St. John Neumann Catholic Church C. Alexander

C. Alexander
Javier Heredia
Parochial Vicar
Barbara Cole
SJN School - 788-1367
St. John Neumann Catholic Church
100 Polo Road Columbia, SC 29223
NOVEMBER 2, 2014
Silvia Goodman
Parish Secretary
Parish Office
Mailing Address
721 Polo Road
Columbia, SC 29223
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Church Office: 788-0811
Gillin Hall: 788-1478
Saturday - 5:15 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 noon
5:00 p.m.
Monday - 12:00 noon
Tuesday - 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday - 12:00 noon
Thursday - 12:00 noon,
Friday - 12:00 noon
Sunday 2:00 p.m.
Thursday 7:00 p.m.
We welcome all newcomers to our
parish family and request that you
register at the Parish Office.
Parish membership is required to:
 be a sponsor
 be married in the parish
 have a child baptized
 qualify for parishioner tuition
at St. John Neumann School
BAPTISM Call the parish office at 788-3252 ext. 18
for information.
MARRIAGE The Diocese of Charleston requires
preparation for marriage to begin at least six
months prior to the wedding date. Call Fr. Sandy at
788-0811 to make arrangements .
St. John Neumann Church and the Diocese of Charleston are committed to the
protection of children. Here are important numbers:
Diocesan Victim Assistance Minister - (800) 921-8122
Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services - (843) 853-2130 ext. 209
Safe Environment Coordinator - Cherie Smith 788-3252 ext. 21
7:00 p.m.
(2nd & 3rd Saturdays)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday - 4:15-5:00 p.m.
and by appointment
RECONCILIATION Confessions: Saturday 4:15 –
5:00 p.m. or by appointment (call 788-0811 to make
Bulletin deadline: Noon Wednesday
Send print-ready information to
“To strive together to be Christ for each other and our neighbor.”
Opportunities to Make the Holidays Brighter
Dear Parishioners,
I am pleased to announce that we have hired a
new choir director who will work with the 10:00
Mass choir as well as with all the cantors.
David Cochrane is at the University of South
Carolina working on his Masters of Music in Choral Conducting. He already has a BA in Music
and Russian Studies. David has a good deal of
vocal, choral, and liturgical experience, having
served as director of Catholic Campus Music Ministry at his college in Pennsylvania, as well as sacristan. David begins directing this weekend.
I would like to express our deep gratitude to Erika
Langston for coming out of retirement to lead the
choir during the interlude between choir directors.
The holiday season is approaching
but for many of our neighbors there
is little to celebrate. Over the years,
many generous St. John Neumann
ministries and parishioners have
created special projects to help feed the hungry and
put gifts under their trees. Our parishioner’s legendary generosity becomes even more abundant this
time of year. During the holidays, look in this section
for opportunities to help your neighbors. Thank you
for helping those in need.
Thanksgiving Food Basket Drive
by the Future Business Leaders of America of
Spring Valley High School
FBLA will give a basket of food to six families
from the Ronald McDonald House containing food
items for Thanksgiving breakfast and dinner.
Please see the flyer in this bulletin
for more details.
Thank you for your support!
It was very generous of her, and we are grateful
that she will continue to offer her musical talents
in our liturgies.
Catherine Combier-Donovan will continue as our
over-all Director of Prayer and Worship. The addition of David to our liturgical team promises
much added richness to the texture of our wor-
Altar Server Training
Altar Server training will be held on
November 8, 10:30 a.m. in the church.
Please contact Chris Scott at
ship. Please join me in welcoming him.
Fr. Sandy McDonald
SJN School Auction
The SJN School Auction is November 8.
Get your tickets soon!
Financial Contributions
“The greatest among you will be the one who serves the
rest.” What wonderful good news for those who give of
their time in service to others!
Offertory - $19,051.99
Children Stewardship - $23.00
Cardinal Newman School
Open House
While visitors are welcome every single day at
Cardinal Newman School, a special Open House will be held
on Wednesday, November 5 and Thursday,
November 6 from 6-8 p.m.,
4701 Forest Drive.
Students, faculty and coaches will assemble in one convenient
location to meet guests and to answer questions.
Guests will also learn about our new campus scheduled to
open in the fall of 2015.
Invite your friends so they can see why families from across
the Midlands have chosen Cardinal Newman to help them
prepare their children for college – and for life.
For more information, Please contact our Admissions Office at
(803) 782-2814 or
St. John Neumann Catholic School
All Saints’ Day Mass
Come join our third grade “saints” as they process the
aisles of St. John Neumann Catholic School. The students of Mrs. Treadway and Mrs. Clampitt have spent
the past several weeks researching saints. They will
dress as the saint that they have learned about, share their
knowledge, and lead us in a celebration of these inspirational lives. Our All Saints’ Day Mass will begin in the
school gym at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, November 4th. You
are all invited to enjoy the enthusiasm of our parish students by joining in this special Mass.
Continuing our theme of All Saints’ Day, the third grade
will have a presentation in the gym at 6:30 that night entitled, “Celebrating the Saints.” Please come and enjoy
their excitement.
We hope that you have your calendar marked for the exciting night at SJN. On November 8th we will be enjoying a very special night celebrating the Silver Anniversary of auctions at SJN. This promises to be our best
auction, with all proceeds directly benefiting the school
and our students. Come join in the fun: eat, drink, and be
merry, and bid on some of the wonderful items handmade by the children. Other treasures have been donated
for you to bid on also, helping to make this our most successful adventure ever. Don’t miss it!
More School News...
Diocesan Task Force
Please see this information in this bulletin.
Parish Calendar November 1-8
Saturday, November 1
9:00 am
All Saints’ Day Mass
9 am -2pm
Recycle for Charity
Gillin Hall
Sunday, November 2
9 am -2pm
Recycle for Charity
6:30 pm
Youth Ministry
Gillin Hall
Teen Room
Monday, November 3
4:30 pm
Tai Chi
5:30 pm
Legion of Mary
Gillin Hall
Teen Room
Tuesday, November 4
6:30 am
Men’s Group
Teen Room
All Day
Gillin Hall
9:30 am
Cenacle of Mary
Exercise Class Cancelled
2:00 pm
My Catholic Faith
Teen Room
6:30 pm
School Play
7:00 pm
Teen Room
7:00 pm
Open Heart Prayer Group Gillin Hall
7:00 pm
Theology of the Body Room 22
Wednesday, November 5
6:30 pm
Rite of Enrollment
6:30 pm
Christian Formation
6:30 pm
Adult Bible Study
Room 17
6:30 pm
English Second Language Gym
Thursday, November 6
2-7 pm
Bible Study Cancelled
4:30 pm
Tai Chi
Gillin Hall
7:30 pm
Cardinal Bern. Assembly Gillin Hall
Friday, November 7
10:30 am
Exercise Class
Gillin Hall
Saturday, November 8
9:00 am
10:30 am
Altar Server Training
6:00 pm
SJN Auction
7:00 pm
Korean Mass
If you would you like to receive the Bulletin by e-mail,
send an e-mail to with Bulletin
Sign-up in the subject line.
November 8 and 9 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Nov 8
Nov 9
Ministers of Communion
Altar Servers
5:15 p.m.
Andrea Kaman, Jean and Bob
Underwood, John and Mary
Menkhaus, Cheryl Cambre,
Michael Loser
Sarah Kate Coleman, Irene Duheme
Matthew Symonds,
Dane Scruggs,
Molly Coleman
Lee Commins,
Allen Dixon,
Sal Iacolino
8:00 a.m.
Chris Scott, Roger Catarino,
Robert DeBenedetto , Paul and
Trudie Dishinger, Limarys
Guilloty, Gene Mayer
Alex Barin,
David Hitchcock
Matthew Hitchcock,
Daniel Fernandez,
Connor Kreese
Dennis Coco,
Jim Deyling,
Jim Marczesky
Kathleen Wilkes, Kathleen
Moser, Gerald Lindahl, Tessie
Kenerson, Miki Barry, Ann
Shelek, Tom Regan
Barbara and Ross Gamble, Cheri
Ebbrecht, Rosa Rivera, Pat Von
Plinsky, Jan and Richard Wright
Jan Franks,
Craig Rinzel
Alyce Etter,
Donna Etter,
Zachary Rinzel
Angels Hart,
Tom Socha,
Phillip Morrison
Mike George,
Fred Raucci
Gabriel Collier,
Samuel Collier,
Angelo Luna
Charles Harvey,
Ntiasagwe, Okechi Ntiasagwe
Brian and Shelly Dunphy, Allison
Mikula, Philip Musto, Chip
Janet Spring,
Sarah Fabrizio
Adrin Ravan
Brennan Ravan
Wynn Ravan
Ushers Needed
10:00 a.m.
12:00 noon
5:00 p.m.
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
All are welcome to join us
for youth group this weekend!
5:00-Mass at the Church
6:15-Dinner (Bring your own)
6:45-8:15- Youth Night
The next confirmation class is on November 5, in the
cafeteria from 6:30-7:45 p.m.
Student and a parent or sponsor are required to attend.
If any parishioners, groups, or restaurants are interested in
sponsoring and/or coordinating meals for our young people, please contact Chelsea Breeden.
All 7th and 8th graders are invited to
come to EDGE Wednesday night
from 6:30-7:45 p.m.
If you have any questions or concerns,
please contact Chelsea Breeden.
Sandwich Sunday
Ushers Needed
Ushers are needed for the Sunday 5:00 p.m. Mass in the church.
Please help by spending a few minutes on any given weekend as
an usher. No formal training is required —just a willingness to
help with this important and rewarding ministry. Ushers are asked
to arrive 30 minutes before Mass and they do not need to serve
every week. If interested, or for questions, please call Sal Iacolino
at 788-5462.
The Sandwich Committee makes sandwiches for the
needy on the second Sunday of every month. The next
date is Sunday, November 9. Sandwiches can be
made in Gillin Hall after any Mass or they can be made in
advance and left in the refrigerator in the kitchen.
Sandwiches are donated to the Oliver Gospel Mission.
Please call Tom & Dorothy Loiodice at 736-6453 for
more information.
Diocesan Task Force
By Barbara Cole, Principal
The Parish Nurse will be NOT in Gillin Hall on Sunday from
9:30 a.m. until noon. If you need to contact the Parish Nurse,
please contact her at 413-4797
Please check the bulletin board in Gillin Hall for information
about various health-related issues.
If you need a CPR or First Aid Class, please contact Wendy
Bobadilla at 413-4797.
Looking for ways to decrease stress, maybe you want to
change up your workout routine? Start a workout routine?
We offer Tai Chi class Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. in
Gillin Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend. The class is free.
For questions, please call Wendy at 413-4797.
No Class on November 4 and 28
Looking for something fun to do? Want to change up your
workout routine? Start a workout routine? The Arthritis Exercise Class might be just what you are looking for. This class is
offered on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10:30 a.m. in Gillin Hall.
The class involves a lot of stretching and can be done sitting or
standing or a combination of both. The class is free. For
questions, please call Wendy at 413-4797.
No Class on November 13 and 27
The Parish Nurse is a Benefit Bank Counselor. This means
that she can do a “Quick Check” to see if you may be eligible
for extra help, from programs like food stamps (SNAP program), Medicaid, and other assistance programs. She can also
help you fill out the forms for these programs. Please call
Wendy at 413-4797 for questions or to make an appointment.
Free Eye Screening & Glasses (if needed).
Where: Richland County Health Department, Midlands Eye
Clinic. When: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month.
Eligibility requirements: 1) Adult 18 yrs and older, 2) Live in
Richland or Fairfield Counties, 3)Under 200%
of the poverty level, 4) Proof of income, 5) Picture ID.
The Midlands Dental Initiative is now accepting uninsured
dental patients. It is their goal to reduce the number of dental
patients in the ER, so they have created a network of local
dentists that will perform emergency extractions to relieve
dental pain and discomfort at no charge to the patient. Patients
must be a resident of Richland, Lexington or Fairfield County,
meet low income requirements and have no dental insurance.
For more information or to become a patient, contact
Richland Care at 803-296-2220.
Bishop Guglielmone has formed a Task Force in our
Diocese. The goal of the Task Force is “to bring people
and process together to build a stronger Catholic school
system for the Diocese of Charleston, one that is consistent
with the vision of the United States Counsel of Catholic
Bishops (USCCB) as outlined in its publication
‘Renewing Our Commitment to Catholic Elementary
and Secondary Schools in the Third Millennium’”
The Task Force will be hosting meetings in five locations in our Diocese for you input. Since I have been
asked to serve on the Task Force, we will be hosting
meetings at our school in the library on Nov. 10. There
will be three sessions: 9-10:30, 4-5:30, and 6-7:30.
Please try to attend one of the sessions to give your input
on our Catholic schools. Bishop Guglielmone and the
rest of the faithful of the Diocese of Charleston are looking forward to great things ahead for our schools, and we
need your help.
Diocese of Charleston
Native American Catholic’s Heritage Celebration
You’re Invited
Please join us as we celebrate the gifts that our Native American brothers and sisters in Christ bring to our Church. We will
begin at 12 noon with a Mass being celebrated by Most Rev.
Robert E. Guglielmone, followed by a luncheon and program.
Sr. Trina McCormick, OP and Sr. Theresa Linehan, SNDdeN,
will speak on balancing heritage and spirituality and the many
opportunities that the Springbank Retreat Center for EcoSpirituality and The Arts located in Kingstree, SC provides. Other
guests include Chef Gene Norris of the Lower Eastern Cherokee Nation, Deacon Dale Palmer and Cathy Nelson and the
Keepers of the Word Drum Team.
All are invited to this free event. Saturday, November 8, Corpus Christi Catholic Church, 2350 Augusta Highway, Lexington, SC 12:00 noon—3:00 p.m.
For more information contact the Office of Ethnic Ministries at
864.331.2627 or
Recycle for Charity
TREATMENT. When there is an emergency at the
church, the Fire Department & Ambulance come to the
Upper Parking Lot. When people Double Park, or park at
the end of the rows where there are no parking lines
emergency vehicles cannot get in or out in a timely manner. If Emergency Vehicles are at the church, please
do not try to leave until after they are gone.
The Recycle for Charity event takes place this weekend
from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday.
Be sure to check out Fr. Masad’s Book Sale . Books and so
much more will be available to purchase.
Don’t forget to bring in all your recyclable items!
† Mass Intentions November 1-9 †
Requested by
Saturday, November 1
9:00 am
5:15 pm
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 noon
5:00 pm
12:00 noon
9:00 am
Mary Jane West †
No Intentions All Saints’ Day
No Intentions All Souls’ Day
No Intentions All Souls’ Day
No Intentions All Souls’ Day
No Intentions All Souls’ Day
Harold Shimek †
SJN Third Grade
Students and Teachers
Margie Doolittle †
Fr. Frederick Masad †
Homer Doolittle †
James Layden †
Edward Pepsin, Jr. †
Dr. Rafael Ortega †
Maria and Amador Hassell †
For the Parish
Somjit Morlan and Family
Sunday, November 2
Monday, November 3
Tuesday, November 4
Wednesday, November 5
Thursday, November 6
Friday, November 7
Saturday, November 8
Sunday, November 9
12:00 noon
12:00 noon
12:00 noon
5:15 pm
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
5:00 pm
Please pray for the sick:
Alex and Eden
Sean Abbott
Brigitte Adams
Barb Alberini
Patrick Allan
Angelo Anelli
Marianne Anelli
Benjamin Basil
Valentina Bastias
Ken Beck
Eugene Berendsen
Norm Betzer
Bridgett Boher
Jeri Boysia
Donald Breihan
Steve Brown
Bob Bugge
Rowan Bustamante
Rose Cabot
Gladys Coakley
Georgine Collins
Barbara-Jay Cornelia
Chang Wi Chi
Elaine Coakley
Karen Davies
Maggie DeBorde
Millie DeGarcia
Caroline Donovan
Patrick Donovan
Barbara Elgin
Mary Ann Ellison
Josepha Elzarad
Bing Fores
Carmen Flores
Jackie Foley
Dean Gahagen
Melvin Gordon
Jimmy Green
Lorraine Gullifer
Debbie Gurski
Buenaventura Hassell
Casey Hicks
Santina Rose
Lorraine Immekus
Faye Johns
Jimmy Keadle
David Kirvan
Karen Kohut
Kerri Kohut
Jun Hee Lee
Craig Luccy
Bernie Maraghy
Theresa Mason
Chad McKay
Patrick McLaughlin
Janice Melvin
Nympha Miguel
Roberto L Molinary,
Gloria Neumann
Larry O’Brian
Meighan Parsh
Joseph J. Pawlinkowski
Edward Pelc
Alex Petroff
Faye Price
Vivian Quenga
Helena Richard
Randolph Richard
Zachary Rinzel
Gloria Rosario
Frank Sarnowski
Jean Schemel
Hayden Schmidt
Eleanor Sotelo
David Sotelo
Dr. Scott Sweazy
Jeffrey Wagner
Robert Watts
Cecelia Whitley
Lillie Wilson
Mary Ann Wilson
Helmut Wirth
Lawrence Wright,
Allan Zych
Cherie and Dave Smith
SJN School
Marilyn Vacendak
Edie and Jess Sebastian
Marilyn Vacendak
The Layden Family
Alice Pressley
Amparo and Family
Teresa Capps
Daily Readings for the Week
The readings are included each week for parishioners
unable to join us for daily or Sunday Masses.
November 2-8
Sunday: wis 3:1-9, ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6, rom 5:5-11, or rom 6:3-9,
jn 6:37-40
Monday: phil 2:1-4, ps 131:1bcde, 2, 3, lk 14:12-14
Tuesday: phil 2:5-11, ps 22:26b-27, 28-30ab, 30e, 31-32, lk 14:1524
Wednesday: phil 2:12-18, ps 27:1, 4, 13-14, lk 14:25-33
Thursday: phil 3:3-8a, ps 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, lk 15:1-10
Friday: phil 3:17-4:1, ps 122:1-2, 3-4ab, 4cd-5, lk 16:1-8
Saturday: phil 4:10-19, ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a and 9, lk 16:9-15
Hospital and Nursing Home Visits
Due to privacy laws, Father may not know that you (or a family
member) have been hospitalized or moved into a nursing home.
Please call the parish office at 788-0811 to let him know.
If you are moving, please notify the parish secretary.
Call 788-0811 or e-mail Thank you!
Devotion Opportunities
Spend One Hour with Me – Adoration: Thursday 2:00–6:50 p.m.
and Saturday 9:00–10:00 a.m.
The Rosary: Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
The Divine Mercy Chaplet: After Monday noon Mass
Prayer List
To have someone included in the Bulletin prayer list,
call the parish office at 788-0811 or e-mail