Prayer Request It would be our privilege to pray for your needs. Please return this form in the offering basket. ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ You may also e-mail your request to: Or, phone your request to…. Vi Fisher 292-4941 Mary Lou Frey 788-9444 Florence Johnston 788-0161 Vickie Kent 793-5000 Rhonda Landuit 787-2553 Nancy O’Mary 788-2626 Coordinator, Rachel Rogers THIS WEEK AT BETHEL LIFE GROUPS meet at various times and locations. Call the Church Office for information. Monday, November 3 6:30pm Secret Pal Revealing SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 10:15am and 6:00pm SPECIAL GUEST - JERRY MCGEE BETHEL Assembly of God Church 3535 - 38th Avenue Rock Island, IL Tuesday, November 4 10:00am Prayer Meeting, Sanctuary 6:30pm Converge Youth Group Wednesday, November 5 6:30pm Girls Ministries & Royal Rangers 6:30pm Midweek Life Group Thursday, November 6 6:30pm Men’s Bible Study 7:00pm Worship Team Rehearsal SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 9:00am Sunday School School 10:15am Worship Service SPEAKING: PASTOR DAN QUALLS 5:00pm Liberian Service 6:00pm Evening Service with Missionaries Scott and Suzi Wiersma Sunday, November 23, 6:00pm SUNDAY MESSAGES, church bulletin and much more available at Bethel’s website: BETHEL’S PASTORAL TEAM Senior Pastor— Pastor—Rev. Dan Qualls 309309-799799-7108, Youth and Children’s Pastor— Pastor—Rev. Ron Martinez 309309-235235-4010, WI-FI now available throughout the building. Access code posted at INFORMATION CENTER. In Case of Emergency: Contact Pastor Dan or Pastor Ron, the Deacon Board or Rachel Rogers 309-235-4236 Church Information: Church Office—309-793-5000; Extensions: Pastor Dan 207, Pastor Ron 205, Rachel 202, Vickie 201 TODAY’S GUEST EVANGELIST JERRY McGEE Sunday, 10:15am Tonight at 6:00pm “FROM THE HARLEY TO THE CROSS” Welcome to BETHEL! LOVING GOD, LOVING PEOPLE AND LOVING LIFE! Sunday. . . November 2 Sunday . . . November 9 9:00am Sunday School 10:15am Worship Service with Special Guest EVANGELIST JERRY McGEE 5:00pm Liberian Service 6:00pm FROM THE HARLEY TO THE CROSS 9:00am Sunday School 10:15am Worship Service PASTOR DAN QUALLS 5:00pm Liberian Service 6:00pm Evening Service, Missionary Scott Wiersma Our Mission . . . Glorify God by leading people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Welcome to Bethel! We’re honored to have you with us today. Our guest speaker for the morning and evening services is Evangelist Jerry McGee, Dan and Jo Qualls President/Founder of Freedom Crusade Ministries, International, located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Once associated with the Hells Angels Motorcycle club, Jerry now shares his personal testimony of being delivered from a life of crime and dealing drugs to full and free salvation after being transformed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. He travels nationally and internationally preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We welcome he and his wife Angela!! INTERCESSORY PRAYER—Tuesday’s at 10am in the Sanctuary. All are invited!! REMEMBERING PASTOR MIKE MASSEY, 62, October 24, 2014 The leaders of Bethel remember Pastor Massey for his help during a critical time of transition in the early 1990’s. His counsel, wisdom and leadership as Presbyter put Bethel on a good track for the future. His memorial service was this past Tuesday, October 28. Mike served as Senior Pastor of Glad Tidings in DeKalb since 1990. Our prayers are with his wife Sherry (married 5/8/1976), son Eric (Kristin) Massey, and daughter Audra (Phil) Kurth. TODAY’S GUEST IS A FORMER HELLS ANGEL DRUG DEALER Thousands have heard Evangelist Jerry McGee’s life story, “FROM THE HARLEY TO THE CROSS.” He will tell that story at Bethel on Sunday, November 2, 6:00pm, with a Harley on one side of the sanctuary and a Cross on the other. Evangelist McGee will also speak a message of challenge and encouragement this morning.. We’re praying and believing for lives to be transformed!! The Eddleman Family would like to say thank you for all the prayers and support throughout this tragedy we have survived. A special thanks to everyone who helped with the luncheon after the funeral. Brenda would have been impressed with all the love and support from people in the community as well as Bethel. Ray and Lynda Eddleman Proud Great-Grandparents, Ann and Fred Trulson, welcome Abigail Kay Kelly born October 29th weighing 6lbs 11oz. and was 18 1/2 inches long. She’s a great addition to the family! Prime Timers: There will be NO meeting in November. “Take a Veteran to Lunch”. Be a blessing to a veteran this month! For the month of November, the children are doing a fundraiser called “penny Wars”. This fundraiser is a competition between the boys and girls. Please bring in your change and dollar bills and place the money in the bucket of the team you want to win! All monies collected goes to BGMC! The winning team will be announced December 7th! For those that are donating to our shut-ins please have the items to me by Nov. 16th and if anyone would like to donate soft soaps, lotions or chocolates to put in our baskets to the shutins they would be appreciated. Judy Gibbs KIDZ CHRISTMAS SHOP Wednesday, December 3rd Children will be shopping to bless the adults in their lives. Donations needed: Gently used, very nice, items for both men and women. Items should be no larger than a shoebox. Gift Examples: Christmas items, jewelry, mugs, stationary, CD’s or DVD’s, men’s items. NO clothes or books. Wrapping paper/bags, tissue paper, tags and scotch tape are needed to wrap gifts for kids. Final day for donations will be Sunday, November 16 th. Donation box is located in the foyer. Ladies Book Club: “First Phone Call from Heaven” by Mitch Albom Mtg. Nov. 10th! Secret Pal Revealing on Monday, November 3rd at 6:30pm Bring a snack to share and final revealing gift. Anyone interested in being a part of next year’s Secret Pal please come. New to Bethel? If you are visiting Bethel or have a change of information, please fill out this card and drop it in the offering basket. Today’s Date __________________ This is my (circle) 1st time 2nd time 3rd time First Name____________________ Last Name________________________ Address______________________ _____________________________ City: _________________________ State ______ Zip_______________ Home Phone__________________ Cell Phone____________________ Email: _______________________ □ Add me to your email list Guest of: _____________________ How did you hear about us? _____________________________ _____________________________ I am: __ Grade K-5 __ Grade 6-8 __ Grade 9-12 __ 18-29 __ 30—54 __ 55 + over __ Information change only __ I do not wish to be added to the mailing list __ Add me to the mailing list __ I would like information about becoming a follower of Jesus Christ __ I would like to serve in a ministry at Bethel __ I would like to know more about _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
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