20,000 LETTER-BOX DELIVERED THURSDAYS FROM HORNSBY TO THE HAWKESBURY RIVER READ ONLINE TUESDAYS www.thebushtele.com.au THURSDAY 30 OCTOBER 2014 @175 ) ‘STOP TREEMAGEDDON!’ Protesters against the 10/50 Vegetation Code at NSW Government House, Tuesday 14 Oct 2014. L-R: Karin Olah (Paddington), Dane Pickering (Wyee Point), & Geoff Dowsett (Pennant Hills). Story page 2. IDEAL BATHROOM CENTRE PH: 02 9446 7033 Unit 1/144 George St. HORNSBY wwww.idealbathroomcentre.com.au Shaving Cabinet 600*720*150mm.. $110 750*750*150mm.. $130 900*750*150mm.. $150 1200*750*150mm.. $220 ONLY $380 Full Ceramic Wall Faced Toilet Narrow Vanity With Thick Ceramic Top 600*360mm ONLY $300 750*360mm ONLY $350 ONLY $380ea Polyurethane Tall Boy 400*400*1650mm ONLY $350 Softclose vanity with Above Basin & Ceasarstone Bench Frameless Shower Top Screen 750*640mm.. $800 900*460.. $900 1200*460.. $1000 1500*460mm.. $1300 All tapware sold separately. 900*900*1950mm.. Only $550 1000*1000*1950mm.. Only $580 Square 7 Bar Heated Towel Rail ONLY $180 250m Square Shower Head & Arm Polyurethane Vanity With Ceramic Top Available in: 600*460*550mm.. $300 750*460mm*550.. $350 900*460mm*550.. $400 1200*460mm*550.. $550 ͗ ͗ ͖ Step into the market MOUNT KURING-GAI Set in tranquil gardens, this loved and cared for family home is available for the Įrst Ɵme in 55 years and oīers a great opportunity not to be missed! ͻ&ŽƌŵĂůůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ĨĂŵŝůLJƌŽŽŵΘƌƵŵƉƵƐ ͻDŽĚĞƌŶĞĂƚͲŝŶŬŝƚĐŚĞŶΘĐŽǀĞƌĞĚƉĂƟŽ ͻϯďĞĚƐ͕ϮǁŝƚŚďƵŝůƚͲŝŶƐΘϮďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵƐ ͻϮŝŶƚůĂƵŶĚƌLJ͛ƐΘƐƚƵĚŝŽŽƌŚŽŵĞŽĸĐĞ ͻ&ƌĞƐŚƉĂŝŶƚ͕ŚŝŐŚĐĞŝůŝŶŐƐ͕ĚƵĐƚĞĚ,Θ ͻ^>h'͕ǁͬƐŚŽƉΘĚŽƵďůĞĐĂƌƉŽƌƚ͕ƐƚŽƌĂŐĞ ͻ>ĂŶĚϲϵϱŵ², walk to train, school & shops 37 Brisbane Avenue FOR SALE INSPECT CONTACT Di Finch 0425 226 180 Dean Finch 0425 214 866 9987 0011 See Soames for Homes Oīers Over $750,000 Sat & Wed 11 - 11:40am FRONT COVER STORY ... Locals … PROTEST AGAINST FRIVOLOUS TREE REMOVALS Story & photo by Cllr Mick Gallagher of Mt Colah Many locals from Hornsby Shire, especially in the BeecroftCheltenham area, protested outside NSW Parliament House on Tuesday 14 October 2014 against the Government’s 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Code. This code allows the clearing in certain areas of all trees within 10 metres of a dwelling, and scrub/bush within 50 metres. I’m sure the intent of the code was to protect dwellings directly ERUGHULQJEXVKODQGEXVK¿UHSURQH areas, especially in rural areas. The code’s wording however has allowed vegetation removal in many of our suburbs where many residents consider the Code inappropriate for our ‘Bushland Shire’. The code over-rides tree protection orders and heritage listings for trees. It is being used by some to remove trees to enhance views and development potential, in areas where WKHUHLVQRLPSDFWRQEXVK¿UHVDIHW\ Comments made to The Bush Telegraph Weekly by a tree lopper working in the Hornsby Shire FRQ¿UPHGWKDWVRPHUHVLGHQWV were taking advantage of the 10/50 Code to remove trees for reasons RWKHUWKDQ¿UHPLWLJDWLRQIRUH[DPSOHUHPRYDORIWUHHVREVWUXFWLQJ scenic views. The Code was rushed through the NSW parliament with the support of the Liberal, Labor, & Shooters parties. Now due to public pressure the NSW Government is reviewing the code but for many the damage has already been done and will continue until the Government repeals/amends the Code. The issue was raised at the recent 2014 NSW Local Government Conference in Coffs Harbour. Whilst we await a positive outcome for our Bushland Shire, keep in contact with your Premier and local State MP on this issue. In the meantime, Hornsby Shire Council invites residents to attend a 38%/,&0((7,1*ZKHUH6HQLRU5XUDO)LUH6HUYFLHV2I¿FHUVZLOOSUHVHQW an overview on the 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Code and its current review on Monday 3 November at 7pm in the Pennant Hills Bowling Club (see advertisement below). Front Cover Photo: Protesters against the 10/50 Vegetation Code @ NSW Government House, Tues 14 Oct 2014. L-R: Karin Olah (Paddington), Dane Pickering (Wyee Pt), & Geoff Dowsett (Pennant Hills). Photo above: What Price for a View? Public Notice Public Meeting – 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Laws Hornsby Shire Council invites interested residents to attend a public meeting about the 10/50 vegetation clearing laws. Senior Rural Fire Services Officers will be present to provide an overview of the 10/50 laws, the 10/50 review that is currently underway and to answer questions. Monday 3 November, 7pm. Pennant Hills Bowling Club, 52 Yarrara Road, Pennant Hills. RSVP to 9847 6666 by Friday 31 October. FORMER PM LAUNCHES BOOK AT HORNSBY RSL Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard visited Hornsby RSL last week to launch his new book and support Hornsby State Liberal MP Matt Kean’s reelection campaign. Mr Howard spoke to a crowd of 400 in the RSL’s auditorium and was at his ‘enigmatic best’ as he shared his views on his new book titled “The Menzies Era” written about Liberal Party founder and former Prime Minister Sir Robert Menzies. Speaking candidly to the crowd, Mr Howard took questions from the ÀRRURQ0HQ]LHV¶UROHLQHQGLQJWKH White Australia policy, engaging with Asia to strengthen economic ties, and discussing Menzies’ world-renowned leadership skills to become Australia’s longest ever serving Prime Minister. Mr Howard said, “Australia is a better place today for the valuable role Menzies served in Government for standing up for middleincome families and driving down unemployment.” Hornsby MP Matt Kean thanked Mr Howard for his time and praised the former leader saying that Mr +RZDUGZDVDVWURQJLQÀXHQWLDO leader who will be remembered generations into the future. “I am honoured to have Mr Howard choose Hornsby to launch his new book,” Mr Kean said. After speeches were concluded Mr Howard agreed to sit down for book signings and photographs which went for well over two hours. Photo above: Member for Hornsby Matt Kean with former Prime Minister John Howard at the Book Launch at Hornsby RSL. ?@5> Weekdays 7:30am – 4pm - Weekends 8am – 4pm EVENINGS FRI & SAT from November Continuously changing SPECIALS BOARD 3@@<7@C>6=3@FC?6 4FA=F?49 :DWFKWKHUDFHRQRXUQHZ79·V DQGHQMR\DVFUXPSWLRXVOXQFKHRQ 286 Pacific H’way Hornsby Bookings phone: 9477 2541 fffQaTfWPWPR^\Pd Hornsby Heights VET HOSPITAL 21 Ethel Street, Hornsby Ph. (02) 9476 3307 Heaps of free Parking just oī Galston RD Boarding and grooming available Large and Small animals, House calls Professional and Aīordable Vet care 2 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY Debbie is the NSW Carer of the Year Award Recipient for Hornsby! 'HEELH5RGJHUVRI0RXQW&RODK KDVRSHQHGKHUGRRUVWRWZRVWHS FKLOGUHQKHUGLVDEOHGVLVWHUDQG JUDQGFKLOGUHQ She has spent the past eight years caring for her sisters. Her older sister Michelle had a stroke at the age of 25 and has needed care for nearly 30 years; another sister is in recovery from cervical cancer and Debbie also cares for her husband Greg, a Vietnam veteran with posttraumatic stress disorder as he battles with his health issues. In commending Debbie Rodgers, Hornsby MP Matt Kean said, “Debbie is a truly remarkable woman who has opened her home and her heart to care for her loved ones.” “This award is an opportunity for the NSW Government to recognise Debbie’s great contribution to our community,” Mr Kean said. “She is an inspirational community member of whom we are all very proud.” BEROWRA ROTARY 35th ART & CRAFT EXHIBITION & SALE Friday 31st Oct, 7-10pm Saturday 1st Nov 10am-4pm Sunday 2nd Nov 10am-3pm Photo above: L to R - Matt Kean MP congratulates NSW Carer of the Year for Hornsby Debbie Rodgers of Mount Colah. Hornsby Police NEWS Local Businessman Rides for MS In the Berowra, Mount Kuring-gai and Mount Colah areas in recent weeks there have been a number of Break and Enters to residential homes. Michael Balis of local business Homebiz of Berowra Heights will be participating again this year in the MS Sydney to Wollongong (90km) fundraiser bike ride on Sunday 2nd November. “I am participating in the MS Sydney to Wollongong bike ride to raise awareness for the sufferers of MS and fundraise for this worthy cause,” said Michael. Please show your support by following the link below Donations are tax deductible and can also be made instore at Homebiz at the Crossroads, Berowra Heights. http://register.gongride.org.au/2014Sydney-to-Gong-Bike-Ride/ MichaelBalis. Be a Good Neighbourhood Watcher and REPORT suspicious persons or activity to assist Police catch these offenders who are causing grief to people in our community. Contact Hornsby police on 9476 9799, or phone Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 to report any information relating to the matter anonymously. Sen Const Paul Cleary, Crime 3UHYHQWLRQ2I¿FHU +RUQVE\3ROLFH SMALL CLASS SIZES QUALITY EDUCATION FOR KINDERGARTEN TO YEAR 12 Located in Arcadia with established transport links from Berowra through to Asquith and surrounding areas of Pennant Hills & Beecroft Stations. JOIN US FOR A SCHOOL TOUR TUESDAY 18 NOVEMBER 5.30pm BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL The Exhibition will be held in the Berowra Community Centre, The Gully Road, Berowra. Enjoy a Christmas shopping opportunity and a pleasant evening of musical entertainment featuring: Lavanda Trio and Berowra Musical Society. Appreciate a wide range of paintings, beautiful jewellery, porcelain, silk scarves, Christmas decorations & cards … and hundreds of handcrafted items. MODEL TRAINS EXHIBITION ON STAGE! Refreshments will be available throughout the weekend. A COMMUNITY EVENT WHICH HELPS ROTARY HELP OTHERS 3KRWRDERYH5DIÀH3UL]H«D SDLQWLQJE\IHDWXUHDUWLVW0DULMNH *UHHQZD\³:DUDWDKVDQG6SULQJ )ORZHUV´ STALL HOLDERS WANTED FOR … Berowra Christmas Night Markets Friday 21st November, 5 – 9m at Berowra Community Centre. For more information contact Penny on 0402317046 or email berowrachristmasnightmarket@ gmail.com Berowra Outdoor Centre Steel Fencing & Framing Services Berowra Landscaping Supplies NOVEMBER 20% DISCOUNT OFF SELECTED PAVERS & RETAINING WALLS Trade Tools, Decorative Pebbles, Treated Pine. Citrus, Pots, Soils, Fencing: supplied or installed. Bagged or Bulk ENROLLING NOW FOR 2016 I LIMITED POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR 2015 Visit northholm.com.au or call the Registrar on 9656 2000 NORTHHOLM GRAMMAR SCHOOL 1007-1013 Pacific Hwy Berowra www.boc.net.au 9456 4444 Thursday 30 October 2014 3 Some Local Chicks ... GET LISTED! LAST CHANCE ... to get your community group or business LISTED IN The Bush Tele Community CALENDAR 2015. JUST $38 FOR A FULL YEAR’S LISTING! Email: info@thebushtele.com. au or phone The Bush Tele Shop 9456 2880. These Tawny Frogmouth chicks are enjoying Sunny Sunday morning in Berowra Heights. Photo courtesy of Kevin J Batchelor. Psst.. Annual Fete and Community Markets The Bush Telegraph Weekly is now the ONLY newspaper letterboxdelivered NORTH of Mt Kuring-gai to homes & businesses in Berowra, Berowra Heights, Cowan, Brooklyn & Cheero Point. THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY Our Circulation: 20 000 letterbox delivered WEEKLY to all homes & businesses: Waitara, Hornsby, Hornsby Heights, Asquith, Mt Colah, Mt Kuring-gai, Berowra, Berowra Heights, Cowan, Mooney Mooney, Brooklyn, Cheero Point and the Hawkesbury community. Bundles to :HVW¿HOGVKRSSLQJFHQWUHVFRXQFLO Saturday 1st November is the combined Annual Fete and Community Markets at Berowra Uniting Church in Alan Road Berowra Heights. Bigger and better, with something IRUHYHU\RQHLQFOXGLQJSODQWVWDOOV LOCAL HONEY, soy candles, jewellery, cards, TRASH N THOMSON LANDSCAPE & GARDEN SUPPLIES P/L Also trading as BEROWRA SAND & SOIL BV N P D T F J M E T D B Q FT V Q Q O B M O P T N P I U X X X OPEN @QfUbc=Qc_^biBUdQY^Y^WGQ\\c DbUQdUT`Y^Uc\UU`UbcQ^T<_Wc <QbWUcU\USdY_^_V=e\SXUcQ^T4US_bQdYfU7bQfU\c 6YbUg__T CQ^T=UdQ\C_Y\cQ^T3_]`_cdc <Q^TcSQ`U2eY\TY^WCe``\YUcQ^T]eSX]_bU 9457 8011 Mon-Fri: 7-5, Sat: 7-3, Sun: 8-11. ONLY SITUATED in the Industrial Area 44 Beaumont Rd, Mt Kuring-gaI an Australian owned, family business, in the local area since 1978 4 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY TREASURE, and books! Children will enjoy the JUMPING &$67/(VDQGDUWFHUDPLFSDLQWLQJ and children’s TOY STALL. For all the delicious food of a FRXQWU\IDLUOHWXVWHPSW\RXU tastebuds with fruit salad, HOMEMADE CAKES, sweets and FKRFRODWHVPLQLVSULQJUROOV7$67< BBQ and Devonshire Teas with scones fresh from the oven! $GGWRWKHGD\ZLWKVRPH¿QDO LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT! This ZLOOLQFOXGHWKHIXQXNXOHOHJURXS BUGS and the harmonious Voices IURPWKH:DWHUV«ZKDWDSOHDVDQW day out! We are looking forward to you joining us with family and friends on Saturday 1st November between DPDQGSP $SRUWLRQRIPRQLHVUDLVHGRQWKLV GD\ZLOOVXSSRUW+$'&($ Photo above left Yummy Devonshire Teas! Relay for Life … ON THE MOVE Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Relay for Life organisers advise that this year’s event has been moved from its usual location at Hornsby Heights to Cliff Oval at the end of Cliff Avenue North Wahroonga. Hornsby Kuring-gai Relay for Life will run from Saturday 1st November with an Opening Ceremony at 10am. Registration: $20 per person Relay For Life is a fun and moving overnight experience that raises vital funds for the Cancer Council’s research, prevention, information and support services. More Information: Jet Van Batenburg, phone: 9334 1600. Email: jetvb@nswcc.org.au Website: http://www. relayforlife.org.au Dangar Island RFB celebrates 70 Years! Story & photo by Cllr Mick Gallagher of Mt Colah The Dangar Island Rural Fire Brigade (DIRFB) has celebrated 70 \HDUVZLWKWKHRI¿FLDORSHQLQJRILWV QHZ6WDWLRQRQ6XQGD\2FWREHU 2QDUULYDODW%URRNO\QWKH9,3V were met by the DIRFB boat crew Dean Finnigan DQGBronek Karcz DQGIHUULHGWRWKHisland paradise ³,W¶VDEXLOGLQJWKDWEOHQGVLQWRWKH EXVKDQGLIQRERG\QRWLFHVLWWKDW LVDJUHDWFRPSOLPHQW´VDLGDave Turner',5)%ZKRGHVLJQHGWKH FDPRXÀDJHGEXVKJUHHQEXLOGLQJ The celebrations also saw the SUHVHQWDWLRQRIDQHZ¿UHWUXFN ³,WXSVWDJHVWKHZKHHOEDUURZZH UHFHQWO\ERXJKW,W¶VJHWWLQJMHDORXV QRZ´VDLGQHZCaptain DIRFB Cybele ShorterZKRKDV EHHQDPHPEHUIRU\HDUV &\EHOHWKDQNHGWKHNSW RFS and Hornsby Shire Council for their FRQWULEXWLRQWRWKHQHZEXLOGLQJDQG WUXFN $WWHQGLQJWKHHYHQWZLWKPHZHUH P\IHOORZ&RXQFLOORUVMayor Steve Russell 0LOVRQ¶V3DVVDJHCllr Nick Berman+RUQVE\+HLJKWV DQGDarren ListerWKH+6&SURMHFW PDQDJHUIRUWKHQHZ5)%VWDWLRQ $OVRZLWKXVZDVMatt Kean, RXU 6WDWH03IRU+RUQVE\ NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) FHOHEULWLHVDWWHQGLQJZHUH &RPPLVVLRQHUShane Fitzsimmons $)606XSHULQWHQGHQWMathew Smith'LVWULFW2SV0JU5)6(DVW 5HJLRQ6837Mark Sugden H/K 'LVWULFW0DQDJHUDQG,QVSHFWRU Peter Marshall H/K District 6HUYLFHV&RRUGLQDWRU 0\RZQWKDQNVRQWKHGD\WR some of the DIRFB members I met LQFOXGLQJFRIIHHPDNHUVWFODVV Ms Richendra EwenPDVWHURI FHUHPRQLHV0&Phillip Holland Wally BoweU3UHVIRU\HDUVD/ Capt Johnathan Sykes6HFUHWDU\ Georgia Lynn-RobinsonDQG KHUKXEE\Bill ',5)%RI¿FLDO SKRWRJUDSKHU DIRFB Kim DahlDQGKHUFKLOGUHQ Luka (12) and Nim (3) also DWWHQGHG7KH\RXQJHVWPHPEHURI WKH',5)%DWWHQGLQJZDVRowland Storch (16). Local supporting RFBsSUHVHQW ZHUH%URRNO\Q0LOVRQ¶V3DVVDJH DQG%HURZUD:DWHUVDVZHOODVWKH DI Community First Response Unit RIWKH16:$PEXODQFH 6HUYLFHV7HDP/HDGHUChristine Sanderson Local residents MRLQHGLQWKH IHVWLYLW\ZLWKPXVLFSURYLGHGE\WKH band Afro PamojaPHDQLQJUnity in Symmetry Some Background … The DIRFB was formed in 1944 during WW27KHEULJDGHKDV EHHQDQLQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKLVXQLTXH LVODQGFRPPXQLW\DQGLQKDV PHPEHUV ³7KHEXVK¿UHVHDVRQLVXSRQXVVR let’s Prepare, Act, and Survive to Thrive´VDLG&DSWDLQ&\EHOH Photo: /5&$37&\EHOH 6KRUWHU16:5)6&206KDQH )LW]VLPPRQVDQG0&3KLOOLS +ROODQG#'DQJDU,VODQG5)% WK%¶GD\6XQ2FW OPEN 7 DAYS %0 LIC- L12082 BEROWRA MEATS Specialising in all types of metal roofing and tile to colorbond reroofs We sell yearling FREE RANGE BEEF, can your meat supplier say that? SPECIALS Crumbed Leg Lamb Steaks $ 19.99/KG Sweet Thai Chicken Curry $ 12.99/KG (save $5/KG) %HURZUD9LOODJH6KRSSLQJ&HQWUH F7XUQHU5G%HURZUD+HLJKWV FREE RANGE BUTCHER Yearling BBQ Beef Steak $ 12.99/KG BBQ Pork Chops $ 10.99/KG 9456 4426 Based in Arcadia, covering the Hills District and Upper North Shore. &DOO6LPRQRQ Thursday 30 October 2014 5 BUSH TELE LETTERS Dear Bush Tele, I would like to thank Matt Kean Member for Hornsby who did an interview on a programme called “Wake Up Australia” with Andrew Moore on Radio 2GB. This interview is now online on the 2GB website: http://www.2gb. com/shows/wake-australia should anyone wish to listen to the podcast. Sean McArdle, Berowra Heights Sean kindly donated $20 to DoggieRescue.com in memory of Jenna Comb. Thank you Sean. ED Proudly sponsored by BEROWRA RSL CLUB ph: 9456 1844 www.clubberowra.com reception@clubberowra.com Thursday, 30 October Pennant Hills Photographic Club Inc 8pm AGM Uniting Church Hall BUSH TELE WEEKLY Pennant Hills. www.phpc.org.au DELIVERED TODAY! Troubled by teenage behaviour? Hornsby Walk’n’Talk 10am, Join ToughLove parent support Hornsby Park Suits 55-75 yrs. group, 7.30-9.30pm, Thornleigh Lorraine 0419 741 435 Community Baptist Church hall Thursday Club For Seniors All Cost:$6/one parent, $10/both. welcome 10am-12md Hornsby Uniting Church, Meet for a cuppa, Details: 0434 504 369 U3A “Great Conductors” with indoor bowls, travel pictures, Dear Bush Tele, Rosemary McCulloch. Balcony bBQS, bus outing. Enq Graham Perhaps ‘Experienced driver’ who Room, Berowra Community Centre 9987 2882 can read signs and speedometer 10:30am to 12:30pm. “Istan Kertesz”. Play Reading Join Maureen Ten /HWWHUV2FWLVDOVRDWUDI¿F Free “ Learn To Meditate” Hornsby as she shares three short plays. accident in the metamorphic stage Willow Community Centre 7:30pmHornsby Library 6:30pm. $5 - a title I reserve for pedal cyclists 9pm Ph 9476 3323 or 0458 498 550 light refreshments. Book online ZKRLQIHVWWKH3DFL¿F+LJKZD\ Tuesday, 4 November hornsby.nsw.gov.au/library or at during the weekends. There are so any Library branch BUSH TELE ONLINE TODAY many examples of ignorance and Friday, 31 October www.thebushtele.com.au disobedience of road rules being Friday Bingo 10am Berowra Hornsby Ladies Probus Club ÀDXQWHGLWLVGLI¿FXOWWRLGHQWLI\WKRVH Community Health Centre, 123 meets 10am Asquith Leagues Club, who ride safely and courteously and Berowra Waters Rd. Morning Tea, Visitors welcome. Enq. Barbara within the Act. Lunch, transport. Marie 9456 3344 9484 7578, Eileen on 0409 034 754 I drive to and fro’ Cowan each ABC English Conversation Hornsby Toastmasters Learn public Sunday morning and am often Group Hornsby 1 - 2.30pm at speaking/Leadership skills, 7.30pm, confronted with a rear end view Performing Arts Centre, Edgeworth Beatrice Taylor Hall, near Willow of arrogant peddlers who from David Ave, Gold coin. A community Park, Hornsby. All welcome. Enq time to time occupy an entire service by Breakthrough Church Jagath 0408 642 492 road lane preventing others from Hornsby. All welcome. Contact: Pia Wednesday, 5 November overtaking. I obtained a drivers’ Horan 0422695458 Wednesday Lunch Club Home licence in the early 50s and haven’t Saturday, 1 November Style 2 course hot meal. 11.30am stopped learning since. Among my Annual Fete & Community pianist, Berowra Community Health TXDOL¿FDWLRQVLV+HDY\YHKLFOH Markets, Berowra Uniting Church Centre, 123 Berowra Waters Rd. advanced driver, instructor. At 77 Transport prov. Marie on 9456 3344 Alan Rd Berowra Hts, 9am-2pm. years of age I am very aware of Beecroft Dance Live Band with Helping Hands Craft Group my eld and its impingement on my Australian Dances old & new 9.30am–2.30pm Asquith Leisure capability. I drive with this always in called at Beecroft Community Centre, New Members Welcome. mind and am not the problem on the Centre 7.30-11.30pm. Enq. Wilma $5.00 incl morning tea, bring road these cyclists present. 9489 5594 or 0413 673 339 lunch. Enq. Anita 9456 1259email Roy Mellier, Cheero Point. Bushwalks for Fun & Fitness alananita@gmail.com 7.30am-9.30am. Enq: 0400 873 Time Out for Seniors (TOFS). Dear Bush Tele, 532 or www.MyBushWalks.org Speakers, music, picnic outings. I am not one who writes to your Stepping Out Theatre Morning tea/lunch. $6. 10.15am-2pm publication or any other for that “Parfumerie” an old-fashioned, Hornsby Hts Baptist Church. Enq: matter, but the letter from someone romantic Christmas tale. Nov Kay 9476 2080 or Karen 9987 1978 called Paul Woodage complaining 1,7,8,14 & 15 at 7:30pm. Nov 2 & Hornsby Branch National Seniors about BUMPS in Berowra Waters 9 at 2pm. Booking David 0413 210 meet Asquith Bowling Club 10.30am. Road got me off my apathetic 789 or info@steppingouttheatre. Enq. Ruth 9456 4764. backside and prompted me to com Berowra Over 55 Club Berowra respond. Monday, 3 November Community Centre 9am-12:30pm. It appears to me that many are carpet bowls, Bus Outings. Enq. A Monday Cards (500), Scrabble, either illiterate or are numerically Foody 9457 0627 Jigsaw 10.30am-1pm Berowra disabled if they cannot read the Crowdfunding and Timebanking Community Health Centre, 123 WUDI¿FVLJQVLQ%HURZUD:DWHUV by Keith Whelan, 6:30pm-8:30pm. Berowra Waters Rd. Morning Road. The speed limit in Berowra Tea,Transport. Marie on 9456 3344 Cost $8. Book online hornsby.nsw. :DWHUV5RDGIURPWKH3DFL¿F Hornsby Walk’n’Talk 10am, gov.au/library or any Library branch. Highway to the roundabout at the Hornsby Park Suits 55-75 yrs. Enq 9847 6614. junction road of Alan Road is 50km Lorraine 0419 741 435 Thursday, 6 November per hour. When you enter Turner Dance Workshop all ages. BUSH TELE WEEKLY Road the speed reduces to 40kmh Australian Dances. We teach you! DELIVERED TODAY! per hour. Wilma 9489 5594, 0413 673339 Hawkesbury River Writers (www. In my experience many motorists hrw.org.au) meet Board Room, choose to ignore these signs and ÀDJUDQWO\GLVREH\WKHODZ7KH I have informed the Hornsby police damage to your vehicle and any purpose of speed bumps is to try pedestrians trying to cross the road. of this problem and hope that the to deter motorists from travelling You might have had a bad day but I roads in question will receive more at an unlawful speed. If you want attention in the future. suggest that motorists review their to drive like a lunatic and your John Martin, Berowra driving habits otherwise they are shock absorbers are damaged all OLNHO\WRHQGXUHYHU\KHDY\WUDI¿F you have to do is to slow down ¿QHVDQGORVVRIOLFHQFHLIFKDUJHG and negotiate the bumps at an by the police. appropriate speed thus avoiding 6 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY Berowra RSL 7pm. All genres, all levels of experience. All welcome. Enq: Alan 94764640 Hornsby Walk’n’Talk 10am, Hornsby Park Suits 55-75 yrs. Lorraine 0419 741 435 Mt Colah Group Embroiderers’ Guild meets Asquith Leisure Centre, 10am-2pm. Enq. Helen 9987 4438 Thornleigh Toastmasters club Learn public speaking/Leadership, 7pm Pennant Hills Bowling Club. All welcome. Enq. Nicki 0411 887 166 Thursday Club For Seniors 10am12md -Hornsby Uniting Church, Cnr Frederick & William Streets. Meet for a cuppa and chat, indoor bowls, travel pictures, barbecues and the occasional bus outing. Enq. Graham 9987 2882 Writing blockbusters : What’s the secret? Hear from novelists Scott Baker (The Rule of Knowledge), Tony Park (Far Horizon), writers Chris Allen (Hunter) and Greg Barron (Savage Tide) as they share the secrets of creating world-famous blockbusters. Hornsby Central Library. 6:30pm. $5 including light refreshments. Book online hornsby. nsw.gov.au/library or at any Hornsby Library Branch Berowra Probus Club meet Uniting Church, Alan Rd, Berowra Hts 10am. This month’s speaker is Jo Harris, Radio Historian on “Three Wireless Men”. Visitors welcome. Ph: John 9456 0288. BEROWRA RSL CLUB Thursdays Doors open 11.30am Eyes down 12pm. Just $3 per book! Lunch specials available! SUNDAY CHILL SESSIONS From 3.30pm on the sky deck 2nd Nov Bernie Segedin 9th Nov Steve Passfield FREE jumping castle for the kids LIKE US ON www.facebook.com/ berowrarsl or go to our Website for more info. For information of members & their guests. you tell us! Send your Letters to editor@thebushtele.com.au All-inclusive luxury journeys with Scenic Tours and helloworld Hornsby 12 Day Italian Serenade FLY TO EUROPE FROM $1,615*pp including taxes From $8,395 *pp twin share 12 day luxury land tour • Vatican city, the worlds smallest state • breath taking cliff views over the Mediterranean, Sorrento • Karst caves, Postojna DISCOVER: Lake Bled on a traditional ‘Pletna’ boat • Pisa and the famous Leaning tower • stunning villages of the Cinque Terre EXPERIENCE: Pompeii and appreciate the incredible level of civilisation enjoyed by the ancient Romans • fishing village of Portofino • Perugia ITE 18 Day South Africa, Garden Route & Victoria Falls SAVE $1,050* per couple From $9,470 *pp twin share ENJOY: ENJOY: journey along the Garden Route • morning wildlife cruise on Lake Jozini • Cape Peninsula tour with penguin colony DISCOVER: Outdshoorn, Cango Caves and ostrich farm • world renowned Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve and Rhino Sanctuary EXPERIENCE: game drives in Lion Sands Game Reserve in ZGR Kruger National Park • game viewing cruise and drive in Chobe National Park Internal flights included 22 Day Magnificent Canadian Rockies & Alaskan Cruise ENJOY: seven night luxury Alaskan Cruise • Butchart Gardens • horse and carriage ride in Victoria • unique views from Glacier Skywalk FLY FREE* TO CANADA DISCOVER: Whistler’s alpine ski village Sun Peaks • Jasper National Park • Lake Louise • Glacier Bay • Capilano Suspension Bridge return just pay taxes from $860pp * From $11,745 pp twin share RPCL EXPERIENCE: famous Rocky Mountaineer • presentation on Black Bears • dog sled adventure • exclusive Fairmont Chateau Whistler helloworld Hornsby Shop 3048 Level 3 Westfield Hornsby Phone: 9476 5544 *Conditions apply. Prices based on per person twin share in AUD ex SYD, strictly limited, subject to availability, available on set departures until sold out and may be withdrawn at any time. For new bookings only, not available in conjunction with any other offer. First $1,000 non-refundable per person deposit due within 7 days. RPCL Flights on Air Canada economy L class, taxes from $860pp are additional cost. ZGR $1,050 per couple saving included in price. ITE Flights on Singapore Airlines economy Q class, taxes up to $950 per person included. Flights must be booked by Scenic Tours. Flight offers are non-refundable and subject to availability L/Q class, surcharges and airline terms and conditions once ticketed. RPCL ITE Book & deposit by 30 November 2014. ZGR Book & deposit by 31 December 2014. Prices based on the following 2015 departures RPCL: 18 April ZGR: 25 September ITE: 11 May. For full terms and conditions refer to relevant Brochure and Earlybird flyer. Scenic Tours ABN 85 002 715 602. QUOTE CODE: SNTR2005 Thursday 30 October 2014 7 Berowra Public School Fair Saturday 8th November, 10am – 4pm With lots of stalls, you are sure WR¿QGVRPHWKLQJIDQWDVWLFDWWKH %HURZUD3XEOLF6FKRRO)DLU &RPHDQGVHHWKH0RXQWHG3ROLFH DQG)LUH%ULJDGH 7KHUHZLOOEH&KRFRODWH:KHHODQG 5DIÀHVZLWKVRPHVXSHUSUL]HV .LQGLIDUPFUDIWSHUIRUPDQFHV WKURXJKRXWWKHGD\SOHQW\RIULGHV DQGD6,'(6+2:$//(< %\QRZ\RXPLJKWEHKXQJU\RU WKLUVW\«VRVWRSE\WKHFDNHVWDOO WKHFDIpRUWKHLFHFUHDPSDUORXU SLFNXSDJR]OHPHVDXVDJH QRWDGGUHVVWKHQXPEHURIWUXFN Remediating the Hornsby VDQGZLFKKRWGRJRU<800< PRYHPHQWVSHUGD\UHTXLUHGIRUWKH 3$1&$.(6 Quarry has been planning ¿OORSHUDWLRQRYHUSRWHQWLDOO\PDQ\ headache for Hornsby ³7KH%HURZUD3XEOLF6FKRRO)DLU \HDUV2SWLRQVVXFKDVWUDQVSRUWLQJ LVRXUPDMRUELDQQXDOIXQGUDLVLQJ Council for decades but change could soon be on the WKH9(10IURPDSRWHQWLDOQHDUE\ HYHQW´VDLGRQHRIWKH)DLU H[FDYDWLRQVLWHYLDDWXQQHOPD\EH RUJDQLVHUV/LVD-HZNHV horizon. SRVVLEOHDWDFRVW +RUQVE\6WDWH/LEHUDO030DWW ³7KLVSLFWXUHVTXHYDOOH\VKRXOG .HDQKDVSOHGJHGWRZRUNZLWK +RUQVE\&RXQFLODQGWKHFRPPXQLW\ EHWXUQHGLQWRWKHSHRSOH¶VSDUN WR¿QGDVROXWLRQIRUWKH6KLUH¶V GHGLFDWHGRSHQVSDFHIRUWKH HQMR\PHQWRISHRSOHULJKWDFURVVWKH PLOOLRQFXELFPHWUHµEODFNKROH¶ ³7KLVKDVEHHQDERWWRPOHVVPRQH\ +RUQVE\6KLUH´VDLG0DWW.HDQ ³:HQHHGWRJRWKURXJKWKHSURSHU SLWIRURXUFRPPXQLW\IRURYHUD SURFHVVWRPDNHVXUHZHPLQLPLVH GHFDGHDQG,WKLQNLW¶VWLPHIRU UHVLGHQWVRI+RUQVE\WRJHWDUHWXUQ WKHLPSDFW,IZHZHUHWRJRGRZQ Featuring his band PLAYER with WKDWSDWKWKHQZHZRXOGIROORZWKH RQWKHLULQYHVWPHQWVLQWKHIRUPRI Bandmate PETER BECKETT Live SURSHUVWXG\ORRNLQJDWGLIIHUHQWZD\V plus Stories from his 25-Year Career SXEOLFRSHQVSDFH´0U.HDQVDLG )LOOLQJWKHTXDUU\ZLWK9(109LUJLQ WR¿OOWKHTXDUU\´0DWW.HDQVDLG in “THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL” Photo above: 0DWW.HDQ03ZLWK The star of the successful TV Series ([FDYDWHG1DWXUDO0DWHULDOFRXOG 0D\RU6WHYH5XVVHOOVXUYH\LQJWKH “THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL” UHVROYHWKHHQYLURQPHQWDODVSHFWV +RUQVE\4XDUU\ RIDODQG¿OOVLWHKRZHYHUWKLVZLOO and the highly-successful U.S band PLAYER which had a number one worldwide hit with “Baby Come Back”, RONN MOSS is returning for AN EVENING WITH RONN on Saturday 29th November at HORNSBY RSL CLUB Bookings: (02) 9477 7777. HALLOWEEN BLUE LIGHT 5HFRUGIDOOLQ%UDG¿HOGHOHFWULFLW\ DISCO. With a special guest SULFHVIROORZLQJFDUERQWD[ For the information of members and guests. appearance and an awesome repeal DJ a great night is guaranteed. 6FUDSSLQJWKHFDUERQWD[KDV DEROLWLRQRIWKHFDUERQWD[ZLOO The disco will be held on 1st GHOLYHUHGIDPLOLHVDQGEXVLQHVVHV UHGXFHWKH&3,E\DURXQG November 2014 6:30pm – 8:30pm LQ%UDG¿HOGWKHELJJHVWGURS SHUFHQWDJHSRLQWVWKURXJKWKH\HDU at the PCYC Performing Arts LQHOHFWULFLW\SULFHVRQUHFRUG WRWKH-XQHTXDUWHURI´ Center 22 Waitara Ave, Waitara DFFRUGLQJWRPaul Fletcher, 7KH¿JXUHVUHOHDVHGFRQ¿UP for kids aged 8-12, $9 per child 0HPEHUIRU%UDG¿HOG WKDWVFUDSSLQJWKHFDUERQWD[LV and $5 for sibling’s, Pre booking /DVWZHHNWKH$%6UHOHDVHGWKH GHOLYHULQJUHDODQGLPPHGLDWHFRVW is essential. &RQVXPHU3ULFH,QGH[IRUWKH RIOLYLQJUHOLHIWR$XVWUDOLDQIDPLOLHV Blue Light Disco’s are a drug 6HSWHPEHU4XDUWHU²WKH and alcohol free event with no ¿UVWRXWFRPHVLQFHWKH&RDOLWLRQ SDVVRXWVDQGDSROLFHRI¿FHU VFUDSSHGWKHFDUERQWD[ Changes to … Do present all evening. All tickets (OHFWULFLW\SULFHVKDGWKHODUJHVWIDOO can be purchased at the PCYC VLQFHZKHQWKH&3,HOHFWULFLW\ Not Call Register 94 George st Hornsby SULFHVHULHVZDVFUHDWHG TKH$XVWUDOLDQ*RYHUQPHQWKDV Kickboxing for Kids is starting 0HPEHUIRU%UDG¿HOG3DXO)OHWFKHU LQWURGXFHGOHJLVODWLRQWRFKDQJH on Monday, Wednesday & 03FRQ¿UPHGWKDWWKHUHKDYH the 'R1RW&DOO5HJLVWHUVRLWZLOO Fridays 4pm till 5pm 5 – 13 yr DOUHDG\EHHQVLJQL¿FDQWIDOOV RQO\EHQHFHVVDU\WRSODFHDSKRQH olds $6 per session. Great way to LQHOHFWULFLW\DQGJDVSULFHVLQ QXPEHURQWKH5HJLVWHU once, as JHW¿WDQGEXLOGFRQ¿GHQFH %UDG¿HOG RSSRVHGWRUHUHJLVWHULQJDIWHUHLJKW For more information call ,Q1HZ6RXWK:DOHVSRZHUELOOVDUH \HDUV 94772310 or email dallars@ XSWRSHUFHQWORZHUWKDQWKH\ ³7KLVFKDQJHPHDQVKRXVHKROGV pcycnsw.org.au. ZRXOGKDYHEHHQZLWKWKHFDUERQ ZLOOQRORQJHUKDYHWRUHPHPEHUWR WD[ UHQHZWKHLUUHJLVWUDWLRQ´VDLGPaul ³7KHUHDUHOLNHO\WREHIXUWKHUÀRZ This column is proudly )OHWFKHU0HPEHUIRU%UDG¿HOG RQEHQH¿WVRIORZHUHOHFWULFLW\ sponsored by helloworld, This legislative change will SULFHVRQWKHFRVWRIRWKHUJRRGV Hornsby - please ring 9476 5544 reduce the regulatory burden on DQGVHUYLFHVRYHUWKHQH[WFRPLQJ for all you travel needs companies and on citizens, by TXDUWHU´VDLG0U)OHWFKHU reducing the need for millions of “Treasury estimates that the individual renewals of registrations Hornsby Quarry … To Fill or Not To Fill … ³3URFHHGVIURPWKHVFKRROVWDOOV ZLOOIXQGDGGLWLRQDOHTXLSPHQWDQG UHVRXUFHVIRURXUFKLOGUHQ´ Ride bands & Kindifarm tickets are on sale 1st Nov at Coles Berowra 10-2pm. Can’t wait to see you there! An Evening with RONN MOSS CLUB NEWS 8 How Much was YOUR latest Electricity Bill? THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY on the Do Not Call register. Some Interesting Stats: 7KHUHDUHQRZPLOOLRQFXUUHQW UHJLVWUDWLRQVZLWKDURXQGPLOOLRQ QXPEHUVDGGHGHYHU\\HDU 0RUHWKDQWZRWKLUGVRI$XVWUDOLDQ KRXVHKROGVKDYHOLVWHGWKHLUQXPEHU RQWKH5HJLVWHU 7KH'R1RW&DOO5HJLVWHULVD IUHH*RYHUQPHQWVHUYLFHDQG UHJLVWUDWLRQRIDSKRQHOLQHPRELOH SKRQHRUID[QXPEHUFDQEHGRQH RQOLQHLQ¿YHHDV\VWHSVDWZZZ GRQRWFDOOJRYDXE\SKRQHRQ RUE\SRVW :KHUHDKRXVHKROGHUUHJLVWHUHGRQ WKH'R1RW&DOO5HJLVWHUUHFHLYHV DFDOOIURPDWHOHPDUNHWHUWKH\ FDQUHSRUWWKLVWRWKH$XVWUDOLDQ &RPPXQLFDWLRQVDQG0HGLD $XWKRULW\ 6RPHRUJDQLVDWLRQVKDYHDQ H[HPSWLRQWKHVHLQFOXGHFKDULWLHV HGXFDWLRQDOLQVWLWXWLRQVDQGSROLWLFDO SDUWLHV For more information: www.donotcall.gov.au or call 1300 792 958. just for Kids Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder Children with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder can have difficulties with maintaining concentration, organising themselves and impulsivity. Forgetfulness, daydreaming and having difficulty slowing down or sitting still may also be very difficult. It is important to note that all children with AD/HD do not have the same behaviours. Some may be very active and always on the go. Others may be daydreamers, forgetful and quiet in class. Such difficulties affect a child’s ability to complete tasks in the classroom and at home. Quite often, parents and teachers of children with AD/HD feel that the child has a great deal of potential, but is just not able to reach it because they have trouble staying on task and finishing things. So what can be done to help kids with attention problems? The first step is a thorough assessment to determine if a child has AD/HD and to understand learning style, strengths and areas for improvement. A Child Psychologist can help with parenting strategies, classroom strategies and ideas to make changes to tasks and the environment around the child to increase independence. A Paediatrician can also support with regular health reviews and work with parents to determine if medication may also help. By diagnosing a child who has attention problems, many things can then be done to help the child realise their potential and increase their confidence and selfesteem. Sara Balmer, Psychology for Kids. www.sarabalmer.com.au Kids are kids. They can be distractible, forgetful, ILOTKRIUEAMDiDGESX`5HEXNFSEMDNMıSKIRSEMAMD sometimes seem to forget what they should be doing the minute after they were told. But at what point should a parent worry about "SSEMSINM%EiCIS)XOEQACSIUISX%IRNQDEQ"%)%^ For Buyers and Sellers of ol USED SCHOOL UNIFORMS in the North Shore Area ȟȦȩȥȪșȰ Assessments Behaviour Anxiety & more Preschool to High School ages ,ĂǀĞLJŽƵŽƵƚŐƌŽǁŶ͍ KƵƚůĞƚŝŶ DŽǀĞĚŽŶ͍ ^ƚ/ǀĞƐͲĂůƐŽ :ƵƐƚƐƚĂƌƚĞĚ͍ OPENŝŶ^ĐŚŽŽů 'ƌĂĚƵĂƚĞĚ͍ ,ŽůŝĚĂLJƐ Save money.ƵLJƵƐĞĚ^ĐŚŽŽůhŶŝĨŽƌŵƐ͘ Make money͘>ĞƚƵƐƐĞůůLJŽƵƌƵƐĞĚƵŶŝĨŽƌŵƐ͘ hƐĞĚƚĞdžƚŬƐĂůƐŽĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ Call Sue: 0432 209 917 ǁǁǁ͘ƚŚĞƵŶŝĨŽƌŵĞdžĐŚĂŶŐĞ͘ĐŽŵ͘ĂƵ Have your childs growing feet correctly fitted Summer and school shoes in now FORBES FOOTWEAR 153 Pacific Hwy Hornsby Open Monday to Saturday Thursday 30 October 2014 9 SOCIAL SNIPPETS FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS “Flight, Events … Sanctuaries – protecting and nurturing while nature waits The Pressgang Community Printmakers present this free exhibition of recent prints inspired by aspects of the natural world associated with the reservation and preservation of species and habitats at risk on Friday 31 October to Sunday 16 November at Hornsby Library. Songs on the Mall Hornsby Shire based women’s choir, Spirit of Sydney Chorus, will sing songs from a wide-ranging repertoire in beautiful harmony on Saturday 1 November, 2.30pm in the Hornsby Mall. Kreative Kids Saturdays Every Saturday through to November 29, Dural Art Studio 286-288 New Line Road, Dural will be open for sessions in drawing, painting, clay, ceramics and stamp’n’colour art. Fully supervised sessions for ages six years and RYHUZLWKTXDOL¿HGWHDFKHUVDQG experts in these mediums at a cost of $27.50 each session. Enq: 9651 3546. Parfumerie Stepping Out Theatre presents this romantic comedy that explores miscommunication and love at second sight on Saturday 1 November, 7.30pm; Friday 7 November, 7.30pm; Saturday 8 November, 7.30pm; Friday 14 November, 7.30pm; Saturday 15 November, 7.30pm; Sunday 2 November, 2pm and Sunday 9 November, 2pm at the Berowra District Hall, 43 Berowra Waters Road, Berowra. Adult $20, concession $15. Enq: 0413 210 789. Civil Planning – Hornsby Westside Ian Ezzy, Robert Godfrey and Ana De La Cruz from Ezzy Architects join Peter Fryar, town planner from Key Urban Planning, to discuss their architectural vision for the redevelopment of Hornsby Westside on Sunday 2 November, 10.30am at the Artist’s Lounge, Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre. Bookings essential, visit trybooking.com/FLCJ Art for Parks Art for Parks is an exhibition for nature lovers. Artists present work to raise awareness about the conservation of our wild places from Tuesday 4 November to Saturday 15 November, 10am-5pm daily at Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre. Tuesday Tunes Be entertained by a program of 10 OK for takeoff!” /RUUDH&ROOLQVFDSWXUHGWKLV&RFNDWRRLQÀLJKWMXVWODVWZHHNRQWKH Great North Walk. different buskers in Hornsby Mall on Tuesday 4 November, 4pm5pm. Future Cities Join town planner Steven Liaros for a talk on the history and future of town planning and how the internet is transforming our cities. This event is part of the Sydney Architecture Festival on Tuesday 4 November, 6.30pm at Hornsby Library. Bookings essential, book online at hornsby.nsw.gov.au/library In Flux This is an exhibition of ceramics by graduating Diploma of Ceramic students from TAFE on Tuesday 4 November to Saturday 8 November (Tuesday to Friday, 11am-4pm; Saturday, 10-1pm) at Hornsby TAFE, 205 Peats Ferry Road, Hornsby. Enq: 9472 1200. Rags to Runway Catwalk A showcase of innovative fashion designs made from re-used materials on Thursday 6 November, 6pm in the Hornsby Mall. THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY Writing Blockbusters: What’s the Secret? Hear from novelists Scott Baker, Tony Park, Chris Allen and Greg Baron discuss their views on how to write a blockbuster book on Thursday 6 November, 6.30pm at Hornsby Library and costs $5. Bookings essential, book online at fota.com.au HEALTH AND BEAUTY PRICELESS PEARLS By Ralph Estherby A loud hiss, a cloud of steam and a stream of scalding water announced that my hot water heater needed to be replaced. I don’t know why but it seems like these things always happen late at night! I distinctly remember walking past my hot water heater over the last couple of weeks and not noticing anything amiss...from the outside, WKLQJVORRNHG¿QHDQGWKHUHZHUHQR signs that “the end was near” but on the inside obviously, a different story was unfolding. This was not a small leak but a complete rupture of the system, there was nothing to be done but to turn the water off and to break the news to the family that they would be at least 1-2 days without hot water. As I said, you would not have been able to tell that anything was wrong by looking on the surface EXWVRPHWKLQJZDVGH¿QLWHO\QRW healthy within. The problem is that over time the steel tank of the water heater starts to corrode and if left unattended the integrity of the tank is compromised; when you add the fact that the hot water is under high pressure, it only takes the smallest KROHWREHFRPHDVLJQL¿FDQWSUREOHP :DWHUKHDWHUVDUH¿WWHGZLWKD µVDFUL¿FLDODQRGH¶which is made of a material that corrodes faster than the steel in the tank and so extends WKHOLIHRIWKHKHDWHUE\VDFUL¿FLQJ itself…I only know this because a couple of days ago I received a OHDÀHWH[SODLQLQJLWWRPHDQGZK\ I should have my hot water heater serviced – the timing is interesting… SHUKDSVWKH\GURSWKHOHDÀHWRQH day and come around and punch a hole in your water heater the next night? (Surely not??) As I was having my cold shower this morning the thought came to me that although things can all look OK on the outside what is happening on the inside of our life may be quite different. There are many things which cause ‘corrosion’; things done ‘to’ us and things done ‘by’ us. Given enough pressure even the strongest will eventually crack and leak and fail. I am just so thankful that there is one ±-HVXV±ZKRZDVZLOOLQJWRVDFUL¿FH Himself for me so that my failings, weaknesses and shortcomings do not determine my future no matter what pressure I am exposed to. I hope you don’t just look good on the outside; maybe it is time to look within? Do you have a comment or a question? ralph.estherby@ gmail.com‘Breakthrough Church’, meets at 9.30am Sundays at the Performing Arts Centre (Old Bowling Club) - Edgeworth David Ave Hornsby - 9477 7222 DEMENTIA CARERS’ SUPPORT GROUP MEETS … If you care for a relative, neighbour or friend with memory loss or care for an elderly person and need support or information, please join us! Our next speaker is Maurice Finn, Clinical Psychologist who will talk about “Brain Training: fact or ¿FWLRQ´DWSPRQ7KXUVGD\ 13 November 2014. Convener & Facilitator is Roslyn Curran Senior Social Worker, Rehab & Aged Care Services Hornsby Ku-ringgai Health Service. Meetings are free to attend and are held at Berowra Community Health Centre 123 Berowra Waters Rd, Berowra Heights and afternoon tea will be provided. RSVP: Marie Brooks 9456 3344 Next Meeting Date: Thursday 4 December 2014 Ride a Day in my Wheels … International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) brings together individuals, businesses, community organisations and governments from every corner of the world to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions, skills and achievements of people with disability. The theme for 2014 is “Sustainable Development: The Promise of 7HFKQRORJ\´ Studio ARTES… 6WXGLR$57(6KDVLGHQWL¿HGDVLJQL¿FDQW population of adults living with disability, for whom accessing appropriate services is unaffordable. The organisation therefore fundraises in order to offer fee support to these individuals, so that they may have the opportunity to develop their skills and be involved in community life. Ride a Day in My Wheels is one of those major fundraising events and will be held Saturday 6th December, 2014 from 10am – 3pm in Hornsby Mall – Hunter and Florence Streets, Hornsby. A sneak peak of the enjoyment can be found by watching the short video here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXNbo2XddOo It will also be a celebration in the theme of ³'RQ¶W',6P\$ELOLW\´ showcasing our member’s skills in areas of visual and performing arts and music. For more information please contact Wendy Escott on 9482 5266 Email: wendy.escott@studioartes.com.au www.studioartes.com.au www.facebook.com/pages/ Links: StudioARTESInc www.dontdismyability.com.au Mel’s Hair & Beauty Specialising in all areas of HAIR AND BEAUTY EARS, NOSE & NAVEL PIERCING 9456 2188 Shop 10, Berowra Village, Turner Road Doggie Rescue Pet of the Week MEET … HORNSBY YOGA Kiki 2 Burdett Street Qualified IYENGAR Teacher www.hornsbyyoga.com.au BOOKINGS: Shirley 9482 1741 Start your hairfree life now! Electrolysis is still the ONLY proven permanent form of hair removal. At EBK, we use state of the art technology to achieve results that are both dramatic and life enhancing. NOW OPEN IN WAITARA Call now and receive your first treatment absolutely free. 0432803194 www.electrolysisbykirsty.com Kiki is a sweet happy three year old Staffy X Jack Russell girl who is social with other dogs. Founder of Doggie Rescue, Monika Biernacki said, “Kiki walks on loose lead and pays no attention to cars but can bark at some passing dogs. She enjoys pats, cuddles & the attention of kids. She loves to be picked up. She also enjoys a run or jog.” Kiki has a short coat and weighs 9.2kg. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Her adoption cost is $400. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Monika@DoggieRescue.com. Visit www.DoggieRescue.com to meet more than 200 homeless dogs. Doggie Rescue Pet of the Week adverts are proudly sponsored by The Bush Tele Weekly. Thursday 30 October 2014 11 YOUR LOCAL SERVICES & TRADES GUIDE AIR CONDITIONING 683(5 &2/' Jesse Morris 0424 528 106 supercoldair@iinet.net.au ,QVWDOODWLRQ5HSDLU0DLQWHQDQFH )UHHLQVWDOODWLRQTXRWHV Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Services Authorisation No: AU32411 ACCOUNTANTS HANDYMAN CLADDING WASHING MACHINE & DRYER REPAIRS ALL MAJOR BRANDS Cladding Vinyl, Aluminium and Brick Cladding experts Authorised KLEENMAID Agent NORTHSIDE WASHER SERVICE Graeme Shepherdson 9457 9162 0418 679 596 COMPUTER SERVICES AWNINGS LANDSCAPING %CNN2GVGT .CPFUECRG)CTFGPGT Ben Miller Chartered Accountant 8 Wattle Street, Asquith (opposite Coles) benmiller@outlook.com.au (02) 9476 5555 OĐĐŽƵŶƟŶŐOƵĚŝƚ dĂdžOƵƐŝŶĞƐƐĚǀŝĐĞ O AERIALS Design Decks Paving Excavation Retaining walls Vegie gardens Fencing Planting Irrigation Mowing & Maintanence Outdoor Blinds/Awnings Canvas Blind Recover Canvas covers made to Measure 9457 6333 | 0417 438 270 %HURZUDEDVHGORFDOH[SHULHQFHIRUVPDOOWRODUJHSURMHFWV www.northshorecanvas.com.au BBQ & HEATING .KE% (WNN[SWCNKHKGFCPFKPUWTGF MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION All Mechanical Repairs All TV antenna and satellite work, 3G/4G reception, interference investigations, free quotes, fully insured. 0435 713 790 darren@darrenthesparky.com.au www.darrenthesparky.com.au ABN: 45 286 102 520 | Lic #: 254024C DIGITAL ANTENNA SPECIALIST TIGER ANTENNAS FREE QUOTES AUSTRALIAN made WE TURN UP ON TIME tigerantennas.com.au 9943 1080 0416 099 186 APPLIANCE REPAIRS KURING-GAI APPLIANCE REPAIRS IAN CORBRIDGE 6Pb0__[XP]RTb FPbWX]V<PRWX]T 3ahTab3XbWfPbWTabBc^eTb PHONE: 9456 3712 MOB: 0407 921 196 APPLIANCE REPAIRS WASHERS O FRIDGES D/WASHERS O STOVES O O HAMILTON APPLIANCE SERVICE 9456 5777 SALES - SERVICE - REPAIRS YOUR LOCAL BBQ & HEATING CENTRE OUTDOOR FURNITURE Sales, Service & Repairs Gas & Wood Heaters & Fireplaces Mantelpiece’s - Marble & Wood Jetmaster Agent Elgas Refiller & Swap Station Full Range of natural gas & BBQ fittings MOST BRANDS SPECIALIST 12 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 The extension and renovation experts. For a complimentary initial discussion call Rego’s while you wait Courtesy cars, pick up and drop off service Chris O’Neill 0411 88 88 22 or 9457 8783. BLINDS ELECTRICIANS PLUMBERS Millington ELECTRICAL BEROWRA PLUMBING Security Grills Cedar Venetians Venetian Blinds Security Doors Fabric/Aluminium Awnings Holland Blinds Vertical Drapes Roman Blinds Insect Screens Tel: 9456 2233 Derick: 0417 442 805 Est. since 1972 Solar Panels Power Points, Lighting, Phone, Data, TV Cabling Ceiling Fans, Smoke Detectors, House Rewire, Switchboards STUART: 0420 666 781 Lic. 191933c PAUL CAMERON AUTOMOTIVE PTY LTD 6-8 Berowra Waters Rd Berowra 9456-1243 Local, Prompt & Professional 24 HR Emergency Service Blocked Drains Cleared, CCTV Inspections, Burst Pipes, Hot Water, Gasfitting, Renovations & New Installations Lic. 167463C 0416 018 421 e: berowra_plumbing@yahoo.com.au BUILDING CUSTOM DESIGN BUILDING HIA AWARD WINNER 5A84=3;H ?4AB>=0;8B43 B4AE824 *ALTERATIONS *EXTENSIONS *RENOVATIONS *KITCHENS *WALLS REMOVED *DECKS *GYPROCKING *CARPENTRY *ROOFING *PLUMBING *ELECTRICALS *PLANS J. Rosser LicNo.17899C 9457 8742 Mob 0418 204 197 SIMON CADDY ELECTRICAL Pty Ltd Domestic - Commercial - Industrial TV Antenna, phone and data, ovens & hotplates, rewires, lighting, data cabling and communications, main and switchboard upgrades, PROFESSIONAL RELIABLE AND COST EFFECTIVE SERVICE. 24 hour 7 day emergency service. Ph: 0400110081 CARPET CLEANING PAYLESS CARPET CLEANING 24 Hours - Monday-Friday DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL Carpet & Upholstery CLEANING KEITH 0413 686 263 AH: 4577 9659 paylesscarpetcleaning@outlook.com HOOVER Chris Evans Carpentry 9476 5094 ~ 9476 6848 4 9477 3535 - 126 George St Hornsby www.lincsbbqandheating.com.au CARPENTRY SERVICE * SPARES * REPAIRS WASHERS - DRYERS VACUUM - D/WASHERS HORNSBY 3 Lic. 139559C ELECTRICAL & ANTENNAS 2 No job too small Friendly Reliable Service - Free Quotes - Fully Licenced and Insured - All work guaranteed Residential home repairs and additions, carports, decks/pergolas eave and facia work and more. Please contact me to discuss your needs. Lic: 215276c mobile. 0404 047 456 remerus@hotmail.com THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY LICENSED PLUMBING Plumber Drainer Gasfitter Blocked drain specialist Hot Water The local plumber you can rely on. Backflow, TMV $0 Call out. Pensioner discount Call Simon: 0412 41 45 41 www.licensedplumbing.com.au Lic #230704c Scott & Sons Plumbers ELECTRICAL & ANTENNAS All Electrical work, Phone & data, TV & Satellite, fully insured. 0435 713 790 darren@darrenthesparky.com.au www.darrenthesparky.com.au ABN: 45 286 102 520 | Lic #: 254024C Plumbing, Drainage & Gasfitting Blocked Drains Hot Water Heaters CCTV - Water Jetter Domestic, Commerical Industrial 24 hrs - 7 days 9482 9199 Lic. No: 141840c email: service@scottandsons.com.au GARDENING Locally owned & operated Lawn mowing, edging Lawn care and weeding Garden clear outs Hedging, pruning & trimming Residential, strata & commercial Call 0438 579 668 Fully insured www.gardeningandmowing.com.au LOCAL ADVERTISING REALLY WORKS 9456 2880 thebushtele.com.au Services and Trades... cont’d POOLS NEW VET HOSPITAL Opens in HORNSBY HEIGHTS TILING KU-RING-GAI TILING PARAMOUNT 3RRO&HQWUH O O O Regular Pool Cleaning Service Liquid Chlorine Delivery Service Free Home Deliveries Maintenance And Installations Filters, Pumps, Heaters, Salt Chlorinators Liquid Chlorinators (Ask For Pink Addative) Pump And Motor Repairs All Repairs To Liquid And Salt Chlorinators Pool Cleaners*Legend, Truck, Baracuda-MX8, Jet Vac, Polaris and Marlin Sydney’s Best Prices... Full bathroom renovations Leaking showers O Kitchens Patios O All general repairs QUALITY WORK 9457 8444 Lic. No. 177868C TREE SERVICE Asbestos Removals & Tree Services Asbestos removal & disposal Tree removal Inside/outside home Stump Grinding garages )UHH4XRWH Tree Trimming sheds Mulching GD\V Rubbish Removal carports We Come To You Or Drive A Little Save A Lot 9^X_ecU9^dUb^Ud@bYSUc #)'2\Qh\Q^TBTBiTU 4U^Ycd_^U5Qcd 0RE Call Mel 9807 3600 Lic No 210672 ABN: 91071128547 HORNSBY TREE SERVICE & CRANE HIRE SPECIALIST HVWDEOLVKHGLQ Fully Insured 'LVFRXQWHG3RRO6SD&KHPLFDOV 3XPSV)LOWHUV&KORULQDWRUV 0DLQWHQDQFHDQG5HSDLUV3RRO&OHDQLQJ 3RRO+HDWLQJ3RRO5HQRYDWLRQ PETER O’SULLIVAN 0413 808 615 ([SHUWKLJKFOLPEHU 3UHFLVHURSHZRUN \HDUVH[SHULHQFH )HOOLQJUHPRYDO E^Yd!&':UbcUiCd +RUQVE\ X_b^cRi0`__\Q^Tc`QgQbUX_ecUS_]Qe ggg`__\Q^Tc`QgQbUX_ecUS_]Qe ROOFING BEROWRA ROOFING Lic: 12312c Roof Repairs Re-Ridging Replace Valley Irons Repairs to Metal Roofing Bolans TREE SERVICE “The fully insured professionals” Dead/Dangerous Trees Removed A/H Shaping, Pruning & Stumps Emergency O Qualfied Aborists Reports 0416 265 022 O O T.C.A.A. Member of NSW Ph (02) 9456 5022 Ph: 9456 2383 or 0417 412 225 WATER SYSTEMS Your AD Here for just $80 per week! Phone The Bush Tele Shop 9456 2880 or email: info@thebushtele. com.au for more details. BUSH TELE ABROAD NEW WORLD PUMPS Sales O Service O Repairs ALL BRANDS O POOL O FIREFIGHTING O SUBMERSIBLE 5/1 MARINA CL, MT KURING-GAI 9457 6699 LAWN CARE SPRAY SEASON HAS STARTED! di, Spray Bin rass G r e t in W leaf & Broad ow! n s d Wee C`bQiY^W<YaeYT6UbdY\YjUb 6e^WYSYTUC`bQiY^W 8UbRYSYTUC`bQiY^W D_`4bUccDebV6UbdY\YjUT Ce``\i<QiDebV =_gY^WCUbfYSUc LATEST SPRAY EQUIPMENT Friendly, Reliable & Fully Insured Greenkeeper Qualified MARK GODDARD | Ph: 0412 181 241 Cindy Edwards writes: This photo was taken at Wheatland Pumpkin Farm Northern California where Jillian Edwards and I from Hornsby visited family during school holidays. DO YOU HAVE a Bush Tele Abroad photo for publication in The Bush Tele Weekly? Email to editor@thebushtele.com.au ‘Committed to healthy and happy Pets’ is what it’s all about at the recently opened Hornsby Heights Vet Hospital. The Hospital specialises in both small animal and equine services. The Hospital offers the very latest in house diagnostic laboratory and medical imaging. With boarding and grooming available, and a spacious outdoor area for boarding animals to exercise and play as well as plenty of convenient onsite parking. Principal Veterinarian Dr Mina Ghaly has 15 years of experience in both New South Wales and Western Australia, from both city and rural areas. With further specialisation in Microbiology and Equine Dentistry, Dr Ghaly enjoys treating a variety of small animals and focuses on holistic care of your pet to ensure the best outcome is reached every time. His primary area of interests are diagnostic imaging and small animal surgery and dentistry. Dr Ghaly was also fortunate to have worked at The Horse Hospital, Ascot Racing W.A where he discovered a great fondness to equine medicine and dentistry. Dr Ghaly lives locally and with a new baby girl born on the opening day of the Hornsby Heights Vet hospital, it’s a new beginning and a promising start! (see our ad on page 2.) LOCAL ADVERTISING REALLY WORKS 9456 2880 Thursday 30 October 2014 13 Get results quick - 9456 2880 FOR SALE MOVIE-FILM-VIDEOTAPE TO DVD/DIGITAL CONVERSION Ph 9456 2851 or 0412 472 901 www.filmscan.com.au WORK WANTED ASQUITH QUALITY BEDS -ALL SIZES Queen Matts from $270, Ensembles $390, Double matts from $250, Ensembles for $370, Single & King Singles call for price 9940 3961 BUILDING DESIGN & PLANS BUILDING PLANS additions, commercial, homes, BDA accredited. 9456 3848 spoonerdesign@kets. com.au PLANS for Alterations & Additions, new homes, etc. Phone Warren Jenkins (retired architect) on 9456 4032. WANTED KNOWN BUSHBAND for all occasions, weddings, birthdays, social parties. Call Mick 0418 112 675 SEWING MACHINES Repairs to all brands of sewing machines & overlockers. Work done in your home for your convenience. 0412 584 145 COMPUTER SERVICES ALL COMPUTER PROBLEMS Excalibur IT Solutions Hardware & Software issues Fixed. Call Tim on:(02) 9456 7932 or 0420 524 885 Berowra PC Services Giving You An Extra Hand Is my wireless network secure? What’s Wrong With My PC? My Network Is Not Working I Think I Have A Virus! Call Lloyd 9456 0292 or 0411 541 007 www.berowrapc.com HORNSBY IT – In home and office PC repairs. All hardware & software problems. Internet access, wired & wireless networking. Web and email hosting, www.hornsbyit.com.au. Ph 9457 8100 REPAIRS AT HOME OR IN-SHOP TV, Electricals, PCs, Laptops, Macs. Software, Hardware, Networking, Viruses, VHS conversion, security installations, photocopying, scanning, laminating all with expert advise. Plus 1000s of items for sale including PCS, Laptops, cabling, gadgets, gaming, Ink, monitors, new and used items. 25 years in the business + International Online seller. 9446-0744, EM:sales@ netcad.com.au, Wattle St, Asquith (Opp Coles) 14 A1 LAWN MOWING 0407 775 895 ALL FLOOR & WALL TILING Indoor & outdoor, waterproofing & repairs. 20yrs Experience. Free Quotes. Lic: 70973C. Call Craig 0450 007 885 ALL GARDEN & LAWN CARE Hedges, garden makeover, mowing, gutter cleaning, pressure washing, maintenance, decking oiled. Neat. Insured. Local. Amazing work rate. Many years exp. Competitive Price. Free quote. PHONE 0410 535 536 ALL LANDSCAPING Steelscapes Landscaping - Landscape Consultation, garden renovations, sandstone work, paving, retaining walls, decking, maintenance, hedging Tim Steel 0410 895 065 steelscapes@live.com.au www.steelscapeslandscaping.com ALL LAWNS & GARDEN SERVICE Ride on Mowing, Edging, Hedging, Rubbish Removal, Chainsaw & Trees, Gutter Clean Pressure Washing, Landscaping. Professional 0477 207 649. BRT SERVICES - HANDYMAN Ex Handyman Trainer. Work Guaranteed. One stop shop for all work needs. No job too small. Lic:249022c. Michael 0451 164 106 CARPENTER -Decks, pergolas, gates,repairs.Small jobs ok. Lic. R95282. Ph Frank 9456 3028. CARPENTRY & HOME REPAIRS Free Quotes. Ph Mark 0408 200 816. Lic #123316c. CLOCKS & INSTRUMENTS Prof. repairs, home visits, instrument maker. Ph 9476 5778 / 0409 131 808. FLOOR SANDING & POLISHING Free quotes, 20yrs experience. All areas Michael Boyle 9456 1735 or 0419 574 263 GARDEN & LAWN MAINTENANCE Mowing, edging, weeding, hedging, pruning, rubbish removal. Fully insured, reasonable rates, Hammou 0421 166 762 GARDENING Beautify your garden by certified horticulturist for $36/hr. Call Norman Ph 0412 196 268 LOCKS fitted, repaired, rekeyed. Secy Lic. 408561901. Nigel 0411 303785 MIKE LEUENBERGER PEST CONTROL Prompt & reliable service for all aspects of pest control. For obligation free quote please phone 0407 279 736 P/C Reg No 1167, over 30 yrs experience. NAT’S GARDENING AID Spring Special Mowing, Edging, Blowing, Weeding & More. FIRST CUT FREE Maximum of 1 hour work 0407 670 889 PIANO TUNER - Technician professionally trained. All work guaranteed. Ray Clothier 9456 4632 or 0412 354 632 ROOF REPAIRS - 35 years experience 0428 563 282 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY UPHOLSTERY Over 30 yrs exp. Ph Bryan 9476 6835 / 0414 913 883 CLEANING A STEP ABOVE specialist in spotless eco cleaning & organization. 14 yrs exp. Robyn 94776304 BEROWRA & HORNSBY CLEANING Berowra to Hornsby. Ph Jan 9456 3834. BY GEORGE WINDOW CLEANING Reasonable rates, free quotes. Call George 0410 332 354 LOCAL MAN-WINDOW CLEANING Free quotes. Water blasting available. Now taking Christmas bookings. Ph Simon 0414 225 057 SQUEEGEE PETE WINDOW CLEANING Call Peter for a quote. Professional results at affordable prices 0416 179 213 or 9987 2659 CEMENT RENDERING/ GYPROCK SERVICES CEMENT RENDERING SERVICES Professional advice, quality work, any size house or project, all finishes & repair work. Since 1980 – call PLASTERFORCE 0418 286 567 or 9456 7800. PLASTERER/GYPROCK No Job Too Small. Ph Ray 0412 285 601 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AT HOME WE EARN $2000 per week.Info pack www.wk-smart.com Ph Jenni 0414 777 072 DRIVING INSTRUCTION ALL DAY DRIVING SCHOOL For local professional tuition in man & auto. Lic 012893. Phone Richard 0425 317 684. MARQUES DRIVING SCHOOL Servicing Berowra since 1984. Debbie the Local Professional. Booking office Ph 9477 5802, Lic. 006488. SUZANNE 0425 277 689 for professional driving tuition Lic 10394 PAINTER SAM SUNG PAINTING & DECORATING New & repaint, int/ ext, free quotes, all work guaranteed Lic 223324c call now 0403 102 933 SINGING PAINTING P/L Contract LIC NO:256980c, E-mail: jpainter5@ gmail.com Interior & Exterior, Home Decorating, Office & Shop, Good Price, Quality Work, Trademanship. Ph:Sam Mob:0421 919 810 POSITIONS VACANT OUTBOARD MECHANIC Needed at Huett Marine Cowan. Ph Roger 9456 1444 EDUCATION ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE of Achievement. MATHEMATICS 7-12, Ph 9456 3459. MATHEMATICS Home tuition from a qualified teacher & experienced tutor. Ph 0418 448 759 or chrishav2001@ yahoo.com.au SKILLS AND ATTITUDES FOR HIGH SCHOOL SUCCESS Ph Jo: 0403 339 708 www.educ8.com.au MUSIC TUITION PIANO & THEORY HORNSBY Exp. & qualified teacher. All levels, all syllabuses . Ph 9477 1379. PIANO, VIOLIN & Musicianship. Professional tuition, All levels. Ph Lorraine Samuel (Piano) 9456 2088 Anne Samuel (Violin) 0429 235 923 SINGING LESSONS New Diamond Music, Boasting Best Industry Results! POP, R&B , Funk, Soul, Gospel Ph: 9482 1535 WEDDINGS WEDDING DUO and band available to suit your budget. Call Mick 0418 112 675 HEALTH, FITNESS & BEAUTY BLUE MOON REMEDIAL MASSAGE for tense, stressed muscles, 10-7.30, Mon-Sat. H/F 41 Edgeworth David Ave, Hornsby. Ph 9482 9962 HEALTH NATURALLY Dietary & lifestyle advice & support for many conditions. Robyn 0418 890 045 HERBALIFE Products Ph 0425 252 364 / www.healthebiz.com.au REBECCA CHRISTENSEN CHIROPRACTIC Gentle & caring treatment in our Berowra based clinic, Mon-Sat. Freecall 1300 790 889 TAEKWONDO Self Defence & Boxing. Mick & Janelle Marr 9456 3934 PETS AAA DOG & CAT BEHAVIOUR/ TRAINING Private lessons. Qualified 20 Yrs Exp. 0423 533 986 ANIMAL CARE & DOG WALKING Doggy Daycare & Pet Photography. Ph 0423 667 787 www.woofgroup.com. ANIMAL WALKING & MINDING Tailored care. Jess 0433 957 248. animalminding.net ARATAH DOG TRAINING Puppy & adult dog classes. Obedience & agility for beginners. Behaviour management.9456 4157 or 0421 028 219 BEAUTIFUL CREATURES Pet Minding Services. Colleen 0423 135 070. Coast n Canines Mobile Dog Grooming Salon * Heated Hydro-Bath * Shampoo Wash * Full cut & groom 9476 6468 DESIGNER DOGS GROOMING Serving Hornsby area since 1995.Unit 5/113 Hunter St Hornsby (prev located Edgeworth David Ave)Ph 9482 5119 MOBILE DOG WASH & CLIPPING SERVICE Purpose built trailer, warm hydrobath, shampoo/flea rinse, blow dry, deodorise, clip & groom. Call Barry 9481 0490, 0402 062 316. SHANNY THE NANNY Call Shannon Ph 9457 9162 FOR HIRE A GALA PARTY HIRE 9477-4700 Marquees Tables Chairs Heaters PARTY LIGHTING - 9477 6666. PARTY We come to you FAIRY FLOSS, POPCORN & SNO CONES Parties, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, School Fetes Call now 0406 012 344 www.airyfairys. com.au FOUND LADIES RING & WATCH Found at Berowra Medical Centre disabled toilet. Ph 9456 2880 PROPOSAL TO UPGRADE AN EXISTING MOBILE PHONE BASE STATION AT BROOKLYN SHOP/OFFICE SPACE TO LET SHOP/OFFICE TO LET BEROWRA HEIGHTS 97m2, fully carpeted $275/w 0400 470 884 STORAGE STORAGE - SECURE, DRY 6 Metre Shipping Container, 29 cu m $165 per mth. Peter 0409 125 165. Mt Kuring-gai CLASSIFIED ADS ONLY $ 4.50/line! phone 9456 2880 Heard of PlantNET? The Monday Walk and Talk at Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden, 420 Mona Vale Road, St Ives on November 3rd will be all about PlantNET. PlantNET is the Plant Information Network System of the Royal Botanic Gardens. You will learn how to find anything you ever wanted to know about plants in a ‘logical’ way. Meet with us at the Education Centre at 9.45am. Cost is $5. Native plants will be on sale. For more information: www.blandfordia.org.au or ring Bill 9498 6052 or Wendy 9144 5600. 2004 COROMAL CORVAIR 511 POPTOP One owner, batt pack, 3 way 2006 HONDA CIVIC VTI fridge, reverse light, double bed inner spring mattress, TV satellite dish, 4 burner stove, & many accessories. $24,000. ph 9477 2824. 4 door sedan, Manual, 5 Spd, cruise control, air con, 4cyl Exc Cond, serviced locally. Rego Feb 2015, 79800kms, $8,100 ono, Berowra Heights 0404 809 577 ULTIMATE ODESSEY 4WD TRAILER 2007 Priced at $35,000 to the VOLVO GL 240 AUTOMATIC Oportunity - A stylish, classic & timeless quality car & model-excellent cond-all round-mechanicaly A1- original-beautiful car-cental locking-fuel injectioneconomical Ph:0434 197 503 HOLDEN RODEO R998A SPACECAB Good condition, a few scratches and minor dents. Regularly serviced, 230000km. New radio and windscreen,6 months rego.$5k ONO. Call 0408 626 751 after 6pm Mon-Fri or weekends. Waitara. Ultimate Odessey 4WD trailer Odessey Ultimate 4WD Off Road Camper Trailer. Great set up comes complete with new tarps and more.To enquire please ring 0438 562 966 OP SHOP BARGAINS GALORE As part of a national coverage upgrade project Optus plan to upgrade an existing telecommunications facility at Hawkesbury River Marina, Lot 1, Dangar Road BROOKLYN NSW 2083 – Site ref: S0674 1. The proposed upgrade will involve the following: • The replacement of 2 (two) existing panel antennas with the installation of 2 (two) new panel antennas (each measuring less than 2.8m in length) on the existing guyed mast; • The installation of 10 (ten) Remote Radio Units on the existing guyed mast; and • The installation of ancillary equipment such as works within the existing equipment shelter. 2. Optus regards the proposed installation as a Low-impact Facility under the 7HOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQV/RZLPSDFW)DFLOLWLHV'HWHUPLQD WLRQ("The Determination") based on the descriptions above. 3. Further information including an EME Report can be obtained from – Rebecca Lo, Planning Officer at Visionstream Pty. Ltd. Ph: (02) 9934 7876 or 1300 551 915 Email: rebecca.lo@visionstream.com.au or optuswirelessnsw@visionstream.com.au and at www.rfnsa.com.au/2083006 4. The proposed infrastructure will be in compliance with the ACMA EMR regulatory arrangements. 5. We invite you to make a submission. Written submissions should be sent to: Visionstream Pty Ltd, Level 2/9 Help St, Chatswood NSW 2067 by 5pm 13th November 2014. THEATRE IN THE PARK Treat yourself and family to some quality, critically acclaimed, LIVE THEATRE AND FINE FOOD on the banks of the beautiful Hawkesbury River! Theatre in the Park is a night of family entertainment under the stars in Rest Park, Pacific Highway, Brooklyn on Saturday 8 November. Gates open 6pm | Curtain up 8.30pm. There is no parking on-site,however courtesy buses will run from 6pm from The Anglers Rest Hotel, Brooklyn and the Mooney Mooney Club. Tickets Advance/On the Gate: Adults $15/$20, Child/Conc. $10, Family $35/$40 and can be booked in advance at Hawkesbury River Real Estate, Brooklyn or on-line: www.theatreinthepark.com.au BROOKLYN COMMUNITY THEATRE E theatreinthepark@bigpond.com W www.theatreinthepark.com.au THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY 20,000 letterbox delivered every Thursday Published online every Tuesday. Delivered to Waitara, Hornsby, Hornsby Hts, Asquith, Mt Colah, Mt Kuring-gai, Berowra, Berowra Hts, Cowan, Brooklyn, Mooney Mooney, Cheero Point, Dangar Island, Riverboat Postman, Berowra Waters and beyond. DISCLAIMER: All responsibility for information, advertisements and opinions appearing in The Bush Telegraph Weekly is entirely that of the contributor or advertiser and not of the Publisher, Employees or Contractors of The Bush Telegraph Weekly. PRINTED: by SpotPress Pty Ltd 24-26 Lilian Fowler Place Marrickville 2204 NSW Australia (02) 9549 1111 www.spotpress.com.au PUBLISHED: by The Bushland Shire Telegraph Pty Ltd READ ONLINE: thebushtele.com PLACE ADS ONLINE: thebushtele.com. CONTACT US: The Bush Tele Shop, Marketplace Shopping Centre 19 Turner Rd Berowra Hts NSW 2082. PO Box 80 Berowra Hts 2082. info@thebushtele. com.au www.thebushtele.com Ph: 02 9456 2880 COPYRIGHT: Stories, artwork and photographs appearing in The Bush Telegraph Weekly are subject to copyright and may not be reprinted in any media without written permission of The Bushland Shire Telegraph Pty Ltd. Kathie Comb, Managing Editor. Thursday 30 October 2014 15 HEEL PAIN HORNSBY ASQUITH PODIATRY 519 Pacific Hwy (opp McDonalds) Mt Colah NSW 2079 www.hapodiatry.com Phone 9482 2227 It is not necessary to put up with HEEL PAIN "says Mrs. Chard PODIATRIST. There are several causes of heel pain the most common being PLANTAR FASCIITIS Plantar Fasciitis is simply inflammation of the big strong band on the bottom of the foot (the plantar fascia). Symptoms usually begin as a "stone bruise" type of pain increasing to chronic pain especially first thing in the morning or after rest. Sometimes there may be a sense that something tears or "gives" in the arch of the foot during sport. This kind of pain is easily treated by realigning and supporting the foot and leg which reduces the trauma allowing the injured foot to recover. FOOT AND LEG PAIN prevents patients of all ages from enjoying daily exercise such as walking thus creating a vicious cycle. Pain - no exercise - weight increase - more pain. Results in High blood pressure, Diabetes, Joint abuse, surgical replacements etc An easy mobility program is specifically devised for individual patients to break the cycle and return to a healthy lifestyle. WE TREAT Painful Feet, Heels, Legs, Knees, Hips and low Back Pain, Corns, Calluses, Painful Toenails, Tines, Growing Pains. 4H[[2LHU47 4,4),9-69/695:)@ 2LLU[V/LSW`V\I` t t t t t 3FQSFTFOUJOHZPVJOUIF/481BSMJBNFOU "TTJTUJOHZPVUPBDDFTT4UBUFTFSWJDFT $PNNVOJDBUJOHZPVSJTTVFTUPUIFSFMFWBOU.JOJTUFST 0SHBOJTJOH+VTUJDFPGUIF1FBDFBQQMJDBUJPOT 3FDPHOJTJOH4UBUFBDIJFWFNFOUT (02) 9476 3411 hornsby@parliament.nsw.gov.au ADAM DARKE S O L I C I T O R HOME VISITS BEROWRA, BEROWRA HTS, MOUNT COLAH & MT KURING-GAI CONVEYANCING SERVICE - BUYING & SELLING PROPERTY CONVEYANCING - REFINANCING OF PROPERTY POWERS OF ATTORNEY 9456 1496 LEASES WILLS - USUALLY $120 0407 499 931 PROBATE APPLICATIONS COLLINS & THOMPSON S O L I C I T O R S Offering friendly and professional service 9476 2788 8 CORONATION STREET, HORNSBY S O L I C I T O R S ROBERT NAPOLI & CO. Suites 20-21 The Madison 25-29 Hunter St HORNSBY MGA maree garrett & associates Deceased Estates, Wills, Powers of Attorney & Guardianship Appointments Sale and Purchase of Homes, Businesses, Commercial & Industrial Properties Leasing of Shops & Factories Family Law/De Facto Property Settlements, PreNuptial & Domestic Relationship Agreements Employment Law Suite 24, Level 1 The Madison 25-29 Hunter Street HORNSBY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 9477 5077 Ph: 9485 3400 Fax: 9485 3499 HORNSBY LOCAL ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS! 94562880 call today LETTERBOX DELIVERED TO 20,000 HOMES AND BUSINESSES AND PUBLISHED ONLINE www.thebushtele.com.au HOME DELIVERED WEEKLY FROM HORNSBY TO THE HAWKESBURY, WAITARA, HORNSBY, HORNSBY HEIGHTS, ASQUITH, MOUNT COLAH, MOUNT KURING-GAI, BEROWRA, BEROWRA HEIGHTS, BEROWRA WATERS, COWAN, BROOKLYN, DANGAR ISLAND, HAWKESBURY RIVER ON THE RIVERBOAT POSTMAN, MOONEY MOONEY, CHEERO POINT. PHONE: 02 9456 2880 info@thebushtele.com.au PO Box 80, Berowra Hts 2082
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