The Parish Family of Saint Camillus - St. Virgilius Roman Catholic Church Broad Channel & Rockaway Park Rev. Richard J. Ahlemeyer, Pastor Rev. James M. Dunne, Pastor Emeritus St. Camillus Rectory 99-15 Rockaway Beach Blvd. Rockaway Park, New York, 11694 Rectory: 718-634-8229 Fax: 718-634-8193 Mrs. Margaret O’Neill, Secretary Ms. Ann McDougall, Organist Mr. Joseph Wiley, Maintenance Rectory Office Hours Monday, Tuesday & Thursday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Wednesday & Friday: 9 am to 1 pm Evenings, Saturday & Sunday by appointment Catholic Charities Office: 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month 9:30 am - 12:30 pm. Call 718-722-6223 for appointments Food Pantry: Wednesdays 10 am - 12 noon MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Evening Vigil Mass at 5:30 pm Sundays: 8:30 am & 11:30 am Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday: 9 am Saturday: 12 Noon Holy Days of Obligation Mass: Vigil: 7:30 pm; Holy Day: 9:00 am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions): Saturdays: 11:00 am to 11:45 am & 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm St. Virgilius Office 16 Noel Road Broad Channel, New York, 11693 Mrs. Mary Kay Flynn, Secretary Mrs. Dianne Spellman-James, Organist Office Hours: St. Virgilius Office closed at present time. All Memorials & Mass Cards, requests and appointments will be handled through the St. Camillus Office - 718-634-8229. His Final Touch Prayer Group: Monthly at 7:00 pm in St. Virgilius Convent - 210 Noel Rd. (Sept. - June) Catholic Cemeteries: 718-894-4888 MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Evening Vigil Mass at 4:00 pm Sundays: 10:00 am Weekday Masses: Monday to Thursday: 8 am, Friday: Communion Service at 8 am Holy Days of Obligation Mass: Holy Day: 10:00 am & 7:30 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions): Saturdays: 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: To baptize your child at St. Camillus-St. Virgilius, you must live in Broad Channel or Rockaway Park or if you live elsewhere, you must be a Registered Parishioner who has attended Sunday Mass at St. Camillus-St. Virgilius for SIX (6) months. Baptisms of relatives who live elsewhere may be accepted with PRIOR PERMISSION from Father Ahlemeyer. Baptisms are celebrated at 1 pm on the 3rd Saturday of the month at St. Virgilius Church and on the 4th Saturday of the month at St. Camillus Church. Parents may obtain a registration form from either office. Parents must attend a Baptism Class for the 1st child before the date of Baptism will be set. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Couples are asked to please call the Rectory to arrange an appointment at least SIX (6) months before the desired date. Couples are encouraged to come to the Church before other arrangements are set. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Any catholic who will be entering the hospital for surgery or serious illness should call either Parish Office to arrange to be anointed before you enter the hospital. In case of Emergencies: Please call the Rectory at any time (718-634-8229). A Communal Celebration is celebrated every First Friday at 12:00 p.m. in St. Camillus Church. MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Any parishioner who is unable to attend Mass due to illness or age should contact either Parish Office. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring Holy Communion to the homebound. St. Camillus-St. Virgilius also celebrates Mass and brings Holy Communion to the following Nursing Homes which are located within parish boundaries: Ocean Promenade, Beacon, Park, and Park Inn. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Every catholic family who lives in Rockaway Park (between 95th Street and 116th Street) and Broad Channel should be registered. Catholics who live outside the parish boundaries and choose to make St. Camillus-St. Virgilius their parish should also register. Contribution envelopes will be mailed to those who request them. St. Camillus Catholic Academy (Pre-K - 8) th 185 B. 99 Street, Rockaway Park, NY 11694 718-634-5260 Mrs. Sheila Smith Gonzalez, Principal Ms. Kerri Montero, Administrative Assistant St. Camillus School strives to provide quality, value-based education that stresses Catholic values in a loving, supportive and disciplined environment, which celebrates the universality of the Church as a whole and the cultural diversity of St. Camillus School in particular; to be a vibrant Christian community of prayer and worship devoted to Christian service as it imparts the message of Jesus Christ. Office of Faith Formation (Levels 1-8) 99-15 Rockaway Bch. Blvd., Rockaway Park, NY 11694 718-634-8229 Sr. Maureen Ahlemeyer, PBVM Faith formation is an ongoing development of the whole person into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. Our Religious Education Program strives to provide a solid foundation in our faith, age-appropriate to the students in our program. Students are encouraged to begin formal religion classes in the FIRST GRADE of Public or Private (non-Catholic) Schools. MASSES FOR THE WEEK November 9, 2014 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica ~ Year A St. Camillus Church Sat. 5:30 PM Sun. 8:30 AM 11:30 AM Mon. 9:00 AM Tues. 9:00 AM Wed. 9:00 AM Thur. 9:00 AM Fri. 9:00 AM Sat. 12:00 PM 5:30 PM Sun. 8:30 AM 11:30 AM St. Virgilius Church Sat. 4:00 PM Sun. 10:00 AM Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 4:00 PM 10:00 AM Margaret Wells - Anniversary Julia Geraci Ronnie & Peter Bagley Robert Gilmore - Birthday Prayer Shawl Ministry Francis Rochford Anthony Falconite Mike Suglia - 1st Anniversary Ellen Shields & Seamus McManus Patrick M. Laide Margaret Broadbent Kevin Coleman Donald F. Henglein - Birthday Memorial Mass for those from the Parish who have died in the past year Thomas Willsen Purgatorial Society People of the Parish Daniel O’Sullivan - 3rd Anniversary Communion Service Baptism ~ Nolan Gravinese Henry C. Hoffman - Birthday Frank & Rita George - Anniversary MEMORIALS The Altar Candles & Wine at St. Virgilius Church is given in memory of Rita & Frank George by Donna Kase & Family. The Blessed Sacrament Lamp at St. Virgilius Church is given in memory of Patricia Mundy by Jill Accardi. The Altar Bread at St. Virgilius Church is given in memory of John Brust - Birthday by Jacqueline Brust. DEVOTIONS Rosary & Litany of the Blessed Mother ~ Monday to Friday - The Angelus will be recited before Mass and the Rosary will be recited after Mass at St. Camillus Church. Miraculous Medal Novena ~ Every Monday after the morning Masses at St. Virgilius and at St. Camillus. St. Anthony Novena ~ Every Tuesday after the 8 am Mass at St. Virgilius. BAPTISM CLASS: The next Baptism Class will be Wednesday, November 19th at 7:30 pm in SC Rectory. Parents are asked to please complete a Registration Form at either Parish Office before the class so that we will know whom we should expect. This Week in Scripture Thirty-second Week of Ordinary Time Monday ~ St. Leo the Great Titus 1.1-9 ~ Luke 17.1-6 Tuesday ~ St. Martin of Tours Titus 2.1-8, 11-14 ~ Luke 17.7-10 Wednesday ~ St. Josaphat Titus 3.1-7 ~ Luke 17.11-19 Thursday ~ St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Philemon 7-20 ~ Luke 17.20-25 Friday ~ 2 John 4-9 ~ Luke 17.26-37 Saturday ~ St. Albert the Great 3 John 5-8 ~ Luke 18.1-8 Sunday, November 16th ~ Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Proverbs 31.10-13, 19-20, 30-31 1 Thessalonians 5.1-6 Matthew 25.14-30 REMEMBER IN PRAYER The sick: Edward Broderick, Mary Campbell, Carmine Campisi, Gloria Campisi, Maureen Doyle, Joan Dunne, Patricia Fabrizio, Ruth Johnson, Brian Keller, John Kelly, Thomas Kelly, Sr. Mary Anne Kollmer, Patrick McGrath, Peter Mertz, Jennifer Mills, Kieran Mills, Pat Mullin, Frank Murphy, Joann O’Connell, Anna Marie O’Connor, Lewis Oldenbuttel, Mary Quill, George Rippe, Richard Roman, Michael Rubsam, Anthony Scimeca, Eileen Valenti, Robert Wallace, Sr. Anne Marie Wilson A person’s name will appear on this list for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, it will be removed unless we hear from a family member. All members of our Armed Forces The deceased: Dorothy Henglein Eastwood PLEASE REMEMBER Deacon Frank Murphy whose Anniversary of death is Friday, November 15th (1991). Deacon Murphy was assigned to St. Camillus. ~ Stewardship Thought ~ That we give generously from our “first fruits” of time, talent and treasure to help God build His kingdom of Earth. Sunday, November 2nd ~ $6,073.00 Attendance 4:00 pm ~ 153 (77%) 5:30 pm ~ 128 (25%) 8:30 am ~ 116 (23%) 10:00 am ~ 155 (78%) 11:30 am ~ 463 (93%) Please Note: The capacity of St. Camillus Church is 500 people and St. Virgilius Church is 200 people. To obtain a better understanding of Mass attendance, we will include percentages of capacity for each Mass. This will help if we must decide to eliminate a Mass in the future. Sunday Liturgy The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Ezekiel 47.1-2, 8-9,12; 1 Corinthians 3.9c-11, 16-17; John 2.13-22 Focusing the Gospel To the point - "Zeal for your house will consume me." Jesus' zeal exceeds merely cleansing the temple. His zeal is for the people to be faithful to their covenant with God. His zeal did lead ultimately to the destruction of his body on the cross. But it also brought the Father on the third day to raise him to new Life. This feast day of our mother church in Rome calls us to a zeal that will consume us when we give our lives for others as Jesus did and live the new Life given to us by the Father. Are we willing to choose this zeal that consumes us? Connecting to the Gospel To the second reading - The "Spirit of God" dwelling in us instills zeal, makes possible the fidelity that keeps us from destroying the temple we are, and makes us holy. The "Spirit of God" ensures that we stand only on Jesus as our foundation. To our experience - When is zeal for something or someone stirred up in us? When we love to do something so much that we sacrifice time and energy; when we care for another so much that we give tirelessly of ourselves. This feast calls us to have passion for Jesus, church, our faith, ourselves as Body of Christ. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS WEEK AT ST. CAMILLUS – ST. VIRGILIUS SUNDAY ~ The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Memorial Mass @ SV 10 am American Legion Sweepstakes Raffle Sale NYS Boat Safety Course @ Springman 1 - 4 pm MONDAY Rockaway Special Athletes @ Springman 6:30 pm TUESDAY ~ Veterans’ Day SCCA, Rectory & Parish Office: Closed No Nursing Home Mass AA in SCCA Auditorium WEDNESDAY Food Pantry @ SC Rectory ~ 10 am - 12 noon SC Golden Age @ 12:30 pm Springman CCD Classes Level 1 - 7 ~ 3:30 pm - 5 pm CCD Classes Level 8 ~ 4 pm - 5:30 pm Christmas Pageant Rehearsal SC Church @ 5 pm Boys’ Intramural Basketball Practice in Springman THURSDAY SV Golden Age Club @ American Legion 12:30 pm Boys’ Intramural Basketball Practice in Springman AA in SCCA Auditorium FRIDAY SATURDAY Mini Basketball in Springman 9 am - 2 pm Defensive Driving Course in SCCA Auditorium @ 9 am Baptism @ SV 1 pm ~ Nolan Gravinese SV Christmas Pageant Practice @ SV Church 3 pm Hearts & Shamrocks Dance in Springman 7 - 11 pm SUNDAY American Legion Post #1404 Brunch 10am - 1 pm Fr. James Rodriquez (Vocation Homily) @ SV 10 am SCCA Family Mass @ SC 11:30 am NYS Boat Safety Course @ Springman 1 - 4 pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Spinelli who were married Friday, November 7th at St. Virgilius Church. “but he was speaking about the temple of his Body.” John 2.13-22 INVITE A FRIEND TO MASS SUNDAY: Next weekend November 15th & 16th, invite friends, neighbors, family to join you at Mass on Saturday evening or Sunday morning. We have to send the count of people who attend Sunday Mass to the Office of Pastoral Planning. While Mass attendance is up at St. Virgilius, it is down at St. Camillus since the storm! PURGATORIAL SOCIETY: In your kindness, please remember in your prayers those who were enrolled in the Purgatorial Society during the month of October: Patrick Cullothy Mary Lou Pavlock Maeve Hartman Helen Postolowski Joseph Intrabartelo Maria Borrero Frank Lavin Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord CCD NEWS: CHILD LURES PRESENTATION: The Child Safety Program will be presented during CCD Class time. Parents are invited to attend the session. PRAY FOR - AND ENCOURAGE - VOCATIONS “For we are God’s co-workers….” How are you being called to build the kingdom of God as His co-worker? Consider the generous service of priesthood or consecrated life, speak with Fr. Richard or the Vocation Office at (718) 827-2454. EXTRAORDINARINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Pocket-sized Sunday Missals for 20142015 are available in the sacristies at both St. Camillus & St. Virgilius for those ministers who visit the homebound or nursing homes. These missals contain the prayers and readings for each Sunday, beginning November 30th - the First Sunday of Advent and are convenient to carry. Please take a copy for yourself. THANKSGIVING FOOD COLLECTION: As we begin the month of November, we will be collecting for THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKETS. Please consider donating the following: Stuffing Mix, turkey gravy, canned Yams, vegetables, Soup, Apple Juice, Cranberry Sauce, Dried Fruit & Nuts. We remind you that there is a POOR BOX in each Church for those who wish to make a monetary contribution instead of bringing dried or canned food to Church. Thank you. THANKSGIVING DAY: Thursday, November 27th is Thanksgiving. There will be a Mass at 9 am in St. Virgilius Church (No 8 am Mass) and a Mass at 10 am in St. Camillus Church (No 9 am Mass). You are invited to bring something which you will use at your family table to be blessed at Mass. FOOD PANTRY: Every Wednesday, we distribute canned and non-perishable food from the Rectory at St. Camillus. The following items are needed: Pasta, sauce, tuna fish, canned vegetables, canned or dried fruit, juices, peanut butter, jelly, toilet paper, hand soap. Please leave donations in Church when you come to Mass on Sundays. HEARTS AND SHAMROOCKS DANCE: The Queens County St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Cultural Committee Fundraiser is Saturday, November 15th, 7 - 11 pm in Springman Hall. Tickets $40 each include Live Music by The Celtic Justice Band, Draft beer, Coffee, Tea, Soda. BYOB. Tickets are available at Kerry Hills, Rogers Pub or contact the Parade Committee @ 718-3184749. FOR THE RIDE HOME: For Families to share their thoughts as they t avel to and f om Church. Where do you find God? How do you talk to God? Have you listened to hear God’s message to you? What is God’s message directed specifically to you? Respect Life ~ Let us pray that God's people, who proclaim that death has been conquered in Christ, may be active in defending His gift of life. NYS SAFE BOATING COURSE is being offered to children ages 10 to 18. According to NYS law, children ages 10 to 17 must have a safe boating certificate to operate a motorboat without supervision, and any person, of any age, must have a certificate in order to operate a Jet Ski. The class will meet on Nov. 9, 16, & 23, 1 - 4 pm in Springman. (Must attend all three sessions.) For more information and to register, please contact the instructor, Joe Young, at (718) 634-4970. 6-HOUR DEFENSIVE DRIVING CLASS POINT AND INSURANCE REDUCTION PROGRAM will be held Sat., November 15th in SCCA Auditorium, 9 am - 3 pm. Fee: $45, payment in guarantees a seat. For attending this class you will receive 10% discount off Liability for 3 years and up to 4 points off your Drivers License. No test will be given, refreshments will be served. To register Helen 917-553-2409 or 718-945-4648. Proceeds help support SCSV Parish Religious Education Program. ANDY COONEY CHRISTMAS CONCERT is on Monday, December 8th at 8 pm in Carnegie Hall. The Msgr. Wm. Burke/Rockaway Council Knights of Columbus with the parish of St. Camillus-St. Virgilius is putting together a group. Please call Fr. Richard or the Knights if you are interested. CHRISTMAS PAGEANT: Practice for the Christmas Pageant (at St. Camillus) will take place on Wednesday afternoons at 5 pm in St. Camillus Church. The Children’s Pageant at St. Camillus will take place at the 5:30 pm Mass on Christmas Eve and at St. Virgilius on Christmas Eve at 4 pm. Practice for the pageant at St. Virgilius will be on Saturday afternoon at 3 pm in St. Virgilius Church. ST. CAMILLUS HOME SCHOOL ASSOCIATION CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE. The Boutique will take place in Springmann Hall on Saturday, December 6th and Sunday, December 7th. Vendors are needed. If you want to rent a space, please call the SCHOOL at 718-634-5260 for more information. MEMORIAL PRAYER SERVICE hosted by the SFDS Bereavement Ministry is Saturday, November 22nd at 11 am in the Sacred Heart Chapel at SFDS. Anyone who has recently lost a loved one is welcome to join them. ALZHEIMER’S ADULT DAY PROGRAM in Flushing sponsored by Catholic Charities is open Monday, Wednesday & Thursday, 9 am - 4 pm. For more information call 718-358-3541. MEMORIAL MASSES: We will remember all who have died in the past year at Memorial Masses on Saturday, November 8th at Noon at St. Camillus Church and at St. Virgilius Church on Sunday, November 9th at 10 am. Suzanne Baldwin Catherine Bell Joseph Bestafka Charles Campbell Richard Carnival Robert J. Carson Timothy Clifford Nancy Collazo Catherine Conklin Christopher Connolly Carol Dady Joseph D’Amico Michael Donohue Donald Eckman Eileen Flaherty Jacqueline Gates Frank George Margaret Gillespie John J. Hanning Jr. Helen Hickey Thomas J. Keeney Jr. Jean Keller Mary Kraus Joan Korpas Charles E. Lewis Fred Louw Cory McClean John McCrystal Francis McGovern Michael McLoughlin Joanne A. Montanna Anthony Morris William Mundy Amelia Marie Novello Edward O’Reilly Francis X. O’Shea Nelson F. Reyes Digna Safont Michael Suglia Anna Tillero Jenaro Tillero Ruth Trapanese Eugene Todaro John Tubridy Ruth Verdon Ann Marie Walton Alice Walsh Mary Wright May eternal rest be granted unto them O Lord. ST. CAMILLUS CATHOLIC ACADEMY NEWS We celebrated Halloween at Saint Camillus Catholic Academy by having a Saints Play for the students and families hosted by our kindergarten. Our students and staff got into the spirit of All Hallow's eve by dressing in orange and black. We hosted a pumpkin decorating contest and 25 of our students took place in the contest. Our winners were for: scariest, funniest, cutest and most original. WELCOME: Sunday, November 16th, the parish welcomes Father James Rodriguez - the Diocesan Vocation Director - who will celebrate the 10 am Mass at St. Virgilius. Since Father Richard is away this week, Fr. David Bertolotti will celebrate the 8 am Masses at St. Virgilius and Fr. Fredrick will celebrate the 9 am Masses at St. Camillus. Fr. Paul Landolfi will celebrate the 12 Noon at St. Camillus on Saturday. Fr. James Devine will celebrate the 4 pm Mass at St. Virgilius. Fr. August Iantosca will celebrate the 5:30 pm (Saturday) and 11:30 am (Sunday) Masses at St. Camillus. Fr. Fredrick will celebrate the 8:30 am Mass on Sunday. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY POST 1404 members will be selling their November Sweepstakes chances after the Masses today. They will be drawn at the American Legion Brunch on Sunday, Nov. 16th, 10 am - 1 pm. Proceeds benefit the Children’s Christmas Party. CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES MEETING: The third Confirmation Preparation Meeting for Candidates will be held on Monday, November 17th at 7 pm in St. Camillus School. ALL candidates must attend and be accompanied by an ADULT. If you have any questions, please call 718634-8229. PROJECT ANDREW an opportunity for young men to learn more about the priesthood by joining Bishop Ray Chappetto and other priests and seminarians for prayer, dinner and conversation will be held Sunday, November 23rd, 4:30 pm at St. Kevin’s, Flushing. For more information contact the Vocation Office at 718-827-2454 or email: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOD'S WORD TODAY On one of Rome's seven hills stands the cathedral church of the Diocese of Rome, the Basilica of Saint John Lateran. Since this church is the pope's diocesan cathedral, it is significant in the history of Catholicism. Attached to the basilica is a large baptistry, whose inscription reminds us of our universal call to holiness: "Think not your sins too many or too great: birth in this stream is birth to holiness." As we celebrate the commemoration of the dedication of this great church, let us be one with all who have been born to new life in the waters of Holy Baptism. From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Company ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACA 2014: Thank you to all who made a pledge to the Annual Catholic Appeal. The Diocese mails payment reminders each month to those who are completing their pledges in monthly payments. Please return your payment by mail or in the collection. If you have made a pledge and do not receive a payment reminder, please call the Rectory. Denis S. O 'Connor, Inc. 91-05 BEACH CHANNEL DRIVE A Century of Service FUNERAL HOME 114-12 Beach Channel Drive, Suite 5 Rockaway Park, NY 11694 • 718-474-4500 194 Beach 116th Street 318-0300 Medical Care for the Entire Family. FREE Delivery “Your Discount Drug Store” Accepting New Patients. TRAINOR, HAWTHORNE &CRISTIANO LLP Attorneys at Law All Areas Of Law • Wills • Trusts • Personal Injury Criminal & Family Law • Real Estate • Bankruptcy 225 Bch 116th St. (718) 318-3301 Call 24 Hrs for emergencies DERMATOLOGISTS Anne H. Dacko, M.D. Kathleen Vine, M.D. 204-08 Rockaway Point Blvd. 646-421-6064 Breezy Pt SULLIVAN & GALLESHAW, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 718-843-0300 Elegante Restaurant A.O.H. Div. 21 Rockaway Beach / Breezy Point BECOME A MEMBER TODAY WWW.AOHRBNY21.ORG Complete Medical & Surgical Facilities Boarding & Grooming • All On Premises 718.474.0500 114-10 BEACH CHANNEL DR. (646) 662-2393 ROCKAWAY PARK Friendship, Unity, Christian Charity PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE TALK 24/7 HELP ........... ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB SUPERB CHINESE FOOD 421a B 129th Street Free Delivery 474-5999 718-634-0005 253 Beach 116th St. • Rockaway Park, NY 11694 The Best Pizza in Town for over 30 Years! John J. Schilling, D.P.M., DABPM CIRO’S PIZZA Podiatric Medicine & Surgery 120-20 Rockaway Beach Boulevard 634-6800 • 634-6955 171 Beach 116th St. House Calls & Evening Hours Available Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. THE WAVE OF LONG ISLAND Rockaway's Newspaper Since 1893 Serving The Entire Rockaway Peninsula & Broad Channel 88-08 Rockaway Beach Blvd. Rockaway Beach, NY 11693 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 John F. Lepore *First Three Months Neighborhood Office Agent Auto, Home, Life & Commercial 718 634-2600 455 Beach 129th Street Belle Harbor, NY 11694 718-634-0333 Great Glasses and Contact Lenses at Great Prices. Eye Exam and Treatment of Eye Disease. 945-1900 BREEZY POINT LUMBER CO. Celebrating 125 Years The Name Remains the Same EAST MEETS WEST SERVING ROCKAWAY SINCE 1959 718-634-4000 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Italian Cuisine at its finest from Pizza to Seafood 9201 Rockaway Bch Blvd Rockaway Beach 634-3914 Tony & Frank Amato MIRKIN VISION Counselor MSEd/LMFT Experienced, Mature with Bereavement • Relationships • Family Lori Barletta Rockaway Area # 718-229-2789 ........... 718-634-4011 BELLE HARBOR FAMILY HEALTH Kings Pharmacy PUSH ROCKAWAY BEACH, N.Y. 474-6600 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Allstate Insurance Company • FREE DELIVERY LOCALLY • COMPOSITE DECKING - BOUYANCY BILLETS - PLUMBING • LUMBER - SHEETROCK - INSULATION - MOLDING • TOOLS - HARDWARE - MASONRY & MORE • IF WE DO NOT HAVE IT, WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU • LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED CONTRACTOR RECOMMENDATIONS 135200 St Camillus Church 112-30 Beach Channel Drive (Opposite Waldbaums) VICTOR M. RE Attorney At Law ~ 474-1111 ~ 257 Beach 116 St. Rockaway, NY For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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