GRACIAS" a Wal-Mart por donar el Jamón, los sándwiches de carne asada y las papitas para el almuerzo de los maestros de la reunión del pasado Sábado, 1 de Noviembre. Muchísima gracias a María Félix por coordinar este proyecto. Todos los padres o adultos designados que son responsables de recoger y dejar a los estudiantes deben ESTACIONARSE FRENTE A LA IGLESIA y caminar el niño/a al salón de clase. Usted firmará a la entrada y a la salida de su niño/a y caminara con él/ella a su vehículo. Los padres de familia no pueden estacionarse frente al edificio del Padre Carlos. Esta área está designada para los maestros. Si usted no ha pagado la cuota de la matrícula, puede hacerlo el sábado antes o después de dejar su niño/a en clase. Mis horas de oficina son: Lunes, Martes, Miércoles de 9:00 a.m. POR FAVOR, llame a mi oficina antes de venir para asegurarse que estoy disponible. Que Dios continúe bendiciéndole a usted y su familia. Sr. Josie Vivir para bendecir a prójimo. Dios promete multiplicarle a usted todo de nuevo cuando usted ayuda a su prójimo. Dios tiene un plan específico para cada una de nuestras vidas. Su plan consiste en tocar otras personas con su amor, misericordia y compasión. Pídale al Señor que le muestre como usted puede compartir su amor con los demás, dando su tiempo, sus talentos y su recurso. A la comunidad de Santa Ana le gusta fotografiar eventos especiales. Las copias de impresión son por pedido. Costo: $ 2 por cada 5 x 7 o gratis si se envían por correo electrónico. Para mas información me pueden llamar al 863-422-1063 o enviar un correo electrónico ¿Deseas renovar tu relación matrimonial, y conocerse mas profundamente, entonces regale un fin de semana a tu matrimonio? Te invitamos a que participes en la experiencia del encuentro matrimonial Mundial 7 de Noviembre de 2014. Para mas información contactar a Tomas y Mercedes Díaz, 4067-219-1389. Carolina Bretón hablará sobre las anulaciones matrimoniales en la Misa el 9 de noviembre a las 7:00 pm. Ella también estará disponible para preguntas después de misa. Para más información llamar al 863-646-3556 x 101 o escribir a ATTENCION: Favor de no olvidar y dejar una donación cuando encienda una vela en la torre. No permitan que los niños jueguen dentro de la torre.
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